20 Main Chakras – Chakra Functions, Colors, Locations, and Imbalances
20 Main Chakras Locations
There are numerous energy zones in our physical and spiritual bodies. Some of these regions contain more intense energy. There are 20 main energy zones/chakras, fifteen in our physical body and five in our metaphysical body.
20 Main chakras’ locations, their representative colours, functions, what they symbolize, and the situations resulting from imbalance are given in the tables below. This placement of the main chakras belongs to Judy Hall.

Main Chakras Their Colors, Functions, And Imbalances
Stellar Gateway Chakra | Colors: white, clear, silver, gold, deep violet It symbolizes the connection point of our spiritual body with the cosmic world. It governs our physical and metaphysical existence in the world in conjunction with our Gaia Gateway chakra. An imbalance here can cause spiritual distress. |
Soul Star Chakra | Colors: magenta, white, black It symbolizes our ultimate soul awareness. Together with our Earth Star chakra, it manages the interface between our physical body and our soul. An imbalance here can lead to psychological and psychiatric disorders. |
Crown Chakra | Colors: purple, lavender, white It symbolizes our spiritual communication and higher consciousness. It manages our communication with other dimensions in order to attain and achieve our soul purpose. An imbalance here can lead to metabolic and psychological disturbances. |
Soma Chakra | Colors: white, lavender, ultraviolet, blue It symbolizes the connection point of body and soul. It connects the spirit and our etheric bodies to our physical bodies like a cord. If there is an imbalance here, there may be a disconnection in the ligaments, and involuntary out-of-body experiences may occur. |
Third Eye Chakra | Color: indigo It symbolizes our metaphysical harmony. It manages our mental communication, our 6th feeling, and our intuitive awareness. The imbalance here can cause disturbances due to the distortion of our perception of reality. |
Alta Major Chakra | Colors: magenta, green This chakra is located inside our skull. It symbolizes the expansion of our awareness through karma. The imbalance here can confuse our autonomic nervous system. |
Past Life Chakra | Color: Fossil This chakra is located behind our ears. It symbolizes the warehouse of our past lives. It connects our karmic body with the DNA in our physical body. It manages our perception of time and our karmic memory. The imbalance here can disrupt our perception of the past and the future. |
Throat Chakra | Colors: blue, turquoise It symbolizes our self-expression. It manages all our communication skills. An imbalance here can lead to psychosomatic disorders. |
Higher Heart Chakra | Colors: pink, purple, gold, blue This chakra is located where our thymus gland is. It symbolizes our immunity and well-being. It manages the physical and mental control centers of our immune system. The imbalance here can damage our immune system. |
Heart Chakra | Colors: green, pink It symbolizes unconditional love. It manages our relationship with other people and our perspective on life. The imbalance here can prevent love from flowing through us, leading to psychosomatic and reactive disorders. |
Heart Seed Chakra | Colors: pink, light blue, white It symbolizes our original soul plan. It manages our ability to realize the potential of our souls. An imbalance here can cause withdrawal from life due to exhaustion and frustration. |
Spleen Chakra | Colors: green This chakra is located in our left armpit. It symbolizes our power. It manages to protect and strengthen us in every respect. An imbalance here can lead to psychological and physical exhaustion and deficiencies. |
Solar Plexus Chakra | Colors: light greenish-yellow, yellow It symbolizes our emotions and nutrition. It manages our emotional communication and our absorption of nutrients/energy. An imbalance here can lead to emotional and demanding disturbances. |
Dantien Chakra | Colors: reddish-orange, amber It symbolizes the place where energy is stored. It is a kind of safe, and we can draw the necessary power from there. It manages our energy use together with our Sacral Chakra. An imbalance here can cause physical dysfunction. |
SacralChakra | Colors: orange It symbolizes our creativity and fertility. The sacral chakra is part of our energy production and storage system, located in the abdomen and originally managed by our Dantien chakra. An imbalance here can lead to psychosomatic diseases. |
Base Chakra | Colors: red It symbolizes our physical existence. It manages our basic survival skills. The imbalance here can cause discomfort in our physical existence, preventing us from feeling safe. |
Palm Chakras | Colors: red, blue, silver-white, gold-white As the most important tools in which we unleash our creativity, our hands can affect our entire existence. It works like a system that takes energy from outside, gives it out, and transforms/distributes it. The imbalance here can leave us incapacitated in everything. |
Knee Chakra | Colors: tan, multicolour It symbolizes our flexibility, balance, and willpower. Our left knee represents receptive, feminine/yin energy, and our emotional and intuitive power. It connects to the right side of our brain. Our right knee represents the extroverted, male/yang energy, our practical and managerial power. It connects to the left side of our brain. The imbalance here can reduce our willpower and cause us to neutralize ourselves. |
Earth Star Chakra | Colors: brown, maroon, dark gray It symbolizes that we are part of the physical world. It manages the interface between our Soul Star chakra and the physical and spiritual body. An imbalance here can prevent us from being grounded and protected. |
Gaia Gateway Chakra | Colors: brown, black, silver, gold It symbolizes the dependence of our all being in Gaia / Mother Earth. Together with our Stellar Gateway chakra, it governs our physical and metaphysical presence in the world. The imbalance here can leave us incapacitated by preventing us from feeling that we are part of the sacred whole. |
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Main Chakra Crystals
Stellar Gateway Chakra Crystals
Afganite, Ajoite, Amphibole, Angelinite, Angel’s Wing Calcite, Apophyllite, Azeztulite, Brandenberg Amethyst, Celestite, Diaspore, Elestial Quartz, Golden Selenite, Green Ringe Quartz, Holly Agate, Kunzite, Moldavite, Petalite, Phenacite
Soul Star Chakra Crystals
Afganite, Ajoite, Amphibole, Angel’s Wing Calcite, Apophyllite, Azeztulite, Blue Flint, Brandenberg Amethyst, Celestite, Citrine, Danburite, Diaspore, Green Ringe Quartz, Hematite, Herkimer Diamond, Holly Agate, Kunzite, Lapis Lazuli, Lavender Quartz, Muscovite, Onyx, Orange River Quartz, Petalite, Phenacite, Prophecy Stone, Quartz, Selenite, Shungite, Snowflake Obsidian, Spirit Quartz, Sugilite
Crown Chakra Crystals
Afghanite, Amethyst, Amphibole Quartz, Angelite, Angel’s Wing Calcite, Brandenberg Amethyst, Brookite, Celestial Quartz, Citrine, Clear Turmaline, Diaspore, Golden Beryl, Golden Healer, Herderite, Larimar, Lepidolite, Moldavite, Phenacite, Purple Jasper, Purple Sapphire, Quartz, Rosopia, Selenite, Serpentine, Sugilite, White Calcite, White Topaz
Soma Chakra Crystals
Afghanite, Angelinite, Angel’s Wing Calcite, Azeztulite, Banded Agate, Brandenberg Amethyst, Diaspore, Faden Quartz, Holly Agate, Petalite, Phantom Calcite, Red Amethyst, Scolecite, Sedona Stone, Shaman Quartz
Third Eye or Brow Chakra Crystals
Afghanite, Ajoite, Amber, Amethyst, Ammolite, Angelite, Apophyllite, Aquamarine, Azurite (!), Black Moonstone, Blue Calcite, Blue Kyanite, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Obsidian, Blue Selenite, Blue Topaz, Blue Tourmaline, Cavansite, Electric-Blue Obsidian, Eye of the Storm, Garnet, Herkimer Diamond, Howlite, Kunzite, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli (!), Lepidolite, Malachite with Azurite (!), Moldavite, Purple Fluorite, Sapphire, Stilbite, Turquoise, Unakite
Alta Major Chakra Crystals
Afghanite, African Jade, Angelinite, Angel’s Wing Calcite, Apatite, Auralite 23, Azeztulite, Black Moonstone, Blue Moonstone, Brandenberg Amethyst, Diaspore, Emerald, Ethiopian Opal, Judy’s Jasper, Fluorapatite, Graphic Smoky Quartz, Green Ridge Quartz, Golden Healer, Golden Herkimer Diamond, Holly Agate, Red Agate, Red Amethyst
Past Life Chakra Crystals
Ammolite, Black Moonstone, Brandenberg Amethyst, Cuprite with Chrysocolla, Dinosaur Bone, Dumortierite, Ethiopian Opal, Larvikite, Madagascar Quartz, Mystic Merlinite, Oceanite (Blue Onyx), Petrified Wood, Rainbow Moonstone, Shiva Lingam, Smoky Amethyst, Variscite
Throat Chakra Crystals
Ajoite, Ajo Quartz, Amber, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Azurite (!), Blue Kyanite, Blue Obsidian, Blue Quartz, Blue Topaz, Blue Tourmaline, Chrysocolla (!), Indicolite Quartz, Kunzite, Lapis Lazuli (!), Lepidolite, Moldavite, Paraiba Tourmaline, Sugilite, Turquoise
Higher Heart Chakra Crystals
Ajo Blue Calcite, Amazonite, Azeztulite, Bloodstone, Celestite, Dioptase, Dream Quartz, Judy’s Jasper, Gaia Stone, Kunzite, Lavender Quartz, Lilac Quartz, Mangano Calcite, Muscovite, Phenacite, Quantum Quattro, Que Sera, Roselite, Rose Opal, Rose Quartz, Spirit Quartz, Strawberry Lemurian, Strawberry Quartz, Turquoise
Heart Chakra Crystals
Apophyllite, Aventurine, Banded Agate, Chrysocolla (!), Chrysoprase, Cobalto Calcite, Danburite, Gaia Stone, Green Jasper, Green Quartz, Green Sapphire, Green Siberian Quartz, Green Tourmaline, Hematite Quartz, Herkimer Diamond, Jade, Jadeite, Kunzite, Lavender Quartz, Lepidolite, Malachite (!), Morganite, Muscovite, Pink Danburite, Pink Petalite, Pink Turmaline, Red Calcite, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Rubellite Tourmaline, Ruby, Ruby Lavender Quartz, Variscite, Water Melon Tourmaline
Heart Seed Chakra Crystals
Ajo Blue Calcite, Ajoite, Azeztulite, Brandenberg Amethyst, Coral, Danburite, Fire Opal, Golden Healer, Green Ridge Quartz, Lilac Quartz, Mangano Calcite, Pink Opal, Roselite, Rosophia, Ruby Lavender Quartz, Spirit Quartz
Spleen Chakra Crystals
Amber, Aventurine, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Chlorite Quartz, Emerald, Fire Opal, Flint, Gaspeite, Green Fluorite, Jade, Orange River Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Ruby, Zircon
Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals
Calcite, Citrine, Golden Beryl, Golden Calcite, Golden Danburite, Golden Healer, Golden Labradorite, Green Chrysoprase, Jasper, Light Green Hiddenite, Malachite (!), Obsidian, Prehnite, Rainbow Obsidian, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Sunstone, Tiger’s Eye, Yellow Tourmaline
Dantien Chakra Crystals
Amber, Carnelian, Chinese Red Quartz, Fire Agate, Fire Opal, Green Range Quartz, Golden Herkimer, Hematite, Kambaba Jasper, Moonstone, Polychrome Jasper, Poppy Jasper, Red Amethyst, Red Jasper, Rosophia, Topaz
Sacral Chakra Crystals
Amber, Amphibole, Black Opal, Blue-Green Fluorite, Blue-Green Turquoise, Blue Jasper, Bumble Bee Jasper, Chinese Red Quartz, Citrine, Golden Healer Quartz, Limonite (!), Mahogany Obsidian, Orange Calcite, Orange Carnelian, Orange Kyanite, Red Amethyst, Red Jasper, Topaz, Vanadinite (!)
Base or Root Chakra Crystals
Amber, Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Chinese Red Quartz, Chrysocolla, Citrine, Dragon Stone, Fire Agate, Garnet, Golden Topaz, Harlequin Quartz, Hematite (!), Kanbaba Jasper, Limonite (!), Moss Agate, Obsidian, Pink Tourmaline, Poppy Jasper, Red Amethyst, Red Calcite, Red Jasper, Ruby, Serpentine, Shungite, Smoky Quartz, Terahertz
Palm Chakra Crystals
Knee Chakra Crystals
Aragonite, Azurite, Blue Lace Agate, Boji Stone, Cathedral Quartz, Dinosaur Bone, Flint, Hematite, Magnetite, Merlinite, Petrified Wood, Shungite with Selenite, Sodalite
Earth Star Chakra Crystals
Boji Stone, Brown Jasper, Celestobarite, Cuprite, Fire Agate, Flint, Golden Herkimer, Graphic Smoky Quartz, Hematite (!), Lemurian Jade, Limonite (!), Madagascan Red Celestial Quartz, Mahogany Obsidian, Red Amethyst, Rhodonite, Rhodozite, Rosophia, Smoky Elestial Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Thunder Egg, Tourmaline
Gaia Gateway Chakra Crystals
Apache Tear, Basalt, Black Calcite, Black Flint, Black Kyanite, Black Obsidian, Black Petalite, Black Spinel, Jet, Master Shamanite, Mohawkite, Naturally Dark Smoky Quartz, Petalite, Sardonyx, Shungite, Snowflake Obsidian, Tektite, Tourmalinated Quartz
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