Tektite Stone – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, And Chakras

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Tektite stone, a fascinating gem with extraterrestrial origins and powerful metaphysical properties. In this article, we will explore the healing properties, associated zodiac signs, and chakras that the Tektite stone is known for.

Known for its connection to otherworldly realms, Tektite has been revered for its ability to reveal past lives, particularly those living on other stars, planets, or dimensions of consciousness. It serves as a bridge to extraterrestrial beings and enhances spiritual growth through the absorption of higher knowledge.


What is Tektite Stone?

Tektite is a type of meteorite formed from the intense heat caused by the impact of a large meteorite. It is found in various locations worldwide, including Australia, Tibet, the US, and other parts of the Middle East and the Far East. The stone typically appears in shades of black or dark brown, with some variations displaying a greenish hue known as Moldavite.

Tektite Stone Historical And Mythological Uses

Throughout history, Tektite stone has held great significance in various cultures and mythologies. Here are some historical and mythological uses associated with Tektite stone:

  1. Ancient Talisman: Tektite has been used as a talisman and amulet for centuries. In many ancient civilizations, it was believed to possess protective powers against negative energies and evil spirits. It was worn as a charm for fertility, both in human and agricultural contexts.
  2. Spiritual Connection: Tektite has long been associated with spiritual practices and connecting with higher realms. In ancient times, shamans and spiritual seekers used Tektite to enhance their spiritual experiences, facilitate astral travel, and communicate with celestial beings and extraterrestrial entities.
  3. Ancient Cosmic Connections: In many cultures, Tektite was considered a gift from the cosmos. Its extraterrestrial origin was believed to connect humans with the celestial realms and the vast universe beyond. It was regarded as a symbol of cosmic knowledge and enlightenment.
  4. Ancient Tools and Weapons: Tektite was utilized by ancient civilizations for various purposes. Its sharp edges and durability made it suitable for crafting tools, arrowheads, and weapons. Tektite artefacts have been found in archaeological excavations across different regions, demonstrating its practical uses in early human civilizations.
  5. Cultural Beliefs and Rituals: Tektite’s unique properties and origins have made it an integral part of cultural beliefs and rituals. In some traditions, it was used during sacred ceremonies and rituals to invoke higher guidance, and spiritual protection, and to channel divine energies.
  6. Mystical and Healing Properties: Tektite’s metaphysical properties have been valued for their healing benefits. It has been used by healers and medical practitioners in various cultures to address physical ailments related to circulation, fevers, and the nervous system. Tektite was also believed to facilitate psychic surgery and assist in the transmission of healing energies.
  7. Mythological Associations: Tektite has found its place in various mythologies and folklore around the world. In some legends, it is believed to be the remnants of shooting stars or the tears shed by gods. These mythological tales further amplify the mystical aura surrounding Tektite stone.

While historical and mythological uses of Tektite stone may vary across cultures, its enduring significance as a stone of spiritual connection, protection, and cosmic energies remains prevalent. Today, Tektite continues to captivate individuals with its unique qualities, serving as a powerful tool for spiritual growth, transformation, and exploration of the unknown.


Tektite Stone Other Names

The name “Tektite” comes from the Greek word “tektos,” which means “molten” or “fused.” It refers to the glassy nature of the stone, which is formed when a meteorite impacts the Earth’s surface and melts the surrounding materials. The molten material is then ejected into the air and solidifies upon re-entry, creating the unique Tektite stones. The name accurately describes the process through which Tektites are formed and distinguishes them from other types of stones.

Tektite stone is commonly known by its singular name, “Tektite.” However, depending on the specific type or location of the Tektite, it may also be referred to by other names. Here are some of the different names used to describe specific variations of Tektite stones:

  1. Moldavite: Moldavite is a green variety of Tektite that is found in the Moldau River region of the Czech Republic. It has its own distinct name due to its unique colour and locality.
  2. Indochinite: Indochinite is a type of Tektite found in Southeast Asia, particularly in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand. It is known for its dark colouration and often retains more pronounced surface features compared to other Tektites.
  3. Libyan Desert Glass: Libyan Desert Glass is a yellowish to golden Tektite found in the Sahara Desert, specifically in Libya and neighbouring countries. It is believed to have formed from a meteorite impact that occurred around 28 million years ago.
  4. Australite: Australite is a type of Tektite found in Australia, primarily in the southern part of the country. It is typically black or dark brown and is often characterized by its rounded shape and dimpled surface.
  5. Philippinite: Philippinite is a term used to describe Tektites found in the Philippines. It encompasses a range of Tektite varieties found in different regions of the country.
  6. Tibetan Tektite: Tibetan Tektite refers to Tektite stones found in the region of Tibet. These Tektites are highly valued for their intense energy and are considered to be among the most powerful varieties of Tektites.
  7. Danner Tektite: Danner Tektite is a specific type of Tektite named after the Danner crater in Georgia, USA. It is characterized by its unique shape and surface features, formed from the impact of a meteorite.
  8. Philippine Tektite: Philippine Tektite refers to Tektite stones found in the Philippines. These Tektites are known for their various shapes and sizes, ranging from small fragments to larger pieces.

These are just a few examples of Tektite stones that have been given specific names based on their geographic origins. Each type of Tektite may possess unique characteristics and energies, reflecting the specific geological conditions and composition of the area in which it is found.

libyan gold tektite

Tektite Stone Energetic Properties

Colour:Primarily known for their black or dark brown colouration, but some variety can be greenish and yellowish
Chakras:All chakras
Zodiac:Aries and Cancer
Elements: Earth
Symbol:Cosmic connection, spiritual growth, and extraterrestrial communication.

Tektite Stone Specific Body Parts

Organs:Capillaries, and Muscles
Gland:Adrenal gland
Systems:Circulatory system, Musculoskeletal system,

It’s easy to buy Tektite Stone in any form, gem or raw. Click on our Etsy or Amazon links below to access unique pieces made from real minerals with attractive handwork.

Tektite Stone Healing Properties

Best for:

The mystical power of the Tektite crystal is most evident in these situations:

Tektite stones are best used for personal transformation, enhancing psychic abilities, and energy work/healing. They can support spiritual growth, amplify intuition, and strengthen energy during meditation or energy healing practices.

Effect On The Body

Tektite stones are believed to have various effects on the body, according to metaphysical and alternative healing traditions. Here are some commonly attributed effects:

  1. Energy and Vitality: Tektite stones are thought to enhance overall energy levels and vitality. They are believed to stimulate and invigorate the body, promoting a sense of vitality and well-being.
  2. Circulation and Blood Flow: Tektite stones are associated with supporting healthy blood circulation and promoting the optimal flow of energy throughout the body. They are believed to enhance the functioning of the circulatory system, including the capillaries.
  3. Physical Healing: Tektite stones are often associated with physical healing and recovery. They are believed to have positive effects on the muscles and may aid in relieving muscle tension and promoting flexibility.
  4. Feet and Grounding: Tektite stones are said to have a connection with the feet and are believed to support grounding and stability. They may help establish a strong connection with the Earth’s energy, promoting balance and a sense of rootedness.
  5. Nervous System: Some practitioners believe that Tektite stones have a positive impact on the nervous system. They are thought to help calm the nerves, reduce anxiety, and support overall nervous system health.

It’s important to note that these effects are based on alternative healing beliefs and are not scientifically proven. The experiences and effects of Tektite stones can vary from person to person. If you have any specific health concerns, it’s always recommended to seek advice from a qualified healthcare professional.


Effect On The Emotions

Tektite stones are believed to have various effects on emotions and mental well-being, according to metaphysical and alternative healing perspectives. Here are some commonly attributed effects on emotions:

  1. Transformation and Growth: Tektite stones are associated with transformation and personal growth. They are believed to support individuals in embracing change, letting go of the past, and moving forward on their spiritual and emotional journeys.
  2. Emotional Healing: Tektite stones are thought to aid in emotional healing by helping individuals release past traumas and negative experiences. They may promote a sense of emotional resilience and assist in the process of healing emotional wounds.
  3. Clarity and Insight: Tektite stones are believed to enhance mental clarity and provide insight into the true causes of emotional patterns and behaviours. They may help individuals gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their emotional experiences.
  4. Spiritual Connection: Tektite stones are associated with enhancing spiritual growth and connecting with higher realms of consciousness. They are believed to facilitate communication with extraterrestrial beings and assist individuals in accessing spiritual knowledge and wisdom.
  5. Grounding and Balancing: Despite their strong spiritual associations, Tektite stones are also thought to help ground and balance emotions. They may assist in finding emotional stability and promoting a sense of calmness and centeredness.
Tektite moldavite

Effect On The Mind

Tektite stones are believed to have various effects on the mind and mental well-being, according to metaphysical and alternative healing perspectives. Here are some commonly attributed effects on the mind:

  1. Mental Clarity: Tektite stones are thought to enhance mental clarity and focus. They may help clear mental fog, improve concentration, and promote a sharp and alert mind.
  2. Insight and Intuition: Tektite stones are associated with enhancing intuition and providing insights into various aspects of life. They may assist in accessing higher knowledge, expanding consciousness, and gaining deeper insights into oneself and the world.
  3. Transformation and Change: Tektite stones are believed to facilitate transformative experiences in the mind. They may support individuals in embracing change, breaking through mental barriers, and promoting personal growth.
  4. Expanded Awareness: Tektite stones are thought to expand consciousness and awareness. They may open the mind to new perspectives, higher dimensions, and different realms of existence, fostering a sense of interconnectedness and spiritual growth.
  5. Emotional Balance: Tektite stones are believed to help balance and stabilize emotions, which can have a positive impact on the mind. By promoting emotional well-being, they may contribute to a calmer and more balanced state of mind.

Effect On The Spirit

Tektite stones are believed to have various effects on the spirit or spiritual well-being, according to metaphysical and alternative healing perspectives. Here are some commonly attributed effects on the spirit:

  1. Spiritual Growth and Transformation: Tektite stones are associated with supporting spiritual growth and transformation. They are believed to assist individuals in expanding their consciousness, exploring higher realms, and deepening their spiritual understanding.
  2. Connection with Higher Realms: Tektite stones are thought to enhance one’s connection with higher dimensions and spiritual realms. They may facilitate communication with spirit guides, angels, and extraterrestrial beings, allowing individuals to access spiritual guidance and wisdom.
  3. Energy Amplification: Tektite stones are believed to amplify spiritual energies and intentions. They may enhance the effectiveness of spiritual practices, such as meditation, energy healing, and manifestation, by intensifying the flow of energy and intention.
  4. Protection and Grounding: Despite their strong spiritual associations, Tektite stones are also thought to provide protection and grounding. They may help individuals establish a strong energetic boundary, shield against negative energies, and support a sense of stability and rootedness in the physical world.
  5. Past Life Exploration: Tektite stones are sometimes associated with past life recall and exploration. They are believed to assist individuals in accessing memories and experiences from previous incarnations, providing insights into their soul’s journey and facilitating healing and growth.

Effect On The Environment

When it comes to the effect of Tektite stones on the environment, it’s important to note that their influence is primarily associated with individuals who interact with them, rather than the broader natural environment. Tektite stones are believed to have energetic properties that can impact the energy field of the person using or wearing them. However, these effects are more focused on personal well-being and spiritual growth rather than direct environmental impact.

That being said, some individuals believe that the use of Tektite stones can contribute to greater environmental awareness and a deeper connection with nature. By fostering a sense of interconnectedness and spiritual growth, Tektite stones may inspire individuals to develop a greater appreciation for the natural world and promote actions that support environmental preservation and sustainability.

Tektite in ETSY Shop

Special Notes

When dealing with tektite stones, here are some special notes to keep in mind:

  1. Fragility: Tektite stones are generally durable, but they can have unique features like natural cavities, etchings, or delicate structures. Handle them with care to avoid accidental breakage or damage.
  2. Sensitivity to Heat: Tektite stones are formed from intense heat and pressure, but they can still be sensitive to extreme temperatures. Avoid exposing them to sudden temperature changes, such as hot water or direct heat, as it may cause thermal shock and lead to cracks or fractures.
  3. Energy Cleansing: Tektite stones are believed to possess powerful energetic properties. Some people like to cleanse them energetically to remove any residual energies they may have absorbed. Common methods for energetic cleansing include smudging with sage or palo santo, placing them on a selenite charging plate, or using sound vibrations like singing bowls or bells.
  4. Intention Setting: Tektite stones are often used for spiritual and metaphysical purposes. Before using or wearing them, it can be beneficial to set clear intentions or affirmations for the stone’s purpose or the energy you wish to work with. Focus your thoughts and intentions while holding the stone, and visualize your desired outcome.
  5. Individual Sensitivity: Each person may have a unique sensitivity or response to tektite stones. Some individuals may resonate strongly with their energy, while others may have a more subtle experience. Pay attention to how you personally connect with the stone and trust your intuition in working with it.

Remember, while tektite stones are believed to have metaphysical properties, their effects can vary from person to person. It’s always important to trust your own intuition and personal experiences when working with any crystal or stone.

Tektite moldavite

The Most Effective Tektite Stone Combinations

When it comes to combining tektite stones with other crystals or gemstones, the choice depends on your specific intentions and the energetic qualities you wish to enhance. Here are some effective combinations that are commonly used:

Moldavite and Quartz: Moldavite is a powerful tektite known for its transformative energy, while quartz is a versatile and amplifying crystal. Combining these two stones can enhance the energy of moldavite and help in grounding and stabilizing its intense vibrations.

Indochinite and Amethyst: Indochinite, a subset of moldavite, is associated with spiritual growth and expanding consciousness. Amethyst, a stone of spiritual protection and higher awareness, can complement Indochinite’s energy and facilitate deeper spiritual experiences.

Australite and Black Tourmaline: Australite tektites are known for their grounding and protective properties. Black tourmaline is also a powerful grounding and protective stone. Combining the two can create a strong protective shield and help release negative energies while promoting stability and balance.

Libyan Desert Glass and Citrine: Libyan Desert Glass is a golden tektite known for its connection to the sun’s energy and abundance. Citrine, a stone of manifestation and abundance, can enhance the positive and prosperous qualities of Libyan Desert Glass, making it an effective combination for attracting abundance and success.

Chlum Tektite and Hematite: Chlum tektites are associated with grounding and amplifying personal energy. Hematite, a grounding and protective stone, can enhance the grounding qualities of Chlum tektites and provide a sense of stability and strength.

Remember, these are just some suggestions, and the effectiveness of stone combinations can vary depending on individual preferences and intentions. It’s essential to trust your intuition and personal experiences when choosing and working with different crystals and stones.

How To Use Tektite Stone

Cleansing:All methods can be use; Fumigation, Air, Water, Sun, Moon, Sound, Earth, and more info…
Storage:Since it is a soft crystal and not shockproof, please keep it alone in the box against scratches and breakage.
Compliance with Essence:Suitable. Never drink the essence, but you can apply it to the skin. More info…
Application:Every day, you can wear jewellery with gemstones, such as necklaces, earrings, rings and bracelets. This crystal is among the healing stones worn daily without worrying. You can also use it while bathing and sleeping if you wish. On the other hand, you can keep this raw and unpolished healing crystal in your living room or bedroom.

Tektite Stone Structural Features

Tektites are unique stones with distinct structural features that set them apart from other types of rocks and minerals. Here are some key structural features of tektites:

Shape: Tektites typically have irregular shapes, often resembling droplets, buttons, or discs. Their forms are a result of their rapid cooling and solidification during impact events.

Surface Texture: Tektites often exhibit a characteristic surface texture that ranges from smooth to rough. This texture is a result of their formation process, including rapid cooling, solidification, and atmospheric entry.

Conchoidal Fractures: Tektites commonly display conchoidal fractures, which are curved, smooth fractures that radiate from a central point. These fractures are indicative of their glassy nature and resemble the fractures seen in obsidian.

Density: Tektites have relatively low densities compared to typical terrestrial rocks. Their densities can range from 2.2 to 3.0 g/cm³, which is lower than most rocks found on Earth. This low density is attributed to their unique composition and formation process.

Glassy Appearance: Tektites have a vitreous or glass-like appearance. This glassy nature is a result of their rapid cooling from a molten state during impact events. It gives tektites their characteristic lustre and transparency.

Internal Structures: Tektites can sometimes exhibit internal structures, such as bubbles or swirls, which are formed during their molten state. These structures add to the visual appeal and uniqueness of individual tektites.

The composition of tektites can vary, but they are primarily composed of silica (silicon dioxide) with small amounts of other elements.

Tektites have a hardness of around 5.5 on the Mohs scale, which is similar to that of glass.

It’s important to note that while tektite stones share some common structural features, their specific characteristics can vary depending on their type and origin. Each type of tektite may have its own unique features, such as colour variations, etching patterns, or specific shapes associated with its formation.


Tektite Stone Varieties

Tektite stones come in various varieties, each with its own unique characteristics and origins. Here are some of the commonly known tektite stone varieties:


Moldavite is a highly prized and unique form of tektite stone. It is a translucent green gemstone that is believed to have formed about 15 million years ago during a meteorite impact in what is now the Czech Republic. Moldavite is known for its intense energy and powerful metaphysical properties.

Here are some key points about Moldavite:

Origin: Moldavite is primarily found in the southern region of Germany, as well as in the Czech Republic and neighbouring countries. It is considered to be one of the rarest gemstones on Earth.

Appearance: Moldavite is characterized by its unique green colour, which can vary in intensity from pale green to deep forest green. It often has a rough texture and distinct patterns created by its rapid cooling and solidification after impact.

Metaphysical Properties: Moldavite is highly regarded for its transformative and spiritual properties. It is associated with rapid spiritual evolution, expanded consciousness, and accelerated personal growth. Many people believe that Moldavite can catalyze profound spiritual experiences and help in connecting with higher realms and spiritual guides.

Energy and Vibration: Moldavite is known for its intense and high-frequency energy. Its vibration is often described as powerful, electric, and otherworldly. Moldavite is believed to awaken dormant spiritual abilities and enhance psychic sensitivity.

Healing and Cleansing: Moldavite is considered a stone of transformation and spiritual healing. It is believed to assist in releasing blockages, promoting emotional healing, and clearing negative energy. Moldavite is also associated with the heart chakra and is said to facilitate deep heart-centred connections.

Authenticity: Due to its popularity and value, there are some imitations and fake Moldavite on the market. It’s important to purchase Moldavite from reputable sources to ensure its authenticity.

Moldavite Tektite
Moldavite Tektite

Libyan Desert Glass

Libyan Desert Glass is a natural glass that is found in the Sahara Desert in Libya. It is believed to have been formed about 29 million years ago during a meteorite impact event. Libyan Desert Glass is known for its striking yellow to pale green colour and its unique properties.

Here are some key points about Libyan Desert Glass:

Formation: Libyan Desert Glass is thought to have formed when a meteorite or comet struck the Earth’s surface, melting and fusing the sand in the surrounding desert. The intense heat and pressure during the impact created the glass-like material.

Appearance: Libyan Desert Glass has a translucent to transparent appearance with a range of colours, including shades of yellow, green, and sometimes even white or clear. It often has a smooth and polished surface.

Metaphysical Properties: Libyan Desert Glass is associated with high vibrational energy and is believed to carry powerful spiritual and metaphysical properties. It is considered a stone of transformation, manifestation, and cosmic connection. It is said to stimulate the third eye and enhance psychic abilities.

Healing and Spiritual Uses: Libyan Desert Glass is believed to have healing properties that help in balancing and aligning the energy centres of the body. It is also used in spiritual practices to enhance meditation, expand consciousness, and connect with higher realms and spiritual guides.

Rarity and Collectibility: Libyan Desert Glass is relatively rare and highly valued by collectors and enthusiasts due to its unique origin and striking appearance. It is often used in jewellery, crafted into pendants, earrings, and other adornments.

Libyan Desert Glass Tektite
Libyan Desert Glass Tektite


Indochinite is a type of tektite stone, specifically a subset of moldavite, that is found in the Indochina region of Southeast Asia. It is named after its geographic location and is highly regarded for its unique properties and appearance.

Here are some key points about Indochinite:

Origin: Indochinite is primarily found in areas of Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam, which are part of the Indochina Peninsula. It is formed from the intense heat and pressure generated during meteorite impacts in the region.

Appearance: Indochinite is typically dark black or dark brown in colour, although it can also exhibit shades of green or gray. It often has a characteristic rough texture and irregular shape, resulting from its rapid cooling and solidification after impact.

Metaphysical Properties: Similar to other tektites, Indochinite is believed to possess powerful metaphysical properties. It is associated with transformation, spiritual growth, and expanding consciousness. Many people use Indochinite for its energetic properties, including enhancing psychic abilities, facilitating spiritual experiences, and promoting personal evolution.

Energy and Vibration: Indochinite is known for its high vibrational energy and strong electromagnetic fields. It is said to have a dynamic and intense energy that can create a profound impact on one’s spiritual journey and personal development.

Healing and Spiritual Uses: Indochinite is considered a stone of rapid transformation and change. It is believed to assist in releasing old patterns, facilitating healing on emotional and spiritual levels, and opening one’s awareness to higher realms of consciousness. Indochinite is often used in meditation, energy work, and spiritual practices aimed at expanding awareness and connecting with higher dimensions.

Indochinite Thailandite Tektite
Indochinite Thailandite Tektite


Philippinite is a type of tektite stone found in the Philippines. It is highly regarded for its unique properties and appearance. Here are some key points about Philippinite:

Origin: Philippinite is primarily found in the Philippines, specifically in areas where tektites are located. These tektites were formed from meteorite impacts in the region.

Appearance: Philippinite is typically black or dark brown in colour. It may also exhibit unique patterns and textures. The exact appearance can vary, but it often has a distinctive and eye-catching appearance.

Metaphysical Properties: Philippinite is associated with spiritual insights, transformation, and communication with higher realms. It is believed to assist in opening channels of communication, enhancing psychic abilities, and facilitating spiritual growth. Many people value Philippinite for its ability to provide spiritual insights and support personal transformation.

Energy and Vibration: Philippinite is known for its energetic properties. It is believed to have a high vibrational energy and can create a strong energetic impact. This energy is said to assist individuals in gaining clarity, connecting with their higher selves, and exploring deeper levels of consciousness.

Healing and Spiritual Uses: Philippinite is often used in spiritual practices, meditation, and energy work. It is believed to help release old patterns, facilitate emotional and spiritual healing, and expand one’s awareness to higher realms of consciousness.

Philippinite is sought after by crystal enthusiasts and collectors who appreciate its unique qualities and metaphysical properties. It is considered a special stone for those on a spiritual path or seeking spiritual experiences.

Philippinite Tektite
Philippinite Tektite

Tibetan Tektite

Tibetan Tektite, also known as Tibetan Moldavite or Tibetan Black Tektite, is a type of tektite stone that is found in the Himalayan region, particularly in Tibet. Here are some key points about Tibetan Tektite:

Origin: Tibetan Tektite is formed from the intense heat and pressure generated during meteorite impacts in the region. It is believed to be around 15 million years old and is found in areas where ancient meteorite impacts occurred.

Appearance: Tibetan Tektite is typically black or dark brown in colour. It often has a rough texture and irregular shape, similar to other tektites. The surface may have natural indentations and markings due to its rapid cooling and solidification after impact.

Metaphysical Properties: Tibetan Tektite is highly regarded for its spiritual and energetic properties. It is associated with spiritual awakening, transformation, and the expansion of consciousness. Many people believe that Tibetan Tektite can help facilitate connections with higher realms, enhance psychic abilities, and promote spiritual growth and evolution.

Energy and Vibration: Tibetan Tektite is known for its high vibrational energy and intense electromagnetic fields. It is believed to have a dynamic and powerful energy that can accelerate personal and spiritual development. The stone is often used for meditation, energy work, and spiritual practices aimed at deepening spiritual insights and connections.

Healing and Spiritual Uses: Tibetan Tektite is considered a stone of rapid transformation and change. It is believed to assist in releasing blockages, clearing negative energies, and facilitating healing on emotional, spiritual, and energetic levels. It is also said to support the awakening of dormant abilities and the exploration of higher states of consciousness.

Tibetan Tektite is highly valued by crystal enthusiasts and those on a spiritual path. Its unique properties and connection to the Himalayan region make it a sought-after stone for its transformative energy and spiritual significance.

Tibetan Tektite
Tibetan Tektite


Colombianite is a rare and unique type of tektite stone that is found in the Santander region of Colombia. It is highly regarded for its distinctive properties and appearance.

Here are some key points about Colombianite:

Origin: Colombianite is exclusively found in the Santander region of Colombia, making it a rare and sought-after tektite. It is formed through intense heat and pressure during meteorite impacts in the area.

Appearance: Colombianite typically displays a black or dark brown colouration, with occasional variations of green or gray. It possesses a characteristic rough texture and irregular shape, resulting from rapid cooling and solidification after impact.

Metaphysical Properties: Colombianite is believed to possess powerful metaphysical properties. It is associated with spiritual awakening, transformation, and heightened consciousness. Many individuals utilize Colombianite to enhance psychic abilities, facilitate spiritual experiences, and promote personal evolution.

Energy and Vibration: Colombianite is known for its high vibrational energy and strong electromagnetic fields. Its dynamic and intense energy is said to have a profound impact on one’s spiritual journey and personal development.

Healing and Spiritual Uses: Colombianite is considered a stone of rapid transformation and change. It is believed to assist in releasing old patterns, facilitating emotional and spiritual healing, and expanding awareness to higher realms of consciousness. Colombianite is commonly used in meditation, energy work, and spiritual practices aimed at expanding one’s consciousness and connection with the universe.

Colombianite, with its unique properties and origin, is highly valued by crystal enthusiasts, collectors, and individuals on a spiritual path seeking its transformative energy and cosmic connection.

Colombianite Tektite
Darwin Glass Tektite

Darwin Glass

Darwin Glass is a unique type of natural glass that is formed from the intense heat and pressure generated by meteorite impacts. It is found in the area surrounding the town of Darwin in Tasmania, Australia. Here are some key points about Darwin Glass:

Origin: Darwin Glass is named after its discovery location near the town of Darwin in Tasmania, Australia. It is formed through the rapid melting and cooling of rocks and minerals during meteorite impacts.

Appearance: Darwin Glass has a distinctive greenish-yellow or olive-green colour, although it can also appear clear or translucent. It often occurs in the form of teardrop-shaped or irregular fragments. Its surface may display a characteristic “frothy” texture, resembling the appearance of volcanic glass.

Metaphysical Properties: Darwin Glass is believed to possess unique metaphysical properties. It is associated with transformation, growth, and opening oneself to new possibilities. It is said to enhance psychic abilities, intuition, and spiritual insight. Darwin Glass is also believed to have a purifying and energizing effect on the mind and body.

Energy and Vibration: Darwin Glass is known for its high vibrational energy and strong electromagnetic fields. It is said to stimulate the third eye and crown chakras, facilitating spiritual connection, expanded consciousness, and inner clarity.

Healing and Spiritual Uses: Darwin Glass is often used in spiritual practices and energy work to facilitate transformation and personal growth. It is believed to aid in releasing old patterns, bringing about positive changes, and aligning one’s energy with higher frequencies. Darwin Glass is also used for grounding, protection, and enhancing spiritual awareness.

Darwin Glass Tektite
Darwin Glass Tektite


Bediasite is a type of tektite stone that is found in the Bedias Crater area in Texas, United States. It is named after its discovery location and is considered a rare and unique variety of tektite. Here are some key points about Bediasite tektite:

Origin: Bediasite is formed from the intense heat and pressure generated during meteorite impacts. It is found in the area surrounding the Bedias Crater, which is an impact structure located in Texas. The impact that created the crater occurred millions of years ago.

Appearance: Bediasite tektite is typically dark black or dark brown in colour, although it can also exhibit shades of grey or olive green. It often has a smooth and glassy texture, and its shape can vary, ranging from irregular fragments to rounded or teardrop-like forms.

Metaphysical Properties: Bediasite is believed to possess powerful metaphysical properties. It is associated with transformation, grounding, and protection. Bediasite is said to enhance spiritual growth, psychic abilities, and intuition. It is also believed to facilitate a connection with the Earth’s energy and the energies of the cosmos.

Energy and Vibration: Bediasite tektite is known for its high vibrational energy and electromagnetic fields. It is said to have a strong and dynamic energy that can stimulate and balance the chakras. Bediasite is particularly associated with the root and solar plexus chakras, promoting stability, strength, and personal power.

Healing and Spiritual Uses: Bediasite is often used in energy work, meditation, and spiritual practices aimed at grounding, protection, and transformation. It is believed to assist in releasing negative energies, promoting emotional healing, and enhancing one’s connection to the Earth and higher realms. Bediasite is also used for manifestation, manifestation, and manifestation, and enhancing personal growth and spiritual evolution.

Bediasite Tektite
Bediasite Tektite


Billitonite is a type of tektite stone that originates from the island of Belitung in Indonesia. It is recognized for its unique properties and appearance. Here are some key points about Billitonite:

Origin: Billitonite tektites are primarily found in Belitung, an island located in Indonesia. They were formed as a result of intense heat and pressure generated during a meteorite impact that occurred in the Australasian region around 800,000 years ago.

Appearance: Billitonite tektites typically exhibit a black colouration. Some specimens may display deep etching and a high gloss due to the presence of acidic soil and water on Belitung. However, variations can occur, with lighter etching and less surface gloss observed in certain specimens.

Metaphysical Properties: Billitonite tektites are believed to possess powerful metaphysical properties. They are associated with spiritual awakening, insight, and accessing higher realms of consciousness. Many individuals utilize Billitonite for its energetic qualities, such as enhancing psychic abilities, facilitating spiritual experiences, and promoting personal evolution.

Energy and Vibration: Billitonite tektites are known for their high vibrational energy and strong electromagnetic fields. They are said to possess a dynamic and intense energy that can deeply impact one’s spiritual journey and personal development.

Healing and Spiritual Uses: Billitonite tektites are regarded as stones of rapid transformation and change. They are believed to assist in releasing old patterns, promoting emotional and spiritual healing, and expanding one’s awareness to higher states of consciousness. Many people incorporate Billitonite in meditation, energy work, and spiritual practices aimed at expanding awareness and connecting with higher dimensions.

Billitonite Tektite
Billitonite Tektite


Zhamanshinite is a type of tektite stone that originates from the Zhamanshin crater in Kazakhstan. It is named after the crater itself, which was formed approximately one million years ago during a violent meteorite impact. The Zhamanshinite tektites are associated with the unique geological and energetic properties of this impact event.

Here are some key points about Zhamanshinite:

Origin: Zhamanshinite tektites are found in the area surrounding the Zhamanshin crater in Kazakhstan. This crater, measuring 14 kilometres in diameter and reaching a depth of 300 meters, was created by a powerful impact that occurred about one million years ago.

Appearance: Zhamanshinite tektites exhibit a variety of characteristics. They can have a black or dark brown colour and may display different textures and shapes. These variations are a result of the intense heat and pressure experienced during the impact, leading to the transformation of the surrounding rock into tektite glass.

Metaphysical Properties: Similar to other tektites, Zhamanshinite is believed to possess metaphysical properties associated with transformation and spiritual awakening. It is thought to have the ability to enhance spiritual growth, expand consciousness, and promote personal evolution. Many individuals use Zhamanshinite for its energetic qualities, including its potential to enhance psychic abilities and facilitate profound spiritual experiences.

Energy and Vibration: Zhamanshinite tektites are known for their high vibrational energy and strong electromagnetic fields. They are believed to carry a dynamic and intense energy that can have a profound impact on one’s spiritual journey and personal development.

Healing and Spiritual Uses: Zhamanshinite is considered a stone of rapid transformation and change. It is believed to assist in releasing old patterns, promoting emotional and spiritual healing, and opening one’s awareness to higher realms of consciousness. Zhamanshinite is often used in meditation, energy work, and spiritual practices aimed at expanding awareness and connecting with higher dimensions.

Zhamanshin Tektite
Zhamanshin Tektite

Muong Nong Tektite

Muong Nong Tektite is a type of tektite stone that is found in the Muong Nong area of Laos in Southeast Asia. It is named after its geographic location and is highly regarded for its unique properties and characteristics.

Here are some key points about Muong Nong Tektite:

Origin: Muong Nong tektites are believed to have been formed approximately 800,000 years ago from the intense heat and pressure generated during a meteorite impact in the region. The impact event resulted in the formation of tektites, which are glassy objects formed from terrestrial rocks that were melted and ejected during the impact.

Appearance: Muong Nong tektites typically have a dark black or dark brown colour, although they can also exhibit shades of green or grey. They have a characteristic shape known as a splash form, which is a result of their rapid cooling and solidification after being ejected from the impact site. Muong Nong tektites are often described as having a smooth, glossy surface with a streamlined, aerodynamic shape.

Metaphysical Properties: Similar to other tektites, Muong Nong tektites are believed to possess powerful metaphysical properties. They are associated with transformation, spiritual growth, and expanding consciousness. Many people use Muong Nong tektites for their energetic properties, including enhancing psychic abilities, promoting intuition, and facilitating spiritual experiences.

Energy and Vibration: Muong Nong tektites are known for their high vibrational energy and strong electromagnetic fields. They are said to have a dynamic and intense energy that can have a profound impact on one’s spiritual journey and personal development. Some individuals believe that Muong Nong tektites can help in raising one’s vibrational frequency and accessing higher states of consciousness.

Healing and Spiritual Uses: Muong Nong tektites are considered stones of transformation and change. They are believed to assist in releasing old patterns, facilitating emotional and spiritual healing, and opening one’s awareness to higher realms of consciousness. Muong Nong tektites are often used in meditation, energy work, and spiritual practices aimed at expanding awareness and connecting with higher dimensions.

Muong Nong Tektite
Muong Nong Tektite


Australite is a type of tektite stone that is found in Australia. It is highly regarded for its unique properties and geological significance.

Here are some key points about Australite:

Origin: Australites are believed to have formed approximately 700,000 years ago from the intense heat and pressure generated during a meteorite impact in the region. The impact event resulted in the formation of tektites, which are glassy objects formed from terrestrial rocks that were melted and ejected during the impact.

Appearance: Australites typically have a dark to black colour, although they can also exhibit shades of brown or green. They have a characteristic shape known as a splash form or a rounded button shape. Australites have a smooth, glassy surface and often exhibit flow lines or regmaglypts, which are indentations caused by the aerodynamic shaping during their flight through the atmosphere.

Geographical Distribution: Australites are primarily found in the southern and western parts of Australia, particularly in the areas of Victoria, South Australia, and Western Australia. These regions have significant deposits of Australites, and they are known for their abundance and variety.

Metaphysical Properties: Australites are believed to possess powerful metaphysical properties. They are associated with transformation, spiritual awakening, and cosmic connection. Many people use Australites for their energetic properties, including enhancing intuition, facilitating spiritual experiences, and promoting personal growth.

Energy and Vibration: Australites are known for their high vibrational energy and strong electromagnetic fields. They are said to have a dynamic and intense energy that can have a profound impact on one’s spiritual journey and personal development. Australites are often used in meditation, energy work, and spiritual practices aimed at expanding awareness and connecting with higher realms of consciousness.

Healing and Spiritual Uses: Australites are considered stones of transformation and change. They are believed to assist in releasing old patterns, facilitating emotional and spiritual healing, and opening one’s awareness to higher dimensions of existence. Australites are often used to activate and align the chakras, enhance psychic abilities, and support spiritual growth.

Australite Tektite
Australite Tektite


Vltavín, also known as Czech Moldavite, is a type of tektite stone that is found in the Czech Republic. It is highly valued for its unique properties, distinctive green colour, and spiritual significance.

Here are some key points about Vltavín:

Origin: Vltavín is formed from the intense heat and pressure generated during a meteorite impact in the southern Germany or Czech Republic region about 15 million years ago. The impact created a large crater, and the resulting molten material was ejected and scattered, eventually solidifying into tektites, including Vltavín.

Appearance: Vltavín is known for its beautiful green colour, ranging from pale green to deep forest green. It has a glassy appearance with a characteristic rough texture and irregular shape, often featuring natural etchings, ridges, and grooves. Each piece of Vltavín is unique in its shape and patterns.

Metaphysical Properties: Vltavín is believed to possess powerful metaphysical properties and is highly associated with transformation, spiritual awakening, and connection to higher realms. It is considered a stone of rapid spiritual evolution and personal growth. Many people use Vltavín for its energetic properties, including enhancing intuition, clearing energy blockages, and facilitating spiritual experiences.

Energy and Vibration: Vltavín is known for its high vibrational energy and strong electromagnetic fields. It is said to have an intense and transformative energy that can accelerate one’s spiritual journey and facilitate profound shifts in consciousness. Vltavín is often used in meditation, energy healing, and spiritual practices aimed at expanding awareness and connecting with higher dimensions.

Healing and Spiritual Uses: Vltavín is believed to have healing properties on various levels. It is often used to clear and activate the chakras, particularly the heart chakra, promoting emotional healing, compassion, and self-discovery. Vltavín is also thought to enhance psychic abilities, stimulate spiritual growth, and facilitate communication with higher beings and realms.

Vltavín Tektite
Vltavín Tektite

Chlum Tektite

Chlum tektites are a type of tektite stone found in the Czech Republic. They are highly regarded for their unique properties and appearance. Here are some key points about Chlum tektites:

Origin: Chlum tektites are primarily found in the Chlum locality in the Czech Republic. They are formed from the intense heat and pressure generated during meteorite impacts in the region.

Appearance: Chlum tektites are typically black or dark brown in colour. They have a rough surface texture, which adds to their distinctive appearance.

Metaphysical Properties: Chlum tektites are associated with grounding, protection, and amplifying personal energy. They are believed to help individuals feel connected to the Earth, shield them against negative energies, and enhance personal vitality.

Energy and Vibration: Chlum tektites are known for their energetic properties. They are believed to possess a strong and powerful energy that can positively influence one’s spiritual journey and personal development.

Healing and Spiritual Uses: Chlum tektites are often used for their grounding qualities and protective nature. They may assist in releasing negative patterns, promoting emotional and spiritual healing, and fostering a deeper connection to oneself and the surrounding energies.

Chlum Tektite
Chlum Tektite

Other Tektite Stone Varieties

Georgia Tektites: Georgia Tektites are black tektite stones found in the United States, primarily in Georgia. They are known for their distinct shapes and are associated with grounding, protection, and spiritual growth.

Chinese Tektites: Chinese tektite stones, including the varieties known as Black Tektite (Hei Bao) and White Tektite (Bai Bao), are found in China. They are associated with grounding, protection, and harmonizing energy.

Ivory Coast tektite: Ivory Coast tektite stones, also known as Ivoirite, are found in the Ivory Coast in West Africa. They are typically black or dark brown and are associated with spiritual growth, transformation, and enhancing psychic abilities.

Splash-form tektites: Splash-form tektite stones refer to tektites that have irregular shapes and are formed by the splattering and cooling of molten material during impact events. They can be found in various locations around the world.

Central American Tektites: Tektite stones found in Central America, such as Belize and Guatemala, are collectively referred to as Central American tektites. They come in various colors, including black, brown, and green. These tektites are associated with grounding, protection, and spiritual exploration.

Rizalite: Rizalite is a tektite found in the Rizal province of the Philippines. It is characterized by its black or dark brown colour and unique shapes. Rizalite is associated with spiritual growth, psychic abilities, and enhancing intuition.

Bantenite: Bantenite is a type of tektite stone found in Banten, Indonesia. It is known for its black colour and unique shapes. Bantenite is associated with grounding, protection, and spiritual exploration.

Zhambylite: Zhambylite is a tektite stone found in Kazakhstan. It is characterized by its dark brown to black-color and irregular shapes. Zhambylite is associated with grounding, transformation, and spiritual awakening.

Bosumtwiite: Bosumtwiite is a tektite stone found in the Bosumtwi Crater in Ghana. It is characterized by its black colour and distinctive shape. Bosumtwiite is associated with spiritual growth, clarity, and opening the mind to higher knowledge.

Moraskoite: Moraskoite is a tektite stone found in Poland. It has a dark brown to black colour and is known for its spherical shape. Moraskoite is associated with grounding, protection, and balancing energy.

Chassignite: Chassignite is a type of tektite stone that is found on Mars. It is formed from meteorite impacts on the Martian surface. Chassignite tektites are associated with cosmic energies, spiritual exploration, and connecting with extraterrestrial realms.

Australasian Tektites: Australasian tektite stone, also known as Australasian splash-form tektites, is found in various locations across Australia, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Islands. They come in different shapes and colours, including black, brown, and green. Australasian tektites are associated with grounding, transformation, and accessing ancient wisdom.

Chiemgau Tektites: Chiemgau tektite stones are found in the Chiemgau region of Germany. They have a dark black colour and unique shapes. Chiemgau tektites are associated with spiritual growth, grounding, and protection.

Morávka Tektites: Morávka tektite stones are found in the Czech Republic. They have a dark black colour and are known for their twisted and irregular shapes. Morávka tektites are associated with transformation, inner strength, and releasing past traumas.

Wabar Tektites: Wabar tektite stones are found in the Rub’ al Khali desert of Saudi Arabia. They have a dark brown to black colour and are known for their irregular shapes. Wabar tektites are associated with transformation, spiritual awakening, and personal evolution.

Tektites vs Meteorite

Tektites and meteorites are both types of extraterrestrial materials, but they have distinct characteristics and origins.


  • Tektites are natural glassy objects that are formed from the intense heat and pressure generated during meteorite impacts on Earth.
  • They are often dark or black in colour, but can also be brown or greenish.
  • Tektites are found in various locations around the world, including Southeast Asia, Australia, and North America.
  • They have a unique aerodynamic shape, often resembling droplets or buttons.
  • Tektites are not composed of any specific minerals but are instead amorphous, lacking a crystalline structure.
  • The exact process of tektite formation is still a topic of scientific debate, but it is generally agreed that they result from the fusion and melting of terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials during impact events.


  • Meteorites are solid objects that originate from space and survive their passage through Earth’s atmosphere to reach the surface.
  • They can be composed of various materials, including iron-nickel alloys (iron meteorites) or silicate minerals (stone meteorites).
  • Meteorites come in different types based on their composition and structure, such as stony meteorites, iron meteorites, and stony-iron meteorites.
  • Unlike tektites, meteorites retain their original mineralogy and crystalline structure from their formation in space.
  • Meteorites can contain valuable scientific information about the early solar system and are studied to gain insights into planetary formation and evolution.

In summary, tektite stone is a glassy object formed from impact events on Earth, while meteorites are solid objects that originate from space and survive their journey through Earth’s atmosphere. Tektite stones have an amorphous structure and are formed from the melting and fusion of terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials, while meteorites retain their original mineralogy and crystalline structure from their formation in space.


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