Tagged: red crystals

Pietersite – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, And Chakras

Pietersite – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, And Chakras

Welcome to our blog post on Pietersite, a captivating gemstone with many healing properties, associations with specific zodiac signs, and a connection to various chakras. Pietersite, a member of the quartz family, stands out with its storm cloud-like appearance and is formed through unique geological processes. Join us as we explore the metaphysical aspects of Pietersite and how it can enhance your well-being and spiritual journey. Discover its healing properties; the zodiac signs it resonates with, and the chakras it activates. Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Pietersite and unlock its transformative potential. What is Pietersite? Pietersite is a...

Vanadinite Toxic Meaning and Properties

Vanadinite Toxic Meaning and Properties

Vanadinite Toxic Meaning and Properties Vanadinite Toxic Crystal is a miracle of unique beauty in healing natural stones. The history of the use of this stone goes back a long time. The vanadinite crystal used for centuries to get stronger is poisonous. If you want to benefit from Vanadinite, use it carefully. When it comes into contact with your skin, you can experience its toxic effects. Vanadinite stone; In addition to stimulating the user mentally, it helps to increase the individual’s energy level to reach his goals. Vanadinite will provide life energy if a small piece is wrapped in a...

What are the General Features and Benefits of Carnelian Stone?

What are the General Features and Benefits of Carnelian Stone?

Carnelian Stone is a marvellous form of chalcedony that ranges from clear to red-orange. Its colour comes from traces of iron. In some sources, it is said that its name comes from the Latin word “cornelian”, meaning “cranberry red”, while in some sources, it is said that it comes from the word “carneus” and means red meat. Either way, today, we call this stone carnelian in all its red-orange hues. Known to bring luck, this gemstone has been associated with royal families since the dawn of civilization. In ancient cultures, it was often used as amulets and seals. In some...

What are the Benefits of Spinel Natural Stone?

What are the Benefits of Spinel Natural Stone?

Spinel Stone Spinel stone; It is a stone of hope, revival and feeling the joy of life. It has a wide variety of colours. Matching its colour means it can be used on all your chakras. Perfect for when you lack energy or enthusiasm or have trouble getting rid of negative thoughts. Spinel stone benefits your mind and body, helping bring new points to your heart and soul. Spinel is good for inspiring new ideas and thinking differently about any situation you feel stuck in. It can broaden your perspective to allow you to go beyond the limitations of old...


Botswana Agate Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs and Chakras

What is Botswana Agate? Botswana Agate typically exhibits a greyish to brownish color with bands or stripes in various shades of brown, white, and sometimes pink. It often displays intricate and eye-catching banding patterns. Botswana agate works effectively on our crown chakra, governing our soul awareness. It makes it easier to see different dimensions to increase our understanding. The belt structure can be considered parallel dimensions intertwined with each other. It teaches us to look at life from different angles, to what suits us. It allows us to draw boundaries with situations or people that harm us and establish our...

Carnelian Agate Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Carnelian Agate Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Carnelian Crystal’s Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras Carnelian vs Agate Carnelian agate crystal is a prominent stone among Agate stones. It is distinguished from the others with its transparent structure, reddish colors, and no band. Carnelian carries the general characteristics of agate stones but has additional properties. Carnelian Spiritual Meaning According to legend, the sun god Ra was the one who created the world in Ancient Egypt. Ra’s head is a hawk’s head, and his body is depicted as a human with a sun disc on his head. There is a carnelian stone on this disc. It symbolised Ra’s...

fire agate

Fire Agate Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

If looking at the name of Fire agate crystal, it can be confused with the carnelian. Unlike fire agate, it has a colour transition from blue to yellow to red. These are more like brownish glitters. It is rarer than other agate stones. The fire was considered sacred by ancient people. They identified it with man and thought its light was the body of fire and its heat was the spirit of fire. The sanctification of the fire has also formed part of the sun worship culture. Thus, controlling fire has been instrumental in the emergence of civilizations. Fire agate...