Amethyst Crystal – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Mineral Class: | Quartz Group, Silicate |
Crystal System: | Trigonal |
Chemistry: | SiO2 + iron or manganese |
Composition: | Silicon 46.74 % Si 100.00 % SiO2 Oxygen 53.26 % O |
Specific Gravity: | 2.63-2.65 |
Mohs’ Hardness: | 7 |
Source: | Argentina, Australia, Austria, Russia, Namibia, South Africa, Brazil, Canada, USA |
Rarity: | Common |
Luster: | Vitreous or resinous |

Color: | Violet, Purple |
Chakras: | Third Eye, Crown, Soma, Soul Star, Stellar Gateway, and beyond |
Vibration: | High |
Number: | 3 |
Zodiac: | Aquarius, Pisces |
Planet: | Jupiter, Neptune |
Birthstone for: | February |
Elements: | Air |
Symbol: | Wisdom and Serenity |

There is no other generally known name.
Vera Cruz Amethyst, Brandenberg Amethyst, Amethyst Elestial, Sirius Amethyst, Chevron Amethyst, Smoky Amethyst, Crystal Cap, Amethyst Herkimer
Organs: | Lungs, Intestines, and Brain |
Gland: | Pineal |
Systems: | Endocrine, digestive, metabolic, nervous, immune, and subtle bodies |

Amethyst Crystal’s legendary power protected against drunkenness—the name literally means “not drunk” (amethustos). This is where the meaning of the Amethyst stone comes from. Ancient Romans drank wine from amethyst cups, and for millennia people wore Amethysts to prevent intoxication.
Best for:
The mystical power of the Amethyst crystal is most evident in these situations:
Trust, intuition, and spirituality.
Effect On The Body
The benefits of Amethyst natural stone on the body are classified as follows:
- It balances the fine endocrine system by regulating hormone production.
- It Soothes physical pain and reduces swelling: Soothes hot flashes and muscle tension.
- It strengthens the brain and nerves, relieving any headaches or eye ailments.
- It cleans the blood, accelerates healing, refreshes, and beautifies the skin. It can heal warts, bedsores, tick bites, itching, and allergies.
- It regulates metabolism and relaxes breathing, lowering blood pressure.
Effect On The Emotions
The benefits of Amethyst natural crystal on emotions are as follows:
- It is an effective sedative and calms Anxiety and psychological pain.
- It destroys all feelings of inadequacy, such as anger, anxiety, and fear. It encourages us to generate new ideas freely and independently. It teaches us patience.
- It balances emotional ups and downs and is beneficial for depression and bipolar disorders. It can reduce stuttering.

Effect On The Mind
The properties of the Amethyst healing crystal on the mind are revealed as follows:
- Since amethyst has stimulating effects on our brain, when used carefully, it can eliminate all our psychological problems caused by situations that negatively affect us. However, it should not be used if it triggers attacks in severe conditions such as schizophrenia or paranoia of unknown cause and neurologically affects the brain.
- It helps transmit neural signals through the brain and improves memory. It clears your mind and helps enlightenment.
- Amethyst separates you from unwanted entities, thought forms, or mental structures.
- It helps you imagine a new world. It develops awareness.
- It has a sobering effect on out-of-control physical passions and removes the tendency to self-indulgence. It helps you understand the source of dependencies such as alcohol, cigarettes, sweets, etc.
- It makes decisions easier by combining common sense with spiritual insights.
- It helps insomniac people enjoy a peaceful sleep.
- It protects you from nightmares and helps you remember insightful dreams.
Effect On The Spirit
The spiritual benefits of the Amethyst crystal appear as follows:
- It opens the third eye and crown chakras, clarifying spiritual vision. It clears the aura.
- It creates a safe sanctuary for meditation and multidimensional exploration.
- It removes illusions that prevent you from experiencing actual reality.
- Protects against psychic attacks and opens channels for telepathy, clairaudience, and clairvoyance.
- Increasing intuition, it strengthens our communication with our creator and establishes a solid connection with the higher self.
- It is one of the most effective crystals for spiritual alchemy.
Effect On The Environment
Contributions of Amethyst healing stone to the environment are as follows:
- It blocks geopathic stress and electromagnetic frequencies.
- It serves humanity by enabling the spiritual evolution of our entire planet.
- By gently transforming our boundaries, it transforms us as well. Then we too can transform the world.
Buying this crystal in any form, gem or raw, is easy. Our blog is reader supported. Click on our Etsy or Amazon links to access unique pieces made from real minerals with attractive handwork.
Cleansing: | Avoid the sunlight. Use other methods; Fumigation, Air, Water, Moon, Voice, Earth, more info… |
Storage: | Although it is a tough crystal and shock resistant, please keep it in a soft cloth against scratches. |
Compliance with Essence: | Suitable. Never drink the essence, but you can apply it to the skin. More info… |
Application: | Every day, you can wear jewellery with gemstones, such as necklaces, earrings, rings and bracelets. This crystal is among the healing stones worn daily without worrying. You can also use it while bathing and sleeping if you wish. On the other hand, you can keep this raw and unpolished healing crystal in your living room or bedroom. In case of pain and skin problems, place it on the relevant organ or chakra. Find the chakra selected for the problem from our table. |
Crown | -Dreams Recall- -Insomnia- -Meditation- -Multidimensional Awareness- -Nightmares- -Protect Aura- |
Soma | -Addiction- -Alcoholism- -Bruise- -Burns- -Cleansing Blood- -Cleansing Bowels- -Cellular Disorders- -Digestive Difficulties- -Eye Problems- -Headache- -Injuries- -Link Bodies- -Pain- -Parasites- -Reabsorption of Water- -Sinus Problems- -Skin Problems- -Swelling- -Varicose- |
Third Eye | -Anger- -Calming- -Cancer- -Decision-making- -Endocrine System- -Fear- -Freedom- -Geopathic Stress- -Grief- -Gum- -Hearing Disorders- -Memory- -Motivation- -Neural Transmission- -Patience- -PMS- -Psychiatric Problems/don’t use Paranoia and Schizophrenia- -Positive Energy- -Psychic Shield- -Respiratory Tract/Lung- -Synesthesia- -Tooth- -Tumors- |

Amethyst Crystal should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Its color may change due to the rays. The heating results in a yellow-orange, yellow-brown, or dark brownish color. Often incorrectly sold as citrine.
For addictions: Amethyst with Hematite or Unakit

For bad habits: Amethyst with Smoky Quartz
For peaceful sleep use it with Bloodstone

Try using it with Fuchsite to get rid of stress.