Citrine Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs and Chakras


Citrine crystal is distinguished from other quartz crystals with its golden color. Because of its color, merchants used it throughout history to call abundance. Ancient people recognized that gold is more valuable than different metals, primarily from its bright yellow color. They focused on fertility by carrying the citrine crystal in their cases or pouches. Citrine also bears the color of the sun. Citrine can bless us as the sun blesses the earth.

Citrine crystal is one of the rare crystals that can be effective in all of our chakras. It is a powerful healer with a high vibration. It can cleanse and re-energize all of our chakras. Citrine can be used in our crown chakra to attain a higher self and wisdom. You will feel that you are experiencing many different dimensions, mostly when used while meditating. It is also useful for protecting our aura after meditation.

Citrine supports us in using our memory effectively as it helps repair our brain cells in our soma chakra. It makes it easy for us to analyze our information and combine it with our intuition, allowing us to develop an advanced warning system against events.

Citrine Crystal

Citrine manages our immune system in our higher heart chakra and protects us against autoimmune diseases. Our solar plexus chakra supports this protection. If we consider that our emotional or physical expression inhibition triggers autoimmune diseases, we can understand Citrine crystal’s importance in this regard.

Citrine can support us in emotional situations by helping to maintain hormonal balance. Sometimes, in our relationships with other people, we tend to see ourselves only through their eyes. This thought brings emotional charges to us, such as jealousy. It can cause frustration and fear of responsibility. Citrine supports the development of our self-esteem by making it easier for us to balance our emotions. Thus, we can restore our relationships by expressing ourselves as we wish. It enables us to create all the necessary conditions for regulating relations within the group and maintaining balance. It supports constructive criticism and helps us spread positive thinking.

Citrine is very useful in regulating our digestion as our solar plexus chakra also manages our nutrient absorption. It is beneficial for stomach problems and troubles in metabolic processes. As with all quartz crystals, it can solve the region’s mineral accumulation. It can be particularly curative for gallstones.


Citrine increases our creativity and our energy to start new things in our sacral chakra. The energy of regeneration occurs at all levels, both spiritually and bodily. It can distribute the power it receives from the sun to our body in the most necessary way. Thus, our life energy increases. It supports the relief of fatigue and reluctance by encouraging new experiences. It makes it easier for us to generate joy and motion energy.

While citrine is effective against all female problems in women, it is helpful in eliminating men’s hormonal issues. Its detox effect contributes to hair/nail repair, skin regeneration, and preventing allergic reactions.

Buying this crystal in any form, gem or raw, is easy. Our blog is reader supported. Click on our Etsy or Amazon links to access unique pieces made from real minerals with attractive handwork.

For Citrine Crystal’s detailed benefits, check out the charts where we combine the benefits and chakras most effectively.

Crown-High Mind-   -Wisdom-
Soma-Aura Protector-   -Analyze Information-   -Early Warning System-   -Eye Problems-   -Intuition-   -Memory-   -Nerve Booster-   -Nightmare-
Higher Heart-Autoimmune Diseases-   -Blood Circulation/Heart-   -Growth Hormone Balance-   -Lungs-   -Thymus Gland-   -Thyroid Hormone Balance-
Solar Plexus-Calm-   -Chakra Cleansing-   -Constipation-   -Depression-   -Digestion-   –
Emotional Balance-   -Envy/Jealousy-   -Express Yourself-   -Fear of Responsibility-   -Flowing-   -Gall Bladder Stone-   -Indigestion-   -Kidney-   -Muscle Booster-   -Nausea-   -Past Wounds-   -Phobias-   -Relationship Repair-   -Self-confidence-   -Self-respect-   -Sensitivity Balance-   -Shield for Harmful Effects-   -Shield of Criticism-   -Spleen-   -Transition to Action-   -Optimism-
Sacral-Abundance-   -Allergy-   -Best Solution-   -Bladder Infection-   -Cellulite-   -Chronic Fatigue-   -Concentration-   -Creativity-   -Detox-   -Environmental Sensitivity-   -Experience Enhancer-   -Hair/Nail Repair-   -High Energy-   -Hot Flashes-   -Joy-   -Itching-   -Irregular Period-   -Menopause-   -Merchant Stone-   -Motivation-   -PMS-   -Power of the Sun-   -Regeneration-   -Sharing-   -Skin Problems-   -Success-   -Tissue Repair-   -Wealth-
citrine in etsy shop

How to use Citrine Crystal?

Anyone can use this crystal. It can be used as jewelry during the day and can be put under the pillow while sleeping at night. Therefore, its benefits become stronger in long-term use. When used continuously, the crystal should be rested occasionally. If it is used as a crystal bracelet, be sure to read our recommendations.

Citrine does not need to be cleaned and can even be used to clean other crystals. Crystals should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Its color may vary.

What are Citrine’s other features?

Zodiac signAries, Gemini, Leo, Libra
Mineral InformationSilicate 
Chemical CompositionSiO2
Hardness7 (Mohs)


Nature is astonishing, and Crystals are gifts from mother nature. Living happy and healthy is very easy with Crystals. Follow us and stay informed!

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