PALM CHAKRAS – Chakra Functions, Crystals, and Balance

Discover the fascinating world of chakras, the energy centers within our bodies that hold the key to our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. In this article, we will delve into the remarkable properties of the palm chakras, which play a vital role in energy manifestation, transmutation, and utilization. Learn how to activate and harness the potential of these powerful energy centers to enhance your life and bring balance to your being.
What color is Palm Chakras?
Palm chakra colors are silver-white, golden-white, red, and blue.
Where is Palm Chakra Location?
The palm chakras reside in the center of our palms, but their influence extends beyond that area. Energy radiates from the palm chakras, flowing through the fingertips, up the arms, and potentially reaching the head and chest. Become aware of this expansive energy field and explore the interconnectedness between your palms and the rest of your being.
What are the functions of the palm chakras?
Located within the palms of your hands, the palm chakras are gateways to receiving and channeling energy. They are intimately connected with our ability to interact with the world on an energetic level. When fully functioning, these chakras enable us to sense energies, receive guidance, and manifest our intentions.
The palm chakras possess both receptive and expressive qualities. They facilitate the sensing and receiving of energy and the channeling and projection of energy. Fully functioning palm chakras help you to receive energy from the universe – or crystals – and channel this into your energy field through the chakras. Most people find that one hand is receptive and the other gives energy. This varies according to whether you are left or right-handed and how your energy field functions. We can tap into the universal energy through the palm chakras, receive guidance, and manifest our intentions. Develop a deeper understanding of the palm chakra’s role in manifestation, creativity, and confidence-building.
The palm chakras serve as conduits for both receiving and giving energy. When the chakra is functioning at optimum, you can receive in equal measure to giving. By opening ourselves to the universe, we can draw in positive energies, love, and assistance while radiating unconditional love and creative energy back into the world. This harmonious flow fosters a sense of confidence, creativity, and the ability to manifest our desires.
By integrating palm chakra practices into your daily life, you can unlock the power within you and cultivate a deeper connection with your energy body. Here are a few suggestions to explore:
Creative Expression:
Tap into your innate creativity by engaging in artistic activities like painting, writing, or playing music. Allow the energy of your palm chakras to flow through your hands, inspiring your creations and nurturing self-expression.
Healing Touch:
Explore hands-on healing modalities such as Reiki or energy healing. By consciously directing the energy through your palm chakras, you can offer healing and support to yourself and others.

How do we know if our chakra is out of balance?
If your hands start to sweat and tingle when you hold one of these crystals, your chakra may be open and spinning fast.
These symptoms may be followed by reddening and peeling of the skin of the hands. In this case, you should slow down your chakras.
On the other hand, if you find yourself contemplating the benefits of being asocial when you hold the crystal. If you feel the urge to bite your nails and fingers, your chakras may be too slow or closed.
When the chakra slows down, underactive or blocked
When the palm chakra becomes underactive or blocked, we may experience a lack of creativity, difficulty expressing ourselves, and an inability to receive or ask for help.
When the chakra gets too fast, overactive, or blown
When it becomes overactive or blown, energy may whirl out from the hands, leading to excessive giving, clumsiness, and an outlet for repressed emotions.
Buying these crystals in any form, gem or raw, is easy. Our blog is reader supported. Click on our Etsy or Amazon links to access unique pieces made from real minerals with attractive handwork.
How to balance the chakra?
Bringing the palm chakra into balance is a transformative process. Engage in meditation, healing, or Reiki to cleanse and align this energy center. Use visualization techniques to open and activate the palm chakras, allowing the energy to flow freely. Establishing a harmonious energy exchange can enhance your creative abilities and connect you more deeply with yourself and the world.
The layers on the surface need to be gently scraped off for a certain period until the fundamental problems destabilizing our chakra are reached. Then the negative energy can be released and converted into positive energy.
Of course, this process will take time. We highly recommend acquiring a jasper stone in color and pattern that interests you to help you persevere during this time. The time it takes to balance the chakra can vary from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the depth of the problem.
Palm Chakra Activation Exercise:
Set your intention to open the palm chakras and visualize them as vibrant energy centers.
Make a fist with your hands and rapidly open and close your fingers several times. Focus your attention on your right palm, then your left (reverse the process if you are left-handed), imagining the chakras opening like blooming petals.
Cup your hands together, feeling the energy of the two chakras meeting. Move your hands slightly to find the extent of the energy field.
Receptivity and Energy Radiance:
Place a crystal point across your palm, noting the energy radiating into it.
Observe the direction of the energy flow as you turn the crystal point towards your arm and fingers.
Practice sensing the energy flow along your arms, noting any sensations, temperatures, or changes.
Experiment with sending energy into your chakras by visualizing it moving from your palm into each chakra.
Palm Chakra Crystals
The best stones for palm chakras are Flint, Quartz, Hematite
The Palm Chakras Affirmations
“I confidently express my true self through my hands.”