Tagged: gaia gateway chakra

Seraphinite Stone – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, And Chakras

Seraphinite Stone – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, And Chakras

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Seraphinite, a remarkable crystal known for its unique healing properties, celestial energy, and spiritual significance. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of Seraphinite, including its healing properties, associated zodiac signs, different varieties, and the chakras it aligns with. Whether you’re a crystal enthusiast, a spiritual seeker, or simply curious about the metaphysical properties of Seraphinite, this comprehensive guide will provide you with valuable insights and knowledge to deepen your understanding of this exquisite stone and its profound effects on healing, spirituality, and energetic alignment. What is Seraphinite Stone? Seraphinite is a...

GAIA GATEWAY CHAKRA – Chakra Functions, Crystals, and Balance

What is GAIA GATEWAY chakra? What colour is Gaia Gateway Chakra? Gaia gateway chakra colours are black, brown, silver and gold. Where is Gaia Gateway Chakra Location? Gaia Gateway Chakra Location is About arm’s length beneath your feet, below the Earth Star Chakra. Gaia Gateway Chakra Meaning Earth Star Chakra Like a root from our toes, it connects us to mother earth. The Gaia Gateway is located below this chakra and represents a stronger connection with the Earth. We can think of it as the deepest state of our roots. Just as the roots of a plant that has moved...


20 Main Chakras – Chakra Functions, Colors, Locations, and Imbalances

20 Main Chakras Locations There are numerous energy zones in our physical and spiritual bodies. Some of these regions contain more intense energy. There are 20 main energy zones/chakras, fifteen in our physical body and five in our metaphysical body. 20 Main chakras’ locations, their representative colours, functions, what they symbolize, and the situations resulting from imbalance are given in the tables below. This placement of the main chakras belongs to Judy Hall. Main Chakras Their Colors, Functions, And Imbalances Stellar Gateway Chakra Colors: white, clear, silver, gold, deep violetIt symbolizes the connection point of our spiritual body with the...