Tagged: aries crystals

Tektite Stone – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, And Chakras

Tektite Stone – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, And Chakras

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Tektite stone, a fascinating gem with extraterrestrial origins and powerful metaphysical properties. In this article, we will explore the healing properties, associated zodiac signs, and chakras that the Tektite stone is known for. Known for its connection to otherworldly realms, Tektite has been revered for its ability to reveal past lives, particularly those living on other stars, planets, or dimensions of consciousness. It serves as a bridge to extraterrestrial beings and enhances spiritual growth through the absorption of higher knowledge. What is Tektite Stone? Tektite is a type of meteorite formed from the intense...

Amazon Crystal

What are the Amazonite Properties and Benefits?

Amazonite Healing Properties and Benefits If you want to know about Amazonite Healing Properties and Benefits, you are in the right place. You can see the features of the Amazon River in the Amazon stone. The amazon river, which is divided into branches, heals the world. It’s similar to Amazon Properties making improvements in multiple areas of your life. Amazonite is a crystal that occurs in tiny prismatic crystals or extensive masses, emitting great blue healing rays, varying in colour from dark blue and blue-green to turquoise. Although this stone was first reported in the 1800s, its use is believed...

Aquamarine Definition and Properties

Aquamarine Definition and Properties

What is Aquamarine Definition? Aquamarine Definition has recently become a hot topic among crystal sellers. Although Aquamarine’s past is very old, it has recently become famous again in movies and TV series. Those who heard its name in movies and games wondered about the aquamarine definition and what is an aquamarine stone. Let’s make Aquamarine Definition three different ways. In its simplest, Aquamarine Definition: It is a hard structured blue colour healing stone. A more chemical Aquamarine Definition: Aquamarine is the silicate form of a beryl stone. It is formed due to the hot-cold interaction for centuries by reacting with...

Crystal Quartz (Positive Energy Stone)

Crystal Quartz (Positive Energy Stone)

What is Crystal Quartz? Crystal Quartz Stone is almost Pure Silicon Dioxide. It has crystallized and turned into a bar of energy. It has such a purified structure that you can see its crystals thanks to its transparency and colourlessness. There is an incredibly high positive energy transmission between its molecules. For this reason, it has been called Crystal Quartz stone for many years. Since the coloured quartz stones have different properties, they should not be considered a different colour of the same stone. It is the master of crystal quartz stones, which are transparent and colourless. What Does Crystal...

Agate (Stress Stone)

Agate (Stress Stone)

What is Agate? Agate Stone is one of the most effective natural stones, famous for its calming power that can eliminate stress. Each of the agate stones is like an oil painting. There are agate stones of amazing colours waiting to change your life in the depths of the underground. This riot of colours in Agate occurs when magmas get stuck and leave residue on some other mineral structures. The colour variety of the magnificent pictures of nature in the agate stone is almost unlimited. Still, it usually has the most beautiful shades of pink, white, brown, black, red, blue,...

Amethyst (Positive Energy Stone)

Amethyst (Positive Energy Stone)

What is Amethyst? Amethyst Stone is a magnificent natural stone type in the Quartz family and radiates purple-coloured energy, proving this with its shape. It is often used today because it is relatively more affordable than other precious stones. Amethyst is also very stylish! Its colour and texture make it easily included in the decor in all environments. However, It comes to the fore as a product that adorns jewellery types such as earrings, necklaces and bracelets. Amethyst stone, which has a very old history, has been used throughout history. Amethyst can harmonize with all stones in the quartz family....

Crystal Quartz

Najaf Stone (Miraculous Stone)

What is Najaf Stone? Najaf Stone is crystal quartz itself. In the literature, we just discovered that quartz with a slightly more muddy colour is called Najaf stone. Used as an infinity stone or a miraculous stone, the Najaf Stone symbolises purity that contains some dirt and wants to be purified. It symbolises the balance between birth and death, light and dark. It is one of the stones considered healing because it positively affects people. Since it is a semi-precious stone, it is often used as jewellery. It is one of the stones used fondly because it brings abundance and...

Jade (Healing Stone)

Jade (Healing Stone)

Jade Stone; is a magical crystal with high healing properties. In addition, it is a wonderful stone that you can use as a “preventive of diseases” by protecting the body and soul from all diseases. It is used in the treatment of many diseases. Jade; is known as the stone of happiness. Of course, it gets its name from its green colour. However, this stone also has white, blue, purple, yellow, brown, red and black spotted colours. What is Jade? Jade; is a toxin cleanser that helps the human body eliminate impurities. It acts as an Antioxidant, similar to when...


Alexandrite Crystal All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

WHAT IS AN ALEXANDRITE stone? ALEXANDRITE INFORMATION Alexandrite stone is a fantastic crystal. This small stone is rarely more significant than the nail of the little finger. It is named after the Russian Tsar II. Alexander (1818-81). It is one of the most diverse gemstones that rarely appears on the market. This variety of chrysoberyl has a general healing effect. Composed of the rare metals beryllium and aluminium, coloured with chrome, it changes colour and appearance from Emerald by day to Amethyst by night. Alexandrite is a metamorphic chrysoberyl containing chromium. The chromium caused a fascinating colour change: Alexandrite appears...

Morganite (Gem of Youth)

Morganite (Gem of Youth)

What is Morganite? Morganite Natural Stone, referred to as Rose Beryl stone, is a natural stone associated with love and spirit. It is used as a stone of eternal love. Although it is a relatively late discovered stone, it has become popular in a short time due to the benefits it provides to people. In this regard, Morganite Natural Stone can beautify human relationships and allow the person to accept himself as he is. What Does Morganite Natural Stone Mean? Morganite Natural Stone is named after a stone collector, J. P. Morgan. The person who discovered the stone is Tiffany...