Chrysocolla (Stone of Harmony)

What is Chrysocolla?

Chrysocolla Natural Stone

The use of Chrysocolla Natural Stone often dates back to Antiquity. In ancient Greek times, it was used for brazing gold due to the copper ore in it. At the same time, when we look at more recent history, it is known that it was frequently used as a paint pigment during the Renaissance period.

Chrysocolla Natural Stone

Chrysocolla, also known as “Chrysocolla,” has a hardness of 2.5 to 3.5. At the same time, thanks to its hardness, you can easily understand whether this stone is original. The free weight ranges also vary between 1.93 and 2.40 for the original stones. When we look at the chemical group, it is seen that it is silicate. This particular stone has a translucent appearance. It also has a dominant blue color.

Chrysocolla Natural Stone

However, Chrysocolla Stones, which have a green color, are also abundant in nature. You can try the natural stone test to find the most suitable stone for your character and sign. This stone contains frozen water. At the same time, this is one of the essential features of the rock that makes it interesting. One of the precious stones found in abundance in nature is Chrysocolla.

Chrysocolla Natural Stone Features

Chrysocolla Natural Stone

With the combination of blue and green, Chrysocolla Natural Stone, which has a beautiful color, emerges. This stone is a stone in shades of cyan and turquoise. It also belongs to the Chalcedony group. On the other hand, the degree of hardness varies between 2.5 and 7 levels, depending on the silicate content. This stone is also bestowed briefly as the Hydrosilicate mineral. But the structure of this stone is a bit complicated. At the same time, this stone is a secondary origin copper mineral. It is usually found with stones such as azurite, quartz, and malachite.

Chrysocolla Natural Stone

Chrysocolla Natural Stone varies in hardness from 2.5 to 7. While this is an interesting situation, it also has a logical explanation—the greater the amount of silica during the formation of the stone, the higher its hardness. The dark blue colored chrysocolla stones are usually very soft. For this reason, it has a delicate structure that cannot be used in jewelry.

Chrysocolla Natural Stone

Light-colored ones, from turquoise to cyan, have a more complex structure. Their hardness is generally around six and has a format suitable for processing as jewelry. Stones with a hardness of 7 are now called Chrysocolla Chalcedony. This is the most complex form of rock. Chrysocolla Chalcedony has the highest silica content and a very high probability of occurring in quartz deposits.

Chrysocolla Natural Stone

Chrysocolla, which can occur both as a mineraloid and mineral, is typically found as rounded or botryoidal masses and shells or vein fillings. Chrysocolla Natural Stone, this stone that balances the energy between couples. It also helps to solve the compatibility issue. It also helps discharge negative electricity due to its conductivity feature due to the copper it contains.

Chrysocolla Natural Stone Cleaning and Care

Chrysocolla Natural Stone

To be able to maintain and clean the Chrysocolla Natural Stone, you must first know the hardness level of your stone correctly. It is essential to know the hardness of the stone, as chrysocolla stone is a stone whose hardness can vary from shallow degrees, such as 2.5, to tough degrees, such as 7.

All cleaning methods can be used for stones with a hardness of 7 and above, including soil cleaning and water purification. But since the rocks with a lower degree of hardness will be more fragile and delicate, these stones should be cleaned with incense by gently wiping them with a damp cloth.

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Chrysocolla Natural Stone Benefits

Chrysocolla Natural Stone

Gemstones have profound benefits for the human body and health. But of course, it is not possible to say this for every stone. But Chrysocolla Natural Stone is truly a natural miracle in this regard. The benefits of this stone, which provides many benefits to health and is not spared by many people, are as follows;

The color of the chrysocolla crystal in green and blue tones also gives it the energy and vitality of the earth.

It gives a calming energy along with courage and self-confidence. In this way, it allows us to act harmoniously and fluently in all areas of our lives.

It is also a complete meditation stone. It is a peaceful, communicative and nurturing stone.

Chrysocolla Natural Stone

It is also beneficial for mental problems.

It cleans the negative energy in the house or any environment you want.

It is very effective on the heart chakra.

It is a balancing factor against high blood pressure.

Chrysocolla Natural Stone

This stone regulates the heart rhythm. Chrysocolla Natural Stone has the feature of accelerating blood circulation and cleaning the veins.

It helps keep the muscular system healthy. It also protects people against ailments. It also aids recovery in case of cramping.

It helps to strengthen the muscles.

Pregnant women are generally advised to use this stone. Chrysocolla Natural Stone is known to facilitate childbirth.

It also helps keep the reproductive organs healthy.

Chrysocolla Natural Stone

Significantly alleviates the effects of menopause.

This precious stone is also very influential on the throat chakra. For this reason, it is also very influential on ailments in the throat area. It helps keep the thyroid glands healthy. It also has a healing effect on the tonsils.

Chrysocolla, this stone that balances the energy between couples. It helps to solve the compatibility issue. Due to the copper, it contains, it helps to discharge negative electricity with its conductivity feature.

Just like Amethyst, it helps to regulate the digestive system.

Chrysocolla Natural Stone

This stone is frequently used by people with panic attack disease to move more efficiently and eliminate their worries.

Chrysocolla Natural Stone attracts attention as an effective stone for relieving joint pains and for a person to have a fit body.

Keisokol stone is among the rocks most used by lung patients. It also has a significant place in the treatment of lung diseases. It helps to perform breath control more comfortably and perfectly.

Chrysocolla beautiful

Chrysocolla Natural Stone plays a vital role in the development of intelligence. It also significantly increases one’s motivation. It helps people start the day more energetically and wake up with positive thoughts. If you want to take advantage of these benefits of the stone, you should never leave the stone with you throughout the day.

Chrysocolla Natural Stone

It is a unique stone that gives energy. When it comes into contact with the body, it takes away the negative energy and fatigue of the person in a short time. It is one of the most used and preferred stone types by people who want to feel more energetic.

People who have difficulties expressing themselves and communication problems are also the biggest helpers of those who think that their communication aspect is lacking.

In Which Countries Is Chrysocolla Natural Stone Found?

Chrysocolla raw

Russia is known as the homeland of Chrysocolla Natural Stone. For this reason, it is heavily mined in Russia. The United States is also home to the Chrysocolla Stone. In addition, England, Chile, and Zaire are also among the countries where this precious stone is concentrated.

Chrysocolla Natural Stone is a stone that is difficult to work with. Some professional names are also needed for artistry. Since it is tough to process, it brings with it a complex process. This situation causes the jewellers selling Chrysocolla Stones in the market to offer products for much higher prices. This stone, generally preferred in the jewellery and decoration sector, also has a unique and pleasant appearance.

Chrysocolla Natural Stone

Chrysocolla Natural Stone is a type of stone that can be found much more quickly in nature than other precious stones. At the same time, the number of countries from which it was issued is quite large. It is known that this stone was mined in some regions, although it is not found in our country. The products produced as a result of professional craftsmanship enable much more valuable products to emerge. And writing is generally valued much more in the jewelry industry. Again, it is worth expressing that it is an essential stone with its visuality and benefits.

It’s easy to buy this healing crystal in any form, gem or raw. Click on our Etsy or Amazon links below to access unique pieces made from real minerals with attractive handwork.

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Chrysocolla Natural Stone Bushes

Chrysocolla raw

Chrysocolla Natural Stone balances the energy between couples. This stone significantly helps to solve the problem of harmony. The most crucial feature of Keizokol stone is to solve the compatibility problem. Due to the copper, it contains, it also helps to discharge negative electricity with its conductivity feature. The signs of this stone are Virgo, Gemini, and Taurus.

Aqueducts That Can Be Produced With Chrysocolla Natural Stone

Chrysocolla Natural Stone

Chrysocolla stones, and series stones are very genuine products to design. For this reason, it can create highly preferred accessories such as bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and rosaries. The degree of hardness of the stones plays an essential role in the making of accessories. For this reason, since chrysocolla stone has a delicate structure, the accessories produced are offered for sale at high prices. Since these stones are natural, their colors and sizes may vary.

Importance of Chrysocolla Natural Stone in Human Relationships

Chrysocolla Crystal

Since the existence of humanity, people have attached great importance to stones, which they believe relieve themselves and bring good luck. Various ornaments, such as jewelry and necklaces, are made from these stones, which are sometimes used for meditation, healing,, and calming the soul. People also attach great importance to these ornaments. The sense of belief, which has existed since people were born, directs them to various objects and symbols.

Chrysocolla Natural Stone

Having communication problems among people and being shy in human relations is a significant problems experienced by many people. The branches of science that carry out various studies on this subject have also turned into medical terms. This issue, which has a direct interest in people’s pessimism, has been an essential obstacle in front of people in general.

Chrysocolla Natural Stone

This was one of the issues that most supported the word asocial. This is where the Chrysocolla Natural Stone comes into play. It gives you the self-confidence, courage, and positive thoughts necessary to express yourself comfortably while taking the bad energy inside you. People with psychological problems often try to solve their problems independently or seek psychological support from a professional. Chrysocolla Natural Stone a natural antidepressant, supports you while making people feel comfortable.

Medically Chrysocolla Crystal

Chrysocolla raw

The “Chrysocolla” has significant effects on human relations and the soul by dealing with it psychologically. Chrysocolla Natural Stone is a precious and essential natural stone, both psychologically and medically. Chrysocolla Natural Stone is also frequently used for patients with breathing problems and lung diseases, and it is almost a hope for these patients. This stone is also a magic touch for asthma patients. Along with the balance in the heart rhythm, it also helps to breathe significantly.

Chrysocolla Natural Stone

It also has excellent benefits for situations that pose a significant problem, such as behavioural disorders, panic attacks, and impulsive behaviors. Chrysocolla Natural Stone also helps a lot with rheumatism and joint pain. This stone allows you to move freely and easily, removing the pain from the human body. This stone is also plentifully mined in our country. Although it is not found in large quantities in America, Russia, and other countries, this stone can be found in some regions.

Chrysocolla Crystal

Chrysocolla Natural Stone, is helpful in the treatment of important diseases such as lung diseases, helps you get rid of these health problems by relaxing people because it comes into contact with the body in case of illness that gives terrible feelings such as pain, heavy, cramps.


In addition to the protection of the thyroid glands, it also helps to balance the hormones. This stone, which also contributes greatly to the digestive system, can be seen in different hardness and colors. This stone, with an average hardness of 3, is usually turquoise. It; It stands out as an exciting riot of colors with the presence of green, blue and black tones. It is also believed that this stone affects the zodiac signs.

Chrysocolla Compatible Zodiac Signs

Chrysocolla raw

Although the Chrysocolla Natural Stone shows its benefits spiritually, psychologically, and medically for all people in general, it is seen that this stone has a more positive effect on people of some zodiac signs. These signs are Virgo, Gemini, Aquarius, and Taurus. It is believed that this stone has more influence on these signs. The stone of harmony, therefore, attracts the attention of people of this zodiac sign. This stone is valuable stone not only for sure characters but also for all humanity.

Chrysocolla Natural Stone

Horoscopes have always been very important for humanity. But one of the most critical factors that make horoscopes necessary is their interpretation. Horoscope comments also evoke positive emotions in people. The positive effects of the Chrysocolla Natural Stone on people have made it as valuable as horoscopes. For this reason, people have caused the Chrysocolla Natural Stone to attract attention.

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How to Use Chrysocolla Natural Stone?

Chrysocolla box

Chrysocolla Natural Stone, there are not many details to be considered for its use. But when used correctly, it shows more effect. This stone can also be used as a symbolic ornament or a decorative item. But if you want to feel its benefit, or rather, that it is better spiritually, psychologically, or medically, you need to make the stone come into contact with your body.

Positive results can be obtained from direct contact with this stone, which can be used as a bracelet or necklace for communication with the body to the area where the pain is felt in other diseases (such as pain cramps). For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to this detail when using the stone.

Chrysocolla Crystal

Chrysocolla Natural Stone is also known as a harmony stone. Because, as a result of the spiritual peace and material benefit it gives to people in general, both psychologically, spiritually, and medically, it helps to put human life on a harmonious track. It is also known to be a unique stone believed for each zodiac sign.

Chrysocolla Crystal

The zodiac signs, which are known to benefit more from this stone, are the stones of the Gemini and Virgo signs, and the Taurus sign. It allows you to reveal the personality you want to be in every moment of your life. At the same time, it relaxes people in every sense and enables them to achieve the happiness they want.


Nature is astonishing, and Crystals are gifts from mother nature. Living happy and healthy is very easy with Crystals. Follow us and stay informed!

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