Tagged: throat chakra

broken crystal

What To Do If Natural Crystals Are Broken?

You may not like it, but like glass, eggs and our hearts, Natural Crystals can break. Watching the crystal fall from your hand to the ground will make your heart stop. You struggle with your arms trying to catch it, but you may not be fast enough. Sometimes, while holding the Crystal motionless in the palm of your hand, it may split in half in the middle. You feel devastated for the moment, primarily if you work with that Crystal often. Natural Crystals can break for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, we are complete with the lessons that this Crystal...

sodalite crystal

Maximize Your Logic Using Sodalite Crystal

What is Sodalite Crystal? Sodalite Crystal supports the protection of mental health and the improvement of confusion. Sodalite, a semi-precious Crystal, acts on the throat chakra. Sodalite Crystal helps to prevent the complexity experienced in mind and head. It helps to provide mental and mental calmness. It is known as a Crystal that supports one’s internal communication. When people experience confusion, they cannot express themselves clearly. Sodalite Crystal provides a more precise evaluation of thoughts and feelings. It helps to connect the energy centers of emotion and thought. It is essential to express yourself correctly in professional business life. You...

Obsidian Heart

Feel the Power of Higher Therapy with Obsidian Crystal

What is Obsidian? Obsidian Crystal is a kind of rock that forms itself in nature after millions of years. It is also called volcanic glass or protective stone. Since it is one of the natural stones used since ancient times, it is considered a healing stone. It is taken out from different parts of the world and continues to be used as accessories, weapons, ornaments, facial massage tools, and decorative items in various boxes. What Does Obsidian Crystal Mean? It is a stone that transforms energy and protects from evil. For this reason, it is among the natural stones widely...

Most Use Crystal

The Most Popular Medicinal Natural Crystals and Their Properties

Since the beginning of time, people have been using most popular natural crystal for healing. Also known as mother earth’s treasures, these stones are rock crystals born from elemental energy and can bring healing powers to us. Natural stones have a long history. Priests and warriors put it on their breastplates, shamans used it in rituals, it served as a guide for ancient tribes, and kings carried it in their pockets. But, these powerful stones have much more power in the modern world. Natural stones; can direct our intent, raise our vibration, and reveal all that dormant grace and beauty...

crystal machine

Become Born Again with Natural Crystal Healing

Natural Crystal Healing is a complementary practice that uses the energy of Natural Crystals to make small and significant changes in people’s lives. When Natural Crystals are used correctly, they will eliminate disturbances or discomfort. Every Crystal; has beneficial properties to restore balance and harmony at various levels in the individual through interaction with the human energy body. The properties and activities of Natural Crystal Healing have discovered thousands of years ago in many of the most ancient civilizations. It was used in ceremonies to predict the future, attract luck, and treat specific ailments. There are many Crystals in nature....

Natural Crystals

10 Simple and Effective Ways to Use Natural Crystals

If you have just entered the magical world of Natural Crystals, you are probably wondering how they work and how you can benefit from their healing powers. Quantum physics has revealed that everything is energy at the most fundamental level. Everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. And the human body is no exception. Natural Crystals shake frequently and can help harmonize our energies and balance us on mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. It can absorb, amplify, transform or transmit power. Natural Crystals born from the powers of the Earth have come to...

Sodalite Healing Crystal for Sharp Insight

Sodalite Healing Crystal for Sharp Insight

The sodalite healing crystal is helpful for those who have difficulty thinking logically, students, and people working on creative projects; It can be worn as a necklace or bracelet to help some people focus. It can also be positioned in the work area or house. What is Sodalite Healing Crystal? Sodalite healing crystal helps encourage intuition, insight, and sharp thinking; It also allows you to gain clarity in thinking and decision making. Metaphysical properties include brilliant insight and clarity of mind; It helps people see the truth and make clear decisions in every situation. -They are formed by filling veins...

Larimar (Pectolite) Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Larimar (Pectolite) Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Larimar (Pectolite) Crystal’s Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras There is little historical information about Larimar (Pectolite) crystal because it is relatively newly discovered. Larimar stone meaning frozen sea is taken out of the sea. Larimar Metaphysical Properties Larimar crystal is one of the most spiritual crystals. When the crystal is used in the crown chakra, it increases the angelic contact and supports us in finding our soul purpose. Raising our spiritual consciousness helps us be more peaceful, loving, and patient. Finding a suitable mate becomes easier if we know our soul. Larimar guides us to find our soul mate....


Amber – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Amber is not a crystal, it is a resin. Its resemblance to crystals is due to its physical structure and magnetic properties. Its use is based on very ancient times. Because it is a soft substance, it is very easy to powder or liquid. It has been used for a wide variety of diseases throughout history. The older the Amber, the harder it is and the greater its energy production. The benefit of Amber is due to the succinic acid it contains. Succinic acid, which plays an essential role in cell metabolism in our body, is beneficial in the healing...

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs and Chakras

Lapis Lazuli crystal consists of a combination of many minerals. The usage area of ​​Lapis Lazuli, which has an important place in ancient civilizations, is also very diverse. Their common point is that the seal instruments with which the rule-makers seal their words were made of Lapis. It directly addresses our third eye chakra with its indigo color. This particular color has been used throughout history to attract people’s attention and focus on the desired situation. Ancient painters pulverized Lapis Lazuli crystal to obtain a magnificent shade of blue, and their works activated this chakra, which rules our imagination. Lapis...