Tagged: third eye or brow chakra

Ametrine Crystal

Ametrine (Personal Energy Stone)

What is Ametrine? Ametrine Stone, also called Bolivianite, is a bicoloured member of the quartz stone group. Crystals with two primary colours rarely occur. Ametrine is one of these rare formations. It is one of the special stones used quite a lot among precious stones whose benefits do not end with counting. By its harmonious purple and yellow tones, you can easily recognize this beautiful natural stone containing citrine and Amethyst—the yellow areas in the stone result from the element iron’s chemical reaction (oxidation). The purple regions are the areas where oxidation does not occur. Ametrine is often included in...

Charoite (Soul Purifying Stone)

Charoite (Soul Purifying Stone)

What is Charoite? Charoite stone is famous for its soul-purifying properties. It is distinctly different from other stones in its colour and properties. Charoite is a very special crystal. It is one of the few stones that can transform energy beautifully. For this reason, it is responsible for removing the person’s negative points and maintaining the energy balance of nature. What Does Charoite Stone Mean? Charoite stone comes from the river called Charoite or Charo in Russia. The reason why it is named after a river is that it was first discovered here. Today, Russia is still one of the...

Merlinite – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Merlinite – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

What is merlınıte? MERLINITE STRUCTURAL FEATURES Mineral Class: Silicate Crystal System: Hexagonal Chemistry: Psilomelane: Ba(Mn2+)(Mn4+)8O16(OH)4Chalcedony: SiO2 Composition: Combines Psilomelane (Black Manganese Oxide) and Quartz/Chalcedony crystals. Specific Gravity: 2.6 Mohs’ Hardness: 7 Source: Turkey, Brazil, USA [New Mexico] Rarity: It has recently become widespread Luster: Waxy, Dull MERLINITE STONE ENERGETIC PROPERTIES Colour: Black branched structure on white and bluish transparency in opal Chakras: Past life, soma, third eye, higher heart (thymus), causal vortex Vibration: High to Very High Number: 6 Zodiac: Gemini and Pisces Planet: Sun, Moon Elements: Air Symbol: Reading the record of life knowledge MERLINITE OTHER NAMES Merlinite is...

Amethyst (Positive Energy Stone)

Amethyst (Positive Energy Stone)

What is Amethyst? Amethyst Stone is a magnificent natural stone type in the Quartz family and radiates purple-coloured energy, proving this with its shape. It is often used today because it is relatively more affordable than other precious stones. Amethyst is also very stylish! Its colour and texture make it easily included in the decor in all environments. However, It comes to the fore as a product that adorns jewellery types such as earrings, necklaces and bracelets. Amethyst stone, which has a very old history, has been used throughout history. Amethyst can harmonize with all stones in the quartz family....

What are the Benefits of Spinel Natural Stone?

What are the Benefits of Spinel Natural Stone?

Spinel Stone Spinel stone; It is a stone of hope, revival and feeling the joy of life. It has a wide variety of colours. Matching its colour means it can be used on all your chakras. Perfect for when you lack energy or enthusiasm or have trouble getting rid of negative thoughts. Spinel stone benefits your mind and body, helping bring new points to your heart and soul. Spinel is good for inspiring new ideas and thinking differently about any situation you feel stuck in. It can broaden your perspective to allow you to go beyond the limitations of old...

KYANITE (Dream Stone)

KYANITE (Dream Stone)

What is Kyanite? Kyanite natural stone is a magnificent crystal that brings spiritual growth. Kyanite stone, found in many natural colours, is a natural stone with colour tones consisting of a mixture of translucent blue and white. Kyanite stone, believed to give peace, is also used as a protector. If you use it as an ornament, this stone helps everyone in the house to get rid of stress and tension. In addition, since there is no negative energy charge in Kyanite stone, it is unnecessary to clean or purify the stone. Kyanite was used as a compass to determine the...


Amethyst Crystal – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

AMETHYST STRUCTURAL FEATURES Mineral Class: Quartz Group, Silicate Crystal System: Trigonal Chemistry: SiO2 + iron or manganese Composition:  Silicon  46.74 %  Si   100.00 % SiO2  Oxygen   53.26 %  O Specific Gravity: 2.63-2.65 Mohs’ Hardness: 7 Source: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Russia, Namibia, South Africa, Brazil, Canada, USA Rarity: Common Luster: Vitreous or resinous AMETHYST ENERGETIC PROPERTIES Color: Violet, Purple Chakras: Third Eye, Crown, Soma, Soul Star, Stellar Gateway, and beyond Vibration: High Number: 3 Zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces Planet: Jupiter, Neptune Birthstone for: February Elements: Air Symbol: Wisdom and Serenity AMETHYST OTHER NAMES There is no other generally known name. VARIETIES Vera Cruz Amethyst, Brandenberg Amethyst, Amethyst Elestial, Sirius Amethyst, Chevron...

Ammolite Fossil – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Ammolite Fossil – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Ammolite, a mighty Earth healing stone, was formed by the compression of the ammonite fossil and gaining mineral properties. Ammolite represents coming full circle and activates personal empowerment. Stimulating your survival instincts and encoding your life path, Ammolite offers structure and clarity and relieves birth trauma that affects craniosacral flow. Named the Seven Colored Stone of Prosperity by the Feng Shui masters, Ammolite has absorbed cosmic energy through the ages and stimulates the life force in the body. Keep it at home to attract health and well-being and at workplaces to promote business deals. It benefits general health and longevity,...


Tanzanite Crystal – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

TANZANITE’S HISTORICAL AND MYTHOLOGICAL USE This Amazing Crystal is the lavender-blue form of Zoisite. Zoisite was first identified in 1805 by geologist Baron Sigmund Zois von Edelstein in the Saualpe Mountains, Austria. It wasn’t until 1967 that Manuel D’Souza was shown what was later named Tanzanite while prospecting in Tanzania. According to local Masai herders, a lightning strike had set fire to the grass; once the fire was out, they found the crystal scattered around the site. In 1970, Tiffany jeweller Henry Platt named the gem Tanzanite as a marketing ploy. It quickly became a favourite for healing and jewellery,...

Chalcedony (Balance Stone)

Chalcedony (Balance Stone)

What is Chalcedony? Chalcedony Natural Stone, referred to as Chalcedony in official sources, is an energy-balancing natural stone. Since its appearance and effects are more beautiful than the others, it is easily used in making accessories and ornaments. The fact that it has been in use since ancient times provides more extensive information about Chalcedony. The naming story of the Chalcedony Crystal comes from the Byzantine city of Chalcedon, now known as Istanbul, but at that time. If it is the exact location of the town of Chelsea, it can be placed in the district of Kadikoy. The name of...