Tagged: smoky quartz


How to Choose Healing Stones?

You don’t need to be an expert to Choose Healing Stones. Every natural stone has a vibration and is made up of vibrating atoms. Due to this composition, it resonates at a certain frequency. The resonances of these frequencies enable the healing effects of the stones to take place in the body. The healing properties of healing stones relate to their ability to simultaneously improve physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health by working with the chakras’ vibrations to balance the body’s energy system in general. So, how to choose a stone that will change your world? How to Choose Healing...

Natural Crystals

10 Simple and Effective Ways to Use Natural Crystals

If you have just entered the magical world of Natural Crystals, you are probably wondering how they work and how you can benefit from their healing powers. Quantum physics has revealed that everything is energy at the most fundamental level. Everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. And the human body is no exception. Natural Crystals shake frequently and can help harmonize our energies and balance us on mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. It can absorb, amplify, transform or transmit power. Natural Crystals born from the powers of the Earth have come to...


Which Natural Crystal Should I Use? How to Choose Crystal?

If you are wondering how to choose crystals, you are in the right place. By utilizing the unique properties of Natural Crystals, you can balance the energy fields around your body and home to gain physical, emotional, and spiritual health benefits. Natural Crystals; can help soothe emotional issues like anxiety, mood swings, shyness, physical symptoms like migraines and allergies, and even more. Healing crystals have been a key ingredient in treatments for thousands of years. And their healing knowledge has survived to the present day. Today, it is still used by thousands of people for therapeutic purposes. So, how to...


Crystal Gift That You Can Give Friend

Our relationships, where we share our lives, make close friendships and start from friendship, become more valuable over time. As we share our lives with an ordinary friend over the years, we can form close friendships with him. Of course, we try our best to make our friends happy. Various small gifts, remembering special days, and making our friends happy can leave us with good feelings. So what can we buy as a gift for a friend on our special day? What can we buy for a friend as a meaningful crystal gift? Crystal Gift Selection for a Friend Buying...

attention deficit

Get Rid of Your Attention Deficit Completely with Healing Crystals

Do you have an attention deficit? Have problems being focused? With Healing Crystals, You Can Completely Get Rid of Your Attention Deficit. When your nerves are tense, you may find that your thoughts become more and more erratic. The irony about attention deficit is that it often is too many opinions. Now Briefly, what is attention deficit? And let’s have a look to check if you have the symptoms. What is Attention Deficit? Attention is the power to concentrate thought on something. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, a neurologically based developmental disorder, typically occurs in childhood. Inattention and/or hyperactivity/hyperactivityForgetfulness,It is manifested...

fear clown

9 Spectacular Crystals That Can Remove Your Fear Forever

You can get rid of all your fears with healing crystals. Fear is anxiety or sadness in the face of danger or the thought of danger. First, however, let’s examine it more deeply. Fear is a phenomenon created in the brain, which restricts your range of motion and sometimes prevents you from having good experiences, as it is thought to have harmful consequences. This restriction of movement, which can be physical and psychological depending on the fear felt, restricts freedom whether we are aware of it. So, would you rather be free or live within the limits of your fears?...


Meet 10 Natural Crystals That Improve Your Performance and Help You Score Higher in Exams

As a result of our research, we discovered that the most significant reason behind students’ failure is exam anxiety! Even hard-working students can fail because of this. Exam anxiety causes individuals to forget what they know during the exam, not use their knowledge effectively and causes failure. It is effortless to overcome this situation with crystals for exam stress. Crystals can calm your heart and anxiety. Exam anxiety is the intense anxiety of the students that they will fail their exams and be constantly stressed. Exam anxiety is the extreme anxiety of the students that they will fail their exams...

insomnia sleeplessness

Meet 14 Crystals That Ensure You Sleep in a Restful and Fabulous Comfort

Meet 14 Crystals That Ensure You Sleep in a Restful and Fabulous Comfort Crystals meditate you by emitting a high healing frequency, as we always say. Crystals are lovely gifts from the sole creator and owner of the universe. In this article, we will talk about another significant advantage of our creator, namely sleep. Sleep is a tremendous healer that we all need most. When we don’t get enough sleep, we can be extremely restless and unbearable. Much worse than that, when our sleep is not regular, our internal organs are damaged and cannot renew themselves sufficiently. Our most important...


Get High Benefits Using Crystals Based on Your Blood Type

No two snowflakes are the same. It is unique like humans—no one’s fingerprints match. We are indifferent bodies with additional abilities, different weaknesses, and different needs. No one is the same. Sometimes we need similar things, but everyone’s nutritional needs are still different. The only way to stay healthy is to get what you need at the moment. Use the characteristics of your blood type as a guide in your diet or crystal selection. You will be healthier, and your aging will be delayed because your blood type is a much more reliable measure of identity than your geography and...


Root Out Your Nervous Stress With The Protective Effects Of Activated Natural Crystals And Get Rid Of All Your Ailments With Surprisingly Calmness!

A very ambitious title, isn’t it? But rest that when you can activate them, healing crystals are much stronger than you think! They researched and tried many ways to work and start acting with crystals. And our ancestors discovered that each crystal is a cure for different ailments. Based on the symptoms, they tried the stones one by one. We share the outdated information you want history from books written hundreds of years ago in different languages ​​for your healing. Each of us faces many problems every day. Although, of course, we endure many of these, we get through. Then...