Tagged: libra crystals

Shattuckite – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Shattuckite – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Shattuckite Properties! This post explores this remarkable crystal’s alluring healing properties, associated zodiac signs, and chakras. Discover how Shattuckite can enhance your well-being, promote spiritual growth, and bring balance to your life. Whether you’re seeking clarity, emotional healing, or a deeper connection to the spiritual realm, Shattuckite may hold the key. Dive into this enchanting crystal and unlock its transformative potential. What is Shattuckite? Shattuckite is a fascinating mineral that belongs to the silicate mineral group. It shares a similar composition to azurite but has a copper silicate base instead of a copper carbonate...

Lepidolite Mica – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, And Chakras

Lepidolite Mica – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, And Chakras

Welcome to our exploration of Lepidolite Mica! Known for its remarkable healing properties, this beautiful crystal holds a wealth of benefits for the mind, body, and spirit. In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of Lepidolite Mica, uncovering its unique qualities, its connection to different zodiac signs, and its powerful influence on the chakras. Whether you’re seeking emotional balance, spiritual growth, or simply a deeper understanding of this enchanting crystal, join us as we unravel the wonders of Lepidolite Mica. What is Lepidolite Mica? Lepidolite Mica is a mesmerizing crystal renowned for its captivating beauty and healing properties....

Green Moonstone – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, And Chakras

Green Moonstone – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, And Chakras

Green Moonstone, a captivating variety of the feldspar mineral, is renowned for its enchanting green hue and ethereal glow. With its mesmerizing play of light and unique colour, Green Moonstone has garnered attention for its beauty and metaphysical properties. In this article, we will explore the healing properties of green moonstones, their associations with zodiac signs, and their connection to the body’s energy centres, known as chakras. What is Green Moonstone? Green moonstone, also known as green labradorite, is a variety of the mineral feldspar. It is a form of plagioclase feldspar, which is a group of minerals that also...

Moonstone (Balancing Stone)

Moonstone (Balancing Stone)

Moonstone (Balancing Stone) Using Moonstone is a great way to start if you want to bring more balance to your life, improve your intuition, get in touch with your feminine nature and achieve a balance of masculine and feminine energy. Moonstone radiates a luminous vitality that can re-energize the mind and body and drive away negativity. It is thought to balance emotions, facilitate focus, and correspond to life cycles. We have compiled information about the properties, benefits, purification, coding and use of moonstone for you. What is Moonstone? Among the brightest and most mysterious underground mines, Moonstone is also named...


Apophyllite – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

APOPHYLLITE STRUCTURAL FEATURES Mineral Class: Phyllosilicate Crystal System: Tetragonal Chemistry: (K, Na)Ca4Si8O20(F,OH)·8H2O Composition: AB4[Si8O22]X · 8H2OA = K, Na, NH4, CsB = Ca (in apophyllite root name members), Sr (in mcglassonite root name member)X = F, OH Specific Gravity: 2.3 – 2.4 Mohs’ Hardness: 4.5-5 Source: India, USA, Mexico, UK, Australia, Brazil, Czech Republic, Italy Rarity: Uncommon Luster: Any broken surfaces shine like mother-of-pearl. APOPHYLLITE ENERGETIC PROPERTIES Colour: White, yellowish, blue-green, peach, pink Chakras: Third eye, soma, crown, soul star, stellar gateway, heart, heart seed Vibration: High to very high Number: 4 Zodiac: Gemini, Libra Planet: Uranus Elements: Air Symbol: Spiritual life-saving APOPHYLLITE OTHER...

Pink Crystals ring

Rose Quartz (Love Stone)

What is Rose Quartz? Although in the quartz group, the rarer Rose Quartz Stone is a silicon oxide crystal. It is considered a semi-precious ornamental stone and is often used in making accessories. Although it has become more popular recently, it has been used for centuries. It has magical latent power. Due to this power that is released when you start using the stone, it balances your energy and helps to get rid of many negative situations easily. What Does Rose Quartz Stone Mean? Rose Quartz Stone has gained a reputation as the stone of love. It is also known...

Jade (Healing Stone)

Jade (Healing Stone)

Jade Stone; is a magical crystal with high healing properties. In addition, it is a wonderful stone that you can use as a “preventive of diseases” by protecting the body and soul from all diseases. It is used in the treatment of many diseases. Jade; is known as the stone of happiness. Of course, it gets its name from its green colour. However, this stone also has white, blue, purple, yellow, brown, red and black spotted colours. What is Jade? Jade; is a toxin cleanser that helps the human body eliminate impurities. It acts as an Antioxidant, similar to when...


Tanzanite Crystal – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

TANZANITE’S HISTORICAL AND MYTHOLOGICAL USE This Amazing Crystal is the lavender-blue form of Zoisite. Zoisite was first identified in 1805 by geologist Baron Sigmund Zois von Edelstein in the Saualpe Mountains, Austria. It wasn’t until 1967 that Manuel D’Souza was shown what was later named Tanzanite while prospecting in Tanzania. According to local Masai herders, a lightning strike had set fire to the grass; once the fire was out, they found the crystal scattered around the site. In 1970, Tiffany jeweller Henry Platt named the gem Tanzanite as a marketing ploy. It quickly became a favourite for healing and jewellery,...

Chrysoprase (Heart Stone)

Chrysoprase (Heart Stone)

What is Chrysoprase? Chrysoprase Natural Stone, which is Chrysoprase in English, derives from the Greek root. It is known that this stone, considered among the precious stones, is of the chalcedony type. Chrysoprase Crystal is a variety that is usually encountered in green tones. In this respect, it can often be confused with heliotrope. Chrysoprase Crystal combines the most beautiful shades of green. In this respect, it may even be compared with the emerald stone. However, these two stone greens differ depending on their source. Accordingly, the chromium it contains gives the emerald its green colour. Chrysoprase Natural Stone’s green...

Sunstone (Leadership Stone)

Sunstone (Leadership Stone)

What is Sunstone? Sunstone has been likened to the Sun because it has fire colours. It is one of the stones encountered in excavations of ancient times. When combined with moonstone, it helps to reveal hidden matters. Since it is believed to take its energy from the Sun, it is beneficial to use it, mainly in sun-exposed areas. What Does Sunstone Mean? Sunstone is one of the powerful stones that nourishes the soul and heals the body. It helps the person to realize his potential and to rise in every field. It is effective against stress and anxiety thanks to...