Shattuckite – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Shattuckite Properties! This post explores this remarkable crystal’s alluring healing properties, associated zodiac signs, and chakras. Discover how Shattuckite can enhance your well-being, promote spiritual growth, and bring balance to your life. Whether you’re seeking clarity, emotional healing, or a deeper connection to the spiritual realm, Shattuckite may hold the key. Dive into this enchanting crystal and unlock its transformative potential.

What is Shattuckite?

Shattuckite is a fascinating mineral that belongs to the silicate mineral group. It shares a similar composition to azurite but has a copper silicate base instead of a copper carbonate base. This gives Shattuckite unique properties and striking blue colour, ranging from deep indigo blue to a sky blue reminiscent of turquoise.

Known for its rarity, Shattuckite is primarily found in regions such as Namibia, the Congo, and the southwestern United States. It often crystallizes alongside other copper minerals like dioptase, chrysocolla, malachite, ajoite, and papagoite.

Beyond its aesthetic appeal, Shattuckite is treasured for its metaphysical properties. It is believed to be a potent stone for channelling, intuition, and spiritual awakening. It facilitates clear communication with higher realms, supports an interpretation of symbols and dreams, and deepens meditation and visionary experiences.

Shattuckite also has a profound impact on the heart and spiritual practice. It helps establish a connection between the heart and higher realms, bringing about a shift in perception and reminding us of the spiritual nature of the heart centre. This crystal is associated with authenticity, truth-seeking, and the manifestation of intentions.

Shattuckite can be combined with other stones like chrysocolla, lapis lazuli, turquoise, or high-vibration stones such as aquamarine, moldavite, and petalite to enhance its effects.

Whether you’re seeking spiritual growth, clarity, or a stronger connection to the divine, Shattuckite offers a transformative journey of self-discovery and profound changes.


Shattuckite Historical And Mythological Uses

Shattuckite is a relatively new mineral in terms of its discovery, and as such, it doesn’t have an extensive historical or mythological background compared to other gemstones. However, its unique properties and beauty have recently captured the attention of crystal enthusiasts and metaphysical practitioners.

Since its discovery in the mid-20th century at the Shattuck Mine in Arizona, United States, it was named after the mine itself. Shattuckite quickly gained recognition for its vibrant blue colour and metaphysical qualities.

In the metaphysical realm, Shattuckite is often associated with spiritual awakening, intuition, and channelling. It is believed to facilitate communication with higher realms and clarify the interpretation of symbols and dreams. Some individuals call it the “LSD of the mineral kingdom” due to its ability to open gateways to higher states of consciousness.

While there may not be specific historical or mythological references to Shattuckite, its beauty and energetic properties have made it a sought-after stone for personal and spiritual growth. People have incorporated Shattuckite into their meditation practices, crystal grids, and energy work to enhance their intuitive abilities and deepen their connection to the spiritual realm.

As with many gemstones and crystals, the true power of Shattuckite lies in personal experience and the individual’s intention when working with it. Its rich blue colour and energetic properties continue to inspire and captivate those who seek its transformative qualities in their spiritual journey.


Shattuckite Other Names

The name “Shattuckite” originates from its original discovery location, the Shattuck Mine in Bisbee, Arizona, United States. It was named after the mine to honour the place where it was first identified.

Is Shattuckite known as anything else? Shattuckite is primarily known by its scientific name, but it is worth noting that there are no widely recognized alternative or common names for this crystal. It’s unique properties and distinct blue colour makes it easily recognizable and distinguishable within the crystal community. So, “Shattuckite” remains the most commonly used and accepted name for this mineral.

Shattuckite Metaphysical Properties

Colour:Deep indigo blue to a shade of sky blue reminiscent of turquoise
Chakras:Throat, Third Eye, Higher Heart, Crown chakra
Zodiac:Taurus and Libra
Birthstone for:
Elements: Water
Symbol:Waves, spirals, or sacred geometry
Shattuckite Pendant

Colour: Shattuckite typically exhibits a range of colours, including deep indigo blue and sky blue reminiscent of turquoise.

Chakras: Shattuckite is associated with several chakras, including the throat chakra, third eye chakra, higher heart chakra, crown chakra, and higher crown chakra. It is believed to align and activate these energy centres, promoting communication, intuition, and spiritual connection.

Vibration: Shattuckite is known for its high vibrational energy. Its frequencies are believed to enhance thought, metaphysical vision, and spiritual insight.

Number: Shattuckite is often associated with the number 11. The number 11 is considered a master number associated with intuition, spiritual awakening, and higher consciousness.

Zodiac: Shattuckite is commonly linked with the zodiac signs of Taurus and Libra. It is believed to resonate well with individuals born under these signs, enhancing their communication abilities, intuition, and spiritual growth.

Planet: Shattuckite is associated with the planet Venus. The energy of Venus is said to bring harmony, love, beauty, and balance. It complements the transformative and intuitive qualities of Shattuckite.

Birthstone for: Shattuckite is not specifically assigned as a traditional birthstone for any particular month. However, its energetic properties make it suitable for individuals seeking spiritual growth, enhanced communication, and intuitive development regardless of their birth month.

Elements: Shattuckite is primarily associated with the element of water, reflecting its flowing, intuitive, and emotional nature. It resonates with the fluidity and depth of water energy.

Symbol: Shattuckite does not have a specific symbol commonly associated with it. However, its vibrant blue colour and association with communication and spiritual connection may be symbolized by elements such as waves, spirals, or sacred geometry representing these concepts.


Shattuckite Specific Body Parts

Organs:Tonsils and intercellular structures
Gland:Endocrine system
Systems:Respiratory system, Immune system, and Nervous system.

Organs: Shattuckite is believed to influence the tonsils and intercellular structures within the body positively. It is associated with supporting the health and well-being of these specific body parts.

Gland: While no specific gland is commonly associated with Shattuckite, its overall energetic properties and ability to promote balance and harmony may indirectly benefit the endocrine system.

Systems: Shattuckite is believed to have a harmonizing and balancing effect on various systems within the body. It supports overall well-being and balance, positively impacting multiple bodily systems, including the respiratory, immune, and nervous systems.

It’s important to note that the healing properties of crystals are based on belief and anecdotal experiences. Crystal healing should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. If you have specific health concerns or conditions, it’s recommended to consult with a qualified healthcare professional.

Buying this crystal in any form, gem or raw, is easy. Our blog is reader supported. Click on our Etsy or Amazon links to access unique pieces made from real minerals with attractive handwork.


Shattuckite Healing Properties

Best for:

The mystical properties of shattuckite crystal are most evident in these situations:

  1. Channeling and Spiritual Communication: Shattuckite is renowned for its ability to facilitate communication with higher realms and spirit guides. It enhances one’s intuitive abilities and opens channels for receiving messages and insights from the spiritual realm. When working with Shattuckite, individuals may experience heightened psychic communication and a deeper connection to spiritual energies.
  2. Dreamwork and Symbol Interpretation: Shattuckite is known to enhance dream experiences and aid in interpreting symbols and messages within dreams. It can amplify the clarity and vividness of dreams, making them more memorable and insightful. By working with Shattuckite before sleep or placing it under the pillow, individuals may access deeper layers of the subconscious and gain valuable spiritual guidance through their dreams.
  3. Meditation and Spiritual Awakening: Shattuckite’s high vibrational energy makes it a powerful ally for meditation and spiritual practices. It helps quiet the mind, deepen focus, and elevate consciousness. Meditating with Shattuckite can lead to profound spiritual experiences, expanded awareness, and a deeper understanding of one’s spiritual path.
  4. Truth-seeking and Authentic Expression: Shattuckite encourages truth-seeking and authentic self-expression. It assists in uncovering hidden truths and understanding how past words and beliefs have shaped one’s current reality. This crystal supports individuals in speaking their truth with clarity, honesty, and integrity, fostering open and authentic communication.
  5. Heart-Spirit Connection and Spiritual Transformation: Shattuckite has a unique ability to shift the perception of the heart centre from an emotional plane to a spiritual one. It deepens the connection between the heart and higher realms, facilitating spiritual transformation and aligning one’s actions with spiritual principles. By working with Shattuckite, individuals may experience a profound shift in their spiritual perspective and a greater sense of purpose and connection to the divine.

These situations highlight Shattuckite’s mystical and transformative nature, showcasing its potential to facilitate spiritual growth, intuitive development, and profound spiritual experiences.


Effect On The Body

Shattuckite is believed to have various healing properties that can positively affect the body. Here are some of its effects on the body:

  1. Tonsillitis and Throat Conditions: Shattuckite has an affinity for the throat chakra and is known to alleviate throat conditions such as tonsillitis and laryngitis. Its energy is believed to soothe and heal the throat, promoting a healthy and balanced throat function.
  2. Blood Clotting: Shattuckite is said to improve blood clotting properties. If you have issues with blood clotting or want to support the body’s natural clotting process, shattuckite may be beneficial.
  3. Intercellular Structures: This crystal is believed to clear blockages in intercellular structures within the body. Shattuckite may support overall cellular health and well-being by promoting flow and balance at a cellular level.
  4. Minor Health Complaints: Shattuckite is considered beneficial for addressing minor health complaints. It is believed to gently bring the body back into balance, promoting overall well-being and supporting the body’s natural healing processes.
  5. Spring Tonic: Shattuckite is often associated with being a tonic, particularly useful during the spring season. It is believed to revitalize and rebalance the body after winter, providing a refreshing energy boost and promoting overall vitality.

It’s important to note that while shattuckite is associated with these healing properties, its effectiveness may vary from person to person. Crystal healing is complementary and should not replace professional medical advice or treatment. If you have any specific health concerns, it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional.


Effect On The Emotions

Shattuckite is believed to have healing properties that can positively impact emotions and bring about emotional balance. Here are some of its effects on emotions:

  1. Emotional Expression: Shattuckite is known to support authentic emotional expression. It encourages the release of emotions that may have been suppressed or repressed, allowing for a healthy and open expression of feelings. Working with Shattuckite makes it easier to communicate your emotions and express yourself more honestly.
  2. Calming and Soothing: The energy of shattuckite is often described as calming and soothing. It is believed to help reduce stress, anxiety, and emotional tension. By holding or wearing shattuckite, you may experience a sense of inner peace and tranquillity, allowing for emotional relaxation.
  3. Intuition and Insight: Shattuckite enhances intuition and provides clarity of thought. It is believed to sharpen one’s psychic abilities and promote clear insight into emotional patterns and behaviours. By working with Shattuckite, you may better understand your emotions and be more attuned to your intuitive guidance.
  4. Emotional Healing: Shattuckite is thought to facilitate emotional healing and release emotional blockages. It is said to assist in the healing of past emotional wounds and traumas, allowing for emotional growth and transformation. By working with Shattuckite, you may experience a sense of emotional liberation and the ability to let go of negative emotional patterns.
  5. Emotional Balance: Shattuckite is believed to restore emotional balance and harmony. It can help stabilize emotions and create a sense of inner equilibrium. By incorporating shattuckite into your daily practice, you may experience greater emotional resilience and a more balanced state of being.

Effect On The Mind

Shattuckite is believed to have healing properties that can positively impact the mind, promoting clarity, focus, and expanded consciousness. Here are some of its effects on the mind:

  1. Mental Clarity: Shattuckite is known for enhancing mental clarity and focus. It is believed to clear mental fog, promote clear thinking, and improve cognitive abilities. By working with Shattuckite, you may experience improved mental sharpness and enhanced problem-solving skills.
  2. Expanded Consciousness: Shattuckite is often associated with expanding consciousness and accessing higher realms of awareness. It opens the mind to new perspectives, insights, and spiritual dimensions. By meditating or working with Shattuckite, you may experience a deeper connection to your inner wisdom and a broader understanding of your world.
  3. Enhanced Intuition: Shattuckite is believed to stimulate intuition and psychic abilities. It can help you trust your instincts and decide based on inner guidance. Working with Shattuckite may strengthen your intuition and develop a deeper connection to your intuitive wisdom.
  4. Emotional Intelligence: Shattuckite enhances emotional intelligence, allowing for a better understanding and management of emotions. It can help you become more aware of your emotional patterns and responses, leading to greater emotional resilience and well-being. By working with Shattuckite, you may cultivate a balanced and harmonious emotional state.
  5. Focus and Concentration: Shattuckite is believed to support focus and concentration, making it beneficial for studying, working, or any activity that requires mental attentiveness. It can help calm a busy mind and improve mental productivity. By using Shattuckite, you may experience improved concentration and the ability to stay focused on tasks.
Shattuckite and Chrysocolla

Effect On The Spirit

Shattuckite is believed to have healing properties that can profoundly impact the spirit, promoting spiritual growth, connection, and enlightenment. Here are some of its effects on the spirit:

  1. Spiritual Awakening: Shattuckite is known for its ability to facilitate spiritual awakening and expansion. It is believed to open pathways to higher realms of consciousness, allowing for a deeper connection to oneself and the divine and spiritual aspects. By working with Shattuckite, you may experience an awakening of your spiritual potential and a greater sense of purpose.
  2. Intuitive Insight: Shattuckite is said to enhance intuitive insight and spiritual discernment. It can help you tune into your inner wisdom and receive guidance from higher sources. By meditating or working with Shattuckite, you may develop a stronger connection to your intuition and receive profound spiritual insights.
  3. Clear Communication: Shattuckite is believed to support clear and authentic communication with the spiritual realm. It can enhance your ability to channel messages, interpret symbols, and understand spiritual guidance. By working with Shattuckite, you may experience clearer and more effective communication with spirit guides, angels, or higher beings.
  4. Heart-Spirit Connection: Shattuckite strengthens the connection between the heart and the spiritual plane. It reminds us that the heart is a spiritual principle and encourages us to align our spiritual practice with heartfelt intentions. Working with Shattuckite may deepen your spiritual connection and experience a profound sense of love and compassion.
  5. Spiritual Transformation: Shattuckite is believed to facilitate spiritual transformation and growth. It can help you release limiting beliefs, old patterns, and energetic blockages that hinder spiritual progress. By working with Shattuckite, you may experience a profound transformation on a spiritual level, leading to greater enlightenment and self-realization.

Effect On The Environment

Shattuckite is believed to have healing properties that can positively impact the environment, promoting harmony, purification, and balanced energy. Here are some of its effects on the environment:

  1. Energetic Cleansing: Shattuckite is said to cleanse and purify the energy of spaces. It can help remove stagnant or negative energies, creating a more harmonious and uplifting environment. By placing shattuckite in your living or working space, you may experience a renewed sense of vitality and a lighter, energetic atmosphere.
  2. Harmonizing Energies: Shattuckite is believed to harmonize the energies within an environment. It can help balance and align the energetic vibrations, promoting a sense of equilibrium and coherence. Incorporating shattuckite into your surroundings may create a more harmonious and balanced environment.
  3. Enhancing Communication: Shattuckite enhances communication among individuals and within the environment. It is believed to promote harmonious interactions and understanding between different elements of the environment, such as plants, animals, and humans. Having shattuckite in your environment may foster better communication and cooperation within the ecosystem.
  4. Natural Healing: Shattuckite is said to have a natural healing effect on the environment. Its energy is believed to promote the growth and vitality of plants, supporting a healthy ecosystem. Placing shattuckite near plants or garden areas may enhance their overall well-being and encourage their natural healing processes.
  5. Sacred Space Creation: Shattuckite can be used to create sacred spaces and altars. Its presence can help establish a sacred and energetically charged environment that is conducive to spiritual practices, meditation, or self-reflection. By dedicating a space with shattuckite, you may create a sacred haven that nurtures and uplifts the energies within.
Shattuckite in ETSY Shop

Special Notes

How do I know if Shattuckite is natural or fake?

Determining whether Shattuckite is natural or fake can sometimes be challenging, as some imitations can closely resemble the genuine material. However, there are a few key factors to consider when assessing the authenticity of Shattuckite:

  1. Source and Trustworthy Seller: Purchase Shattuckite from reputable sources and trusted sellers with a reputation for selling genuine minerals. Research the seller’s background, customer reviews, and certifications if available.
  2. Appearance and Color: Examine the specimen closely for any inconsistencies or unnatural uniformity in colour. Natural Shattuckite may display hue, intensity, and pattern variations due to its unique mineral formations and impurities. Be cautious of specimens that appear too vibrant or have a perfectly uniform colour throughout.
  3. Price and Too Good to be True: If the price of the Shattuckite specimen seems significantly lower than the average market value or if it appears to be an unusually rare find, it could be an indicator of a potential fake. Genuine Shattuckite is relatively rare, and exceptionally low prices may suggest a synthetic or imitation material.
  4. Texture and Feel: Natural Shattuckite typically has a smooth, solid, and cool texture when touched. Be wary of specimens that feel lightweight, excessively smooth, or have a plasticky or synthetic feel.

What could be the brown spots on the shattuckite?

Brown spots or inclusions on Shattuckite can occur due to various factors and impurities present during the formation of the crystal. These spots can vary in size, shape, and distribution within the stone. Here are a few possible reasons for the brown spots:

  1. Iron Oxides: Shattuckite sometimes contains small inclusions of iron oxides, such as limonite or hematite. These iron oxide inclusions can appear as brown spots within the blue matrix of the Shattuckite. Iron impurities are common in many minerals and can create various colours, including brown.
  2. Matrix Material: Shattuckite is often associated with other minerals or within a matrix rock. The brown spots could be part of the surrounding matrix material that got incorporated into the Shattuckite crystal during its formation. The matrix rock may contain different minerals or impurities contributing to brown colouration.
  3. Natural Variations: Shattuckite can have natural variations and inclusions like any natural crystal. These variations can result in different colours and patterns, including brown spots. These natural variations contribute to the uniqueness and individuality of each crystal.
  4. Environmental Factors: The formation process of minerals can be influenced by various environmental factors, such as temperature, pressure, and chemical composition. Fluctuations in these factors during crystal growth can lead to the inclusion of different materials, resulting in brown spots.

It’s important to note that brown spots do not necessarily indicate a fake or low-quality Shattuckite specimen. In fact, it is quite common for natural crystals to exhibit variations and inclusions. The brown spots can add character and uniqueness to the crystal.

Without a visual inspection or specific information about the brown spots on your Shattuckite specimen, it is challenging to identify the minerals causing the discolouration with certainty. However, I can provide you with some possibilities based on common inclusions or impurities found in minerals:

  1. Iron Oxides: Iron oxides, such as limonite or hematite, are common minerals that can appear as brown inclusions or spots in various crystals. These minerals often occur naturally in the Earth’s crust and can contribute to brown colouration.
  2. Manganese Oxides: Manganese oxides, such as manganite or hausmannite, are another group of minerals that can exhibit brown colouration. These oxides often form as impurities in minerals and can result in brown spots or streaks.
  3. Copper Oxides: Copper oxides, such as cuprite or tenorite, can sometimes appear as brown inclusions or spots in copper-bearing minerals. Shattuckite itself is a copper silicate hydroxide, so it is possible that copper oxide impurities could contribute to the brown spots.
  4. Organic Matter: In some cases, brown spots in minerals can result from organic matter or other substances that have become trapped during the crystal’s formation. These organic inclusions can range from decomposed plant matter to other organic compounds, causing brown discolouration.

The Most Effective Shattuckite Combinations

Shattuckite can be combined with other crystals to enhance its energetic properties and create synergistic effects. Here are some effective combinations with Shattuckite:

Chrysocolla: Combining Shattuckite with Chrysocolla can amplify their communication-enhancing qualities. Chrysocolla promotes compassionate communication and empowers one to express their truth with kindness. Together, these crystals create a potent synergy for clear and compassionate communication.

Lapis Lazuli: Lapis Lazuli and Shattuckite have strong connections to the third eye chakra and enhance intuition. Combining these crystals can deepen intuitive abilities, stimulate spiritual insights, and expand consciousness. They work together to facilitate inner wisdom and spiritual growth.

Turquoise: Turquoise shares a similar blue colour with Shattuckite and has a calming and protective energy. Combining Turquoise with Shattuckite can create a harmonious blend that supports spiritual communication, emotional balance, and energetic protection.

Aquamarine: Aquamarine’s soothing energy and connection to the element of water can complement Shattuckite’s intuitive and emotional properties. This combination enhances emotional healing, supports clear communication, and fosters deep calm and serenity.

Moldavite: Moldavite is a high-vibration stone that accelerates spiritual growth and transformation. When combined with Shattuckite, it can amplify the awakening and transformative energies, facilitating profound spiritual experiences and opening gateways to higher realms.

Ajoite: Ajoite is a rare and powerful crystal known for its soothing and calming energy. Combining Ajoite with Shattuckite can create a potent combination for emotional healing, deepening spiritual connections, and promoting inner peace.

Petalite: Petalite is a high-vibration crystal that is often associated with angelic connections and spiritual growth. Pairing Petalite with Shattuckite can create a harmonious blend for accessing higher realms, expanding consciousness, and receiving guidance from spiritual beings.

Papagoite: Papagoite is a rare and highly spiritual crystal known for its deep blue colour. Combining Papagoite with Shattuckite can enhance spiritual communication, increase intuitive abilities, and foster a profound connection to the divine.

Seraphinite: Seraphinite is a crystal that embodies the energy of angelic beings and promotes spiritual enlightenment. Pairing Seraphinite with Shattuckite can amplify spiritual transformation, deepen intuition, and facilitate communication with angelic realms.

Remember to trust your intuition when exploring combinations with crystals. Each crystal has its unique energy, and combining them can create a synergistic effect that resonates with your specific needs and intentions. Cleanse and recharge your crystals regularly to maintain their energetic potency.

Shattuckite in Quantum Quattro
Shattuckite in Quantum Quattro

How To Use and Clean Shattuckite

Cleansing:All methods can be use; Fumigation, Air, Water, Sun, Moon, Sound, Earth, and more info…
Storage:Since it is a soft crystal and not shockproof, please keep it alone in the box against scratches and breakage.
Compliance with Essence:Suitable. Never drink the essence, but you can apply it to the skin. More info…
Application:Every day, you can wear jewellery with gemstones, such as necklaces, earrings, rings and bracelets. This crystal is among the healing stones worn daily without worrying. You can also use it while bathing and sleeping if you wish. On the other hand, you can keep this raw and unpolished healing crystal in your living room or bedroom.

To use Shattuckite, you can incorporate it into your daily life in various ways. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Meditation: During meditation, hold a piece of Shattuckite in your hand or place it on your third eye or throat chakra. Allow its energy to help deepen your meditation, enhance your intuition, and facilitate spiritual connection.
  2. Crystal Grids: Create a crystal grid with Shattuckite as the central stone or incorporate it into your existing crystal grid. Combine it with other crystals that align with your intentions to amplify its effects and create a synergistic energy pattern.
  3. Wearing as Jewelry: Wear Shattuckite as jewellery, such as a pendant, ring, or bracelet, to keep its energy close to your body throughout the day. This provides a continuous connection with its healing properties and enhances communication and intuition.
  4. Placement in Environment: Place Shattuckite in specific areas of your home, workplace, or sacred space to promote a harmonious and spiritually supportive environment. You can position it on an altar, in a meditation corner, or in areas where you wish to enhance communication and intuition.
  5. Dreamwork: Before sleep, place Shattuckite under your pillow or bedside table to enhance dream experiences and facilitate clear recall. It may help in receiving spiritual guidance and insights during dream states.

When it comes to cleaning Shattuckite, there are a few methods you can use:

  1. Water: Shattuckite is generally safe to cleanse with water. You can rinse it under running water or soak it in a bowl of water for a few minutes to cleanse away any accumulated energy. Afterwards, pat it dry with a soft cloth.
  2. Smudging: Pass Shattuckite through the smoke of cleansing herbs such as sage, palo santo, or cedarwood to clear its energy. Visualize the smoke purifying and revitalizing the crystal as you do this.
  3. Selenite: Place Shattuckite on a piece of Selenite overnight or for a few hours to cleanse and recharge its energy. Selenite has the ability to clear and amplify the energy of other crystals.
  4. Visualization: Envision a stream of pure white light flowing over Shattuckite, washing away any unwanted energies and restoring it to its natural state. This method is especially effective if you have developed a strong visualization practice.

Remember to cleanse and recharge Shattuckite regularly, especially after intense use or when you feel its energy has become dull or heavy. Trust your intuition and choose the method that most resonates with you for cleansing and reenergizing your crystal.

Shattuckite Structural Features

Mineral Class:Silicate
Crystal System:Orthorhombic
Composition:copper (Cu), silicon (Si), oxygen (O), and hydroxide (OH) ions
Specific Gravity:3.5 to 4.0
Mohs’ Hardness:3.5
Source:Namibia, the Congo, and the southwestern United States
Rarity:Relatively rare
Lustre:Vitreous to dull

Mineral Class: Shattuckite is classified as a mineral belonging to the silicate class.

Crystal System: Shattuckite crystallizes in the orthorhombic crystal system. This system is characterized by three axes of different lengths intersecting at right angles.

Chemistry: The chemistry of Shattuckite is a copper silicate hydroxide. Its chemical formula is Cu5(SiO3)4(OH)2. This composition distinguishes it from other minerals with similar blue colours, such as azurite, which is a copper carbonate.

Composition: Shattuckite is composed of copper (Cu), silicon (Si), oxygen (O), and hydroxide (OH) ions. Its specific chemical composition is Cu5(SiO3)4(OH)2.

Specific Gravity: Shattuckite has a specific gravity ranging from approximately 3.5 to 4.0. This measurement refers to the density of the mineral relative to the density of water.

Mohs’ Hardness: Shattuckite has a Mohs’ hardness of around 3.5. This indicates that it is relatively soft compared to minerals with higher hardness values.

Shattuckite with Quartz Photo From
Shattuckite with Quartz Photo From

Source: Shattuckite is primarily sourced from locations such as Namibia, the Congo, and the southwestern United States. It is found in mines where copper minerals are abundant.

Rarity: Shattuckite is considered a relatively rare mineral. While it is found in multiple locations, significant deposits are limited, making it less commonly available than more widespread minerals.

Lustre: Shattuckite exhibits a vitreous to dull lustre. The lustre refers to the way light reflects off the mineral’s surface. In the case of Shattuckite, it can range from glassy and shiny (vitreous) to more muted and non-reflective (dull).

Structurally, Shattuckite forms as aggregates of small crystals or as massive material. It often closely associates with other copper minerals, including dioptase, chrysocolla, malachite, ajoite, and papagoite.

While the crystal structure of Shattuckite is not as well-documented as some other minerals, its unique composition and arrangement of atoms contribute to its vibrant blue colour and metaphysical properties. The intricate lattice of atoms within Shattuckite is thought to give rise to its energetic characteristics, allowing it to facilitate communication, intuition, and spiritual connection.

Shattuckite Varieties

Shattuckite is primarily known as a single mineral species with a consistent chemical composition and crystal structure. However, it can exhibit variations in colour and appearance due to factors such as impurities or variations in crystal formation. These variations are often referred to as “varieties” of Shattuckite. Here are a few notable varieties:

Botryoidal Shattuckite
Botryoidal Shattuckite

Botryoidal Shattuckite: Botryoidal Shattuckite forms in rounded, grape-like clusters with smooth and bumpy surfaces. This variety showcases the characteristic blue colour of Shattuckite and often has a captivating and visually appealing appearance.

Blue Shattuckite: This is the most common variety of Shattuckite, characterized by its deep indigo blue to sky blue colour. The blue colour is attributed to the presence of copper within the crystal structure.

Fibrous Shattuckite: Fibrous Shattuckite consists of thin, fibrous crystals with silky or fibrous texture. It may form in intricate interwoven patterns and is highly valued for its unique aesthetic qualities.

Crystalline Shattuckite: Crystalline Shattuckite refers to specimens that exhibit well-formed, distinct crystals. These crystals can vary in size and may showcase the characteristic blue colour and lustrous surfaces.

It’s worth noting that mineralogical authorities do not formally recognize these varieties as separate mineral species but rather describe different visual characteristics of Shattuckite specimens. The overall chemical composition and crystal structure remain consistent among these varieties.

Regardless of the variety, all Shattuckite specimens share the same metaphysical properties and energetic qualities, making them sought after by crystal enthusiasts and spiritual practitioners alike.

African Shattuckite Photo from
African Fibrous Shattuckite Photo from

African Shattuckite

African Shattuckite refers to specimens originating from various African countries, particularly those in the continent’s southern region. Namibia and the Democratic Republic of Congo are known for producing notable African Shattuckite specimens.

Collectors and crystal enthusiasts highly regard African Shattuckite for its vibrant blue colour, unique patterns, and metaphysical properties. The specimens from these regions often exhibit intense blue hues, intricate formations, and captivating aesthetics.

Namibian Shattuckite, in particular, is highly sought after for its deep indigo-blue colour and distinct botryoidal or fibrous formations. The Shattuckite from the Kaokoveld region of Namibia is renowned for its exceptional quality and beauty.

Shattuckite from the Democratic Republic of Congo is also valued for its rich blue colour and unique crystal formations. The Congo is known for producing both small crystalline specimens and larger, more massive formations of Shattuckite.

African Shattuckite is believed to carry the energetic essence of the African continent, adding to its allure and desirability. Its metaphysical properties are thought to be enhanced by the spiritual energy of the land from which it originates.

Ajoite Photo From
Ajoite Photo From

Ajoite with Shattuckite

Ajoite and Shattuckite are both copper-based minerals that are often found together in the same mineral specimens. Combining Ajoite and Shattuckite can create a powerful synergy, amplifying their individual energetic properties and creating a unique blend of healing energies.

Ajoite is a rare and highly spiritual crystal known for its soothing energy. It is associated with emotional healing, inner peace, and connection with higher realms. Ajoite is believed to enhance communication with angels and spirit guides, facilitating a sense of deep serenity and spiritual growth.

As mentioned earlier, Shattuckite is known for its ability to enhance communication, intuition, and spiritual connection. It facilitates clear expression, deepens intuition, and opens pathways to higher realms of consciousness. Shattuckite is often called a “gatekeeper” crystal for its role in channelling and accessing spiritual insights.

Combining Ajoite and Shattuckite in a single specimen or in your crystal work can create a harmonious blend of their energies. This combination promotes emotional healing, spiritual transformation, and enhanced communication with the divine. It can assist in deepening your connection to higher realms, accessing spiritual guidance, and fostering a sense of inner peace and clarity.

When working with the Ajoite and Shattuckite combination, trust your intuition and experiment with different ways of incorporating them into your spiritual practices. You can meditate with the specimen, place it on the appropriate chakras during energy healing sessions, or simply keep it near you to benefit from its energetic qualities.

Shattuckite with Malachite and Chrysocolla
Shattuckite with Malachite and Chrysocolla

Shattuckite Crystals with Malachite

Shattuckite and Malachite are two copper-based minerals that are often found in close association with each other. Combining Shattuckite and Malachite crystals can create a powerful synergy, merging their individual properties to enhance spiritual growth, communication, and healing.

As mentioned before, Shattuckite is known for its ability to facilitate communication and connection with higher realms. It enhances intuition, deepens meditation, and promotes clarity of thought. Shattuckite can help awaken psychic abilities and open channels for receiving spiritual insights.

Malachite, on the other hand, is a vibrant green mineral known for its strong healing properties. It is often associated with transformation, growth, and protection. Malachite absorbs negative energies, releases emotional blockages, and supports inner healing and personal growth.

When combined, Shattuckite and Malachite can complement each other’s energies in various ways:

  1. Enhanced Communication: Shattuckite’s communication-enhancing properties and Malachite’s ability to remove barriers and blockages can facilitate clear and authentic expression. This combination can benefit effective communication in relationships, self-expression, and truth-sharing.
  2. Spiritual Growth and Intuition: Shattuckite’s intuitive and spiritual qualities can be amplified when combined with Malachite. The grounding and transformative energies of Malachite can help anchor and integrate the spiritual insights and intuitive guidance received through Shattuckite.
  3. Healing and Emotional Release: Malachite’s healing properties and Shattuckite’s ability to access higher realms can support emotional healing and release. This combination can help let go of past traumas, release emotional blockages, and foster inner transformation.

To utilize the combination of Shattuckite and Malachite, you can place them together in your meditation space, create crystal grids incorporating both crystals or wear jewellery that includes both stones. Trust your intuition and experiment with different ways to incorporate them into your spiritual practices to experience their combined healing and transformative energies.

Shattuckite in Quantum Quattro
Shattuckite in Quantum Quattro

Shattuckite in Quantum Quattro

Shattuckite is one of the minerals that can be found as part of the Quantum Quattro composition. Quantum Quattro combines several minerals, including Shattuckite, Dioptase, Malachite, Chrysocolla, and Smoky Quartz.

When Shattuckite is included in Quantum Quattro, it adds energetic qualities to the overall combination. Here’s how Shattuckite can contribute to the energy of Quantum Quattro:

  1. Enhanced Communication: Shattuckite is known for enhancing communication, intuition, and clear expression. When combined with the other minerals in Quantum Quattro, it can amplify the communication aspect of the stone, facilitating effective communication on various levels.
  2. Deepened Intuition and Spiritual Connection: Shattuckite’s energy supports spiritual growth and connection with higher realms. Its presence in Quantum Quattro can enhance intuitive abilities and deepen the spiritual connection experienced when working with the stone.
  3. Emotional Healing and Clarity: Shattuckite can assist in emotional healing by releasing emotional blockages and promoting emotional clarity. In Quantum Quattro, Shattuckite’s properties can contribute to the overall emotional healing qualities of the stone, aiding in the release of past traumas and fostering emotional well-being.
  4. Insight and Wisdom: Shattuckite is believed to bring insights and wisdom from higher realms. Its presence in Quantum Quattro can enhance the stone’s ability to access higher wisdom and guidance, allowing for greater clarity and understanding.

Quantum Quattro, combining minerals, including Shattuckite, offers diverse energetic properties. It is believed to have a harmonizing and balancing effect on the mind, body, and spirit. Working with Quantum Quattro can promote emotional healing, intuition, spiritual growth, and enhanced communication.

Shattuckite with Chrysocolla
Shattuckite with Chrysocolla

Shattuckite vs. Chrysocolla

Shattuckite and Chrysocolla are copper-based minerals known for their beautiful blue and green colours. While they share some similarities, there are distinct differences between Shattuckite and Chrysocolla:

Composition: Shattuckite is a copper silicate hydroxide (Cu5(SiO3)4(OH)2), while Chrysocolla is a hydrated copper silicate (Cu2-xAlx(H2-xSi2O5)(OH)4.nH2O). The difference in chemical composition results in variations in their physical and metaphysical properties.

Colour: Shattuckite primarily displays various shades of blue, ranging from deep indigo blue to sky blue reminiscent of turquoise. On the other hand, Chrysocolla is typically characterized by vibrant green, blue, and turquoise hues. It often exhibits a mottled or marbled appearance, with swirling patterns of different colours.

Metaphysical Properties: Shattuckite enhances communication, intuition, and spiritual connection. It facilitates clear expression, deepens meditation, and promotes connection with higher realms. On the other hand, Chrysocolla is associated with calming and soothing energies. It is believed to encourage emotional healing, balance emotions, and promote inner strength and self-expression.

Energy and Vibration: Shattuckite is known for its intense and transformative energy. It can connect deeply with higher realms and facilitate spiritual growth and awakening. On the other hand, Chrysocolla carries a more gentle and nurturing energy. It promotes a sense of calm, tranquillity, and emotional healing.

Chrysocolla & Shattuckite
Chrysocolla & Shattuckite

Connection to Feminine Energies: Shattuckite and Chrysocolla are associated with feminine energies. Shattuckite is believed to enhance feminine intuition, wisdom, and spiritual connection. Chrysocolla is often regarded as a stone of the Goddess, representing feminine power, grace, and the nurturing aspects of the Divine Feminine.

Emotional Healing: Shattuckite is believed to help release emotional blockages, promote emotional clarity, and facilitate healing on an emotional level. It encourages authentic expression and supports emotional growth. Chrysocolla is renowned for its soothing properties. It helps alleviate stress, anxiety, and emotional turmoil. Chrysocolla promotes inner balance, harmony, and self-acceptance.

Associations with Chakras: Shattuckite is commonly associated with the throat chakra, third eye chakra, and crown chakra. It supports clear communication, intuitive insights, and spiritual growth. Chrysocolla is often connected with the throat chakra and heart chakra, facilitating heartfelt communication, emotional healing, and harmony.

Physical Healing Properties: Shattuckite is believed to have some physical healing properties, such as supporting the immune system, aiding cellular regeneration, and assisting in recovery from genetic or radiation-related conditions. Chrysocolla is associated with properties like soothing inflammation, supporting the respiratory system, and promoting overall well-being.

Usage and Applications: Shattuckite is commonly used in meditation, channelling, dreamwork, and spiritual practices that involve communication and intuition. Chrysocolla is utilized for emotional healing, heart-centred work, and promoting self-expression. It is also popular in jewellery and artistic creations due to its vibrant colours.

While Shattuckite and Chrysocolla have distinct properties, they can complement each other in spiritual practices and crystal work. Their combined energy can support clear communication, intuition, emotional healing, and spiritual growth. Depending on your specific needs and intentions, you can choose to work with one or both of these minerals to enhance your spiritual journey and well-being.

Chrysocolla Photo From
Chrysocolla Photo From

Chrysocolla Ajoite Shattuckite

Combining Chrysocolla, Ajoite, and Shattuckite creates a powerful synergy of energies, as each crystal brings its unique properties to the mix. Here’s how these crystals can work together:

  1. Chrysocolla: Chrysocolla is associated with soothing and nurturing energies. It promotes emotional healing, compassion, and self-expression. Its calming vibrations can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and emotional turmoil. Chrysocolla also fosters a connection with the Divine Feminine, enhancing intuition and communication from the heart.
  2. Ajoite: Ajoite is a rare and highly spiritual crystal known for its uplifting and peaceful energy. It resonates with the heart and throat chakras, facilitating communication with the angelic realm and promoting a deep sense of serenity. Ajoite is believed to assist in emotional healing, releasing past traumas, and embracing unconditional love and forgiveness.
  3. Shattuckite: Shattuckite is a powerful stone for communication, intuition, and spiritual connection. It enhances clear expression, deepens meditation, and facilitates contact with higher realms of consciousness. Shattuckite can assist in channelling, awakening psychic abilities, and gaining spiritual insights. It also supports emotional healing and the pursuit of truth in all endeavours.

When combining Chrysocolla, Ajoite, and Shattuckite, the following effects may be experienced:

  • Emotional Healing and Tranquility: Chrysocolla’s soothing properties, Ajoite’s calming influence, and Shattuckite’s support for emotional growth can create a harmonious environment for emotional healing and inner peace. This combination can help release emotional blockages, promote self-expression, and foster emotional well-being.
  • Enhanced Intuition and Spiritual Connection: Chrysocolla’s connection to the Divine Feminine, Ajoite’s angelic vibrations, and Shattuckite’s ability to access higher realms can amplify intuition and deepen spiritual connections. This combination may enhance psychic abilities, facilitate clear communication with spirit guides, and open channels for spiritual insights.
  • Clear Communication and Authentic Expression: Chrysocolla’s support for self-expression, Ajoite’s encouragement of compassionate communication and Shattuckite’s enhancement of clear expression can create a harmonious blend for effective and heartfelt communication. This combination may assist in speaking one’s truth, fostering understanding in relationships, and promoting compassionate dialogue.

To work with these crystals, you can create a crystal grid, meditate with them, carry them as pocket stones, or place them on relevant chakras during energy healing sessions. Trust your intuition and personal connection with the crystals to guide you in utilizing their combined energies for your specific intentions and needs.

Azurite Photo From
Azurite Photo From

Shattuckite vs. Azurite

Shattuckite and Azurite are copper-based minerals and share some similarities in appearance and composition, but they also have distinct characteristics. Here are some key differences between Shattuckite and Azurite:

Composition: Shattuckite is a copper silicate hydroxide (Cu5(SiO3)4(OH)2), while Azurite is a copper carbonate (Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2). The difference in chemical composition results in variations in their physical and metaphysical properties.

Colour: Shattuckite typically exhibits a range of blue colours, varying from deep indigo blue to a lighter sky blue reminiscent of turquoise. On the other hand, Azurite is known for its deep azure-blue colour. While both minerals have blue hues, the shades, and intensity may differ.

Crystal Structure: Shattuckite crystallizes in the orthorhombic crystal system, forming small crystals or massive aggregates. Azurite, in contrast, has a monoclinic crystal system and typically forms prismatic or tabular crystals. Azurite crystals often have a distinctive deep blue colour and exhibit a more pronounced crystal structure than Shattuckite.

Metaphysical Properties: Shattuckite is associated with enhanced communication, intuition, and spiritual connection. It is known for facilitating clear expression and accessing higher realms of consciousness. On the other hand, Azurite is often regarded as a stone of inner vision, intuition, and spiritual guidance. It enhances psychic abilities and insight, facilitating deep spiritual experiences and transformation.

Shattuckite in ETSY Shop

Energy and Vibration: Shattuckite is known for its high vibrational energy, which is often described as intense and transformative. It facilitates spiritual growth, deep meditation, and connection with higher realms. On the other hand, Azurite carries a more gentle yet powerful energy. It is associated with inner vision, introspection, and enhancing psychic abilities.

Associations with Chakras: Shattuckite is commonly associated with the throat chakra, third eye chakra, and crown chakra. It supports clear communication, intuitive insights, and spiritual awakening. Azurite is closely linked with the third eye chakra and is thought to stimulate and open this energy centre, promoting inner vision, psychic perception, and spiritual awareness.

Physical Healing Properties: Shattuckite is believed to have some physical healing properties, such as supporting the immune system, aiding cellular regeneration, and assisting in recovery from genetic or radiation-related conditions. Azurite supports detoxification, relieves headaches, improves circulation, and enhances overall vitality.

Usage and Applications: Shattuckite is commonly used in meditation, channelling, dreamwork, and spiritual practices that involve communication and intuition. On the other hand, Azurite is utilised to enhance psychic abilities, activate the third eye chakra, and promote inner vision. It is also valued for its aesthetic qualities and is frequently used in jewellery and decorative pieces.

While Shattuckite and Azurite have their unique properties, they can complement each other in spiritual practices and crystal work. Their combined energy can deepen spiritual connection, enhance intuitive abilities, and promote clear communication with higher realms.


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