Tagged: lapis lazuli


Which Crystals Good for Hypertension?

Do you want to lower your blood pressure naturally? Conventional treatments for the blood pressure problem can improve symptoms. But do they address the underlying causes of stress, anxiety, and disorder? In addition to changing your diet and starting to exercise, blood pressure-lowering stones have historically been used in alternative healing methods. Hypertension or high blood pressure is a chronic medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is higher than it should be. This causes the heart to work harder than usual to circulate blood through the blood vessels. Hypertension; It can cause many problems, such as...

broken crystal

What To Do If Natural Crystals Are Broken?

You may not like it, but like glass, eggs and our hearts, Natural Crystals can break. Watching the crystal fall from your hand to the ground will make your heart stop. You struggle with your arms trying to catch it, but you may not be fast enough. Sometimes, while holding the Crystal motionless in the palm of your hand, it may split in half in the middle. You feel devastated for the moment, primarily if you work with that Crystal often. Natural Crystals can break for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, we are complete with the lessons that this Crystal...

Most Use Crystal

The Most Popular Medicinal Natural Crystals and Their Properties

Since the beginning of time, people have been using most popular natural crystal for healing. Also known as mother earth’s treasures, these stones are rock crystals born from elemental energy and can bring healing powers to us. Natural stones have a long history. Priests and warriors put it on their breastplates, shamans used it in rituals, it served as a guide for ancient tribes, and kings carried it in their pockets. But, these powerful stones have much more power in the modern world. Natural stones; can direct our intent, raise our vibration, and reveal all that dormant grace and beauty...

Natural Crystals

10 Simple and Effective Ways to Use Natural Crystals

If you have just entered the magical world of Natural Crystals, you are probably wondering how they work and how you can benefit from their healing powers. Quantum physics has revealed that everything is energy at the most fundamental level. Everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. And the human body is no exception. Natural Crystals shake frequently and can help harmonize our energies and balance us on mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. It can absorb, amplify, transform or transmit power. Natural Crystals born from the powers of the Earth have come to...


Which Natural Crystal Should I Use? How to Choose Crystal?

If you are wondering how to choose crystals, you are in the right place. By utilizing the unique properties of Natural Crystals, you can balance the energy fields around your body and home to gain physical, emotional, and spiritual health benefits. Natural Crystals; can help soothe emotional issues like anxiety, mood swings, shyness, physical symptoms like migraines and allergies, and even more. Healing crystals have been a key ingredient in treatments for thousands of years. And their healing knowledge has survived to the present day. Today, it is still used by thousands of people for therapeutic purposes. So, how to...

crystal for birthday

Crystal for Birthday of Your Loved One

There are many different types of crystals, and each has its characteristics. If you are looking for a suitable and useful gift for your loved ones, gift a crystal for their birthday. The ancients knew that crystals could help promote healing in the body, mind, and spirit. For thousands of years, our ancestors have used crystals to treat various ailments and to support daily life. During this long period, they turned to the crystals, their bodies were healed from the crystals. The reason why we love the crystals of fascinating colors that we now have in our hands is that...

positive thinking crystals

Crystals for Positive Thinking to Raise Your Joy of Life

In today’s article, we will talk about crystals for positive thinking that help get rid of negative emotions in our lives and the positive effects of these crystals. We can say that crystals do lovely things to us. You can get rid of your negative thoughts with crystal healing. Negative thoughts can cost you dearly in the future because negative thoughts wear out people both physically and spiritually so that the person does not enjoy the life that he can live only once. This is also one of the most effective on the road to depression. A person who has...

Healing Crystals for Skin That Can Promote Beauty and Youth

Healing Crystals for Skin That Can Promote Beauty and Youth

Looking for natural crystals for your skin? You are exactly at the right place. Natural crystals are very effective in picking up one’s mood and negativity in general. Healing crystals that are good for the skin are crystals many people have benefited from in their skincare routine from past to present and have seen their effects. When these crystals are applied to the skin regularly, they relieve skin problems and provide relaxation, cell renewal, and many other results. Buying these crystals in any form, gem or raw, is easy. Our blog is reader supported. Click on our Etsy or Amazon...


Crystal Gift That You Can Give Friend

Our relationships, where we share our lives, make close friendships and start from friendship, become more valuable over time. As we share our lives with an ordinary friend over the years, we can form close friendships with him. Of course, we try our best to make our friends happy. Various small gifts, remembering special days, and making our friends happy can leave us with good feelings. So what can we buy as a gift for a friend on our special day? What can we buy for a friend as a meaningful crystal gift? Crystal Gift Selection for a Friend Buying...

summer life

Natural Crystals to Relax You in Summer

Everything in the universe is energy, and miraculous natural crystals bridge this energy and the human body. Genuine crystals to be used in summer are a source of healing for people. In summer, the angle of incidence of the sun becomes steeper. As a result, the temperatures increase, and the energy your body has to take on increases considerably. Crystals nourish you with positive energy vibrations. Many scientific studies reveal that natural crystal formations that last many years provide positive energy vibration. Healing crystals, which have many different properties, also help to look more aesthetically pure and pleasing and support...