Tagged: gemini crystals


Apophyllite – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

APOPHYLLITE STRUCTURAL FEATURES Mineral Class: Phyllosilicate Crystal System: Tetragonal Chemistry: (K, Na)Ca4Si8O20(F,OH)·8H2O Composition: AB4[Si8O22]X · 8H2OA = K, Na, NH4, CsB = Ca (in apophyllite root name members), Sr (in mcglassonite root name member)X = F, OH Specific Gravity: 2.3 – 2.4 Mohs’ Hardness: 4.5-5 Source: India, USA, Mexico, UK, Australia, Brazil, Czech Republic, Italy Rarity: Uncommon Luster: Any broken surfaces shine like mother-of-pearl. APOPHYLLITE ENERGETIC PROPERTIES Colour: White, yellowish, blue-green, peach, pink Chakras: Third eye, soma, crown, soul star, stellar gateway, heart, heart seed Vibration: High to very high Number: 4 Zodiac: Gemini, Libra Planet: Uranus Elements: Air Symbol: Spiritual life-saving APOPHYLLITE OTHER...

Ametrine Crystal

Ametrine (Personal Energy Stone)

What is Ametrine? Ametrine Stone, also called Bolivianite, is a bicoloured member of the quartz stone group. Crystals with two primary colours rarely occur. Ametrine is one of these rare formations. It is one of the special stones used quite a lot among precious stones whose benefits do not end with counting. By its harmonious purple and yellow tones, you can easily recognize this beautiful natural stone containing citrine and Amethyst—the yellow areas in the stone result from the element iron’s chemical reaction (oxidation). The purple regions are the areas where oxidation does not occur. Ametrine is often included in...

Agate (Stress Stone)

Agate (Stress Stone)

What is Agate? Agate Stone is one of the most effective natural stones, famous for its calming power that can eliminate stress. Each of the agate stones is like an oil painting. There are agate stones of amazing colours waiting to change your life in the depths of the underground. This riot of colours in Agate occurs when magmas get stuck and leave residue on some other mineral structures. The colour variety of the magnificent pictures of nature in the agate stone is almost unlimited. Still, it usually has the most beautiful shades of pink, white, brown, black, red, blue,...

Chrysoprase Crystal

Bring Success to You with the Chrysoprase Crystal!

With chrysoprase crystal, you can solve many of your internal problems. Your success is also about your inner. Millions of people around the world believe in the healing power of crystals. Different green-tone chrysoprase crystals are said to have exciting healing properties. People; believe that crystals can be used to treat physical and emotional problems. The chrysoprase crystal is an excellent option for those seeking success. What is Chrysoprase Crystal? Its colour is a distinctive green, such as pale or yellowish green. Nickel is the element that gives the green colour to the chrysoprase stone, and the green colour is...

Merlinite – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Merlinite – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

What is merlınıte? MERLINITE STRUCTURAL FEATURES Mineral Class: Silicate Crystal System: Hexagonal Chemistry: Psilomelane: Ba(Mn2+)(Mn4+)8O16(OH)4Chalcedony: SiO2 Composition: Combines Psilomelane (Black Manganese Oxide) and Quartz/Chalcedony crystals. Specific Gravity: 2.6 Mohs’ Hardness: 7 Source: Turkey, Brazil, USA [New Mexico] Rarity: It has recently become widespread Luster: Waxy, Dull MERLINITE STONE ENERGETIC PROPERTIES Colour: Black branched structure on white and bluish transparency in opal Chakras: Past life, soma, third eye, higher heart (thymus), causal vortex Vibration: High to Very High Number: 6 Zodiac: Gemini and Pisces Planet: Sun, Moon Elements: Air Symbol: Reading the record of life knowledge MERLINITE OTHER NAMES Merlinite is...

What are the General Features and Benefits of Carnelian Stone?

What are the General Features and Benefits of Carnelian Stone?

Carnelian Stone is a marvellous form of chalcedony that ranges from clear to red-orange. Its colour comes from traces of iron. In some sources, it is said that its name comes from the Latin word “cornelian”, meaning “cranberry red”, while in some sources, it is said that it comes from the word “carneus” and means red meat. Either way, today, we call this stone carnelian in all its red-orange hues. Known to bring luck, this gemstone has been associated with royal families since the dawn of civilization. In ancient cultures, it was often used as amulets and seals. In some...

Mother Of Pearl (Stone of Abundance)

Mother Of Pearl (Stone of Abundance)

What is Mother Of Pearl? Mother-of-pearl is a shiny, generally white, hard substance found in the shells of animals such as mussels and oysters and used in decorative arts. It has a suitable surface for all kinds of carving and engraving operations. For this reason, it is highly preferred to manufacture various jewellery and jewellery. It is known that mother-of-pearl stone is frequently used in Islamic religious art in Medieval Europe and East Asia, as well as jewellery. Again, due to its structural advantages, it is also used in functional areas such as furniture, ornaments, jewellery accessories, buttons and mother-of-pearl...

Amethyst (Positive Energy Stone)

Amethyst (Positive Energy Stone)

What is Amethyst? Amethyst Stone is a magnificent natural stone type in the Quartz family and radiates purple-coloured energy, proving this with its shape. It is often used today because it is relatively more affordable than other precious stones. Amethyst is also very stylish! Its colour and texture make it easily included in the decor in all environments. However, It comes to the fore as a product that adorns jewellery types such as earrings, necklaces and bracelets. Amethyst stone, which has a very old history, has been used throughout history. Amethyst can harmonize with all stones in the quartz family....

Crystal Quartz

Najaf Stone (Miraculous Stone)

What is Najaf Stone? Najaf Stone is crystal quartz itself. In the literature, we just discovered that quartz with a slightly more muddy colour is called Najaf stone. Used as an infinity stone or a miraculous stone, the Najaf Stone symbolises purity that contains some dirt and wants to be purified. It symbolises the balance between birth and death, light and dark. It is one of the stones considered healing because it positively affects people. Since it is a semi-precious stone, it is often used as jewellery. It is one of the stones used fondly because it brings abundance and...

Iolite (Vision Stone)

Iolite (Vision Stone)

What is Iolite? Iolite Stone is an amazing with the power to change your view of life that will affect you deeply. Iolite, also known as vision stone. This stone, which has found a place in different civilizations for many years, is called Iolite in commercial works. The origin of the word stone is Greek. As mentioned in some sources, the word meaning of Iolite is violet, a flower loved by most people. The name of the magnificent Iolite stone, often used in decorations and jewellery, was given by a French geologist. Although it is called water sapphire among the...