All Curious About Natural Crystal Properties and Benefits
What is Natural Crystal?

Crystal Properties and Benefits are so many that they will not fit in this article. The crystals formed spontaneously in nature, passed through some processes and are offered for people’s use are natural. However, not every crystal falls into the category of natural healing crystals. To be considered a natural healing crystal, it needs its fragility, brilliance, and beauty; in other words, it must experience the formation process under the ground for millions of years. Even a person who does not know healing crystals can feel the difference in energy between artificial and natural crystals when they hold them and can choose the natural one. Since most crystals are already healing, they generally benefit humans and nature.
A natural stone is responsible for maintaining the energy balance of nature by attracting negative energies around it. When used on the human body, it can correct the negative points of the individual. Thus, it helps the heart maintain order, protect human health, and reduce environmental stress. In addition, it benefits patients with physical and mental diseases, pregnant women, and children in the growing period.
How Are Natural Crystals Formed?

Metamorphism is the basis for the formation of natural crystals. Since this situation develops due to high pressure and heat, different genuine crystals can form in the same environment. However, one of the reasons why natural crystals are scarce is that it takes millions of years to develop. In addition, each natural crystal has different properties because it contains various minerals in other rocks.
Natural crystals can also be formed by magmatic movements that occurred millions of years ago or by drying out the old sea. Genuine crystals are formed due to hot and cold reactions, oxidation, light, the humidity of the air, and other environmental minerals. Since it takes many years to develop, a new one can only be created in a laboratory environment if a natural crystal is depleted. Since these crystals, considered imitations, are not genuine, they do not give the same effect as the original crystals.
Short History of Natural Crystals

While some crystals have been used since ancient times, there are also recently discovered crystals. Since quartz crystals are mentioned in written sources, the first used crystals belong to the quartz group. It is often located for healing, protection, ritual, or ritual. Crystals, found in mythologies, were used with the characteristics of gods and goddesses.
Natural Crystals and Their Properties

Each of the natural crystals has different properties. They have special effects from each other in terms of places of extraction, intended use, durability, colours, and benefits. It is possible to see different properties even in various shades of the same crystal. For this reason, crystals that are similar in physical appearance can sometimes be indistinguishable from each other, but they differ in their properties.
Natural crystals, classified between rare and common, are often processed and used as ornaments or accessories. Common crystals can be mixed with other substances for colouring, polishing, and durability in many industrial areas. For this reason, in papers, glass, plastics, in areas where oil and natural gas are extracted, They can be included in dyed products or directly in paints. We will now give you a brief introduction to some of the famous and highly healing crystals:
Agate (Stress Crystal)
Agate crystal is a stress crystal because it effectively reduces and controls stress. As a result, it helps to make and implement rational decisions.
The river, named after the Agate crystal first found in Sicily, is the Achates River. Usually, each colour has a different name, as it can create other effects thanks to its colours. Two Agate crystals can look completely different, as they can be physically found in the veined or streaked form.
Agate Crystal Properties and Benefits
-It is a durable stone with 7 points on the hardness scale
-It gives calm
-Protects the health of pregnant women and babies
-Strengthens the immune system
-Significantly reduces stress
-Creates a sleeping pattern
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Aries, Taurus
Compatible Chakras: Sacral Chakra

Aquamarine (Relief Crystal)
Giving calmness due to its energy transformations has caused the Aquamarine crystal to be referred to as a relaxation crystal. This is because it relaxes the individual in stressful and difficult times and removes terrible thoughts.
Aquamarine crystal in the beryl group has blue and greenish colours. Its name is in harmony with its name as it means seawater. The primary substance that gives the stone its colour is its iron mineral. Having a glassy shine allows it to be used in accessories and ornaments.
Aquamarine Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Among all, Aquamarine scored 7.5 on the Mohs scale.
-Aquamarine crystal properties and benefits
-Improves digestive system diseases
-It is suitable for sore throat, asthma, and bronchitis
-Protects teeth and jaw health
-Helps to relax
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Aries
Compatible Chakras: Heart and Throat Chakra

Amazonite (Crystal of Harmony)
The Harmony crystal is the other name of the Amazonite crystal, which is effective in all bilateral relations. Since it beautifies the dialogues, it provides to be understood.
Amazonite, a shiny crystal, is rich in minerals. It has blue, purple, grey, and green colours used since ancient times. Since it is one of the semi-precious crystals, it makes accessories and ornaments. Since it is likened to the Amazon River, its name remained
Amazonite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Amazonite. It is a durable natural stone because its hardness rate is 6
-Provides the protection and execution of relations
-Helps to clear the subconscious
-Supports sleep pattern
-It strengthens the immune system and protects from diseases
-It rejuvenates the skin with its mineral richness
-Brings luck, money, and love to its user
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Virgo
Compatible Chakras: Throat Chakra

Amethyst (Positive Energy crystal)
Amethyst, a positive energy crystal, is mainly used in rituals and meditations. It is one of the most potent and popular quartz crystals.
Amethyst crystal, in bright and purple tones, means preventing drunkenness. Essential people in mythology and history have used it. It can be distinguished from fakes because it turns yellow when fired.
Amethyst Crystal Properties and Benefits
-It can be used in daily life because its hardness number is 7
-Helps to quit harmful habits and substance addictions
-It calms the individual and enables him to make the right decisions
-It increases the energy of the environment it is in
-Creates a sleeping pattern
-Allows better use of the mind
-It protects from diseases by regulating hormones
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Pisces, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Capricorn
Compatible Chakras: Crown and third eye chakra

Ametrine (Personal Energy Crystal)

The other name of the Ametrine crystal is the personal energy crystal because it balances the energy in the wearer. Therefore, people who use ametrine crystals do not experience low power.
The name of the Ametrine crystal, which consists of Amethyst and Citrine crystals, comes from the crystals found in it. It is among the secondary minerals in the quartz group containing silicon oxide. It is a natural purple stone with shiny, transparent, or translucent models.
Ametrine Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Ametrine crystal has a score of 7 according to the Mohs hardness scale
-Provides individual peace
-It prevents laziness by increasing energy
-Makes the right choices by ending indecisions
-Brings creative and permanent solutions
-Improves intelligence by increasing concentration
-Protects body health as it removes toxins from the body
-It is suitable for fatigue and insomnia
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Libra, Pisces
Compatible Chakras: Abdominal and Third Eye Chakra

Ruby in Zoisite (Health Crystal)

Anyolite crystal is referred to as Ruby Zoisite and Ruby Zoisite. It resembles a work of art formed by integrating green and red colours.
Anyolite, meaning green, is formed by combining Zoisite and Ruby crystals. It was first found in Tanzania and spread around the world. It can be removed in glossy or matte form. Because it contains many minerals, it has positive effects on the skin.
Anyolite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Its hardness varies between 7 and 9 depending on Ruby and Zoisite’s amount
-Because it is a health crystal, it strengthens the immune system
-Can be used in cancer treatment
-Protects pregnant women
-It is effective in heart and vascular problems
-It is suitable for mental illnesses by reducing stress
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Aries, Sagittarius
Compatible Chakras: Root, Crown, and Heart Chakras

Apatite (Rejuvenation Crystal)

The other name of the apatite crystal is the rejuvenation crystal. This is because it prevents fatigue and laziness by giving positive energy to the person.
Apatite, Green, purple, yellow, and white colours are widely available.
Apatite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Apatite is a medium-hard stone with a score of 5 on the Mohs scale
-Apatite crystal properties and benefits
-It brings success if used in psychic fields
-It removes toxins by cleaning the organs
-It brings permanence to diets made to gain and lose weight
-It offers a more active life by increasing energy
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius
Compatible Chakras: Forehead and Throat Chakras

Aragonite (Endurance Crystal)
The other part of the Aragonite crystal, which gives material and spiritual strength, is a semi-stamina crystal. It is known that soldiers used it during wars in history. Aragonite, which has a high resistance to fire, does not decompose when in contact with hot substances. It comprises white, green, brown, yellow, and blue tones in a semi-transparent form. It maintains the balance of nature by reducing stress in all areas by working on energy.
Aragonite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-A fragile stone, Aragonite is scored between 3.5 and 4 on the Mohs scale
-It can be used as a natural antipyretic
-Helps children get over the common cold more quickly
-Renews the skin and creates a youthful appearance
-Helps athletes by supporting muscle development
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Leo, Virgo
Compatible Chakras: Root, Third Eye, and Heart Chakras

Aventurine (Fortune crystal)

Known as the luck crystal, Aventurine is a stone that leads people to success. It is famous thanks to the good news that brings in unexpected moments.
Aventurine, which comes from the Italian word Venturine, means luck. It provides success in business, education, games of chance, or daily life. It is among the crystals, usually consisting of green, orange, yellow, and blue colours. It can be used in making sculptures.
Aventurine Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Due to its hardness between 6.5 and 7, Aventurine crystal is very easy to use
-It prevents possible heart diseases by regulating the work of the heart
-Relieves pain caused by stress
-Brings luck to everyone in every field
-It provides controlled operation of body systems
-It can be used to clean the skin
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Aries, Lion
Compatible Chakras: Heart, Sacral, and Third Eye chakras

Moonstone (Balancing Stone)
Another name for the Moon crystal, which regulates emotions and life, is the balancing stone. It helps to create a balance in all areas of life.
The name of the crystal was determined as the Moon because it resembles the Moon with its white colours and patterns. It glows as a blue line when held up to the light. It is a primarily white stone, intertwined with yellow, pink, grey, and green.
MoonStone properties and benefits
-According to the Mohs scale, the Moon crystal score is between 6 and 6.5
-Protects baby’s health during pregnancy
-It provides a planned and regular continuation of life
-It regulates estrogen and androgen hormones
-It heals organ diseases such as kidney, heart, and spleen
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Gemini, and Libra
Compatible Chakras: Sacral, Crown, and Third Eye Chakras

Azurite (Happiness crystal)

Azurite, which organizes life according to the individual’s tastes, is known as the crystal of happiness. It brings joy by regulating bilateral relations and internal conflicts.
Because of its blue appearance, the stone was named Azurite, which means blue. It is a widely available natural crystal that enhances intuition. It is found among secondary minerals that form fine and steep crystals. Transparent or opaque non-gloss models are available.
Azurite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Scored between 3.5 and 4 on the hardness scale, Azurite is a brittle Natural Crystal
-Reveals hidden events
-By developing intuition, she makes the distinction between good and evil
-It plays a vital role in overcoming trauma
-It is a natural pain reliever for headaches
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn
Compatible Chakras: The third eye, heart, and root chakras

Barite (Energy Stabilizing Stone)

It is called Barite, which means heavy due to its density. Another name for barite crystal is an energy-stabilizing stone. By attracting negative energies, it prevents energy fluctuations. Barite crystal is found in red, white, green, and blue.
Since it consists of barium and sulfate, it can cause toxic effects in contact with the skin. For this reason, hands should be washed directly after handling. A barrier material should be placed between it and the skin if it is to be used as jewellery.
Barite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Barite crystal has 3 points on the Mohs scale
-It can be used in cancer treatment as it protects from radiation
-It prevents the occurrence of mental illnesses
-It ensures that the energy always remains constant
-It gives spiritual strength to the person by strengthening the intuition
-It brings success by reaching the target in business and academic fields
-Protects health by regulating the work of organs
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Aquarius, Cancer
Compatible Chakras: Crown, Third Eye Chakras.

Bronzite (Crystal of Courtesy)

Bronzite crystal in brown tones is popularly known as a courtesy crystal. Its most prominent feature is that it returns negative energies to its owner.
Bronzite is one of the crystalline silicate minerals in the pyroxene group. It is among the popular crystals due to its widespread availability. Although shiny, it is in an aged form due to its design. If it contains the iron element, it reaches a metallic appearance.
Bronzite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Bronzite crystal, which is of medium hardness, has a score between 5 and 5.5 on the hardness scale
-Helps the digestive system work properly
-It improves bilateral relations by teaching the person patience and kindness
-Takes a calming role by reducing stress and anxiety
-Abundance allows us to live in abundance
-It is suitable for allergies and other skin diseases
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Leo
Compatible Chakras: Root Chakra

Charoite (Soul Purifying Stone)
Taking its name from the Charoite River, where it was first found, Çeroit is popularly known as the stone that purifies the soul. It helps to purify the soul as it removes negative energies.
Although it is predominantly purple, white, black, grey, and lilac, colours can also be found in the Charoite crystal. Charoite, which is heat sensitive, hosts a glassy shine. Different types go from transparent to opaque.
Charoite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Its hardness varies between 5 and 6 points
-Helps to let go of material and spiritual dependencies.
-Provides suppression of restless legs syndrome
-It calms the person by reducing fears, anxieties, and stress
-It helps to establish emotional bonds more healthily
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Capricorn
Compatible Chakras: Crown and Heart Chakras

Zultanite (Calming Stone)

The other name of the Diaspore crystal, among the most effective natural crystals, is the calming stone. Since it eliminates stress and anxiety, the individual can remain calmer.
Although the diaspore is green in white light, it turns pink or brown when ignited. For this reason, it is among the most popular natural crystals. This stone, which has soft colour transitions, consists of Aluminum.
Diaspore Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The Mohs value is between 6 and 7
-Provides solving problems in the skeletal system
-It has positive effects on the nervous system
-It can be used like a natural antidepressant
-Increases the value given to spirituality
-Helps introverted children to socialize
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Aries, Cancer
Compatible Chakras: Heart and Root Chakras

Diopside (Balance and Health Crystal)

Diopside, which is known as a balance and health crystal among people, is a beneficial stone for the body. It is effective in preserving existing health and preventing and healing diseases.
The larger the Diopside crystal, which can be found in green, colourless, black, and yellow, the darker it’s colour. This is because their green colour becomes more apparent to their amount of chromium. It is among the natural crystals with a low refractive index.
Diopside Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The hardness of Diopside crystal is between 5 and 6 on the Mohs scale
-It helps to overcome serious diseases more easily
-It is effective in relieving fever and pain
-Accelerates the healing of wounds
-Provides a balanced and healthy life
-It is beneficial in overcoming traumas, fears, and nightmares
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Aquarius
Compatible Chakras: Heart Chakra

Smoky Quartz (Dream Crystal)
Smoky Quartz is a dream crystal as it is highly effective in the subconscious. It is called Smoky Quartz because it looks like smoke is hidden inside the crystal.
The Smoky Quartz crystal makes dreams meaningful. Smoky Quartz crystal makes goals meaningful. It clarifies your dreams as if you were watching a high-quality video. For this, place the smoky quartz under your pillow.
Smoky Quartz Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Smoky Quartz crystal has a score of 7 on the hardness scale
-It prevents nightmares and meaningless and subconscious dreams
-Psychics use it because it develops psychic effects
-It allows distinguishing between reason and logic
-It can be used during subconscious cleansing
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Pisces
Compatible Chakras: Root Chakra

Dumortierit (Intelligence Enhancing Stone)

Dumortierit, mainly used for children, is the stone that develops intelligence. Dumortierite got its name from the palaeontologist who discovered it.
Dumortierite, among the rare stone groups, is a quartz crystal. It is dark, mainly navy blue, in green, brown, and pink tones. Since it has a glossy and opaque appearance, it can be easily separated from the fakes.
Dumortierite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Highly durable Dumortierit crystal is scored between 7 and 8 on the Mohs scale
-It is very effective in the intelligence development of children
-It clears the mind of unnecessary information
-It is a stone that helps focus and brings success and reward
-It helps the person to relax by relieving the worries
-It makes it possible to gain self-confidence and to be able to overcome any task
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Leo
Compatible Chakras: Throat Chakra

Fluorite (Energy Conserving Stone)

Fluorite crystal takes millions of years to form and is an energy-conserving stone. Apart from its use as an accessory, it is used in the industrial field when alloying. Fluorite crystal is relatively inexpensive. It usually occurs alongside other minerals. Halides belong to the mineral group; they are natural stones in colourless, blue, yellow, red, and purple tones. It ensures that energy flows regularly and is preserved.
Fluorite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Fluorite crystal, which is not considered very hard according to the Mohs value, has a score of 4
-It reinforces emotions such as empathy, love, commitment, and loyalty
-He acts as a mediator in bilateral relations
-It provides a regular flow by cleaning the energy channels
-Supports child development by protecting teeth and bone health.
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Pisces
Compatible Chakras: All Chakras

Fuchsite (Relaxing Stone)

The most effective subject of fuchsite crystal is physical and mental relaxation. For this reason, it is also known as a calming stone.
Fuchsite crystal, one of the mica crystals, is available in shades of light green. It takes its name from the mineralogist who discovered it in the 19th century. This stone, which has a rough surface, prevents the spread of radiation. As a result, the darkening can be observed in green colours in proportion to the amount of chromium in it.
Fuchsite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Care should be taken when using it, as it has a value of 2.5 on the Mohs scale
-It has relaxing properties because it is effective in suppressing bad feelings
-It plays a role in the cleaning and regular functioning of the internal organs
-It has effects that improve, beautify, and strengthen human relations
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Aquarius, Taurus, Virgo, Libra
Compatible Chakras: Crown, Heart, and Throat Chakras

Galena (Subconscious Crystal)

Galen crystal is one of the most effective natural crystals to clear the mind. It is popularly known as the subconscious crystal.
The name of the Galen crystal comes from a town in America. This natural stone with a metallic appearance is very successful in energy transformations. Galen is a common precious natural stone with an isometric crystal system that occurs in blue or silver. It can cause toxic effects in contact with the skin. For this reason, hands should be washed directly after handling. A barrier material should be placed between it and the skin if it is to be used as jewellery.
Galena Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Despite its metallic appearance, the Galen crystal, which is quite fragile, has a value between 2.5 and 3 on the Mohs scale
-Increases concentration and leads to success
-It regulates blood circulation by preventing sudden changes in blood pressure
-It makes hair and nails grow faster
-It can be preferred to get rid of substance addictions
-Re-teach the definition of love
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Capricorn
Compatible Chakras: Root Chakra

Sunstone (Leadership Crystal)
The Sun has a leadership feature in natural crystals and planets. For this reason, it is known as the leadership crystal. This natural crystal, the Sun, is bright because of its fire colours. Thanks to its rich minerals, it helps to rejuvenate by nourishing the skin.
Sunstone Properties and Benefits
-The hardness of the Sun crystal, which is resistant to impacts, is between 6 and 7 points according to the Mohs scale
-Develops the leadership qualities of the person
-Facilitates crisis management thanks to its calming feature
-It is suitable for jealousy attacks and anger problems
-It has positive effects on chronic diseases
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Leo, Libra
Compatible Chakras: Root and Heart Chakra

Howlite (Stress Crystal)

The Howlite crystal can transform energy and brings calmness to any environment. For this reason, it is known as a stress crystal.
The Howlite crystal, which consists of black and white colours, has a marble-like pattern. It looks natural because it is opaque. Since it contains calcium, it is very beneficial to contact the skin. The most important feature is that it makes it easier to overcome stress.
Howlite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Although the Howlite crystal looks like marble, it is a fragile natural stone. Its score on the Mohs scale is 3
-It has positive effects on children in the growing period
-Makes it easier to get over traumas or bad memories
-It supports regular work by controlling hormones
-It helps the individual to express himself comfortably
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo
Compatible Chakras: Crown and Third Eye Chakras

Helyolite (Crystal of Life)

Heliodor, meaning gift of the Sun, is a bright yellow natural stone. It is called the crystal of life among the people because it resembles the Sun.
Heliodor crystal, which has an evident appearance, is used in producing accessories and ornaments. It is in the class of silicates in the hexagonal crystal system. It isn’t very easy to reach because it is not found among common crystals. However, the crystals in their internal structure can be seen due to their transparency.
Heliodor Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Heliodor, whose hardness is between 7.5 and 8, is among the most durable crystals
-It can be preferred for protection from infectious diseases
-Thanks to its effects that protect heart health, it is precious
-Facilitates the treatment of diseases related to the brain
-Reduces stress and regains the pleasure of living
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Leo, Libra, and Scorpio
Compatible Chakras: Solar Plexus and Crown Chakra

Hematite (Joint Crystal)
Hematite crystal, essential in alternative medicine, is especially effective in the skeletal system. It is popularly known as joint crystal because it is suitable for joint pain.
Hematite crystal has a grey and metallic appearance. Its internal structure, however, has a reddish hue due to iron oxide. Therefore, it is straightforward to distinguish from fakes. Since it is a secondary mineral in the class of oxides, it is among the most common crystals.
Hematite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Hematite crystal, which is of medium hardness, has a score of 5 to 6 on the hardness scale
-Incredibly therapeutic in blood-related diseases
-It regulates the periodic periods of women
-Helps to gain self-confidence
-It allows the individual to move more freely
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Aries, Aquarius
Compatible Chakras: Solar Plexus and Root Chakras

Hemimorphite (Empathy Crystal)

The other known name of the hemimorphite crystal is the empathy crystal. It is advantageous in improving bilateral relations and in matters that must be agreed upon.
Hemimorphite has glossy or matte patterns and a fine crystalline structure. Blue, white, grey, and colourless varieties progress from transparent to opaque. Since it was discovered and widely used in the 19th century, many features and benefits have been known.
Hemimorphite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-It is a medium-hard stone because its Mohs hardness value is close to 5
-Develops empathy in bilateral relations
-It revitalizes the characteristics such as being helpful, understanding and staying calm
-Gives protection against hereditary diseases
-Beneficial in providing self-discipline
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Libra
Compatible Chakras: Heart, Throat, and Crown Chakra

Halite (Therapeutic crystal)

Himalayan salt belongs to both the natural crystals and salts categories. Since it is the purest salt, its use is quite medicinal. For this reason, it is known as a treatment crystal.
The colour of Himalayan salt, formed over 250 million years ago, is light pink. It is more beneficial than table salt because it is rich in minerals. It contains all of the 84 minerals that humans need. Therefore, it is suitable for use in both food and ornaments.
Himalayan salt can be found in shampoo, make-up, creams, and skin care products used in daily life.
Himalayan Salt Crystal Properties and Benefits
-It provides the body iodine balance when consumed at most 8 grams daily
-It helps to clean the internal organs
-Prevents sudden changes in blood pressure
-It is very successful in the treatment of diseases
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Pisces
Compatible Chakras: All Chakras

Pearl (Calcium Crystal)

Pearl, one of the most valuable jewels, is a calcium crystal. It is the only natural stone that can be formed thanks to a living thing.
Pearl, valued at least as much as it is today, is featured in works of art. Shiny; It can be found in lilac, black and intermediate tones as well as light pink, white, and cream colours. It makes the individual a whole by balancing masculine and feminine energy.
Pearl Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Makes pregnancy easier
-Protects bone and dental health because it contains calcium
-It has positive effects on imagination and creativity
-Helps to find true love
-It builds healthier relationships by emphasizing trust
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Gemini
Compatible Chakras: Third Eye Chakra

Iolite (Vision crystal)

Known as the vision crystal, Iolite is found among the energy-balancing natural crystals. Another name is water sapphire.
Iolite crystal, available in blue and purple, is found among deep rocks. It is one of the popular crystals because it is in the quartz group.
Iolite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Iolite crystal is scored between 7 and 7.5
-It creates a sense of responsibility and action
-Gives individual awareness in the field of bilateral relations
-Improves crisis management by giving calmness
-Reduces the risk of cancer by protecting it from radiation
-It should be kept in the bedrooms while creating a sleeping pattern
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Gemini, Virgo
Compatible Chakras: All Chakras

Jasper (Life Force crystal)
The Jasper crystal is a life force crystal because it gives spiritual strength. It helps to win the wars by regaining the lost pleasure of living. Jasper is a Greek word meaning speckled stone. This is because the crystal has a mottled appearance. It consists of red, green, yellow, and other tones. in the quartz group. Jasper crystal has an opaque appearance. Jasper, like other crystals in the quartz group, is quite durable.
Jasper Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Mohs hardness ranges between 6.5 and 7
-It develops the spiritual power necessary for living
-Solves sexual problems
-Makes rational decisions by fixing emotions
-Beneficial for the nervous system
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Scorpio, Leo, Virgo
Compatible Chakras: Root, Lower Abdomen, Solar Plexus, and Heart Chakra

Chalcedony (Equilibrium Crystal)

The other name of the Chalcedony crystal, which helps to be stable in all areas, is the balance crystal. It is a very successful natural stone, especially in energy balancing.
The Chalcedony consists of a hexagonal crystal system, available in shades of black, white, grey, dark blue, or brown. It is a stone that belongs to the quartz group, has no heat sensitivity, and has opaque to transparent varieties
Chalcedony Crystal Properties and Benefits
-According to the Mohs value, the Chalcedony crystal is a durable stone with 7 points
-Helps to create balance in all areas
-It establishes healthy bonds by regulating human relations
-Can be used in the treatment of skin diseases
-Effective in healing wounds and scars
-It allows emotions to be controlled
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Sagittarius, Virgo
Compatible Chakras: Root and Throat Chakra

Calcite (Concentration Crystal)

Calcite is a concentration crystal that brings success in business and academic fields. It makes it easier to be successful and earn rewards.
Calcite crystal, which can be used in industry, is very easy to process. It is usually found in nature with white, orange, yellow, green, and blue. It consists of common Calcite carbonate.
Calcite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Calcite, which has 3 points according to the Mohs value, is a perishable stone
-It helps to detox
-Increases concentration and enables one to achieve success.
-It can be used by students and employees to create a will to work.
-It is influential in the development of analysis ability.
-Strengthens psychic abilities.
-It allows distinguishing between right and wrong.
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Pisces
Compatible Chakras: Throat, Crown, and Sacral Chakra

Heliotrope (Purifying Stone)

The blood crystal is a purifying stone because it cleans the blood. In addition to its physical benefits, it has effects that reduce stress by transforming energy.
The blood crystal, primarily dark green, has red spots on it. It has a dull, matte appearance. Due to its healing effects, it is used to complete the treatment of many diseases. Historically, it was preferred to stop the blood, especially in bleeding wounds.
Bloodstone Properties and Benefits
-Hardness of the blood crystal has a value of 6.5 – 7 on the Mohs hardness scale
-It helps to purify the blood from harmful substances
-It purifies the person from adverse effects
-It plays a vital role in stabilizing blood pressure
-It is a natural treatment method for pain caused by stress
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Aries, Pisces, and Libra
Compatible Chakras: Root and Heart Chakra

Tiger Eye (Force Crystal)

The other name of the Tiger Eye crystal is the force crystal, as it strengthens the individual materially and spiritually. It provides support in the desired area by directing the energy flow.
The Tiger Eye crystal, which consists of brown and yellow tones, is called by this name because it resembles tigers’ eyes. It is available in different versions as it is available in glossy or matte form. When it is held in the Sun, it shines and attracts attention.
Tiger Eye Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The value of the Tiger Eye crystal is seven on the Mohs hardness scale
-Protects from the evil eye, magic, amulet, and similar situations
-It provides spiritual strength by strengthening the will
-It gives physical strength because it supports muscle development
-Improves the sense of independence and frees it from addictions
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Aries, Leo
Compatible Chakras: Sacral and Root Chakra

Cavansite (Reality Crystal)

The official name of the natural crystal, Cavansite, is the reality crystal among the people. It is effective in clarifying hidden events.
Cavansite, considered a semi-precious stone, consists of a bright blue due to its rarity. Cavansite crystal, in the silicate group, also contains calcium and vanadium. Although it is difficult to process, it can be used in accessories and ornaments. It can be distinguished from fakes because it is semi-transparent.
Cavansite Crystal Properties and Benefits
The value given for cavansite crystal in the hardness scale varies between 3 and 4
-Provides experience from bad results
-It helps determine which direction life will flow
-It should be used by those who want to be strengthened materially and spiritually
-Allows distinguishing between good and bad people
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Aquarius
Compatible Chakras: Throat and Forehead Chakra
Amber (Organic Healing Crystal)
Amber, among the most used natural crystals, can be an organic healing crystal. This is because it has sound effects on the prevention of diseases and the application of treatment methods.
The formation of the Amber crystal in yellow and brown colours takes millions of years. It means electron because it will be electrically charged when rubbed. Fossils can occasionally be found in the Amber crystal, which can be found in mythologies and historical artefacts.
Amber Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The value of amber, one of the soft crystals, is close to 3 on the Mohs scale
-Regulates the functioning of the thyroid glands.
-It can be used as a pain reliever in children and babies.
-Clears negative energy in the body.
-Provides healing of inflamed wounds.
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Aquarius, Libra, Leo, and Taurus.
Compatible Chakras: Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakra

Crystal Quartz (Positive Energy Crystal)
Crystal Quartz, which attracts negative energies, is a positive energy crystal. It plays the role of balancing the power of nature. Crystalline Quartz crystal, which can be found widely and belongs to the class of silicates, is white or colourless. It has a clear view. Its value increases as its colour gets closer to white. It is one of the most preferred quartz crystals by collectors.
Quartz Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The value of the Crystal Quartz crystal is seven on the Mohs scale
-It removes negative energies and calms tense environments
-It protects from psychological diseases and reduces the body’s stress
-It brings luck and success to the person
-It has healing properties
-Increases the effect of meditation and rituals
-It prevents indecision by reducing emotional fluctuations
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Aries, Capricorn, Gemini
Compatible Chakras: All Chakras

Chrysocolla (Crystal of Harmony)
The common name of chrysocolla crystal is harmony crystal. Adapting to environments, people, and events makes it more accessible.
Chrysocolla crystal, one of the silicates, consists of blue and green colours. In the orthorhombic crystal system, the secondary mineral whose vibration is determined as number 5. It is a common natural stone that can be extracted worldwide, especially in Russia and Mexico.
Chrysocolla Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Chrysocolla, a fragile stone, takes a value of approximately three on the Mohs scale
-Accelerates and facilitates the treatment of psychological disorders
-Reduces pain by regulating the ovulation cycle
-It can be preferred for the development of muscles
-It offers the chance to achieve harmony in bilateral relations
-It is therapeutic for hives and other skin problems
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Taurus, Virgo
Compatible Chakras: Heart Chakra

Chrysoprase (Heart Crystal)
The other name of the Chrysoprase crystal, which is found in different varieties of green, is the heart crystal. This is because it increases the amount of positive energy by exchanging energy. Chrysoprase crystal, one of the chalcedony minerals, has a hexagonal crystal system. It has a very natural appearance due to its oily and waxy shine. Different types progress from opaque to transparent. The refractive index is between 1540 and 1555.
Chrysoprase Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The value of a chrysoprase crystal on the Mohs scale is approximately 7
-Can be used for eczema and dermatitis
-Suitable for existing or potential heart diseases
-Strengthens the heart spiritually
-Increases the resilience of sensitive people
-It has benefits during recovery and regeneration periods
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Taurus
Compatible Chakras: Solar Plexus and Heart Chakra

Kunzite (Love Crystal)

Kunzite, which helps to find a soul mate, is also called the love crystal. Kunzite crystal, which consists of pink and purple tones, is transparent and pale. Prolonged exposure to light may cause discolouration and damage to the crystal. In the silicates mineral group, it is among the secondary minerals with a crystalline structure.
Kunzite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-In the Mohs hardness scale, the Kunzite crystal takes a value between 6 and 6.5
-Helps to find and protect true love
-Enables the establishment of solid bonds in human relations
-It is suitable for lung diseases, especially asthma
-Maintains the hormonal balance of women
-It has the feature of relieving joint, bone, and tooth pain
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Leo, Taurus, Scorpion.
Compatible Chakra: Heart and Throat Chakra

Kyanite (Dream Crystal)
The other name of the Kyanite crystal, which is very effective in the subconscious, is the dream crystal. It can be kept in the bedroom to catch a sleeping pattern.
Kyanite crystal generally appears pale and can be found in blue, black, orange, and green. It is a stone with a triclinic crystalline structure located in the silicates mineral group. Because it has different properties according to its colours, it has a wide variety of
Kyanite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Kyanite crystal takes a value of approximately five on the Mohs scale
-It enables the individual to achieve success by strengthening his communication skills
-It makes dreams more realistic and meaningful
-It has an effect that protects from nightmares
-It is effective in recalling forgotten memories and overcoming traumas
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Aries, Taurus, Libra
Compatible Chakras: Throat Chakra

Labrodorite (Adaptation Crystal)
The natural stone, called Labradorite in official sources, is called adaptation or black moon crystal. It helps to concentrate.
Labradorite crystal, which consists of grey, blue, and gold coloured spots mixed with black and black, is among the anorthite minerals. It is a pale, low-gloss natural stone in the triclinic crystal system. It takes its name from the Labrador region in Canada.
Labradorite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The value of Labradorite crystal was determined as 6.5 on the Mohs hardness scale
-Brings success in important business and negotiations
-Helps to gain discipline and responsibility
-Strengthens crisis management as it reduces stress
-It can be used to cure diseases
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo.
Compatible Chakras: Throat and root chakras.

Garnet (Power crystal)

Garnet crystal, known as Lal crystal in Turkish, gives material and spiritual strength. Therefore, it is popularly regarded as a Crystal of Power, as it is used to overcome troubled processes.
Garnet crystal, one of the common silicates, can be found in different colours. Although red is generally preferred, orange, yellow, green, brown, and gold tones are available. It is a popular crystal because it shows psychological, spiritual, and bodily benefits to the person.
Garnet Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The value of the Lal crystal in the Mohs ruler is between 7 and 7.5
-Restores the self-confidence of people who feel weak.
-Increases muscle strength if used during sports.
-Gives resilience to sensitive people.
-Reduces the effects of events from the past life that make you feel the impact.
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Aquarius, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn.
Compatible Chakras: Heart Chakra

Lapis Lazuli (Mental Cleansing Crystal)
The mental cleansing crystal is the other name of the Lapis crystal that purifies the person from complex thoughts. It allows you to think and act more clearly.
The primary colour of Lapis crystal, which can be found in translucent or opaque form, is blue. It is one of the natural crystals found in many historical artefacts, usually extracted from Afghanistan. Since it is included in industrial products, it can be included in used products.
Lapis Lazuli Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Lapis crystal is given a value between 3 and 5.5 on the hardness scale
-Improves the ability to control thoughts.
-It enables the production of various solutions in the face of problems.
-It calms the individual and ends indecision.
-Helps to make the right choice at crossroads instinctively.
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius
Compatible Chakras: Throat and Crown Chakra

Larimar (Relaxing Stone)
Larimar has a calming feature for people by balancing the energies found in nature. It is known in the market as a calming stone, Atlantis crystal, and blue pectolite.
Larimar, one of the pectolite minerals, is a crystalline silicate. It is natural because it is available in pale and deep blue tones. Larimar crystal, usually found in Dominica, is among the rare and semi-precious crystals.
Larimar Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The hardness of Larimar crystal varies between 4.5 and 5
-Relieves nausea and labour pains of pregnant women
-It is suitable for throat area diseases
-It can be used to treat bipolar disorder
-It reduces the symptoms of febrile diseases
-It plays an active role in solving skin problems, especially hives
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Leo
Compatible Chakras: Throat and Heart Chakra

Malachite (Energy Crystal)
Malachite crystal is one of the natural crystals tasked with balancing and regulating the energy flow in nature. For this reason, it is known as an energy crystal.
The name Makalite crystal, which is very soft, also means soft. Its blue and green appearance can be decorated with white colours. It is one of the crystals that give naturalness to people because it usually has a dull and glassy shine.
Malachite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The value of malachite crystal in the Mohs hardness scale is between 3.5 and 4
-Accelerates the healing of broken and dislocated bones
-Helps to overcome phobias
-It calms the person by keeping the blood pressure low
-Avoids being caught between emotions and logic
-Balances one’s energy by clearing negative energies
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Scorpio, Capricorn
Compatible Chakras: Third Eye and Heart Chakra

Angelite (Friendship Crystal)
Angel crystal was found in Peru. Strengthens bilateral bonds. It is known as the friendship crystal among people because it strengthens friendships. Among the common natural crystals, Angel crystal has an orthorhombic crystal system. It has rich minerals as it consists of calcium sulfate. However, it is among the popular crystals thanks to its dull blue tones.
Angel Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The value of the Angel crystal is 3.5 on the Mohs hardness scale
-It helps to lose weight by regulating the work of the thyroid glands
-It is used in the treatment of inflamed wounds
-Protects from loneliness by strengthening the bonds of friendship
-Keeps the mind clearer
-Makes it easier to find the way back in astral travels
-Gives the motivation to make new beginnings
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Aquarius
Compatible Chakras: Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakra

Coral (Crystal of Stability)

Another name for the Coral crystal, which helps to organize life, is the crystal of stability. It is also called coral moonga. Coral crystal, important in mythologies, is mainly composed of calcium. It can occur in white, orange, blue, red, and pink shades. Its opaque, matte appearance can be used in many areas.
Coral Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The Mohs hardness of the coral crystal was determined as 3.5
-Ensures being clear on all issues by ending indecision
-Increases concentration by clearing the mind
-It is protective in matters of an evil eye, magic, and amulets
-It regulates the functioning of the hormonal system, blood circulation, and internal organs
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Pisces, Scorpio, Libra, Aries
Compatible Chakras: Root, Solar Plexus, and Lower Abdominal Chakra

Moldavite (Crystal of Life)

Moldavite crystal, which has a mystical appearance in green and yellow tones, is the other name of the life crystal. The initial formation is due to a celestial crystal striking the earth.
Moldavite crystal found in the Czech Republic has a translucent appearance. It is named Moldavite because it is located around the Moldau River. It is a natural stone to communicate with other planets and unseen beings.
Moldavite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The value given to the Moldavite crystal on the hardness scale is between 5.5 and 6
-It makes tremendous transformations in a short time.
-Supports spiritual development
-It can be used in the treatment of risky diseases
-Helps to regain the lost pleasure of living
-Allows you to overcome difficulties easily
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Virgo
Compatible Chakras: Throat, Third Eye, Heart, and Crown Chakra

Morganite (Youth Crystal)
Morganite, preferred in engagement rings, is the crystal of youth. It is among the popular crystals due to its rejuvenating properties for the soul and body. Morganite is a natural stone in light pink tones in the beryl group. It is used as jewellery due to its rarity and semi-precious stone. Although it was discovered in the 20th century, it is more widely preferred than many natural stones. In addition,
Morganite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Morganite is a very durable stone. The Mohs hardness value is close to 8
-Suitable for heart and lung diseases
-Makes the skin look younger and brighter
-Helps the soul get rid of negative emotions and thoughts
-It can be used during new beginnings
-It has emotional healing properties
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Cancer
Compatible Chakras: Heart and Sacral Chakra

Najaf (Miraculous Stone)
Known as mountain crystal or miraculous stone, Najaf crystal is known for bringing luck. It brings miracles to one’s life when used for a long time.
Najaf is a transparent or semi-transparent natural stone belonging to the quartz group. It has a hollow structure filled with water or air. Since the sultans used it during the Ottoman period, it became a stone that maintains its popularity.
Najaf Crystal Properties and Benefits
-It has a Mohs hardness of 7
-Helps protect the health
-By making intelligence agile, solutions are found in the face of problems
-It is beneficial for the eyes because it improves vision
-It helps to pass blemishes and scars on the skin
-Cleanses the internal organs by removing toxins
-It prevents sudden emotional changes
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Aries, Taurus, Cancer
Compatible Chakras: Crown Chakra

Obsidian (Protective Stone)

Obsidian, one of the popular crystals of recent times, prevents the person from being harmed materially and spiritually. For this reason, it is referred to as the protective stone.
The standard Obsidian crystal may be silvery in black or brown colours. It can be formed by blending green, blue, purple, and brown. The formation process begins with magmatic events and is completed over millions of years.
Obsidian Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The value of obsidian crystal on the hardness scale is about 5
-It helps control anger, anxiety, and stress
-It helps them realize their potential.
-It cleans the organs, especially the liver
-Relieves psychology by clearing negative energies
-It brings success to those who are interested in the psychic fields
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius, Scorpion
Compatible Chakras: Root, Heart, and Solar Plexus

Jet (Patience Crystal)

Jet crystal, one of the most popular natural crystals, is the patience crystal. This is because it has the property of cracking when exposed to too much negative energy.
Jet crystal, which has black and dark colours close to black, is a common type of stone in the mineraloids class. The crystal system is amorphous. It can reduce stress on the environment by attracting negative energies. Since it is a protective stone, it takes place in accessories and ornaments.
Jet Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Its value on the Mohs hardness scale is between 0.5 and 2.5
-Teaches the user to be patient
-It has a protective effect against mental illnesses
-Brings stability and clarity to volatile situations
-Helps to protect body health, especially by relieving stomach pains
-It has protective properties against psychic events
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Capricorn
Compatible Chakras: Root Chakra

Onyx (Health Crystal)

Due to the physiological effects of onyx crystal, it can be referred to as a health crystal. This is because it helps to stay resilient against diseases by strengthening the immune system. Onyx crystal, consisting of black and grey lines, is available in a shiny and opaque form. Due to its durability, it was used in making weapons. In addition, it is effective in healing the body because it clears energy.
Onyx Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The value of an Onyx crystal is 7 in the Mohs
-It is used for the healing of spiritual and physical wounds
-It is effective in overcoming fears, anxieties and worries
-Increases self-confidence and gives individual independence
-Protects the evil eye, one of the most known negative energies
-It helps the treatments applied by the doctors to get better results
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Leo, Capricorn
Compatible Chakras: Root Chakra

Opal (Hiding Crystal)

Opal crystal, or rainbow crystal, is very successful in energy conversion. Thanks to its luminous structure, it adds elegance to every area used.
Opal crystal, one of the quartz crystals, is among the secondary minerals belonging to the silica group. Its formation begins with the movement of underground waters and rocks and ends in millions of years. In addition to its oily and glassy appearance, it can change colour quickly according to body temperature.
Opal Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Hardness is between 5.5 and 6 according to the Mohs scale
-Helps to satisfy good feelings
-It can be used for the treatment of kidney diseases
-It ends indecisions by creating a unity of mind and heart
-Suitable for Parkinson’s patients
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Libra
Compatible Chakras: Forehead and Crown Chakra

Pink Quartz (Love Crystal)
Known as the crystal of love and devotion, the other name of the Rose Quartz crystal is the love crystal. This is because it has the feature of strengthening the bonds of love between all beings.
Rose Quartz crystal in light pink tones has a crystalline structure. It has a remarkable appearance, shining like glass and pearl. Since it is among the most powerful energy crystals, it is mainly used in the themes of love, love, peace, and lovers.
Rose Quartz Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The hardness of Rose Quartz crystal is seven on the Mohs hardness scale
-It helps to solve the person’s problems with himself and those around him
-Helps to find true love for singles
-It strengthens existing relationships
-Controls the work of the digestive system and blood circulation.
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Libra
Compatible Chakras: Heart, Forehead, and Crown Chakra

Pyrite (Iron Crystal)

The Pyrite crystal, which has one of the most vital masculine energies, is known as the Iron crystal. It is used as a symbol of abundance and fertility.
Pyrite crystal, available in gold and yellow tones, is among the most common natural crystals. It is found in the class of sulfides in the isometric crystal system. It is called iron crystal because the amount of iron in it is high.
Pyrite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The value of a Pyrite crystal in the Mohs chart is between 6 and 6.5
-Helps prevent bacterial infections
-Heals existing diseases by protecting brain health
-Helps to have the willpower
-It has effects that strengthen memory
-It is among the crystals used to communicate with spirits
-Helps to strengthen by supporting muscle development
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Leo
Compatible Chakras: Solar Plexus

Rhodochrosite (Aura Crystal)

Rhodochrosite crystal or Inca rose, or Aura crystal, means pink. It is calming and energizing because it is found in pink and its tones in nature. It has an impressive view. Rhodochrosite crystal in the carbonate group has a triangular crystal system. It generally has a pale appearance. However, it is possible to form glossy, opaque, or translucent. It is a natural stone that clears the aura because of its intense energy.
Rhodochrosite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The value of the rhodochrosite crystal on the Mohs scale is between 3.5 and 4
-It is beneficial for bone and tissue health
-It has sound effects on the heart, pulse, and blood circulation
-It helps revitalize and cleanse the aura
-It makes the person emotionally stronger and feels better
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Scorpio, Leo
Compatible Chakras: Heart Chakra

Rhodonite (Detox Crystal)
Rhodonite, which means rose, is popularly known as a detox crystal. It helps eliminate unwanted problems, health problems, and emotional turmoil.
Rhodonite crystal, located between pink and brown, has white spots from time to time. Therefore, it obtains a silvery appearance. It is a very plain stone with a dull appearance and models opaque and transparent.
Rhodonite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The value of the Rhodonite crystal in the Mohs scale is between 5 and 6
-Helps to detox materially and spiritually
-It clears the bad energies from the past
-It stabilizes emotional fluctuations by preventing them
-It is very effective in insect bites and poisons
-Suitable for digestive system diseases
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Taurus
Compatible Chakras: Heart and Root Chakra

Rutilated Quartz (Telepathy Crystal)

Rutilian Quartz, also known as telepathy crystal, is a powerful mind crystal. It is beneficial to use as it helps to protect from radiation.
Rutile Quartz, consisting of fine crystals, is a secondary mineral in the quartz group. Although it is commonly found in black and gold tones, there are also light-coloured varieties. Available in glossy, transparent, opaque models.
Rutile Quartz Crystal Properties and Benefits
-It has a value of 7 on the hardness scale
-Strengthens telepathy in meditation and rituals
-It helps not to get caught up in other people’s opinions
-It is therapeutic for chronic problems
-It can be used in the treatment of infertility
-It is among the natural crystals that work best with the heart chakra
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Leo, Gemini, and Taurus.
Compatible Chakras: Crown, Third eye, and Heart Chakra

Sapphire (Communication Crystal)

Sapphire, among the expensive jewels, is known as the communication crystal. This is because it can be used to strengthen relationships.
Sapphire crystal, usually found in bright blue tones, is widely used in engagement and single crystals. It can occur in white, green, yellow, pink, black, purple, and colourless stones. It belongs to the corundum mineral class with a hexagonal crystal system.
Sapphire Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Sapphire, one of the most durable natural crystals, has a hardness of 9
-It is suitable for vision problems
-It enables the person to express herself better
-Helps relations
-It strengthens the bonds between people by preventing communication problems
-Helps to achieve spiritual balance
-It charges positive energy by purifying it from negative emotions
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo
Compatible Chakras: Throat and Third Eye Chakra

Mother of Pearl (Blessings Crystal)

Mother-of-pearl, which has an iridescent appearance, is used as a crystal of abundance and fertility. It is found in the shells of shellfish.
Mother-of-pearl crystal, found on land and in the sea, is distinguished from other organic crystals. Therefore, she can be referred to as İnci’s mother. It has a bright appearance consisting of cream, white, light yellow, and light grey.
Mother of Pearl Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Mohs hardness ranges between 3 and 4
-It brings abundance and abundance to every area it is in
-It is a stone that increases concentration and facilitates success
-It stands out for relieving headaches and stomach cramps
-It is suitable for problems in the reproductive system
-Because it is a healing stone, it can treat diseases
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer.
Compatible Chakras: Crown Chakra

Selenite (Cleansing Stone)
Selenite crystal, whose formation was completed millions of years, is known as the Cleansing stone among people. This is because it ensures the mental and physical cleaning of the environment and the person using it.
Selenite, one of the common natural crystals, is a white crystal. Since this crystal, which is in the sulfate group, contains calcium, it is beneficial to come into contact with the skin. In addition, it is known to be a healing stone thanks to its high-vibration ability.
Selenite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The value of a Selenite crystal is two on the Mohs scale
-Protects spine, bone, and joint health
-Very effective in clearing tumours
-It enables the individual to forgive himself, his environment, and his past
-It has a cleansing feature in the material and spiritual sense
-It helps in creating a sleeping pattern.
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Taurus
Compatible Chakras: Crown and Third Eye Chakra

Citrine (Money Crystal)
Citrine, which can be referred to as a luminous or money crystal, is a symbol of abundance and fertility. It brings success to the person in every field it is used.
Citrine, which has different tones from light, pale yellow to dark amber, is generally one-toned. It has a bright appearance due to its high clarity. Its structure is crystalline, and it is in the silicate group.
Citrine Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The value of a Citrine crystal is seven on the Mohs scale
-Relieves the side effects of drugs
-It should be used when starting new businesses as it helps to make money
-It can be used for the treatment of digestive diseases
-Increases abundance and fertility and provides a better living
-It is very effective in gaining individual peace.
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Aries, Virgo, Leo.
Compatible Chakras: Solar Plexus Chakra

Sodalite (Logic Crystal)
Sodalite is a way out for those who are constantly feeling emotional. For this reason, it is popularly called the Logic crystal. Sodalite is available in blue and purple colours and offers a bright appearance with white veins. It is in the class of silicates in the cubic crystal system. Therefore, it prevents being purified from negative energies and attached to other people’s thoughts.
Sodalite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Sodalite crystal in the Mohs scale is between 5.5 and 6
-Helps to establish order and calmness
-It solves the dilemmas, indecision, and uncertainties between the mind and the heart
-Helps to communicate correctly
-It brings success in psychic matters by strengthening intuition
-It prevents chasing dreams that will not be possible by developing logic
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius
Compatible Chakras: Third Eye and Throat Chakra

Spinel (Hope Crystal)

The other name of Spinel, which shows that there is always hope, is the hope crystal. Even on the most challenging days, it helps the person to hold on to life by being with him. Spinel, a translucent or transparent stone, can be found in different intermediate tones white, pink, yellow, green, and red. It has a beautiful appearance as it has an isometric crystal system. However, it took many years to distinguish it due to its similarity to Ruby and Sapphire.
Spinel Crystal Properties and Benefits
-According to the Mohs scale, the hardness of Spinel crystal is close to 8
-Helps in purification and detox periods
-It relaxes the person by calming the nervous system
-It is suitable for the healing of inflamed wounds
-While increasing determination prevents ambition
-Motivates the person not to lose faith
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Scorpion
Compatible Chakras: Root Chakra

Sugilite (Love Crystal)

The Sugilite crystal, which shows its most important feature on the heart, is used as a love crystal. It helps to find true love and strengthen the bonds in existing relationships.
Sugilite crystal, consisting of purple and red colours, belongs to the class of cyclosilicates. This rare stone, usually mined from manganese deposits, consists of colourful crystals. It is taken out in large masses and shaped according to the need.
Sugilite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Mohs value ranges between 5.5 and 6.5
-It keeps love in the foreground and purifies it from bad feelings and thoughts
-It helps to solve the problems of paranoia, jealousy, and anger
-It has a pain relief feature
-It protects the health of organs, especially the brain
-Helps solve problems in love life
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Virgo
Compatible Chakras: Heart, Forehead, and Crown Chakra

Tanzanite (Balancing Stone)
The Tanzanite crystal is one of the most effective in finding the middle ground. Tanzanite, which can be used in all areas of my life, can be used as a balancing stone.
Although it is generally used in blue and purple tones, there are yellow, grey, white, colourless, and brown types. Tanzanite, a member of the epidotes, is among the rarest crystals to find. The crystal system is orthorhombic and is usually mined from Tanzania.
Tanzanite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Mohs hardness varies between 6.5 and 7
-Facilitates crisis management
-It enables to achieve of harmony between partners and maintains this harmony
-Helps to stay in balance in all events
-It does not allow old diseases to reoccur
-Strengthens psychic abilities
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra
Compatible Chakras: Forehead, Throat, and Crown Chakra

Terahertz (Vibration Crystal)

The ability of natural crystals to transform energy varies according to their degree of vibration. Therefore, it is called a vibrational crystal because it has the most potent vibratory ability in the Terahertz crystal.
Terahertz occurs alongside some mines as a secondary mineral. Since this formation process takes millions of years, it isn’t easy to form a new one after it is consumed. It is a smooth, shiny natural stone in black and dark grey tones.
Terahertz Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Mohs degrees are between 3 and 3.5
-It contributes to the circulatory system by destroying blood clots
-Allows the body to recharge
-Helps the user to succeed by developing skills
-It acts very quickly, thanks to its vibrating ability
-It provides complete purification from negative energies
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Scorpio, Aquarius
Compatible Chakras: Forehead, Heart, and Throat Chakra

Topaz (Crystal of Joy)

Topaz crystal, which means fire, is used as a joy crystal among the people. It relaxes the person by reducing grief, anger, sadness, and stress. The colour of Topaz crystal, a member of the silicate class, is blue and tones. Since the amount of water and fluorine in it is high, it is beneficial to contact the skin. The giant Topaz crystal ever found has a mass of 272 kilograms and is exhibited in a museum in America.
Topaz Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Known as the Mohs value of 8, Topaz crystal is highly resistant to impacts
-It increases the production of antibodies in the body
-It helps to control stress
-It is used in the treatment of diseases in the hormonal system
-It gives happiness in every field it is in
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Leo, Sagittarius, and Scorpio.
Compatible Chakras: Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakra

Turquoise (Crystal of Faith)

Turquoise, known as turquoise, is often used as a faith crystal. This is because it plays an influential role in firmly clinging to one’s values . The meaning of turquoise as a word is a Turkish crystal. It is a triclinic crystal in the aluminium phosphate class, consisting of turquoise and other shades of blue. Its formation is completed over millions of years in areas with water, copper, and Aluminum.
Turquoise Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Mohs hardness is between 5 and 6
-Relieves pain caused by stress and anxiety
-It can be used while working as it helps to focus
-It helps the parties to express themselves in bilateral relations
-It enables one to stick to values and not lose faith
-Turquoise crystals in the bedroom prevent nightmares
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius
Compatible Chakras: Throat Chakra

Tourmaline (Focus Crystal)
Tourmaline crystal is primarily used for career advancement as it is used as a focusing crystal. Therefore, it is referred to as Tourmaline in official sources.
Tourmaline crystals in the hexagonal crystal system can be found in many colours. It can occur in white, yellow, purple, black, red, green, blue, or mixed colours, ranging from transparent to opaque. Although each colour has a different name, all its shades are officially considered Tourmaline.
Tourmaline Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The hardness of Tourmaline crystal, which is very trying to process, varies between 7 and 7.5
-It calms the mind and provides a quicker understanding
-Brings success in important exams, meetings, and job interviews
-It makes business and academic life more successful
-Improving the ability to focus gives more efficiency with less work
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn
Compatible Chakras:All Chakras

Unakite (Vibration Crystal)

The common name for Unakite crystal, one of the popular crystals, is vibration crystal. This is because it successfully transforms negative energies into positive ones, thanks to its high vibrations.
The vibration of Unakit crystal in pink and green colours is 9. It is a common silicate in the monoclinic crystal system. It helps to keep the energy of nature stable by creating a balance between positive and negative points.
Unakite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-In the Mohs scale of hardness, the value of Unakit crystal is between 6 and 7
-Protects the health of expectant mothers and babies
-It ensures the balanced functioning of estrogen and progesterone hormones
-It can cleanse and revitalize the aura
-Helps to fade scars on the skin
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Scorpion
Compatible Chakras: Heart and Third Eye Chakra

Vanadinite (Power Crystal)

Discovered in 1801, the Vanadite crystal was named power crystal with its physical and spiritual resistance. It stands out for increasing vitality and endurance. The hexagonal Vanadinite crystal usually has red, yellow, orange, and brown tones. It has a pale appearance. Since its unprocessed form is perforated, it physically resembles a sponge.
Vanadinite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-When using Vanadit, which has a Mohs rating of 2.5 – 3, it is necessary to be careful against impacts
-Allows athletes to protect their muscles
-Supports brain development and growth in infants
-Helps hormones and systems work in order
-Helps to recognize and develop talents
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Taurus
Compatible Chakras: Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus Chakra

Variscite (Crystal of Courage)

Visit crystal, discovered in 1837, has different properties. It is called the crystal of courage, mainly because it gives courage to the person. Variscite crystal, which can rarely be found in the crystal structure, occurs in green, yellow, red, and purple colours. It is among the aluminium phosphate minerals. It is very effective in catching inner peace and at the beginning of the new business.
Variscite Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The value of Variscite crystal on the Mohs scale is between 3.5 and 5
-It mainly solves health problems related to heart and circulation
-It encourages new beginnings, critical situations, and decisions
-It prevents foreign dependency by increasing self-confidence
-Protects body health by neutralizing acidity
-It blends success, abundance, luck, and courage
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Scorpio, Taurus
Compatible Chakras: Heart Chakra

Ruby (Life Force Crystal)
Among the precious jewels, Ruby is used as a life force crystal. It helps a person get through difficult times more manageably.
Ruby, which belongs to the corundum type, is red thanks to its chrome. Although its unprocessed state is dull, it is sold in a shiny form due to its internal structure. The most valuable and expensive models are the ones with the colour called pigeon blood. It can be in dark pink or orange.
Ruby Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The life force crystal has a Mohs value of 9
-It protects the values that one needs to live
-It provides the rise of feminine energy and the balancing of masculine energy
-It helps the person experience transformation
-Improves the ability to show patience in difficult times
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Capricorn
Compatible Chakras: Root Chakra

Jade (Healing Stone)
Jade, commonly used in royal times, is a healing stone. This is because it helps to gain healing in many areas.
The most valuable Jade crystals are those that are translucent, bright, and have vibrant colours. Although it is usually found in green colours, it can be found in black, white, or multi-coloured. Due to its similar properties, it has been mixed with Jadeite and Nephrite crystals for years.
Jade Crystal Properties and Benefits
-It takes a value between 6.5 and 7 on the hardness scale
-It prevents unnecessary problems by improving the sense of trust
-It has properties that strengthen family ties
-Makes one respect himself and those around him
-One of the most used crystals in alternative medicine
-Natural stone that has become a symbol of purity
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Libra, Taurus, Aries
Compatible Chakras: Heart Chakra

Goldstone (Crystal of Perseverance)

Goldstone, used since ancient times, is popularly called a perseverance crystal. It differs from other natural crystals by developing a sense of responsibility and discipline.
The original state of the Star crystal, which has a metallic appearance, is between red and brown. However, it can be found in dark tones of other colours besides gold. It can be included in accessories suitable for other natural crystals.
Goldstone Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Mohs degrees are between 6.5 and 7
-Supports employees and students by facilitating learning
-It reduces the tension in the user and enables him to make more accurate decisions
-It teaches people not to give up and to persevere for success
-It shows the value of concepts such as love, justice, empathy, and responsibility
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius
Compatible Chakras: Root, Heart, and Crown Chakras

Peridot (Communication Crystal)
The communication crystal, which has Peridot in official sources, beautifies bilateral relations. Moreover, it is effective in solving existing communication problems. Olivine crystal, formed by blending green and yellow, has many minerals. It is among the commonly found crystals because it is extracted from different parts of the world. It is available in a glossy, translucent or transparent image.
Peridot Crystal Properties and Benefits
-The Mohs value is between 6.5 and 7
-It helps the chakras to be cleaned and work better
-It facilitates self-expression by strengthening communication skills
-Eliminates adverse effects from past times
-Helps to make a fresh start in life
-It is very effective in correcting diction
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Libra, Virgo
Compatible Chakras: Solar Plexus and Heart Chakra

Zircon (Grounding Crystal)

The Zircon crystal, which removes negative energies, is known as the grounding crystal because it creates a grounding effect. Using it for a long time provides a significant increase in positive energy.
Zircon, which is among the popular crystals, has a diamond-like appearance. It can be found in blue, white, colourless, yellow, pink, grey, purple, and intermediate colours. It can be used with valuable accessories as it is transparent, shiny, and smooth.
Zircon Crystal Properties and Benefits
-Zircon crystal in the Mohs scale can vary between 6.5 and 7.5
-Calms the mind and speeds up the decision-making process
-Makes the person more energetic and lively
-Psychic because it strengthens psychic abilities
-Helps clean the liver and kidneys
-It is among the crystals that can be used to quit addictions
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Libra, Taurus
Compatible Chakras: Sacral Chakra

Emerald (Loyalty Crystal)
Royal families often used Emerald, one of the most valuable natural crystals. For this reason, the loyalty crystal earned its name.
An Emerald crystal’s value depends on its few cracks and stains. The most valuable ones are mined from the Zambia region. It is a bright, heat-resistant natural stone in shades of green and brown.
Emerald Crystal Properties and Benefits
-On the hardness scale, the Emerald crystal takes a value between 7.5 and 8
-It is known as the crystal of nobility, devotion, and loyalty
-It has the feature of strengthening bilateral relations
-Can reveal hidden events in relationships
-It prevents the person from falling into difficult situations by preventing lousy luck
-It enables the individual to understand that they are the most valuable asset
Compatible Zodiac Signs: Aries, Gemini, Taurus.
Compatible Chakras: Heart Chakra

Why Are Natural Crystals Used?

Many natural stones spontaneously formed in nature and started to be used by being discovered can transform energy. It helps the stress to return to peace and calm because it attracts the wrong points in the person or the environment. Thus, it is accepted that it has effects that strengthen the physical and mental health of the person.
Due to their healing properties, the place of natural crystals in alternative medicine is significant. Some crystals affect almost every area, especially internal organs, muscles, the skeletal system, and mental health. They help to get better results from the treatments applied by the doctors. They also strengthen the immune system to be protected from many diseases.
Generally, natural crystals are used to make the person feel more comfortable. In particular, individuals who have difficulty aiming to reduce stress, maintain sleep patterns, get away from nightmares, or protect themselves from diseases that may be caused by stress. Pregnant women can take help from natural crystals to give birth to their children healthily. Some crystals can be used for children due to their focusing, success, and luck-bringing properties.
How are Natural Crystals Used?

There are many points that people who buy and use natural stones for the first time should pay attention to. In addition, while purchasing the crystal, it should be noted that it is crystals that will benefit the person and are compatible with the chakras and zodiac signs. Using a natural crystal before realizing it is real can cause material and moral harm to the person.
Natural crystals are suitable for use as accessories and household items. However, direct contact with the body is often required as an accessory. For this reason, bracelets and necklaces should be adjusted to stay inside the clothes. When it is an ornament, it can be placed in different rooms according to the effect expected from the stone. It should be kept in open, visible areas and high spots to prevent accidents.
Care must be taken to preserve the natural crystals used. Since many crystals have low durability, they should not be placed in areas where they can break. It should be kept in a soft pouch in closed spaces such as drawers or closets when not in use.
How to Choose Natural Crystal?

It is a matter of curiosity how to choose natural stone for those who will buy it for the first time or want to use a new one. It isn’t easy to distinguish between these crystals, which look beautiful and have healing effects. For this reason, it is recommended that the individual turn to the crystals they are comfortable with and enjoy using. Since the unloved crystals cannot be used for a while, enough benefit cannot be obtained from the stone.
The effects of the natural crystal should be directed toward the subjects that the individual needs or wants to complete. To benefit from its healing properties, it should be preferred in colours and sizes that can be used continuously. The benefits can be seen quickly when crystals that can open closed chakras and harmonize with the signs, if possible, are selected.
Are Natural Crystals Healing?

It is known that natural crystals, widely used among people, have many cures. However, since the scientific evidence of these healings is minimal, it is wondered whether they are healing. Crystals used for healing show indirect healing because they take the negative energies in the individual. Due to their minerals, different effects can be obtained in case of contact with the skin.
How to Identify Real Natural Stone?

There are imitations of natural and genuine crystals on the market. It is advantageous to check whether the crystal is fundamental before you buy it. The shortest way to tell if a crystal is genuine is to break it apart. Crystals with the same inner and outer colours are natural. Different crystals are fake. In addition, the crystal’s temperature, transparency, weight, colours, shine, and fire resistance under normal conditions can be understood as whether it is accurate.
Which Natural Crystals Are Used Together?

Using natural crystals with other crystals instead of using them alone will increase the effect. Pairing with suitable crystals is crucial, as not all stones can be used together. In particular, the Amethyst crystal works in harmony with many rocks due to its vital energy. Crystals of the same colour can be used together to affect the same chakra.
Combining incompatible crystals can make a person feel sluggish, tense, angry, or strange. Furthermore, it can make you feel like there are negative situations by causing trouble in the heart. For this reason, using all-natural crystals together is unsuitable, even if they offer a stylish look. Instead, different crystals should be combined depending on the colour, structure, and area it affects.
How to Clean Natural Crystals?

Occasionally, it is felt that the natural crystal used is not effective enough. In this case, it should be understood that it is time to care for the crystal. In cleaning a natural crystal, help from natural substances should be sought. In particular, it should be kept from chemicals, and only a damp cloth and water should be used to remove dirt. Furthermore, it is correct to prefer silk fabrics not to damage the crystals with low durability.
The cleanliness of a natural crystal is not just about its outer surface. In terms of energy, it should be cleaned periodically. These treatments, usually done every fortnight, are in the form of burying them in the ground, keeping them under running water, and making sage incense. In addition, methods such as soaking in water for one night and leaving it side by side with other natural crystals also provide energy cleansing.
Depending on the type of natural crystal, keeping it in sunlight helps the crystal to be purified from negative energies. Keeping them in the moonlight is also appropriate, as delicate crystals may fade in sunlight. Although it is enough to leave on the windowsill for a few hours, the soil does the best cleaning. Cleaning methods, especially for radioactive crystals, bury them in the soil or keep them on the ground to receive sunlight.
Natural Crystals and Their Properties by Zodiac Sign

In astrology, there are natural crystals determined for each sign. These crystals are considered to be in harmony with the zodiac signs, as they have a better effect according to the positions of the planets. Moreover, it is observed that the individual can get a better result when used depending on the day and time of birth. Thus, it is ensured that the already beneficial crystals show the best benefit in the signs they are compatible with.
Zodiac sign crystals help an individual to rasp bad traits in their sign. In addition to its regular benefits, it provides repair in the areas where the person feels lacking. It opens the blocked energy channels in the body, especially by working the chakras better. In this way, it acts according to the sign of the individual by showing a material and spiritual effect.
How to Use Zodiac Crystals?

Those who want to use the zodiac crystals determined by astrologers with intense studies have issues to pay attention to. The first is that zodiac sign crystals act on all zodiac signs. Therefore, those who do not have the character with which a crystal is compatible can also benefit from using that crystal. Also, using the crystal of the ascendant has the same effect as using the crystal of the sign.
Natural crystals and their properties according to the chakras.
Chakras are important energy centres of the body. If there is a blockage in the energy channels, it is inevitable for the chakras to stop working and close over time. Since natural crystals clear these energy channels and open the chakras, they heal in many areas. However, since not every stone is compatible with every chakra, genuine crystals suitable for opening the chakra should be preferred.
The colours of the natural crystals and the areas they come into contact with the skin directly affect the opening of the chakras. Red crystals harmonize with the root chakra, helping the person to feel more self-confident. Green crystals open the heart chakra and achieve material and spiritual integrity. Blue crystals help to spread the throat and third eye chakra, enabling development in the spiritual areas.
The solar plexus chakra opens with crystals of yellow and its shades. However, dark yellows should not be preferred since orange crystals open the sacral chakra. Increasing the energy of the crown chakra, purple crystals help a person feel more energetic. For this reason, if energy studies about the chakras are to be done, it is necessary to look at the colours of the crystals. It should be chosen accordingly.

How to Use Chakra Crystals?

Chakra crystals are very simple to use. The stone, preferred according to the chakra to be opened, is kept in the chakra area at specific intervals. If the crystal does not have a negative effect, it can also sleep by leaving it in the chakra area. Natural crystals used as accessories should be worn closest to the chakra to open it faster.
It is very beneficial to adjust the length of the necklace chains in jewellery and to touch the bracelets and rings to the chakra area frequently. Those who try to open a chakra in a difficult place to contact can work in that area by lying down or sitting. It would be healthier to wait for a long time.

Natural Crystal Jewelry Types
Natural crystals, which can be used in jewellery in many ways, should be preferred, especially necklaces and bracelets. Many models, such as anklets, rings, and earrings, are suitable for women’s use. Men who want to use natural stones can also get help from bracelets, rings, and rosaries produced by them.
How to Use Natural Stone Jewelry?

Natural stone jewellery, which has become popular recently and is included in many people’s lives, can be misused. First, wearing jewellery containing more than one natural stone should check whether the crystals are compatible. If the crystals are consistent, they should continue to be used similarly. Otherwise, incompatible crystals must be replaced.
Many unknown effects of natural crystals used for a long time can be discovered. For this reason, it is necessary to turn to accessories that can be worn as much as possible. Although it is recommended to be worn from the inside of the outfit, the crystals worn from the outside should be chosen by the person’s style in terms of visuality. If not used, it should be wrapped in a soft cloth or bag and stored in a closed area.
Where Can I Buy Natural Crystals?

When purchasing a natural crystal, it must be applied to reliable brands and stores. Generally, it is more convenient to shop at stores open for natural crystals. It is also possible to reach genuine crystals in jewellery shops or the accessory areas of some clothing stores. It is recommended to buy the most suitable crystal after checking the authenticity of the crystal.
Browsing from store to store can be challenging, like natural stones. The fact that the desired crystal cannot be found in every store also causes the person to be negatively affected. For this reason, you can order from the websites of natural stone companies that ship to every province of Turkey. Moreover, by taking advantage of payment options at the door, measures can be taken against fraud. You can click to shop from the most trusted Etsy Stores.
Natural Crystal Prices
Each natural crystal has different properties that distinguish it from the others. These features may be related to the areas where it heals and depending on its removal from nature. Since rare stone groups are considered more valuable, their prices are high. On the other hand, since very common crystals are inexpensive, they can also be used in different areas apart from accessories.
Some natural crystals are not considered stones. They are in the semi-precious stone category because they are less expensive than jewellery. Therefore, their prices can be very high compared to other crystals. In addition, factors such as the processing of crystals, the materials with which they are used, and their brightness and structure can also cause their prices to increase.