Tagged: lapis lazuli

immune system virus

Get Rid Of All Diseases Forever With 17 Natural Crystals That Boost Your Immune System

Our immune system is one of the most precious blessings we have in this world. Our Creator, the sole owner of the universe, has given us immunity so that we can survive and struggle easily in this challenging life journey. Therefore, we have to protect and support our immunity. There are many ways to do this. Medicinal plants, movements that support spinal joint ranges in Yoga, and natural crystals help your immunity. Therefore, you should include them in your life. This article will try to tell you how you can achieve this with crystals. Were you supporting your immune system...


Get Rid of Your Excess Weight and Be Fit with the Fat Burning Energy of Healing Crystals without Dieting in 3 Steps

Ah, Excess weight. Our accumulated fats prevent us from living our everyday lives and being happy. They look bad visually, but they also spoil our overall health. The leading cause of hundreds of diseases is our excess weight alone. Forty-two percent of Americans are obese. Eating disorders and especially not being satiated continue to be the biggest problem worldwide. We’re not going to quickly go through a few slimming aids as others have done in this article. We want you to get results, and we love you. We are proud of you when we hear this in your feedback when...


Get High Benefits Using Crystals Based on Your Blood Type

No two snowflakes are the same. It is unique like humans—no one’s fingerprints match. We are indifferent bodies with additional abilities, different weaknesses, and different needs. No one is the same. Sometimes we need similar things, but everyone’s nutritional needs are still different. The only way to stay healthy is to get what you need at the moment. Use the characteristics of your blood type as a guide in your diet or crystal selection. You will be healthier, and your aging will be delayed because your blood type is a much more reliable measure of identity than your geography and...


Open the Closed Doors of Your Mind with High-Frequency Healing Crystals in 5 Steps and Initiate General Healing in All Your Organs by Using More of Your Brain Capacity

If we ask you which organ of yours is the most important, you will immediately answer, like everyone else, as the Brain. Where is your command center? You are your Brain! Your Brain is the chief of all your organs. If you have a good brain, you can be successful, healthy, and, as a result, happy. If you have a weak and problematic brain, we can say that it is impossible to be successful, healthy, and comfortable. What you feel, your feelings and thoughts, that is, your whole life passes inside your Brain. Loving yourself means loving your Brain. If...


Root Out Your Nervous Stress With The Protective Effects Of Activated Natural Crystals And Get Rid Of All Your Ailments With Surprisingly Calmness!

A very ambitious title, isn’t it? But rest that when you can activate them, healing crystals are much stronger than you think! They researched and tried many ways to work and start acting with crystals. And our ancestors discovered that each crystal is a cure for different ailments. Based on the symptoms, they tried the stones one by one. We share the outdated information you want history from books written hundreds of years ago in different languages ​​for your healing. Each of us faces many problems every day. Although, of course, we endure many of these, we get through. Then...

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs and Chakras

Lapis Lazuli crystal consists of a combination of many minerals. The usage area of ​​Lapis Lazuli, which has an important place in ancient civilizations, is also very diverse. Their common point is that the seal instruments with which the rule-makers seal their words were made of Lapis. It directly addresses our third eye chakra with its indigo color. This particular color has been used throughout history to attract people’s attention and focus on the desired situation. Ancient painters pulverized Lapis Lazuli crystal to obtain a magnificent shade of blue, and their works activated this chakra, which rules our imagination. Lapis...


Some of the Crystals can be dangerous!

What minerals are toxic? How can minerals be harmful to humans? Which crystals can be dangerous? All answers in our article. Crystals can give healing, as well as harm in some conditions. But all stones are beneficial in correct use. For this reason, be sure to pay attention to crystals’ usage warnings, especially before purchasing. The first thing to know about all crystals is this. All crystals are made of minerals, just like drugs; Since we cannot determine the dosage by ourselves, no crystals should be swallowed and inhaled in powder form. If possible, processed and polished stones should be...


Eliminate Your Concentration Problem With Crystals

Discover the most effective crystals for concentration to make your life easier. Millions of years ago, humanity did not have a concentration problem. People were living with nature. Everywhere was full of stones, crystals, trees, and animals. Living with nature and being a part of it was enough to protect people from the thousands of diseases and accidents we are currently grappling with. Of course, humanity had utterly different problems in ancient times. Imagine the following situation: When you are running away from a wild animal. The animal wants to eat you alive, and suddenly while running, your attention is...

Seven Chakras Meaning

Chakra Balancing Guide with Natural Crystals

Regular energy and Chakra Balancing are an integral part of our system. The physical body consists of meridians, chakras, aura, and energy points from the skeleton, organs, nervous system, digestive system, excretory system, and the energy body. So it’s also essential to understand how important it is to keep them in good condition. You should also know that any ailment first appears in the energetic body. Any imbalance or disorder in these systems leads to disturbances in your physical body. Therefore, regular energy treatments such as chakra balancing should be part of your routine. If you don’t know everything about...

third eye

Basic Third Eye Chakra Natural Stones

Third eye chakra; It is the energy center that governs the mind and psychic connections. Balancing it with natural stones will help you benefit from universal wisdom. This chakra is the 6th energy center of the body. It is located at the point between our eyebrows. It is the chakra that governs the mind, intuition, and insight. Everything that includes thoughts and psychic connections comes from this chakra. The third eye chakra is the spiritual center of the energy system. It works with the mind to create intuitive intelligence to see behind the curtain. In this way, it helps to...