The Most Popular Medicinal Natural Crystals and Their Properties

Since the beginning of time, people have been using most popular natural crystal for healing. Also known as mother earth’s treasures, these stones are rock crystals born from elemental energy and can bring healing powers to us.
Natural stones have a long history. Priests and warriors put it on their breastplates, shamans used it in rituals, it served as a guide for ancient tribes, and kings carried it in their pockets. But, these powerful stones have much more power in the modern world.

Natural stones; can direct our intent, raise our vibration, and reveal all that dormant grace and beauty we already hide within.
Remember, everything in life has energy and vibration. If we can match our inner beats with the things we want in this world, we can manifest them in our lives. Natural stones, with their positive vibrations and cleansing potentials, can help establish this balance. It can also invite you to clear the mind, meditate and calm your mind and step into more profound healing.
How Are Natural Crystals Formed?

Natural Crystals go through an incredible geological process on earth. The combination of heat, compression, and millions of years can produce some great things!
How to Choose Natural Crystals?

How do you choose the right one when there are so many natural stone options around? One of the most important lessons we can learn from natural stone healing is tapping into our intuition and returning to ourselves.

Our minds and bodies are naturally interconnected. When deciding which stone suits you, look at which one is calling you. Some rocks will attract you more than others. If you are feeling lost or overwhelmed, you can take inspiration from this guide to guide you to natural stones that can bring healing properties. Click to learn more about the intuitive selection of Natural Crystals.
How to Use Natural Crystals?

One of the good ways to incorporate crystals into your daily life is to use them as jewellery. Using Natural Crystal charms is a simple and effective way of keeping you in close contact with the Crystal of your choice and doing the work it needs. Contrary to carrying in a pocket, Natural Crystal jewellery; has the advantage of touching the body directly, allowing all these vibrations to enter now.
18 Core Stones to Choose From
Amethyst Crystal The Most Liked Crystal
Most Popular Medicinal Natural Crystal Helps Most: Protection against fear and guilt, calmness, anxiety relief, and good dreams
Connected Chakra: Crown Chakra
Zodiac Crystal: Aquarius
Features: Protection, meditation, healthy cell renewal.
Amethyst, with its purple color and high protective powers, is one of the most divine and spiritual healing Crystals. It is also an excellent meditation tool for those who want to reach higher. Amethyst is also associated with healthy cell regeneration. It promotes soothing sleep and rest and supports hormonal balance. Moreover;
-Helps balance metabolism
-Serves the endocrine system
-Allows the body to find inner harmony
-Reduces stress and tension by balancing cortisol production

-Keeps the mind and soul free
-Beneficial for those struggling with migraine
-Supports the immune system
-Gives a purifying structure to the blood
It is also a helpful crystal in the metaphysical dimension. When the Amethyst Crystal is held to awaken the third eye, it gives rise to the sixth sense. When the third eye chakra is blocked, a person may struggle with feelings of depression and anxiety. By awakening the third eye with this Crystal, one can awaken intuition, allow inner Wisdom to flow, and invite radiance back into the imagination.

Citrine Crystal The Most Desirable Crystal
Most Popular Medicinal Natural Crystal Helps Most: Grounding negative energy, Helping to soften family or dynamic group problems, Promoting love and happiness, and Guarding against those who might break your heart.
Connected Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra and Sacral Chakra
Zodiac Crystal: Aries, Leo, and Libra
Features: Attracting health and vitality, raising positive vibrations.
-Citrine Crystal is ready to wake you from sleep; it attracts health and wealth and removes poisonous vibrations. Unable to contain evil energy, this
-Crystal works wonders when it comes to warming the physical body and bringing uplifting moods. If vitamin D were a Crystal, it would be citrine!

-It brings lots of energy and can be an excellent gift for chronic fatigue patients.
-Helps the thyroid to function well.
-Stimulates a healthy digestive system and provides better blood circulation.
-Reduces allergies and any skin irritation.
-Those suffering from menstrual pain and irregularity can also benefit from its healing vibrations.
-It can also be used as a remedy against nausea.

Rose Quartz The Most Creditable Crystal

Most Popular Medicinal Natural Crystal Helps Most: Healing emotional wounds, cultivating divine love, cultivating compassion and friendships.
Connected Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Heart Chakra
Zodiac Crystal: Taurus
Features: Rose quartz is excellent in pink and provides deep healing to the heart chakra; It is for those ready to bring trust, harmony, and unconditional love back into their inner world.
-Rose quartz, which works wonders when it comes to spiritual healing, also has healing properties for the physical body
-Helps prevent heart attacks.
-Improves the circulatory system.
-It can help keep your heart muscles as smooth and robust as possible.
-Thanks to its profound feminine energy, it is said to help protect the mother and the unborn child from pregnancy problems.
-Pink quartz is a gentle Crystal that should be kept nearby as it helps the energy of love flow like a fountain. Another benefit is its deep vibration and harmony with goddess energy.
-It carries the energy of compassion, peace, and the mother’s warmth with the soul’s supreme power.
-Teaches you how to calm yourself down.
-It is intricately linked with the heart chakra and is used to help the heart heal from deep emotional wounds, lingering pain, or trauma.
-Helpful for those who want more love in their life.

Tourmaline The Most Exhilarating Crystal

Most Popular Medicinal Natural Crystal Helps Most: Building a healthy digestive system, Building stronger bones and teeth, Boosting self-confidence
Connected Chakra: Root Chakra, Crown Chakra, Heart Chakra
Zodiac Crystal: Libra, Virgo
Features: Brings strength, reduces fear, and balances the left and right sides of the mind.
-Tourmaline, always ready to heal the physical body:
-It is an incredible immune system and nervous system helper.
-She is a sensitive healer when dealing with stomach issues.
-It strengthens bones and teeth.
-Increases your hand-eye coordination skills.

-It is excellent for those who feel sluggish or suffer from chronic fatigue.
-Tourmaline is also mentally and emotionally healing:
-Adds a strong sense of positivity to its user.
-It takes negative thoughts and provides a positive return.
-Ideal for those who need more self-love.
-Relieves anxiety.
-Brings a little joy and self-love.
-Helps you pass traumas softly.
-Perfect confidence booster for those who need to take more action.
Crystal Quartz The Most Admirable Crystal
Most Popular Medicinal Natural Crystal Helps Most: Supporting professionals, musicians, and doctors, treating migraine, headache, vertigo, and motion sickness
Connected Chakra: Crown Chakra
Zodiac Crystal: Aries
Features: It is a powerful cleansing Crystal. It strengthens immunity with its positive vibrations.
-He is known as a master healer with the power to increase energy, thought, and the effects of Crystals close to him. Moreover:
-It draws in all negative energy and helps neutralize any background radiation.

-It can revive your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual plans.
-It acts as a cleanser for the soul.
– Develops psychic abilities.
-Helps concentration and improves memory.
-It brings the body back into balance by creating harmony between the chakras and aligning the spiritual body.

Selenite The Most Admirable Crystal

Most Popular Medicinal Natural Crystal Helps Most: It can be used to clean by placing it on top of other Crystals. Also, it connects strongly to the third eye and other chakras and helps to purify their energies.
Connected Chakra: Crown Chakra, Third Eye Chakra
Zodiac Crystal: Taurus
Features: Protecting against menstrual irregularities and harmonizing the cycle, goddess healing energy.
-It cleans the blockages in meditation and protects the user’s aura, energy, and environment.
-Helps raise awareness of higher planes of inner experience.
-It is an energy booster.

-Used to amplify the energy of other Crystals.
-One of the most popular Crystals used by healers to activate the third eye and crown chakras.
-It is a powerful cleaner.
-It naturally attracts negative energy.
-Strengthens the essential features in our body or home.

Obsidian The Most Popular Crystal

Most Popular Medicinal Natural Crystal Help Mosts: Protection against negative energy. Absorbing negative energies and even blocking things like psychic attack
Connected Chakra: Crown Chakra, Third Eye Chakra
Zodiac Crystal: Taurus, Scorpio
Features: Grant healing Protection to anyone who wears it. It is a good shield used in difficult times or daily.
-A highly protective Crystal, obsidian is always ready to keep the entire body prepared for action:
-Helps the body detox.
-Perfect for keeping circulation full and healthy flow.

-Good for gallbladder problems.
-It is a Crystal that makes your heart beat full, loud, and healthy.
-Invokes deep tissue healing so your body can rejuvenate and be fresh and youthful.
-Protecting and perfectly prepared to help you heal deeply – The Obsidian Crystal is known for keeping you clear when it comes to negative emotions and negative energy:
-Works to keep the protective powers on your shoulders.
-Prevents you from being dragged into the pit of despair.
-Helps you feel secure.
-It is a truth-seeking stone, and rather than encouraging you to walk wrong, it helps you find ways to face all the different aspects of yourself.
-Makes you complete, ready, and invincible when it’s time to step up.

Carnelian The Most Popular Crystal

Most Popular Medicinal Natural Crystal Helps Most: Stimulating metabolism, aiding menopause and increasing concentration, balancing the sacral chakra.
Connected Chakra: Sacral Chakra, Root Chakra
Zodiac Crystal: Aries
Features: Increases libido and helps to overcome personal difficulties. It invites you to align as a supreme strengthener of the root and sacral chakras.
-This Crystal was believed to help protect the dead on their journey into the afterlife. For this reason, it is considered to help eliminate the fear of death. It also fills the body with life and light that summons the forces of physical energy.
-Stimulates the muscles and helps them find the free flow of oxygen.
-Works to keep your tissues and organs clean with optimal health.
-It- Useful for anyone whose sexual energies are at an impasse.
-Stimulates fertility.
-It is an excellent aid in increasing libido and helping you fully step into the fire of your sexual power.
-Provides relief for back problems and rheumatism.
-It brings healing to bones and ligaments.
-Helps you feel loose and supple instead of rigid and cold.
-It is an emotionally and mentally healing Crystal.
-Reveals your strength.
-Gives vitality to those who feel lost.
-When it comes to creative projects, it will lift you and make you feel the urge to move forward.
-It invites you to write, paint, dance, and sing.
-Allows energy to flow and encourages you to embrace your inner child.

Lapis Lazuli The Most Exhilarating Crystal

The most Popular Medicinal Natural Crystal Helps Most: Wisdom, spiritual enlightenment, creativity
Connected Chakra: Taurusz Chakra, Third Eye Chakra
Zodiac Crystal: Libra, Sagittarius, and Capricorn
Features: Linked to spiritual enlightenment and deep self-expression. It strengthens your immune system and prepares you to use your power and truth.
-With its calm tones, the Lapis Lazuli Crystal changes things inside, cleansing you from head to toe with soft grace.
-It is an excellent booster for the immune system.
-Helpful for depression, insomnia, and vertigo.

-It is a Crystal that persuades you to balance mentally.
-It calms inflammation.
-It works for the respiratory and nervous systems.
-Eliminates thyroid-related problems.
-Great for those with Taurus pain, vocal cord problems, or organ complaints.
-The more you invite Lapis Lazuli’s meaning into your life, the more you say yes to self-awareness.

Fluorite The Bright Crystal

Most Popular Medicinal Natural Crystal Helps Most: Clearing a confused mind. It is an excellent Crystal for determining your life path that is often overlooked in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Connected Chakra: Third Eye Chakra
Zodiac Crystal: Pisces
Features: It facilitates decision-making. Known for its earthly guidance, this Crystal lets you understand how both mind and heart will coexist in harmony.
-Besides clarity for the mind, it also likes to bring purity and clean health to the body
-Clears toxic thoughts, patterns, and behaviors, including addiction problems.
-It is an excellent Crystal for those who want to detox.
-Thanks to its infinitely clean energy, it is also known as a beautiful antiviral stone.
-It can be used to help clear the infection from the body.

-It is helpful in any bone-related problem related to joints and tissue.
-It is known to be particularly effective in rheumatism and arthritis.
-It’s also helpful when it comes to your emotional well-being:
-It is a stone about harmony with yourself and finding your flow.
-Allows you to think confidently.
-Puts you to a point where you feel better equipped to make balanced and intelligent choices.
-It keeps you grounded, helping you feel safe and stable.

Hematite The Most Strength Crystal

The most Popular Medicinal Natural Crystal Helps Most: Intuition and mental clarity, circulation, willpower, and courage
Connected Chakra: Root Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra
Zodiac Crystal: Aquarius, Aries
Features: Inner strength and confidence are gifts that the hematite Crystal can give you. This Crystal can protect you from negative energy and help you expand your security boundaries.
-With a rich history and high iron content, the hematite Crystal is considered one of the best Crystals to promote healthy circulation in the body.
-It-Ideal if you have high blood pressure, clots, menstrual cramps, or any blood flow-related health issues.
-It allows you to absorb nutrients and adequately detoxify the body.

-It is the powerhouse for the mind
-If you often feel under the influence of other people’s bad moods and vibrations, it steps in and works as a sponge for negative energy.
-It somehow manages to activate our survival instinct.
-Instills courage, willpower, and confidence-building abilities in you.
-It provides a satisfying boost to your self-esteem.
-It can help you overcome all kinds of things.

Aventurine The Most Beautiful Crystal

Most Popular Medicinal Natural Crystal Helps Most: Increasing leadership qualities, embracing change, and increasing motivation for creativity. It also benefits heart conditions, circulation problems, and those recovering from surgery or illness.
Connected Chakra: Heart Chakra
Zodiac Crystal: Libra
Features: An enhancer of luck, aventurine is excellent for attracting good luck and bringing great prosperity into your life. Depending on the heart chakra, it also harmonizes the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the being.
-Aventurine is, first and foremost, a Crystal of well-being.
-It inspires you to develop desirable qualities and do the inner work needed to embody your best self.
-It helps your decision-making processes.

-It encourages you to embody robust and reliable leadership qualities.
-Increases your endurance capacity.
-It calms professional performance anxiety while promoting mental clarity, creativity, and compassion.
-Promotes the healthy functioning of the thymus gland.
-Supports the nervous system.
-Helps to balance blood pressure and lower cholesterol.
-If you’re having trouble losing or gaining weight, it can help stimulate a healthy metabolic rate.

Jasper The Most Lovely Crystal

Most Popular Medicinal Natural Crystal Helps Most: Reduce stress, increase calmness, deepen focus, and drive away harmful thoughts. It encourages emotionally supportive thinking and grounding energies to strengthen self-discipline.
Connected Chakra: Heart Chakra, Sacral Chakra
Zodiac Crystal: Leo, Virgo, and Scorpio
Features: Long used by shamans, priests, and kings, this Crystal is known to help you feel more profound and see more. Plus, it’s always ready to help you land and fly high at the same time.
-Jasper is a highly protective Crystal known to protect against all kinds of threats. Not only does it prevent danger, but it is also known for keeping the circulatory system strong and keeping the body in a constant state of detox:
-Helps improve sexual problems for those who are sexually shy or overly aggressive.
-Promotes sexual interest and compatibility with your partner.
-Activates individual stimulation that leads to a healthy attitude towards sexuality.

-Jasper is also mentally and emotionally healing:
-Known as the Endurance Crystal.
-In times of stress, it invites you to maintain your focus and strength, no matter your task.
-Can be used as part of your meditation practice.
-In addition to inviting resilience in difficult situations, it has solid spiritual properties.
-Can be used as part of the divine healing process.
-It is a stone deeply rooted. That is, it binds you to the ground beneath your feet.
-Gives you strong stopping power while renewing and rejuvenating your soul.

Labradorite The Most Popular Crystal

Most Popular Medicinal Natural Crystal Helps Most: Transformation and finding inner courage. It’s also a great motivator, an excellent tool for communication, and for those looking to find their more profound purpose.
Connected Chakra: Third Eye Chakra
Zodiac Crystal: Pisces, Leo Libra
Features: A stunning transformation Crystal. It is beneficial for balancing the chakras, protecting the aura, and removing depressive vibrations from your life.
-While it is a Crystal filled with mystical energies, it is also an excellent Crystal to the ground regarding physical healing.
-It is beneficial for the respiratory system.
-Promotes health and wellness.
-It invites you to take a deep breath comfortably.
-It-Useful for those with bronchitis and other respiratory problems.
-Gives special attention to the lungs.

-Regulates healthy digestion and ensures good metabolism.
-It can also help decrease pain and tension for menstrual irregularity and cramps.
-Helps to heal rheumatism.
-It helps to get rid of the problems caused by gout.
-As a stone of Transformation and courage, it is also beneficial emotionally and mentally:
-Calms the whole mind. It prevents your thoughts from swinging from branch to branch.
-If you’re feeling stuck or just want a start in your imagination, it’s sure to boost your energy.
-A bright burst of energy invigorates the spirit and keeps you fit for world events and personal responsibilities.
-It’s like a motivational tip to overcome difficulties.

Moonstone The Most Popular Crystal

Most Popular Moonstone Crystal Helps Most: Healing the feminine nature. Emphasizing the power of clairvoyance and intuition
Connected Chakra: Heart Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and Crown Chakra
Zodiac Crystal: Libra, Scorpio
Features: It is an excellent Crystal for new beginnings. It can act as an amulet in both heart and body adventures. It is also known for igniting inner strength.
-Excellent for women suffering from menstrual problems, as it is very connected with the goddess energy and the divine feminine:
-Strongly affects the reproductive organs and brings your body into its cycle.
-It-Useful for those struggling with fertility issues.

-It can help alleviate any physical discomfort associated with pregnancy and childbearing.
-Moonstone is also a beneficial Crystal on the spiritual and emotional levels.
-Intuitively connects you to the universe.
-It allows you to move in flow with the world.
-It is also known as the stone of new beginnings.
-Everything passes, and everything changes. Moonstone reminds you how important it is to embrace the cyclical nature of the seasons and not be afraid of the potential of new things.
-Helps you accept the harmony of natural healing powers rather than drowning.

Jade The Most Popular Crystal

Most Popular Jade Crystal Helps Most: Protection against disease, releasing negative thoughts, and developing harmonious relationships.
Connected Chakra: Heart Chakra
Zodiac Crystal: Gemini, Libra, and Aries
Features: Attracts good luck, prosperity, and wealth. Its cooling effect brings joy and keeps good things flowing toward you.
-While it is an emotional and spiritual healer, it also helps the body to heal:
-It is a mighty cleansing Crystal. Directly, it can help the organs get rid of toxins.
-It is known to help the kidneys, bladder, and spleen and balance the fluid systems in the body.
-Famous for helping people fight infections.

-Cooling touch helps lower fever and encourages the body to heal effectively.
-Can be an effective libido booster for those facing sexual problems.
-Provokes negative thought patterns.
-Gives you the courage and Wisdom to welcome your wise advice.
-Allows you to stand on your own feet.
-Raises self-esteem and provides a great sense of confidence.
-Makes you self-sufficient when it comes to feeding your soul.
-Increases self-love.

Bloodstone The Most Popular Crystal

Most Popular Bloodstone Crystal Helps Most: Used for blood disorders such as anemia and poor circulation. It is used as an aphrodisiac in India. It is also great for self-esteem and intuition.
Connected Chakra: Heart Chakra, Root Chakra
Zodiac Crystal: Aries, Libra, and Pisces
Features: In the Middle Ages, the tears of Christ were thought to be blood. No matter your spiritual side, it is known for its ability to increase circulation and raise your self-confidence.
-Bloodstone is beneficial for everything related to blood and circulation
-From the bloodstream to the bone marrow and even increase the purification levels in your blood.It has an iron-rich connection with the life force that runs through us.
-For those with blood-related problems or trauma, it can extend a helping hand and strengthen your immune system.
-Brings strength, courage, and vitality to mother and baby.

-It-Great for regulating menstrual cycles and relieving problems caused by hormones and menstrual irregularity.
-Bloodstone is also a Crystal gifted to warriors and heroes on the battlefield.
-Healing is about increasing strength and courage.
-Makes you feel secure and unshakable by rooting you.
-Makes you adept at making surprising decisions and raising self-worth.
-Acts as an amulet for those suffering from traumas from abandonment and loneliness.
-It’s a supercharger when it comes to building emotional stamina.

Aquamarine The Most Popular Crystal

Most Popular Aquamarine Crystal Helps Most: Emotional balance, open-minded communication, space for inner thought, moments of change, and internal flexibility.
Connected Chakra: Throat Chakra
Zodiac Crystal: Pisces, Gemini
Features: Brings instant calmness to the heart. It is also known for balancing calm vibrations with a jolt of energy. It persuades you to swim instead of sinking against the changing current.
-Aquamarine is an excellent Crystal for physical healing.
-Can be used to bring health to every corner of the body.
-Taurus helps to relieve pain and all kinds of thyroid problems.
-Reminds the body not to overreact regarding hay fever and similar allergies.
-It is an excellent booster of the immune system.
-Hormone regulator.

-Beneficial when it comes to maintaining your mental and emotional health:
-Promotes instant calming.
-Invites you to discover your truths and dig a little deeper.
-Provides gentle, joyful moods that balance emotions.
-Brings you soft, balanced, and emotional clarity.
-Allows you to set aside all judgments and be tolerant of yourself and others.
-Works to keep your understanding high.
-Strengthens the ability to empathize.