Heliodor Stone (The Decision Crystal)
What is Heliodor?

The name Heliodor Stone means the gift of the sun or the miracle from the sun. Helios word means sun and gift. Heliodor owes this meaning to its sun-like yellow tones and brightness. It is referred to as Heliodor Stone in official sources. You will love the heliodor crystal, also known as yellow beryl.
What Does Heliodor Stone Mean?
Heliodor stone, found in yellow and green tones in nature, is a stone known as Yellow Emerald. It is considered a semi-precious ornamental stone due to its ostentatiousness. Trace amounts of uranium can be found in the Heliodor stone, which has many benefits for humans and nature. Therefore, caution should be exercised in its use.
Heliodor Stone Formation

The adventure of the formation of the Heliodor stone, first discovered in 1910, goes back millions of years. The first foundations of the Heliodor stone were laid with the hot and cold reactions of the magma after it came to the earth. After the chemical reactions that followed this stage, it took its final form and started to protect the energy balance of nature.
Heliodor is a stone that attracts negative energies to itself, increasing the amount of positive energy around it. This is related to the magnetic factors experienced during the formation process. Even if people do not use it, it begins to show its effects in every area. It is known for creating a spacious atmosphere, especially next to the rocks it was found before it was mined.
Where Does Heliodor Stone Occur?

It is possible to reach Heliodor stone in many parts of the world. Since it has a rich mineral structure, it ensures the fertility of agriculture in the regions where it is extracted and allows people to live more peacefully. Although there are mainly Mexico, America and Russia, its resources with large reserves are also located in France, Canada, Pakistan, Ukraine, and Norway.
Because of its widespread availability, it is possible to reach Heliodor stone anytime. Furthermore, different varieties of stones, which are bought in pure form from time to time, are available both in stores and on the Internet.
Things to Consider While Buying Heliodor

Heliodor is among the natural stones that exchange energy quite strongly. Due to its colour, brightness, structure and features, care should be taken both when buying and using. In particular, completing the shopping without checking whether the stone is an imitation can cause problems. Since imitation stones are similar to Heliodor stones only in appearance, they do not benefit humans.
Heliodor, which is likened to Yellow Emerald, has an exquisite appearance. For this reason, it adds elegance to the area where it is placed by being in accessories and ornaments. Since it should be used regularly, it is generally preferred by people interested in showing off. Heliodor stone needs to feel loved to show its effects and benefits. The person needs to prefer the model and colour tone that fits inside.
Since it is the stone of life, it enables the individual to enjoy every job he does, thus keeping his motivation high. Furthermore, it makes it challenging to catch diseases by showing strong effects on the subjects it heals. However, it is essential to remember that maintenance is required from time to time, and it is essential to use the stone carefully.

How to Tell if Heliodor is Real or Fake?

Heliodor stone is often among the indispensable stones of natural stone collectors. Therefore, it is a precious stone from a spiritual point of view. However, the transaction should only be completed by paying attention to whether it is accurate. Since Heliodor stone is a hard stone found in yellow, orange and green tones in nature, if its external appearance does not meet these criteria, it should be understood that it is fake.
The most preferred method to understand that the Heliodor stone is natural is to break the stone. However, if the stone is translucent, there is no need to break it. Since the opaque Heliodor stones are likely imitations, the small part should be broken, and the harmony between the inner and outer colours should be checked. If there is no colour difference, it can be decided that the stone is natural.
It is risky to heat the Heliodor stone, which becomes transparent and reaches a white appearance when heat treatment is applied. In addition, it may lose its yellow appearance if left under fire for a long time. Therefore, care should be taken to keep the fire for a short time. Imitation stones will give themselves away as they melt, discolour or peel within a few seconds.
What are Heliodor Stone Properties and Effects?

Heliodor, which has a value of 8 on the hardness scale, is a very durable stone. For this reason, it is tough to remove, process and break up from where it is formed. Imitations are challenging to produce, as their clarity could be better. It has a structure that is resistant to abrasions, impacts and scratches. It looks very stylish because it is located in the hexagonal crystal system.

The stone that Heliodor stone is most compatible with is Aquamarine. When used together, rise, success and victory are seen in many areas of life. For this reason, it is always seen side by side in accessories such as bracelets, rosaries and earrings. Thanks to two stones that strengthen energy transformations, it is possible for a person to get rid of stress, regain health, and experience miracles that seem impossible.

Since Heliodor stone is among the natural stones that started to be used late, all its effects have yet to be discovered. Despite this, it has various benefits in the psychological and physiological areas. It strengthens the immune system and protects the body, giving people the joy of life and taking precautions against mental illnesses. Therefore, it is suitable for use in all age groups and genders.
Heliodor stone, which is emotionally healing, helps the individual to understand what he wants from life. It shows what is right and wrong for the person at critical decision stages. It makes it easier to take risks, thanks to its effect that increases self-confidence. This ensures that the success after an effort is more tremendous and resonant.
Heliodor Stone Usage and Usage Areas

Heliodor stone, which is generally included in accessories and decorative items, is suitable for use in different areas. Although not preferred, it can be used in paint, coloured glass, and porcelain production. Although it tends to use cheaper stones because of their cost, it has a structure that can be used in oil extraction to prevent leakage.
Heliodor stone is used in alternative medicine because of its benefits to human health. It is mainly used in seasonal transitions as it helps to protect against infectious diseases. Furthermore, it benefits cardiovascular health and allows blood pressure patients to use it. In addition, it has an effect that strengthens the effect of the treatments applied.
Since it is a stone of life, the Heliodor stone has unlimited benefits in the spiritual sense. It provides features such as protecting mental health and approaching events from an emotional and logical point of view. Therefore, its place in psychology is significant. It helps individuals to normalize by showing positive effects on depression, anxiety disorder and obsessions.
Heliodor Stone Ritual
Rituals made with Heliodor stone help drive evil away from the person and brought goodness closer. It enables one to hold on to life more tightly by experiencing completion on the issues that are felt incomplete. It is impossible to lose concentration during the ritual as it helps focus. It generally works better in rituals performed at new and full moon times.
Heliodor stone helps the individual to take root and choose which foundations to base his life on. It enables the realization of what is desired by engaging in rituals such as love, career, health, energy cleansing and stress reduction. The effect of the rituals performed by touching the Heliodor stone in candlelight or dim environments is better observed.

Performing rituals with the Heliodor stone revives one’s hidden feelings. Therefore, it helps the person approach life more positively by helping him find his lost hope. Furthermore, as it is a spiritually empowering stone, it also increases the effect of rituals. In this way, it has effects such as getting requests more efficiently, getting wishes accepted, and quickly reaching the answers to prayers.
Which Chakra Is Heliodor Compatible With?

Heliodor stone, whose primary purpose is to clear the energy and ensure its regular flow, also benefits the chakras. The opening of the chakras, which are the important centres of the body, is possible by using the Heliodor stone regularly. Especially keeping it in an area compatible with the crown chakra and solar plexus chakra provides a better effect.

The crown chakra is the chakra that harmonizes best with the Heliodor stone. Being the stone of life, it reveals the traits of the crown chakra that connect the individual to live. This way, goals in life are determined, and ideals are approached with firm steps. Strengthening the ties with the universe and the creator makes it possible to benefit from the world’s blessings. In addition, the crown chakra, which can be opened with Heliodor stone, makes dreams gain meaning.
The solar plexus is the third most important energy centre in the body. It is in harmony with the Heliodor stone, enabling the person to integrate materially and spiritually. It is known as the money chakra because it brings abundance and fertility to the person. In addition, it gives features such as being able to struggle with life alone, not being dependent on other people and giving importance to freedom. Thanks to the Heliodor stone, it works better and is effective in strengthening intuition.
Compatible Signs of Heliodor Stone
It is optional to have any specialities to use Heliodor stone, which maintains the energy balance even while standing in nature. All zodiac sign holders can use it because it benefits everyone. It is known that the energy taken from Leo, Scorpio and Libra signs is more vital, so it is compatible with them.
If Leo, Libra and Scorpio signs use the Heliodor stone regularly, they will have a chance to protect their selves. Since they are signs that always act by relying on their intuition, their margin of error decreases. They get the chance to see the inside of the hidden events. They get the chance to protect their feelings by knowing at a glance which people they can trust.

The effects of Heliodor stone in the zodiac signs it is compatible with are pretty high. In addition to its spiritual benefits, it also provides physical benefits, helping the sign holders to protect their health. It prevents the appearance of symptoms such as headache, nausea, and weakness in mood changes. Using it as an accessory is helpful, as it has a better effect when it touches the skin.
Yellow Beryl Stone Benefits and Harms

It is necessary to be careful when using Heliodor stone, which may contain uranium from time to time, depending on the area where it was extracted. In addition, Heliodor stone, which is offered for sale after being cleaned, although it is in trace amounts, may emit radiation when sold without cleaning. For this reason, it is crucial to check whether uranium residues are on it when purchasing shades of green.
Heliodor is a natural stone that everyone can use according to their needs due to its sound effects. It improves the world as it always helps evil lose and good win. Furthermore, it has an effect that strengthens human relations by strengthening emotions such as empathy, benevolence, love, affection and commitment.

Heliodor regulates the digestive system’s functioning, which protects the health of the organs involved in this system. As a result of hard blows or accidents, it ensures not to suffer a concussion. It treats vision disorders as it protects the eye. It helps the person to calm down spiritually by effectively overcoming traumas.
Since it increases the person’s energy level, it is suitable for chronic fatigue, weakness and apathy. This feature can be seen more clearly in the bright and golden yellow models. When used continuously, motivation and hard work take the place of laziness and laziness. It helps to get a degree, get a promotion or win an award because it provides success in academic and business life.
Where to Put Heliodor Stone at Home?

It is necessary to pay attention to where the Heliodor stones, used as ornaments, are placed. It can usually be found in different rooms depending on the purpose. Since it can be affected by high temperatures, it should not be placed near or on heaters. Also, to avoid being damaged by moisture, it should not be kept in bathrooms for a long time, and if it is used as an accessory, it should be removed before taking a shower.
It is instrumental in having Heliodor in the bedrooms because of its effect that provides sleep patterns and helps the person’s character development. It is beneficial to place it in areas not very close to the bed during sleep hours. It can be left in open areas, on top of desks or on bare cabinet shelves.
It is more correct to place it in areas used collectively to strengthen family ties. It should be kept in the hall or living room, especially in the evening. If the air temperature is moderate, it helps to have a pleasant time on the balcony and garden tables. If it is desired to bring success and money, it should be left to the working areas.
Where is Heliodor Stone Sold?
It’s easy to buy this healing crystal in any form, gem or raw. Click on our Etsy or Amazon links below to access unique pieces made from real minerals with attractive handwork.

How Much Does Heliodor Stone Cost?

Since natural stones are not considered jewellery, so they are sold following every budget. Heliodor stone also has affordable prices that anyone can buy. However, using it with other stones may result in higher prices for the size of the stone or the brand value of the store purchased. Usually, the cheapest models are necklaces because the amount of stones in them is small. In addition, effects such as how bright the stone is, whether yellow or green and its transparency are the conditions that change the prices.
Yellow Beryl Stone Care and Cleaning
Heliodor stone, which makes substantial energy transformations, begins to show the expected effects after a while. In this case, it can be understood that it is time to care for the stone. Although it usually needs maintenance once every two weeks, it is appropriate to perform maintenance once a month during periods of little use. Thanks to the care that helps the stone to be cleaned from bad energies and to rest, it helps the stonework efficiently.

It is quite suitable to use soil, water, sun, or moonlight to care for Heliodor stone. Even though it gets the best effect by being buried in the ground, keeping it in a running water source also helps eliminate bad energies. If it is impossible to get help from water or soil, it should be kept under the sun or moonlight to help it rest. You can click to learn how to clean the stones in detail.
Exciting Facts About Yellow Beryl Stone
Although it was discovered very late, Heliodor stone, which can be used in different areas, can also occur in various rites. It is thought to bring the rites to a divine dimension thanks to its effects that strengthen faith, represent life and attract people to each other. Therefore, it is a natural stone that can be used as a religious motif in uncommon religions.