Tagged: smoky quartz

Which Crystals for Lungs?

Which Crystals for Lungs?

Crystals for Lungs With Crystals for Lungs, you can find solutions for all respiratory ailments. Lungs are extremely sensitive. The lungs are air-filled, spongy organs located in the chest. It is connected to the trachea, which helps to breathe oxygen. Every cell in our body needs oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide to function correctly. This is the waste released by the cell in its normal functioning. Due to the lungs not working correctly and some other reasons, some diseases may occur. Three types of conditions can occur due to problems in the lungs. According to our research, we...

Smoky Quartz Meaning and Properties

Smoky Quartz Meaning and Properties

Smoky Quartz Meaning and Properties This magnificent crystal belongs to the quartz group and is called Smoky Quartz in official sources. Smoky Quartz Meaning reveals the deep meaning in your dreams. Smoky is like a black hole of negative energy. Why are black holes Black? Why is Smoky Quartz Black? Because they both can absorb. Smoky Quartz, also known as Cairngrom Quartz, can positively affect human life and trap evil energies forever. Crystal Quartz is a mixture of brown, grey and black. The brown one looks as if some smoke is trapped inside. Black and grey colors give a swamp...

Capricorn Stones

Capricorn Natural Stones

Since we have prepared this article for more Capricorn people, we will say it right away without further ado. Natural stones for Capricorn are many. However, The lucky stone of Capricorn, the 10th sign of the zodiac, is garnet. Garnet is a precious red gemstone. Associated with commitment and creativity, this stone can help stubborn Capricorns, born between December 21 and January 19 and ruled by Saturn, to improve their good qualities and improve their difficulties. Different gemstones can be suitable for Capricorns. Capricorn can work with garnet and many more natural stones. This article has compiled natural and precious...

insomnia stones

Which Natural Stones Help Sleep?

If you have insomnia in general, this problem may disappear after a while thanks to stone for sleeping. Even people who are normally very fond of sleep may experience sleep problems. Yes, falling asleep can be difficult at times. There may be many reasons for this. We recommend insomnia stones for all kinds of sleep problems. When it comes to any ailment, natural treatments are usually not tried. Why not give natural stone healing a chance if everything else isn’t working? Natural stones can be used for a variety of ailments, including sleep. Many natural stones help sleep. Therefore, it...

Stones for Negative Energy

Which Natural Stones Absorb Negative Energy?

Stones That Absorb Negative Energy Eliminate bad vibrations with these powerful healing stones for negative energies. With the seven negative energy stones listed below, you can protect yourself and remove negative energy from your aura field, home or workplace! Negative energy, bad vibrations and unwanted energy are all around us. They are a part of life; however, you can reduce the negative energy you come into contact with and prevent it from entering your energy field. This is important if you are sensitive to energy. Where Do Negative Energies Come From? Negative feelings and thoughts are normal and part of...


Which Natural Stones Are Good For Anger?

Many people who try to calm down with chemical drugs experience more severe side effects. Thanks to Natural Stones Good for Anger, you can stay calm without experiencing these severe side effects. If you want to learn to manage your anger and anger more healthily, natural stones are one of the best and most natural ways to do it. Its vibrations will help you manage your emotions better by putting you in a more peaceful state. Nervousness can be a negative emotion. However, it is also a natural human response to various stress triggers and challenges. While this feeling is...

self love

Natural Stones for Self-Love

Do you have a hard time loving or forgiving yourself, or do you put other people’s needs before your own? These eight natural stones for self-love can strengthen your self-worth and give you a sense of well-being! Self-love; means honoring your true self with every thought, word, and deed. However, nurturing yourself this way is not always easy. And it can have a profound effect on your life and relationships. Loving yourself motivates you to take care of your physical and emotional needs. This way, you can make healthy choices and end self-sabotaging behaviors. This also gives you more energy,...

What are the General Features and Benefits of Smoky Quartz Stone?

What are the General Features and Benefits of Smoky Quartz Stone?

Smoky Quartz Natural Stone is a powerful grounding and balancing stone, also known as the “dream stone”, an impressive member of the Quartz group. Unlike crystal quartz, It has a deep black, smoky colour ranging from translucent grey to brownish grey, black to transparent. In the 12th century, the first sunglasses in China were created with Smoky Quartz Natural Stone. These natural stones protect against danger and setbacks and neutralize negative energy. There are also various physical and mental health benefits associated with Smoky Quartz Natural Stone. For example, It is thought to relieve headaches and protect against ailments in...


Which Natural Stones Good for Cancer?

Did you know that Natural Stones for Cancer can help your treatment? Stones are more effective than you think. We all know that natural stones provide extra support for many health conditions. However, we do not recommend that you avoid the medications prescribed by your doctor during treatment. For this reason, healing Natural Stones for Cancer should not be used as the first treatment option but to provide extra support to the treatment. One of the most common questions about natural stones that are good for diseases is, “which stones are good for cancer.” By researching the internet, you can...

faith stones

Best Natural Stones for Hope and Faith

This article will discuss some of the best natural stones for hope and faith. You can get help from these natural stones for hope when you face difficulties, are in a gloomy mood, or feel hopeless. Then, you can muster the faith you need to sail through the storms and lead you into a better perspective. The Power of Faith We all have times when things don’t go our way. Everything is against us, and we doubt things will turn out well. It can be helpful to view them as a challenge or test at such times. If you can...