Tagged: aquamarine

virus crystals

Natural Crystals That Keep Viruses and Diseases Away

Natural crystals have always been the curiosity of humankind throughout history. They are attractive. Let’s take a journey in the world of crystals in the light of scientifically explained data about natural crystals that keep viruses and diseases away. The reason why genuine crystals are the center of attraction is not limited to their beauty and colors; the interest in them has increased with the discovery that each has healing in human health. It is scientifically explained that almost every crystal, known or unknown, that we see in nature has a beneficial effect on human health. The Most Precious Crystal...

immune system virus

Get Rid Of All Diseases Forever With 17 Natural Crystals That Boost Your Immune System

Our immune system is one of the most precious blessings we have in this world. Our Creator, the sole owner of the universe, has given us immunity so that we can survive and struggle easily in this challenging life journey. Therefore, we have to protect and support our immunity. There are many ways to do this. Medicinal plants, movements that support spinal joint ranges in Yoga, and natural crystals help your immunity. Therefore, you should include them in your life. This article will try to tell you how you can achieve this with crystals. Were you supporting your immune system...

insomnia sleeplessness

Meet 14 Crystals That Ensure You Sleep in a Restful and Fabulous Comfort

Meet 14 Crystals That Ensure You Sleep in a Restful and Fabulous Comfort Crystals meditate you by emitting a high healing frequency, as we always say. Crystals are lovely gifts from the sole creator and owner of the universe. In this article, we will talk about another significant advantage of our creator, namely sleep. Sleep is a tremendous healer that we all need most. When we don’t get enough sleep, we can be extremely restless and unbearable. Much worse than that, when our sleep is not regular, our internal organs are damaged and cannot renew themselves sufficiently. Our most important...

stomach ache abdominal pain nausea vomiting

Get Rid of Problems and Get Back to Your Old Health With Healing Crystals That Renew Your Stomach

When our organs are healthy, we are in good spirits. All is well when our entire body system is working flawlessly. But it may not always be like this. As we mentioned in our other articles, stress is our biggest problem, so it first affects us psychologically, and then our physical organs are damaged. Although it varies from person to person structurally, the first organ to be damaged by stress is usually our stomach. Since humanity existed, natural crystals have been used to heal problems and diseases in the body. Our stomach is like an alarm center. Your stomach signals...

Aquamarine Crystal – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Aquamarine Crystal – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Discover the enchanting world of Aquamarine crystal and unlock its profound healing properties, zodiac associations, and chakra connections. In this comprehensive post, we delve into the ancient beliefs surrounding Aquamarine, exploring its potential to protect, cleanse, and instil hope. What is Aquamarine Crystal? Aquamarine Crystal is a gemstone known for its beautiful blue-green hue, reminiscent of the clear waters of the ocean. It belongs to the beryl family of minerals, alongside other notable gemstones such as emerald and morganite. The name “aquamarine” is derived from the Latin words “aqua” meaning water and “marina” meaning sea, emphasizing its connection to the...


Eliminate Your Concentration Problem With Crystals

Discover the most effective crystals for concentration to make your life easier. Millions of years ago, humanity did not have a concentration problem. People were living with nature. Everywhere was full of stones, crystals, trees, and animals. Living with nature and being a part of it was enough to protect people from the thousands of diseases and accidents we are currently grappling with. Of course, humanity had utterly different problems in ancient times. Imagine the following situation: When you are running away from a wild animal. The animal wants to eat you alive, and suddenly while running, your attention is...

Throat Chakra

Natural Stones for Throat Chakra

If you are going through a period where you want to improve communication skills, there is no better option than Stones for Throat Chakra. If you have trouble expressing your true feelings, cannot identify your needs, or feel you are never understood, you may have a blockage in your Throat chakra. The throat chakra is the energy centre that governs communication and self-expression. Balancing it with throat chakra stones will help you enjoy life and your relationships. Throat Chakra Properties Colour: BlueElement: Ether (Space) and SoundMain Functions: Communication, Expression, Authenticity, Purpose, Truth, Confidence, Creativity, Emotion and Intuition BalanceBody Areas: Throat,...