Which Crystals Are Good For Back Pain?

back pain

When we are hurt, our biggest problems are our pain. But it is a problem you can solve with the help of Crystals for Back Pain. Low back pain results from sleep disturbances, sitting and posture, or lifestyle habits. However, when used with natural stones, there are unique ways to heal blocked energies in the body. One of them is directly curing low back pain and arthritis.

What Causes Chronic Low Back Pain?

Crystals for Back Pain

Pain that lasts longer than a few months is often called chronic pain. When you have chronic low back pain, the pain persists, you feel cramps when you wake up, you experience fatigue during the day, and you have low activity and high-stress levels. If you have occasional low back pain, your risk of developing chronic low back pain is 20%.

While most back pain is age-related, it can also occur due to long-term back pain, injuries, and poor posture or disorders. Disc problems also contribute to back pain. Left untreated, chronic low back pain can create other problems for your overall health.

Why Are Natural Stones Used for Low Back Pain?

back pain

There is a lot of power in healing natural stones. This is because they are stones made by mother nature herself. So, when stones that are good for low back pain are used, they help to heal the problems. However, never use natural stones as a substitute for medicines. Instead, use natural stones as support to increase the potency of medicines. So, what can natural stones for low back pain do for you?

Crystals for Back Pain Remove Toxins


Depending on the stone you use for lower back pain, you can use it to clear toxic energy residues from your chakra points. Natural stones; At the chakra points, when they flow to different chakra points, they can produce energy with tremendous pressure, creating a detox effect in your body.

Crystals for Back Pain Repairs and Refreshes


Another vital power of natural stones is to repair and renew. In long-term use, it can repair your waist to solve problems.

When you use natural stones to repair your waist, you energize your back and waist.

Crystals for Back Pain Strengthen the Lower Chakras

Lower Chakras

The chakras have something to do with lower back pain. The reason for this is the waist and back region; It is around the Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root chakra.

If you have upper back pain, use a Solar Plexus chakra stone. Click to learn more about Solar Plexus chakra stones! Root chakra stones are also an excellent remedy for lower back pain. It can also help other stones during healing.

Crystals for Back Pain Soothe and Relieve Pain

Relieves Pain

A known benefit of natural stones is that they provide pain relief for chronic low back pain. You don’t have to depend on pain therapies when you have a suitable stone. It relaxes your tensed back and muscles. You will feel calm and grounded with stones that are good for low back pain.

It Helps You Understand Fundamental Problems


Do other problems in your body cause back pain? If other ailments cause lower back pain, many natural stones can help you figure this out. Finding the underlying cause of chronic low back pain is the best solution.

Which Natural Stone Heals Low Back Pain?

Natural stones are great for mental and physical distress that begins in your chakra points. For example, when you rub it around your waist or sacral chakra, Healing stones with intense color energies such as indigo, black, yellow, and green can reduce pain.

Lapis Lazuli Crystals for Back Pain

Lapis Lazuli, which is defined as the best natural treatment for chronic pain, shallow back, and back pain, reduces inflammation and prevents any evil eye directed at you. You can apply this stone, which is ideal for rejuvenation, to painful areas in the morning and evening every day.

How to Use Lapis Lazuli?

-Take lapis lazuli in your right hand.
-Close your right hand tightly.
-Tell your affirmation to identify underlying disorders.
-Now gently rub the lapis lazuli stone around your back where the pain persists.
-Do this 30 minutes before going to sleep.

lapislazuli etsy shop

Hematite Crystals for Back Pain

Hematite is ideal for people suffering from pain after surgeries. Balancing energy with intense grounding powers, hematite stimulates the body with its uplifting energy and clears toxins accumulated in your Sacral Chakra.

To effectively treat chronic back pain, you can program your stone with a hematite necklace to your pain area.

How is Hematite Used?

-Take the stone in your hand.
-Sit in a comfortable position on your mat.
-Place the hematite on your lap.
-Say your affirmation.
-Close your eyes and meditate for 10 minutes.
-Scrub your sacral chakra with hematite.
-Do this at night before you go to sleep and right after you wake up.

hematite etsy shop

Fluorite Crystals for Back Pain

flourite Crystals for Back Pain

Recommended as a detox stone, fluorite is also among the natural stones for low back pain. Fluorite enhances the healing effect of natural stones. Thus, it even relieves long-term chronic low back pain.

If stiffness in the joints prevents you from walking or even closing your eyes enough, you can get help from a fluorite stone.

How to Use Fluorite

-Place the stone on your chest.
-Sit in a comfortable position.
-Repeat your affirmation with fluorite.
-Close your eyes.
-Meditate like this for ten minutes.
-Scrub your sacral chakra using the stone.
-Do this after you wake up.

fluorite etsy shop

Malachite Crystals for Back Pain

It is practical to place healing stones in the pain area. For this reason, you may find that most healing stone enthusiasts tape stones to sore areas throughout the day.

Malachite is an excellent natural stone that relieves arthritis pain by creating a massage environment in and around your spine. As a result, its users can feel rapid relief in their joints.

How to Use Malachite

-Take the malachite stone in your right hand.
-Place your hand on your heart chakra.
-Close your eyes and imagine the pain going away.
-Do this as much as you can.
-Gently rub the stone on the painful area.
-You can do this whenever you feel pain.

malachite etsy shop

Smoky Quartz Crystals for Back Pain

Muscle cramps are the specialty of smoky quartz. However, it can also improve chronic upper back pain. So if you wake up with back pain in the morning, this stone can bring your peace of mind back!

Back pain is inevitable for those who work in a squatting or sitting position throughout the day. Smoky quartz, a low back pain relief stone, can heal excessive tension in the back and waist when worn as a necklace.

How to Use Smoky Quartz

-Take the stone between your hands and lift it.
-Now, bring it to eye level and examine it.
-Repeat your affirmation three times.
-Close your eyes and meditate for 10 minutes.
-Place the smoky quartz under your bed before you go to sleep.

smokyquartz etsy shop

SunStone Crystals for Back Pain

Used for a variety of ailments, from obesity to creating barriers, sunstone relieves lower back pain by activating the Sacral chakra.

If you use sunstones when you have lower back pain, you can get extra healing by treating other things like loss of self-confidence and self-doubt. Wearing sunstone heals your back by transmitting the healing rays of sunlight and removing the stress that has been blocked on your lower back.

How to Use Sunstone?

-Hold the sunstone against your sacral chakra.
-Say your affirmation and circle the stone three times.
-Place the stone behind you and let it sit for 30 minutes.
-Do this just at dawn.

sunstone etsy shop

Low back pain can worsen and transmit pain to other parts of your body when neglected. One of the best ways to get rid of these pains as soon as possible can be to meditate using stones that are good for back pain, as mentioned in this article!


Nature is astonishing, and Crystals are gifts from mother nature. Living happy and healthy is very easy with Crystals. Follow us and stay informed!

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