Rhodochrosite (Aura Stone)
What is Rhodochrosite?

If there is a crystal that is the queen of love, it is Rhodochrosite Natural Stone. The word rhodochrosite is derived from the Greek word meaning pink color. The reason why the stone is given this name is that it is usually found in pale pink color. In addition to being known as the aura stone, it is also known as the Inca Rose in some regions. It is among the natural stones loved for their effects and properties and has become more prevalent in recent years.
What Does Rhodochrosite Natural Stone Mean?

Rhodochrosite Natural Stone, consisting of minerals, is an energy stone. It is among the natural stones that are highly valued in mineralogy. Its discovery dates back to 1938. Even though it is called an Inca stone because it was removed from the Inca grave, official sources use the names Rhodochrosite. It is a stone that can express different meanings according to its characteristics and should be used specifically for the person.
Rhodochrosite Natural Stone Formation

Rhodochrosite Natural Stone is formed together with oxidations occurring in manganese deposits. Like other natural stones, it is underground and completes its formation process here. Due to the chemical reactions it enters, there may be differences in the stones’ colors, sizes, and patterns. For this reason, although Rhodochrosite Natural Stone is known as pink or red, it can also have brown or yellow stains in rarer cases.

Due to the magnetic effects underground, vibration feature occurs in Rhodochrosite Natural Stone. This feature helps the stone to transform energy. The stronger the vibration, the stronger the development and properties of the stone. In this regard, Rhodochrosite Natural Stone does not gain any abilities after completing the formation process.
Where Is Rhodochrosite Natural Stone Extracted?

Rhodochrosite Natural Stone can be extracted from many countries because it is widely available. The largest reserves are in countries rich in natural stones, such as Argentina, Africa, and South Africa. It can also be extracted from Germany, Peru, and America. Some stones removed from these regions are beautiful enough to be put in museums.

Rhodochrosite is a Natural Stone which is very popular in the USA. However, Rhodochrosite Natural Stone can be reached in many cities since it is sold. Some of the imported stones are processed and marketed as natural masses. It is one of the natural stones that can be used easily because it will have the same characteristics regardless of where it is extracted.
Considerations While Taking Rhodochrosite

It is essential to be careful when purchasing Rhodochrosite Natural Stone. It should be noted that the desired product is in the average price range and that the shopping is done from reliable places in case of selling fake stones. Information about the stone should be obtained before or during shopping. Taking stones that are not known how to use or for which adequate care is not accepted should be avoided.

It is essential to love the Rhodochrosite Natural Stone to be purchased. The bond will weaken if the wearer does not like Rhodochrosite Natural Stone. This may reduce the effects of the stone on the person or the environment. In addition, Rhodochrosite Natural Stone is not suitable for mass use. The stone must be used entirely personally. However, since it will affect other people in a crowded environment, it will be sufficient to have the event in one person in the household.

Rhodochrosite Natural Stone can heal the chakras and signs it is compatible with. Similarly, it can be preferred to protect mental health or to cure physical diseases. However, before taking it, attention should be paid to which areas the stone is suitable for and whether it will meet the person’s needs. If it is unsuitable for the conditions, it would be more appropriate to use another natural stone.
How to Tell if Rhodochrosite Is Real or Fake?

Rhodochrosite Natural Stone impresses people with its beautiful appearance and valuable features. Therefore, it causes fakes to be made. It is essential for those who have not used natural stone before or who want to buy Rhodochrosite Natural Stone for the first time to check whether the stone is real or fake. Otherwise, it is possible to pay very high prices for a painted paving stone and to suffer moral damage.

Rhodochrosite Natural Stone, as it is an energy transformation stone, evokes a feeling of coolness as soon as it is touched. It is in a cold state under ordinary room conditions. People with essential information about stones can understand whether the stone is real or fake by looking at their behavior under the light. Also, since it usually has pink and red tones, being in a unique color can indicate that the stone is fake.

Breaking a part of Rhodochrosite Natural Stone will soon prove fake or real. Although natural stones’ internal and external structures are the same, profound differences are seen in imitation stones. For this reason, if the broken stone has the same appearance as the inside and outside, it is understood that it is accurate. It is also sufficient to hold the stone on fire and examine its reactions in a few seconds. The stone is fake in situations such as melting, color change, burning or peeling, shrinkage, or spilling on the outer surface.

What are the Properties and Effects of Rhodochrosite Natural Stone?

Rhodochrosite Natural Stone is a mineral in the triangular crystal system and the carbonates group. Rhodochrosite Natural Stone, whose Mohs value is between 3.5 and 4, has a perishable structure that can be broken easily. For this reason, it is mainly sold in natural masses and used less in accessories. It can be used for many years as long as it is protected from impacts.

Rhodochrosite Natural Stone can be used for various purposes, as it is compatible with chakras and zodiac signs. It usually helps the person calm down and makes it easier to manage crises. Protecting mental health makes it more challenging to catch depression and similar depression. Since its healing effect is also valid on the aura, it ensures the beautification of the energy emitted by the person.

One of the essential features of Rhodochrosite Natural Stone is that it can change the energy in the environment or on the person. This change occurs when negative energies move away and are replaced by positive ones. In addition to its spiritual and physical protection, it has various effects, such as calming the mind and facilitating Focus. If it is used regularly, it will make you feel many known or unknown benefits.
Usage and Usage Areas of Rhodochrosite Natural Stone

There are some situations where it is necessary. No other person should be allowed to touch the stone as it must be used individually. If someone else feels the rock, energy maintenance must be performed, and the stone must be purged of that individual’s energy. Otherwise, different points will mix, and Rhodochrosite Natural Stone will not be able to give the desired effect to its real user.

Rhodochrosite Natural Stone used in energy studies is not used in industry because it is costly. It is more suitable for personal use. This is related to the properties of the stone as well as its price. It is mainly preferred for calming, relaxing, and removing negative energy, such as meditation and yoga.

Rhodochrosite Natural Stone is also used in alternative medicine because it has healing effects. However, this situation is not very common due to the late discovery of the stone. Thanks to its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and immune-enhancing effects, it helps to prevent many ailments and heal diseases. However, since it does not guarantee treatment on its own, it is recommended not to be used without the advice of experts.
Rhodochrosite Natural Stone Ritual

Rhodochrosite Natural Stone is mainly used in rituals, apart from meditation and yoga. This is because it has an effect that helps one achieve one’s wishes. It helps to get a response quickly by balancing the energy in carefully performed rituals and making it easier for the person to focus. It can be used in many areas, such as abundance, Love, family, friendship, energy, and personal transformations.

In rituals performed with Rhodochrosite Natural Stone, an environment where the person will feel comfortable should be preferred. At least one Rhodochrosite Natural Stone should be included with the items required for the ritual. If it is to be used together with other natural stones, care should be taken to ensure that all stones are compatible with each other, and if there is an incompatible stone, it should be removed from the environment. Touching the stone or holding it in the consistent chakra area helps complete the ritual better.
Rhodochrosite Compatible With Which Chakra

Rhodochrosite Natural Stone regulates the work of all chakras, even indirectly, and prevents them from closing. However, since the properties of the stone are similar to the heart chakra, it is considered compatible with this chakra. Generally, Rhodochrosite Natural Stone makes the chakra work better when placed on the heart. Therefore, it can be preferred by people with weak heart chakras.
The heart chakra can be thought of as the center of emotions and feelings. In cases where it does not work, the person does not know how to feel and constantly makes mistakes due to his intuition. In his working state, he can control his emotions, so he takes actions that feel right emotionally and logically. It also helps to find true Love and a soul mate.

The heart chakra opened using Rhodochrosite Crystal, is responsible for maintaining the health of the heart and all organs and tissues in that area. A person’s heart aches or tightens may be due to poor chakra functioning. The complaints will end over time when work is done on this chakra, together with yoga and meditation. In addition, if a disease can be treated, it accelerates the healing process and helps the person regain his health.
Compatible Bushes of Rhodochrosite Natural Stone

Rhodochrosite Natural Stone, compatible with Leo and Scorpio signs, can be used by all humanity. However, since it can directly meet the needs of Leo and Scorpio signs, it works harmoniously with them. When used for the first time, it corrects the negative feature of each character. In cases where it is used regularly, it increases the quality of life by showing other mental and physical benefits.

Leo and Scorpio’s owners are courageous and self-confident people. For this reason, they always want to feel powerful and to hold the command. They constantly work to achieve their goals and feel complete when they are successful; If these situations are not experienced, if people feel incomplete and inadequate, they can use Rhodochrosite Natural Stone to reveal the power within them.

Rhodochrosite, which affects all zodiac signs, also heals the houses or planets where the character of Leo and Scorpio is in one’s birth chart. It prevents the negativities experienced in retro movements from seriously affecting life. It also offers the opportunity to feel the challenging aspects of the planets more lightly. Thus, it shows that the individual is not afraid of astrology, and when he finds himself a source of healing, the planetary movements are not wrong.

Rhodochrosite Natural Stone Benefits and Harms

It is a crystal renowned for beautifying one’s aura. For this reason, it adds impressiveness to the person who wears it. It makes your first impression of someone you just met better. Likewise, it has a protective effect from the evil eye and similar negative energies. Rhodochrosite crystal has many physical benefits. After all, spiritual gifts are related to physical benefits. Remember, crystals provide holistic healing. If you have migraine-like disorders, you should try rhodochrosite because it is a natural pain reliever for severe headaches. If used regularly, it prevents the recurrence of various diseases. It makes it difficult to get sick thanks to its direct immune-boosting effect.

We want you to know that you cannot find the effect of rhodochrosite on your brain in many crystals. Rhodochrosite increases your desire to continue your work. Activates this by increasing your Focus.
Also, remember that rhodochrosite is a love stone. Your partner begins to notice the hidden features you have. Because rhodochrosite helps the person to express himself more easily.

Many crystals have excellent balancing properties. Likewise, rhodochrosite is a stabilizer in the crystal. It prevents destructive behavior in relationships. If you have a character that exaggerates events, you should try rhodochrosite. Rhodochrosite is a heart stone, and Love is about your heart. It helps in the process of overcoming the pain of Love. It protects heart health and makes circulation more regular.

The increased stress level can affect your blood pressure, and thanks to the balancing feature of rhodochrosite, it prevents sudden changes in blood pressure and sugar. It helps to be calmer during emotional ups and downs. In a way you can’t imagine, rhodochrosite also has a fauna on your sleep. It helps to establish a sleep pattern and make nighttime sleep better. Have you ever noticed the bone-like appearance of rhodochrosite? Like a natural bone. Since ancient times, it has been acted with the logic that whatever organ the crystal looks like is suitable for that organ. And interestingly, the treatments work. For example, stones resembling the spleen in color and texture are suitable for spleen diseases, and stone resembling a kidney is good for the kidney. Just as the walnut, which looks like your brain, is beneficial to the brain with its beautiful oils. Bone-like rhodochrosite may also be helpful for bone and marrow diseases. It provides better repair of all bone and inner tissues of bone. Its positive effect on bones and the spine is reflected in your soul. Rhodochrosite nourishes the spirit and brings out the power within the person. If you suffer from Depression, it is suitable for situations such as boredom, and reluctance. Finally, as rhodochrosite strengthens the Spirit and aura, it protects one from ill-wishers and harmful friendships. It is a perfect crystal in every way!
Where Should I Place the Rhodochrosite Crystal at Home?

Rhodochrosite Crystal can be used in many rooms of the house. Especially natural stones, which are in the form of natural mass or trinkets, can be used just like decoration products. This way, help can be obtained from the stone’s energy and visuality. It can be used without any problems when placed in high and safe places in houses with children and animals. Since it is a fragile stone, it should not be left in areas with a risk of falling.

Although Rhodochrosite Natural Stone is usually kept in bedrooms, it can be left in other rooms depending on the purpose. Especially if it is desired to affect more than one person, it is more accurate to place it in common areas. It should be considered that it is placed visibly. It should be placed inside cabinets and drawers by wrapping it in a soft cloth only when not used. In addition, it is possible to have Rhodochrosite Natural Stone in offices, workplaces, cars, or bags.

Where to Buy Rhodochrosite Natural Stone?
It’s easy to buy this healing crystal in any form, gem or raw. Click on our Etsy or Amazon links below to access unique pieces made from real minerals with attractive handwork.

How Much Does Rhodochrosite Natural Stone Price?

Rhodochrosite Natural Stone, which is slightly more expensive than other natural stones, does not have extreme prices. In this regard, a person can find a Rhodochrosite Natural Stone suitable for their budget. Because some stones look very beautiful, their prices can be pretty high. However, since all stones have the same effects and properties, the appearance of the stone is only essential for aesthetic pleasure. Since the design, models, size of the stone, or the purpose for which it will be used directly affect the prices, there is no specific price range.
Rhodochrosite Natural Stone Care and Cleaning

Regular maintenance is essential for Rhodochrosite Natural Stone, known for its effects on the aura. It cannot show the desired effect because it will carry the energy of a few people on stones that have never been taken care of. In addition, due to the negative points accumulated, it may become unable to work adequately. This may create the impression that the stone is old or no longer working, but after it has been cared for, it will feel like it is being used for the first time.

While maintaining the Rhodochrosite Natural Stone, natural substances that will not disturb the structure of the stone are needed. Soil or water can be used for this. You can also get help from handmade natural incense, candles, or other natural stones that do not contain chemicals. It is sufficient to keep the stone in water or soil for about half an hour. Spreading incense on the rock or leaving it next to a burning candle or other natural stones will have the same effect.
Interesting Facts about Rhodochrosite Natural Stone

Rhodochrosite Crystal is a stone that has been used for centuries, although it was discovered in 1938. The first place to be located in a cemetery belonging to the Inca Empire. It is known that the Incas used it because it was found in a processed form. Although it lost its popularity afterward, the value of Rhodochrosite Natural Stone has been recognized, especially in the last ten years. For this reason, it is exhibited in museums, collected by collectors, and used daily.