Category: Start Here


Frequently Asked Questions About Healing Crystals

We have compiled the answers to frequently asked questions about healing crystals for you. Can healing crystals be shared? Yes, it can be shared, but some situations need attention. A special communication bond is formed between us and the stones we use. This bond gets more potent, and the less it is damaged, the stronger it becomes. Therefore, it is more beneficial to have personal stones in order not to damage this bond. Also, crystals always balance us. They absorb the excessive loads we have accumulated on us. These loads can be both negative and positive. There may be situations...


Some of the Crystals can be dangerous!

What minerals are toxic? How can minerals be harmful to humans? Which crystals can be dangerous? All answers in our article. Crystals can give healing, as well as harm in some conditions. But all stones are beneficial in correct use. For this reason, be sure to pay attention to crystals’ usage warnings, especially before purchasing. The first thing to know about all crystals is this. All crystals are made of minerals, just like drugs; Since we cannot determine the dosage by ourselves, no crystals should be swallowed and inhaled in powder form. If possible, processed and polished stones should be...


How should we use healing crystal bracelets?

Among the most curious about healing stones, “How can we use crystals more effectively?” and “How should we use the healing crystal bracelets?” questions are included. The more we are closer to the crystals, the more effective they are, but proximity is a relative concept and can vary according to a person’s power of focus. We want to say that the interaction’s strength primarily determines the strength of the connection we establish with the crystal. Second, placing the crystal in the chakra area where it works most effectively strengthens the interaction. The palm chakra is located from the fingertips to...


Find the Perfect Healing Crystals for You

With so many mysterious and beautiful crystals to choose from, it can be challenging to know which one is best for your current situation. You should know sure that you find the perfect healing crystals for you. You are already here to learn how you can do this. Fortunately, you are in the right place to unravel the secrets of the crystals. The healcrystal team read a thousand years of accumulated crystal information, one by one, from the manuscript books. We are giving and funnily you the most confidential and detailed information about the crystals. What are the crystals in...


Science and sources of healing crystals

We want you to start here. The most curious thing about healing crystals is undoubtedly whether their healing powers are scientifically proven. Is there a science to healing crystals, or is it just a placebo effect? The next question is, how do we know which crystal is good for what? And are healing crystals alive? This article compiles the answers and invites you to look at crystals with a completely different eye. Discover the science of crystals. Do healing crystals work? For this question, where you are looking is vital to find the correct answer. First of all, you need...