Category: Start Here

toxic crystals

Identifying Toxic Crystals and Harmful Minerals: A Guide for Crystal Enthusiasts

Identifying Toxic Crystals and Harmful Minerals Crystals and minerals have long been admired for their beauty and metaphysical properties. However, it’s essential to recognize that not all crystals are safe for direct contact or ingestion. Some crystals contain toxic elements or minerals that can harm human health. In this guide, we will explore how to identify toxic crystals and harmful minerals, providing valuable information for crystal enthusiasts to ensure their safety and well-being. Understanding Crystal Toxicity Each crystal comprises various elements, such as metals, minerals, and compounds. Some elements can be toxic to humans in certain forms or quantities. It’s...

Embrace the Magic: Using Amazon and Etsy Links for Your Crystal Journey

Embrace the Magic: Using Amazon and Etsy Links for Your Crystal Journey

Where can I buy healing crystals? For those of you seeking guidance on where to buy healing crystals, I invite you to explore our blog, where we have curated a collection of articles specifically designed to assist you on your crystal journey. We understand the importance of finding reliable sources for acquiring these transformative gems. Our blog gives you the knowledge you need at any stage of your journey. Through our carefully crafted posts, we aim to equip you with valuable insights and recommendations on where to buy authentic healing crystals. We have researched and compiled a wealth of information...

Crystal Terminology and Glossary

Crystal Terminology and Glossary

Crystal Terminology may seem a bit strange when you first read it. But it’s all just a few words and here we write them all. Do you know that there is a terminology for the world of healing stones? In this list, we have compiled the most basic crystal literature information. Akashic Record A record that exists beyond time and space containing information on all that has occurred and all that Will occur. Ancestral line The means by which family patterns and beliefs are passed from previous generations. Angelic realm The energetic level where angels abide. Ascended Masters are Highly...


How to Choose Healing Stones?

You don’t need to be an expert to Choose Healing Stones. Every natural stone has a vibration and is made up of vibrating atoms. Due to this composition, it resonates at a certain frequency. The resonances of these frequencies enable the healing effects of the stones to take place in the body. The healing properties of healing stones relate to their ability to simultaneously improve physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health by working with the chakras’ vibrations to balance the body’s energy system in general. So, how to choose a stone that will change your world? How to Choose Healing...

necklace crystals

Natural Stone Necklaces with a Protective Effect

What are the Benefits of Using Natural Stone Necklaces? Natural Stone Necklaces are made of one hundred percent natural stones with silver and can be produced from any natural stone desired. As we mentioned in our other articles, the fact that a silver frame surrounds your necklace increases your benefit from the natural stone. It should be noted that the silver used does not completely cover your natural stone. Silver’s natural structure and healing properties are the subjects of a separate article, but you should know the effect of silver on natural stone necklaces. Thanks to these features, they carry...


How Is Natural Crystal Attunement Done?

You can start making friends with your crystal thanks to Crystal Attunement. Natural Crystals are one of the best aids to use in spiritual and metaphysical work. However, there’s more to it than picking a Natural Crystal and getting started! When you connect with Natural Crystals, you can achieve much better results from your work. In other words, you need to allow it to harmonize with your energy. This way, its influence will be stronger than any other Crystal you have not connected with. Imagine; Natural Crystals work by raising your vibration and energy. And it makes sense that a...

Which Crystals Cannot Be Together?

Which Crystals Cannot Be Together?

Do Crystals Harm You When Used Together? Using some Crystals together with some Crystals may lower their energy. You may use too many stones for your energetic body, making you uncomfortable. It can look cool to wear six different necklaces in a row. However, sometimes at the end of the day, you can feel like you’re carrying a brick on your back, and that’s not a good thing. Be self-aware and ask yourself what you are trying to achieve. Do you want to calm things down or increase energy? Using energy-enhancing and calming Crystals together can cause you to counteract...

broken crystal

What To Do If Natural Crystals Are Broken?

You may not like it, but like glass, eggs and our hearts, Natural Crystals can break. Watching the crystal fall from your hand to the ground will make your heart stop. You struggle with your arms trying to catch it, but you may not be fast enough. Sometimes, while holding the Crystal motionless in the palm of your hand, it may split in half in the middle. You feel devastated for the moment, primarily if you work with that Crystal often. Natural Crystals can break for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, we are complete with the lessons that this Crystal...

crystal healing

All Curious About Natural Crystal Properties and Benefits

What is Natural Crystal? Crystal Properties and Benefits are so many that they will not fit in this article. The crystals formed spontaneously in nature, passed through some processes and are offered for people’s use are natural. However, not every crystal falls into the category of natural healing crystals. To be considered a natural healing crystal, it needs its fragility, brilliance, and beauty; in other words, it must experience the formation process under the ground for millions of years. Even a person who does not know healing crystals can feel the difference in energy between artificial and natural crystals when...

Most Use Crystal

The Most Popular Medicinal Natural Crystals and Their Properties

Since the beginning of time, people have been using most popular natural crystal for healing. Also known as mother earth’s treasures, these stones are rock crystals born from elemental energy and can bring healing powers to us. Natural stones have a long history. Priests and warriors put it on their breastplates, shamans used it in rituals, it served as a guide for ancient tribes, and kings carried it in their pockets. But, these powerful stones have much more power in the modern world. Natural stones; can direct our intent, raise our vibration, and reveal all that dormant grace and beauty...