Category: Anxieties

Natural Stones for Depression

Natural Stones for Depression

You can relax thanks to Natural Stones for Depression. Depression, is a response to fundamental changes such as sadness, loneliness, fatigue, the loss of a loved one, and life struggles. When feelings of sadness, guilt, helplessness, worthlessness, and irritability persi t for long periods, you may struggle with depression. Although essential help is essential in severe cases, stones that are good for depression can also be beneficial in dealing with depression-related emotions, depending on their use. Anxiety and depression; It can be caused by different basic reasons such as a lack of self-confidence, negative beliefs, and internal conflicts. Healing natural...

hard times crystals

What are the Natural Stones to be Used in Difficult Times?

Stones for Hard Times come to your rescue when external factors get heavy and you feel powerless. Stones that create inner strength, courage and calmness in the face of difficulties, unpredictable changes, stress and difficult times; can be very beneficial for your mental, physical and mental health. Winter Has Come, and You Can Help Yourself With Crystals We have passed through a time of the pandemic, and now winter is coming again. This winter, as the Healcrystal family, we hope we will not experience another pandemic similar to the covid-19 pandemic. People and families were tested, stable jobs disappeared, and...


Relieve Your Anxiety with 12 Healing Natural Crystals

Sometimes everything piles up so much. We may not even notice the events that accumulate over the years. We don’t even realize we’re not doing anything to relax. Little problems overwhelm us, and we cannot stand them as human beings. We can’t stop worrying about even the little things. Because we usually do nothing to help ourselves. We let the little problems pile up. Has your life reached a boiling point like this? If the constant, chronic cycle of stress is threatening your health and spirit, you should consider healing on a spiritual level. This is where anxiety may emerge...

fear clown

9 Spectacular Crystals That Can Remove Your Fear Forever

You can get rid of all your fears with healing crystals. Fear is anxiety or sadness in the face of danger or the thought of danger. First, however, let’s examine it more deeply. Fear is a phenomenon created in the brain, which restricts your range of motion and sometimes prevents you from having good experiences, as it is thought to have harmful consequences. This restriction of movement, which can be physical and psychological depending on the fear felt, restricts freedom whether we are aware of it. So, would you rather be free or live within the limits of your fears?...

yoga stress

Natural Crystals That Bring Vitality By Reducing Your Stress And Increasing Your Energy

Take advantage of the power of crystals against stress. Crystals can increase your energy by reducing your stress. Natural crystals that bring vitality make a difference according to their colors, the energy they provide to the person, their forms, and their spiritual effects. Fitness is essential for people with stressful work life. For those who want to wake up more energetic, vigorous, and positive in the morning, stones that bring vitality help with many benefits. You may have difficulty finding solutions to relax in times of stress. With a few crystals and a few simple methods you can add to...


Meet 10 Natural Crystals That Improve Your Performance and Help You Score Higher in Exams

As a result of our research, we discovered that the most significant reason behind students’ failure is exam anxiety! Even hard-working students can fail because of this. Exam anxiety causes individuals to forget what they know during the exam, not use their knowledge effectively and causes failure. It is effortless to overcome this situation with crystals for exam stress. Crystals can calm your heart and anxiety. Exam anxiety is the intense anxiety of the students that they will fail their exams and be constantly stressed. Exam anxiety is the extreme anxiety of the students that they will fail their exams...


Root Out Your Nervous Stress With The Protective Effects Of Activated Natural Crystals And Get Rid Of All Your Ailments With Surprisingly Calmness!

A very ambitious title, isn’t it? But rest that when you can activate them, healing crystals are much stronger than you think! They researched and tried many ways to work and start acting with crystals. And our ancestors discovered that each crystal is a cure for different ailments. Based on the symptoms, they tried the stones one by one. We share the outdated information you want history from books written hundreds of years ago in different languages ​​for your healing. Each of us faces many problems every day. Although, of course, we endure many of these, we get through. Then...