Tagged: taurus crystals

Peridot Stone

Peridot Olivine Mineral(Communication Stone)

What is olivine (peridot)? Peridot olivine mineral; is a magnificent crystal known worldwide. It can be said that the word Peridot is derived from the Greek word “peridona”, which means “offering wealth”. Because of the colour of peridot crystal, It is also known as olive, olivine, and chrysolite. This natural stone; has been among the precious stones used for jewellery and jewellery making since ancient times. Our ancestors have given the olivine stone the necessary value for centuries. In addition, the Peridot olivine mineral; is known as the communication stone. One of the things that the olivine crystal does best...

Chrysoprase Crystal – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Chrysoprase Crystal – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Chrysoprase is the rarest and most valuable chalcedony stone, highly sought after for its brilliant apple-green colour. Chrysoprase crystals combine the most beautiful shades of green. Its green colour comes from the small amount of nickel it hides in its content. CHRYSOPRASE STRUCTURAL FEATURES Mineral Class: Oxide, Quartz Group, Chalcedony Crystal System: Trigonal Chemistry: SiO2 Composition:  Silicon  46.74 %  Si    Oxygen   53.26 %  O Specific Gravity: 2.651-2.91 Mohs’ Hardness: 6,5-7 Source: USA, Russia, Brazil, Australia, Poland, Tanzania, India Rarity: Common Luster: Vitreous or resinous CHRYSOPRASE ENERGETIC PROPERTIES Colour: An apple-green to greenish Lemon Chakras: Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral Vibration: High Vibration Number: 3 Zodiac: Taurus, Cancer,...

Amblygonite Crystal – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Amblygonite Crystal – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Amblygonite, which occurs as short, prismatic crystals in coarse-grained igneous rocks, is a rare mineral. Amblygonite helps you nurture Yourself and your dualities by integrating the polarities. It benefits stress, anxiety, genetic disorders, cellular memory, digestion and headaches. Amblygonite allows you to be successful in arts, music, and poetry. It awakens your sense of being an immortal spirit. Enhancing your creativity, Amblygonite helps you create the life you dream of and activates your creativity with the act of inspiring your imagination. It enables you to understand that you are here to learn from all the events in your life and...

Taurus Natural Stones

Taurus Natural Stones

Taurus has great traits. Use Stones for Taurus so that these amazing properties don’t run out! Taurus is known for their courage and strength; they are portrayed as a travel lover, loyal and faithful to their word. For those who have trouble understanding life, Taurus natural stones can help you redefine your destiny and progress in life. Learn how to use Taurus natural stones to transform and change your life right now! Some Basics You Should Know About Taurus Date of Birth: April 21- May 21Ruling Planet: VenusElement: EarthAuspicious Day: FridayLucky Numbers: 2,6, 9, 12 and 24Key Chakras: Solar Plexus,...

Morganite (Gem of Youth)

Morganite (Gem of Youth)

What is Morganite? Morganite Natural Stone, referred to as Rose Beryl stone, is a natural stone associated with love and spirit. It is used as a stone of eternal love. Although it is a relatively late discovered stone, it has become popular in a short time due to the benefits it provides to people. In this regard, Morganite Natural Stone can beautify human relationships and allow the person to accept himself as he is. What Does Morganite Natural Stone Mean? Morganite Natural Stone is named after a stone collector, J. P. Morgan. The person who discovered the stone is Tiffany...

Chrysocolla (Stone of Harmony)

Chrysocolla (Stone of Harmony)

What is Chrysocolla? The use of Chrysocolla Natural Stone often dates back to Antiquity. In ancient Greek times, it was used for brazing gold due to the copper ore in it. At the same time, when we look at more recent history, it is known that it was frequently used as a paint pigment during the Renaissance period. Chrysocolla, also known as “Chrysocolla,” has a hardness of 2.5 to 3.5. At the same time, thanks to its hardness, you can easily understand whether this stone is original. The free weight ranges also vary between 1.93 and 2.40 for the original...

What are the General Features and Benefits of Variscite Natural Stone?

What are the General Features and Benefits of Variscite Natural Stone?

Variscite Natural Stone, a crystal of courage, is an aluminium phosphate mineral that crystallizes in masses and is rarely hydrated. Rarely it occurs in crystalline form. Its colour can vary from light green to turquoise to teal. Breithaupt first discovered it in 1837. It takes its name from the region of Variscia, the former German district of its location. Today, the most important sources are located in the US state of Arizona, Australia, Brazil, Spain, Germany and Poland. Variscite Natural Stone; It is an extraordinary heart stone that helps one connect with one’s inner being. This stone promotes inner peace...

Most Use Crystal

Natural Crystals in Brief by Zodiac Sign

Using Natural Crystals by Zodiac Sign is a shortcut to healing. Because astrology is related to do with planets, planets with elements, and elements with healing natural crystals. The world is magical, and astrology is the gateway to the cosmic world. We are all made of stardust, and our zodiac sign defines how we perceive things and our behavioral patterns. If you believe in the concepts of astrology and horoscope, then you may be interested in buying natural stones according to your zodiac sign. Remember, if you think in the universe, you can manifest anything you want! From fire signs...

Prehnite Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs and Chakras

Prehnite Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs and Chakras

Prehnite crystal is recognized as a healer’s stone. When solving a problem, a healer must be able to carefully discriminate factors. The Prehnite crystal is perfect for distinguishing the root cause of the problem and its symptoms. We can be healers of our own. Prehnite can be used in our third eye chakra to improve our higher self and intuition. First, it develops our insight and then prepares us for divine/angelic connections and prophecies. It helps us to be grounded in deep meditation. It is useful for protecting our aura. It helps to improve our memory and visualization ability by...

Rhodonite Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs and Chakras

Rhodonite Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs and Chakras

Rhodonite crystal is known as a first-aid stone. This is because it can significantly affect our metabolism. It is especially suitable for outdoor use and nature trips. It stimulates metabolism by showing powerful antioxidant and antibacterial properties in insect bites and poisoning cases. Thus, it removes harmful substances from us as quickly as possible. It helps prevent inflammation in the whole body, especially the throat. Since rhodonite works effectively on our solar plexus chakra, it can quickly save us from harmful situations in emotional shock and trauma situations. It helps us adapt to our situation by increasing our self-control and...