Tagged: shungite

Stress Relief Natural Stones

Stress Relief Natural Stones

The best healing crystals do the job of stress relief with no side effects. You will find the most suitable crystal as a Stress Relief Stone in this article. To maximise your life with healing crystals, you should take advantage of healing stones’ stress-reducing effects! Natural stones treat many diseases but come to the fore with their calming properties. You can use Healing Crystals to relax and remove stress and anger. These stones are much more effective, especially when combined with meditation. Meditation is not at all problematic. In its simplest form, you become if you concentrate by breathing deeply....

Stones for Negative Energy

Which Natural Stones Absorb Negative Energy?

Stones That Absorb Negative Energy Eliminate bad vibrations with these powerful healing stones for negative energies. With the seven negative energy stones listed below, you can protect yourself and remove negative energy from your aura field, home or workplace! Negative energy, bad vibrations and unwanted energy are all around us. They are a part of life; however, you can reduce the negative energy you come into contact with and prevent it from entering your energy field. This is important if you are sensitive to energy. Where Do Negative Energies Come From? Negative feelings and thoughts are normal and part of...

Drinkable Natural Crystals for Fast Healing

Drinkable Natural Crystals for Fast Healing

Did you know that drinkable natural crystals exist? Yes, you can obtain water with a crystalline frequency that you can safely use without mineral transfer to the water. It is known that natural crystals are used to purify their energy and obtain living water—genuine crystals placed in water benefit in many ways. However, not all natural crystals are suitable for this. Natural crystals with different chemical components should be used cautiously due to their chemical substance. Not All Crystals Are Suitable For Putting Into Water Drinking some crystals by soaking them in water can cause poisoning or diseases that are...


Relieve Your Anxiety with 12 Healing Natural Crystals

Sometimes everything piles up so much. We may not even notice the events that accumulate over the years. We don’t even realize we’re not doing anything to relax. Little problems overwhelm us, and we cannot stand them as human beings. We can’t stop worrying about even the little things. Because we usually do nothing to help ourselves. We let the little problems pile up. Has your life reached a boiling point like this? If the constant, chronic cycle of stress is threatening your health and spirit, you should consider healing on a spiritual level. This is where anxiety may emerge...


Root Out Your Nervous Stress With The Protective Effects Of Activated Natural Crystals And Get Rid Of All Your Ailments With Surprisingly Calmness!

A very ambitious title, isn’t it? But rest that when you can activate them, healing crystals are much stronger than you think! They researched and tried many ways to work and start acting with crystals. And our ancestors discovered that each crystal is a cure for different ailments. Based on the symptoms, they tried the stones one by one. We share the outdated information you want history from books written hundreds of years ago in different languages ​​for your healing. Each of us faces many problems every day. Although, of course, we endure many of these, we get through. Then...