Tagged: indigo crystals

Shattuckite – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Shattuckite – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Shattuckite Properties! This post explores this remarkable crystal’s alluring healing properties, associated zodiac signs, and chakras. Discover how Shattuckite can enhance your well-being, promote spiritual growth, and bring balance to your life. Whether you’re seeking clarity, emotional healing, or a deeper connection to the spiritual realm, Shattuckite may hold the key. Dive into this enchanting crystal and unlock its transformative potential. What is Shattuckite? Shattuckite is a fascinating mineral that belongs to the silicate mineral group. It shares a similar composition to azurite but has a copper silicate base instead of a copper carbonate...

What are the Benefits and Properties of Azurite Crystal

What are the Benefits and Properties of Azurite Crystal

Azurite Crystal Properties and Benefits Azurite Crystal is a magnificent healing stone that can provide positive effects through metaphysical events in your life while treating your physical body with its healing effects targeting your brain. It will be a wonderful experience to gradually deepen the meaning in your life as you regain your Health with Azurite meaning. Azurite is very successful in activating the third eye chakra. The vibration of this dark blue stone, which can turn your third eye chakra into a powerful radio receiver, activates your psychic powers, such as intuition. The vibration of this stone also has...

Iolite (Vision Stone)

Iolite (Vision Stone)

What is Iolite? Iolite Stone is an amazing with the power to change your view of life that will affect you deeply. Iolite, also known as vision stone. This stone, which has found a place in different civilizations for many years, is called Iolite in commercial works. The origin of the word stone is Greek. As mentioned in some sources, the word meaning of Iolite is violet, a flower loved by most people. The name of the magnificent Iolite stone, often used in decorations and jewellery, was given by a French geologist. Although it is called water sapphire among the...


Tanzanite Crystal – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

TANZANITE’S HISTORICAL AND MYTHOLOGICAL USE This Amazing Crystal is the lavender-blue form of Zoisite. Zoisite was first identified in 1805 by geologist Baron Sigmund Zois von Edelstein in the Saualpe Mountains, Austria. It wasn’t until 1967 that Manuel D’Souza was shown what was later named Tanzanite while prospecting in Tanzania. According to local Masai herders, a lightning strike had set fire to the grass; once the fire was out, they found the crystal scattered around the site. In 1970, Tiffany jeweller Henry Platt named the gem Tanzanite as a marketing ploy. It quickly became a favourite for healing and jewellery,...

Balance All Imbalances in Your Life with a Tanzanite Crystal

Balance All Imbalances in Your Life with a Tanzanite Crystal

Tanzanite Crystal, an astonish precious stone, is mined in Tanzania. It maintains the body’s balance and has an intuition-enhancing effect. The colors of Tanzanite Crystal are dark purple and blue tones. Tanzanite has a powerful healing feature with its intense energy that brings thousands of years of formation. It has noticeable positive effects on physical and mental health. What is Tanzanite Crystal? It is a magnificent crystal known as a balancing stone. The Tanzanite Crystal deposit is located in the Tanzania region. It is a precious stone due to its limited availability and rarity. It is stated that the interaction...

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs and Chakras

Lapis Lazuli crystal consists of a combination of many minerals. The usage area of ​​Lapis Lazuli, which has an important place in ancient civilizations, is also very diverse. Their common point is that the seal instruments with which the rule-makers seal their words were made of Lapis. It directly addresses our third eye chakra with its indigo color. This particular color has been used throughout history to attract people’s attention and focus on the desired situation. Ancient painters pulverized Lapis Lazuli crystal to obtain a magnificent shade of blue, and their works activated this chakra, which rules our imagination. Lapis...