Tagged: black crystals


Larvikite – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Dive into the world of Larvikite Properties, a gemstone often dubbed the Norwegian Moonstone. With its origins rooted in the Larvik Fjord region of Norway, Larvikite is not just a stone of aesthetic appeal. Its dark hues, punctuated by iridescent blue flashes, are a testament to its multifaceted healing properties. From aligning with specific zodiac signs to resonating with various chakras and their diverse varieties, Larvikite offers many benefits for the mind, body, spirit, and environment. Whether you’re seeking physical healing, emotional balance, mental clarity, or spiritual growth, Larvikite is a stone that promises to amplify your journey. Embrace the...

Tektite Stone – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, And Chakras

Tektite Stone – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, And Chakras

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Tektite stone, a fascinating gem with extraterrestrial origins and powerful metaphysical properties. In this article, we will explore the healing properties, associated zodiac signs, and chakras that the Tektite stone is known for. Known for its connection to otherworldly realms, Tektite has been revered for its ability to reveal past lives, particularly those living on other stars, planets, or dimensions of consciousness. It serves as a bridge to extraterrestrial beings and enhances spiritual growth through the absorption of higher knowledge. What is Tektite Stone? Tektite is a type of meteorite formed from the intense...

Hematite (Joint Stone)

Hematite (Joint Stone)

What is Hematite? Although the word hematite stone is a word of Greek origin, it has changed and become English. Since it means blood in Greek, a name suitable for stone was chosen. Although its exterior is in shades of gray and black, its internal structure is entirely red and close to red, resembling the color of blood. In addition, since the majority of the stone consists of iron, it is associated with blood. What Does Hematite Mean? Hematite is a natural mineral that helps remove negative energies from the individual’s body. Due to its calming effect, it helps to...

Hematite Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Hematite Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Since Hematite crystal consists of iron minerals, it has been used to obtain the red color throughout history. Ancient people painted their skulls with red dye extracted from hematite powder and kept them in their sacred spaces to continue communicating with them after their ancestors died. It is no accident that iron powder is used in these rituals. Iron is a conductive material and is one of the metals that can transmit energy from one place to another. Traditions believe power passes through the Hematite powder-coated heads to the living people. As can be understood from here, Hematite crystal works...