Sapphire Crystal (Communication Stone)

What is Sapphire?

sapphire natural stone

Sapphire Natural Stone is an expensive, beautiful and precious stone. Besides being used as jewellery, it is also used for abrasion due to its rigid structure. It has been determined that the mineral hardness level is 9. Sapphire Natural Stone is known to be rare. Sapphire is a subspecies of the mineral corundum. It is frequently used in the jewellery industry due to its durability. Sapphire Natural Stone has a structure resistant to high temperatures. Sapphire contains elements of iron, chromium, titanium and magnesium.

sapphire natural stone

Sapphire in Latin, meaning blue. The colours of this stone are in different tones, from dark blue to light blue. Sapphire stone exhibits a positive image. Different shades of blue represent the reflections of nature. It is made into many accessories, such as necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. It gives peace of mind to those who use it. The resistance of this stone to high temperatures is also high. The stone has a strong calming effect. The most commonly known colour of Sapphire Natural Stone is blue, but there are also different colours.

sapphire natural stone

There are also green, pink, green and grey tones of Sapphire Natural Stone. There is even a colourless sapphire, also known as a communication stone. There are stones specific to each month. Sapphire is a stone suitable for the energy of those born in September. It warms the heart with its sapphire colours. It is felt that the stone supports the feeling of trust. People who wear this stone feel healthy and cheerful. It is known that Sapphire Natural Stone is extracted from Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India.

What Does Sapphire Mean?

sapphire natural stone

Sapphire stone has been a known and used stone since ancient times. In Greek, the meaning of Sapphire is matched with the word beautiful. This stone also symbolizes elegance, femininity and power. It is also called the power stone. In the Middle Ages, Sapphire was paired with tranquillity. It is known that the clergy used accessories made from blue Sapphire. On the other hand, kings and queens think they protect wealth using Sapphire. Sapphire Natural Stone, also known as a communication stone, symbolizes heaven.

sapphire natural stone

With the sapphire stone, communication problems are easily solved. The stone also has a positive effect on all chakras. Blockages in the chakras negatively affect the quality of life in people. With the sapphire stone, it is supported to open the bottlenecks of the chakras. It also has a healing effect in cases such as dizziness and headache. It is also known that the sapphire stone symbolizes love. It is thought to have the power to strengthen love and communication between couples.

sapphire natural stone

Sapphire is also believed to provide fidelity in relationships. It is believed that each stone has a different meaning. This belief continues from history to the present. It is also thought that the stones are compatible with the zodiac signs. Sapphire Natural Stone is the lucky stone of Aries and Virgo signs. Paying attention to the use of Sapphire Natural Stone is also necessary. It is recommended to wash this stone with water without rubbing it. Sapphire Natural Stone does not change meaning according to the jewellery used. It offers love, loyalty, peace and communication for each piece of jewellery.

Where Does Sapphire Natural Stone Come From?

Communication Stone

Sapphire is found at the bottom of rocks and alluvial deposits. It can be prismatic or quadrangular. It is available in many countries. But it is mainly extracted from India. In addition, there are Sapphire Natural Stone mines in countries such as Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Tanzania and Pakistan. It is also discovered in countries such as Africa and Cambodia. It has extensive Sapphire Natural Stone resources in Australia. In the USA, blue and violet sapphires are mined.

sapphire natural stone

The largest Sapphire Natural Stone ever found in the world is exhibited in the Natural History Museum in the USA. This 563-carat stone is dazzling. This stone is called the star of India. The reflected light appears in a star pattern thanks to a three-layered arrangement. The blue star is described as a sapphire.

sapphire natural stone

Sapphire Natural Stone is naturally evolving. Artificial processes cannot create it. This stone has a crystalline structure. It completes its formation in many years. 95% is in the rocks. It is more likely to be found in basalt-type rocks. Sapphire is usually formed into large masses. Its rarity makes it even more valuable.

It’s easy to buy this healing crystal in any form, gem or raw. Click on our Etsy or Amazon links below to access unique pieces made from real minerals with attractive handwork.

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What are the Mystical Benefits of Sapphire Natural Stone?

sapphire natural stone

Sapphire Natural Stone has many benefits. First, it affects the increase of love and affection between spouses. It also ensures that the loyalty of the spouses is increased or protected. It is seen that people who wear Sapphire Natural Stone as jewellery or in any way are peaceful. The colour of the stone also represents peace. It gives a sense of calm to people who use its mystical structure. It also protects from the negative energies of people with negative energies. It helps to block the negative energies around you.

sapphire natural stone

Sapphire stone is thought to increase the feeling of freedom. It helps people to strengthen their intuition. It allows their thoughts to circulate freely and to establish effective communication. It strengthens faith and strengthens ties with life. When the chakras are blocked, the person’s life energy is interrupted.

sapphire natural stone

On the other hand, Sapphire ensures that the energy cycle of the chakras continues naturally. It has positive effects on the regulation of the nervous system. People feel calm and calm. It helps to achieve inner peace.

sapphire natural stone

It helps people to establish practical expressions in terms of communication. It increases the power of feeling and empathy for people’s thoughts. This situation opens the door to healthier communication. It helps to improve people’s inner peace and steadfastness. It has been used against magic since ancient times.

Health Benefits of Sapphire Natural Stone

sapphire black raw

It has positive effects on body health. It helps the kidneys to work properly. It has a positive impact on the work of the glands and hormones. It has the effect of increasing the power of concentration. It effectively solves this problem of people with a focus problem. It has the effect of improving the immune system. It supports the body for a more robust immune system. It helps to protect the eye and ear health. It balances people’s sleep patterns. It has a protective effect on mental health.

sapphire natural stone green

It has a positive effect on the stomach chakra. People with digestive system problems are recommended to use Sapphire Natural Stones. Especially yellow sapphire stone has a positive impact on stomach problems. It is thought to reduce mental tensions. It is recommended for people with eye health problems. It can have a positive effect on vision problems. It is good to use it as jewellery for heart health or to carry it on it.

sapphire natural stone

Glands have a vital function for the body. Healthy glands supports a person in leading a balanced life. Sapphire Natural Stone has the effect of activating the glands. It supports the thyroid gland to be active. It has a balancing feature in terms of hormones. It should be known that each colour of Sapphire has a different effect. It is favourable for people with hearing problems. People with hearing problems should use things made of Sapphire as jewellery.

How is Sapphire Natural Stone Used?

sapphire yellow raw

Stones are used in different ways to achieve the effect. The use of this stone in jewellery has been every day since ancient times. The result is achieved by using it as earrings, necklaces, rings, and anklets. Carrying it in the body is suitable for people in terms of many mystical and health problems. It is essential in terms of balancing the negative energy of people. People also carry small pieces of these stones in their bags or wallets.

sapphire natural stone

The proximity of the stone to the person creates a positive effect. Sapphire (communication) stone can be found anywhere in the house. It protects against negative energy in the place. Sapphire Natural Stone, one of the most precious stones on earth, has many positive effects. This stone is a variant of a mineral called corundum. It is loved in its rarity. This stone is resistant to climatic conditions and high temperatures.

sapphire natural stone

Sapphire natural stone is processed and offered for use as jewellery. Apart from jewellery, it is also used in the accessory industry. It has a price because it is rare. The processing process is careful and takes time. It is highly demanded to be used as jewellery in the world. This stone, which symbolizes femininity, is among the most suitable accessories for women. It is also recommended that people who experience anger control use sapphire.

Which Chakra Is Sapphire Natural Stone Compatible With?

sapphire ring pink

Each stone has harmony with a different chakra. The most important feature of the sapphire stone is that it strengthens communication. In this case, it is essential in terms of the effect of the chakras. Although sapphire stone affects the functioning of all chakras, it primarily affects the throat chakra. The throat chakra represents communication. It means that people can express themselves comfortably. It means having conversations and pleasant conversations with other people.

sapphire natural stone

The throat chakra is located in the middle part of the throat. It covers the throat, tonsils and thyroid gland. Expression carries the meaning of management. If the chakra is damaged, various health problems may occur. Problems arise in terms of self-confidence and communication. People can reduce this problem with the communication stone. Sapphire Natural Stone is also compatible with the eye chakra. The eye chakra is located between the two eyes on the forehead. It is known as the third eye. It triggers intuitive abilities.

sapphire ring

The third eye represents the intuitive state. The fact that this chakra is open means that people are good at dream interpretations and intuitive matters. Sapphire supports the opening of the third eye chakra. Sapphire Natural Stone also positively affects the heart chakra. The heart chakra triggers love. It triggers the emotional state of people towards the people around them. It fuels the love for people and all living things. Sapphire Natural Stone ensures that people’s love chakra is active.

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Sapphire Stone Compatible Signs

sapphire natural stone

Every zodiac sign can use the sapphire stone easily. Apart from the compatible zodiac signs, there are also positive effects. Each character has a leader planet. Likewise, some stones complement the characteristics of the zodiac sign. Thanks to these stones, people carry positive emotions. It also provides support in terms of health. The lucky stone of Aries is Sapphire Natural Stone. Aries are prone to kidney problems. It is especially effective against kidney problems. It helps the zodiac sign to be calm and serene.

sapphire rough blue

Another zodiac sign with which Sapphire is in harmony is Virgo. Virgo has stomach problems. With the communication sign, the effect of these problems can be reduced. Sapphire sign is effective for triggering intuitive abilities. Every zodiac sign can use the sapphire stone easily. But stones that are compatible with the zodiac create positive results.

How is Sapphire Stone Cleaned?

sapphire natural stone

The energies of the stones are polluted with use. Cleaning the used stones at certain times is recommended to neutralize them. In addition, people tend to the rocks they use after getting out of hostile environments. This way, it is possible to eliminate the harmful negative effect on the rock. Stones are thought to attract negative energy. Therefore, it needs to be cleaned regularly. It works better with the cleaning process. It is necessary to use a soft cloth for drying.

sapphire pink raw

It is helpful to do the cleaning process in 10 days. There are several methods used to clear negative energies. First of all, it is possible to wash with warm water. It is recommended not to use any chemicals during the washing process. In addition, it is necessary to pass the stone without rubbing it too much. Rubbing causes damage to the rock. The energy balance of the stones washed under running water is provided. It is possible to bury the stone in the soil in a flower pot at home. Grounding is done.

sapphire blue

During the cleaning phase of the sapphire stone, the support of four elements is taken. The cleaning process is selected according to the hardness level of the rocks. Washing under running water for 5 minutes is sufficient. If it is in sea or salt water, it is enough to wait 5 minutes. Leaving the Sapphire for 24 hours after burying it in the ground increases the effect. Incense has energy-cleansing properties. The energy of the sapphire stone placed near the scent is balanced. It is known that the power is cleared in the rocks next to the candlelight.

What is the History of Sapphire Stone?

sapphire green

Sapphire is a rare stone and one of the most precious stones in the world. It is described as a communication stone or sky ruby. Although the blue colour is the most known stone colour, there are black, grey and yellow colours. Their value also varies according to their colour. Sapphire, which is light blue, is the most valuable stone. However, Sapphire can be in other colours other than red. It is considered one of the four precious stones on earth.

sapphire natural stone

It is structurally solid and resistant to heat and weather conditions. Sapphire Natural Stone can even be colourless. The use of this stone is usually in the form of jewellery. It has been used as jewellery throughout history. It is one of the most preferred stones of monarchs. It has been known since the previous century BC. It has often been used in fields such as astrology and magic.


During the Greek and Egyptian Reigns, it was accepted as a royal stone. Apart from the Greeks, it has been a precious stone among the Arabs. In 1747, a Swedish scientist added Sapphire to the mineralogy group. Since this stone, mined in different countries of the world, is rare, its price is also high. Since Sapphire is rare, its price is also high. It is obtained from jewellery stores. It is used in different ways. This stone is used in making necklaces, earrings, brooches and rings.

It’s easy to buy this healing crystal in any form, gem or raw. Click on our Etsy or Amazon links below to access unique pieces made from real minerals with attractive handwork.

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How is the Sapphire Reality Determined?

sapphire natural stone

Several methods are used to understand whether the sapphire stone is natural. You can use two separate sapphire stones to draw each other. Rocks of the same value can’t scratch each other. To understand the importance of Sapphire, it is necessary to look at its internal structure. There are no air bubbles in the natural sapphire stone. The stone was created in the laboratory if there were air bubbles in the rock.

sapphire natural stone

Sapphire has a unique reflection. The reflection test can be done in a dark room. Sapphire only reflects its colour when exposed to light in a dark environment. If it is not accurate, it reflects different colours. It is necessary to buy sapphires and other stones from the jeweller. There are natural and synthetic sapphire varieties.


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