Pearl (Stone of Beauty)
What is Pearl?

Pearl stone is a stone formed in oysters and mussels, considered shellfish. Pearl, considered very valuable because it has been used since ancient times, is a stone in the jewelry category. The fact that it is made of calcium carbonate has made it known as a calcium stone.
What Does Pearl Stone Mean?

The dictionary meaning of pearl stone, which can be given as a name for girls, means small and cute. Valuable items also have a practical sense, as they are likened to pearls. It is common to use the word pearl for words and sentences considered ridiculous. For this reason, there are many meanings inspired by the pearl stone.
Pearl Stone Formation

Like other natural stones, Pearl stone is not a stone formed in rocks due to volcanic events. It is created by the change of foreign bodies in oysters and mussels. This process takes an average of 10 years. After the foreign matter that enters the sea creatures is completely settled in the meat, it is covered with a mother of Pearl. Since the mother-of-pearl is almost entirely composed of calcium carbonate, there is plenty of calcium in the pearl stone.

Cultured Pearls are Pearl stones produced for commercial purposes. They are not artificial, as there is only the introduction of foreign matter between oysters and mussel shells by artificial means. They have the same properties as normal pearls, but perfect Pearls cannot be obtained from all of them. The purpose of making Cultured Pearls is to get and sell more Pearl stones quickly. It was first tested in China.
Where Does the Pearl Stone Occur?

There are many seas and oceans where the pearl stone has been extracted, which has increased its value from the past to the present. It is more common in temperate and warm regions. It is abundant in places such as the Red Sea, Polynesia, Austria, and India. In addition, Pearls extracted from the Persian Gulf and Ireland are more valuable because they can be of rare colors.

Pearl stones, usually imported from Scotland, America, and France, are offered for sale. Since they are widely available, they are suitable stones to be included in many items, apart from accessories.
Things to Consider When Buying Pearls

Seven features should be considered when buying Pearl stone, one of the most preferred jewelry. The first of these features is which family it belongs to. Then there is the size of the pearl stone, the properties of the mother-of-pearl, its shape, how the surface is, its brightness, and color. It isn’t easy to have the desired Pearl before examining each feature.

Since pearl stones are quite expensive, there are fakes in the market. It is usually easy to distinguish between real and fake by looking at their texture and weight, but care should be taken when purchasing as some imitation stones look almost the same. It is very important not to buy stones far below normal prices.

Reliable stores should be preferred for shopping for every item. Shopping from unreliable places, especially for expensive stones such as Pearls, causes material and moral damage. Shopping should not be completed before evaluating the properties, deciding that the stone is real, and checking the price.
How to Tell if Pearl is Real or Fake

There are many methods to check if pearl stones are fake. The first is that genuine Pearl stones are rarely perfectly extracted. Often rough stones have imperfections in their shape, reflections, indentations, and surface stains that indicate authenticity.

Faux Pearls can shine when held up to the light but cannot capture the overtone color. Real Pearls can be used as a mirror when viewed closely, as they can reflect very well. In addition, when fake pearls are pierced for use in accessories, they are repainted so that their inner color is not perceived as different. If paint residues or roughness around the hole where the rope or chain passes, it can be considered fake.

There are many ways to distinguish pearls from fakes. Checking for roughness by rubbing against teeth is a fairly common method of understanding true Pearls. When fake stones rub against each other, they give themselves away because they slip through. It is a distinctive feature in real pearls as the friction force is high.

Properties and Effects of Pearl Stone

Pearl stone is the only stone that grows inside a living thing in nature. Pearl stone is very valuable, as all other stones are found in rocks, mines, fields, or different areas of the earth. Since it is very easy to process, it is constantly used in accessories and items. It is advantageous because there are many ways to distinguish it from a fake.

The most important feature of pearls is that they can give birth over time. New Pearls, large and small, can be formed from Pearls that are usually left in the dark for a long time. The most valuable Pearl stones are the black and shiny ones because black is the rarest color. Therefore, their price is much higher than even regular jewelry.

Pearl stone, which takes people away from negative emotions, ensures that the negative energies in the environment are removed. Therefore, it is a very effective stone against stress. Since its different colors have different properties, its area of effect is wide. It has products such as strengthening intuition, bringing luck, and helping to gain spiritual resistance.
Pearl Stone Usage Areas

Pearl, the apple of the eye of jewelry, can be used in all ornaments. It offers an elegant and stylish look in necklaces, earrings, watches, bracelets, prayer beads, and brooches. Although there is a wide variety of colors, light pink, cream, or white blooms are common. Pearl, which has never lost its popularity, can also be used with gold and silver.

Pearl stone can transform energy because it exists by itself in nature. It also provides bodily and spiritual healing because it helps to open the chakras. It helps to stay healthy by strengthening the immune system, cleaning the internal organs, and affecting the circulatory system.

Intuitive Pearl is like a symbol of strong women. Since it can adapt to all clothes, there is a chance to be used continuously. The more often the Pearl is used, the more beneficial it is. Because it is expensive, care must be taken while using it.
Pearl Stone Ritual

All rituals performed with pearl stone, which has a very high energy level compared to other natural stones, ensure the fulfillment of wishes. It is especially suitable for love, health, family, and money rituals, but it raises energy in all practices. In this way, it helps to achieve requests not only in the expected and unexpected areas.

Some items such as water, paper, pencil, soil, and candles may be needed in rituals performed with pearl stone. It is generally preferred that the room be candlelit, quiet, and, if possible, empty. To avoid distractions, you should not start the ritual in the presence of other people. In the meantime, to perform the way, the Pearl stone must be found, even if there are no other items.

Pearl stone, referred to as Pearl in foreign sources and official documents, is suitable for other natural stones. Since it is a jewel, it looks more ostentatious than natural stones. For this reason, although it looks bad in terms of aesthetics, it provides harmony in terms of energy. Since its power is already high, it is possible even if other stones are not used.
Which Chakra Is Pearl Compatible With?

Pearl, one of the stones with the highest energy, is useful in cleaning the body’s energy channels. Therefore, it helps to open the chakras located in important parts of the energy channels. Although it is effective on all chakras, it harmonizes with the third eye chakra, which is known as the center of intuition.

The third eye chakra, also known as the forehead chakra, starts to open with the use of the pearl stone if it is closed. It works better, especially if it is kept in the chakra area between the two eyebrows. Thus, improvements are observed in the physical and spiritual conditions where the chakra is effective. The sixth sense, the feeling of being better and stronger spiritually, develops depending on this situation.

The opening of the third eye chakra makes dreams more meaningful. Since it creates a sleep pattern, it allows the individual to rest and thus spend the rest of the day actively by using it efficiently. It strengthens the communication between people and tightens the bonds with the gods. It makes it possible to love all beings, have compassion for living things, and empathize with people.
Compatible Signs of Pearl Stone

Helping to achieve perfect harmony and balance, Pearl is especially compatible with Cancer and Gemini. Since it can benefit all signs, it is not true that only Cancer and Gemini can be used. Since Pearl is a very powerful stone in terms of energy, it positively affects everyone regardless of their sign.

Cancer and Gemini zodiac signs act by trusting their emotions and are very suitable for using the Pearl stone. Even when they first start using it, they experience relief and relaxation. As their stress decreases, they begin to make better decisions. If they trust their feelings when they have to choose, they will always start to choose the right one under the leadership of the Pearl stone.

Using Pearl for Cancer and Gemini zodiac signs means always calling and supporting goodness. Therefore, they maintain resilience in the face of bad energies, people, things, or events. Thanks to the pearl stone, which protects from the evil eye, magic, magic, and amulet, a successful life awaits the zodiac signs with which it is compatible. In addition, sudden but positive developments can be seen in health, money, and career.

Pearl Stone Benefits and Harms

Pearl stone, a natural product, is called calcium stone because it is very rich in calcium. For this reason, it is very successful in protecting the health of bones and teeth and curing diseases in these areas. It is especially beneficial for children who are of developmental age and need to take plenty of calcium.

Balancing feminine and masculine energies, the Pearl stone facilitates the pregnancy process of expectant mothers. It increases the chances of getting pregnant as it increases fertility. It also increases breast milk. It helps to alleviate the mental problems that may be experienced after childbirth. It also has positive effects on the growth and development of the baby.

Pearl is a stone featured in many artistic works. It has effects that increase the imagination, strengthen the intelligence towards art and direct the individual to creative activities. These studies also had the feature of resting spiritually. It helps to overcome many ailments, especially depression and anxiety disorder, with various activities.

Pearl stone, which strengthens all bilateral relations, stands out, especially beautifying the love life. It helps to resolve problems between lovers or spouses faster. It offers a happy family life by ending the issues of trust, jealousy, coldness, and anger. It establishes long-term relationships because it keeps the foundations of friendships and friendships intact.
Where to Put the Pearl Stone at Home?

Although pearl stone is often used as an accessory, it can be found in some valuable household items. For this reason, the item should be placed by looking at what it looks like and which room it will fit. Especially the bedrooms are the most preferred part to benefit from the energy of the pearl stone.

The pearl stone can also be placed in the living or living room. Since it helps to maintain peace in the family, it helps to solve the problems that need to be solved. It strengthens the feelings of unity and togetherness. It makes it possible for family members to understand each other and come together to a common decision. Thus, the individual’s ability to achieve inner peace is facilitated by the pearl stone.

Pearl stone is a very expensive gem. For this reason, it is not recommended to place it in visible areas in houses with many guests. In addition, it should not be located in low, visual, and accessible places, in children’s rooms in homes with children. Since it is a small stone that can be swallowed, it should be kept where children cannot see it and where it will be safe from theft.
Where is Pearl Stone Sold?
It’s easy to buy this healing crystal in any form, gem or raw. Click on our Etsy or Amazon links below to access unique pieces made from real minerals with attractive handwork.

What is the Price of Pearl Stone?

Pearls, not ordinary natural stones, are among the precious parts of nature. They are quite expensive stones as they are considered jewelry. When used as a necklace and bracelet, the price increases as the amount of Pearl increases. The prices of rare black pearls are much higher than other colors. In addition, the size of the stone, its brightness, and the jewelry used in addition to it also change prices.
Pearl Stone Care and Cleaning?

Pearl, a calcium stone, is very easy to maintain and clean. Since it is an expensive stone, it should be kept away from chemicals to avoid damage. It is sufficient to wipe the outer surface with a damp cloth to get rid of the dirt. Care should be taken not to spray perfume or deodorant on it when used. In addition, instead of keeping pearls indoors for a long time, it is necessary to keep them in ventilated places from time to time.

Pearl is a gem that relaxes the environment by attracting negative energies. Therefore, it is likely to experience energy pollution. It is necessary to keep it on the soil once a month and to purify it from negative energies with the help of sage or other cleansing incense. Sunlight and moonlight also help pearls renew themselves. This way, the effects, and faults can be seen much better.
Interesting Facts About Pearl

Pearl, which started to be used thousands of years ago, gained different meanings in ancient times. In mythology, it was considered sacred because it was believed that gods and goddesses had tears. For this reason, only those in the ruling or wealthy part of the people could use Pearl. It was later realized that it was a talismanic stone, becoming the pupil of the queens.

There are many legends and lived events about pearl stone. Cleopatra drank wine with pearl powder to protect herself from poison. The ancient Chinese thought it was a talisman that was effective against rains and fires, associating it with the elements of fire and water.