Emerald Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs and Chakras

Emerald Crystal is one of the oldest known healing crystals used in history. It was used to treat various diseases, especially cancer, in Ancient Egypt.
Emerald is known as the stone of “endless patience” and perhaps the stone of “successful love” for the same reason. It works most effectively on our heart chakra, which symbolizes unconditional love. It reminds us of divine love, the highest of love. It makes it easy for us to love ourselves and our environment without judgment and demand. It brings us understanding, loyalty, and harmony in our relationships. It continually stimulates us for emotional, mental, and physical balance. Thus, our consciousness increases; we can be prudent and wise.
Emerald is also known as a symbol of fertility. It is considered one of the stones of heaven in the holy books, and it is emphasized that it brings success, wealth, glory, and prosperity to the person carrying it.

Ancient people used this stone to cleanse our bodies from viruses, bacteria, toxins, and poisons. It is very effective against microbial diseases such as flu and inflammatory conditions. Cleaning the lungs can pass a cough or even bloody sputum. It can relax breathing and accelerate recovery.
Emerald can detoxify the liver by cleansing it and giving us youth and vitality. Anemia and diabetes can be relieved by cleaning the blood. It can restore circulation and heart muscles by relaxing the heart. It can ease digestion, stomach pain, and ulcers.
It can relieve spinal disorders by repairing the nervous system and muscular system. It makes your birth process more comfortable. It can prevent diseases by restoring the brain and eye nerves.
Buying this crystal in any form, gem or raw, is easy. Our blog is reader supported. Click on our Etsy or Amazon links to access unique pieces made from real minerals with attractive handwork.
For Emerald Crystal’s detailed benefits, check out the charts where we effectively combine the benefits and chakras.
Heart | -Antidote- -Anti-aging- -Break Spell/Protect- -Claustrophobia- -Clairvoyance- -Cooperation- -Cold/Flu- -Cough/Bloody Sputum- -Detoxification- -Diabetes- -Diarrhea- -Discernment- -Dizziness- -Divine Love- -Dysentery- -Easy Birth- -Epilepsy- -Eyes- -Fast Recovery- -Gas- -Heart/Circulation System- -Inspiration- -Intelligence- -Liver- -Lungs- -Lymph Node- -Loyalty- -Malignant Tumors- -Memory- -Mental Clarity- -Muscles- -Nervous System- -Osteoporosis- -Patience- -Prevent Miscarriage- -Rheumatism- -Rhythm Disturbance- -Romance- -Sinuses- -Spine- -Stomach Problems- -Strong Partnership- -Swelling- -Ulcer- -Unconditional Love- -Vision- -Virus/Bacteria- -Wisdom- |
How to use Emerald Crystal?
Anyone can use this crystal. It can be used as jewelry during the day and put under the pillow while sleeping. When used continuously, the crystal should be rested occasionally. If it is used as a crystal bracelet, be sure to read our recommendations.
It should be cleaned daily. All methods can be used to clean, such as washing in running water, leaving in water, and leaving it in the soil.
Note: The emerald crystal may darken in a non-light environment and be stored in a place exposed to light.
Using Emerald Crystal with other crystals
Hematite or Green Calcite can be used with Emerald to strengthen memory.
What are Emerald Crystal’s other features?
Zodiac sign | Aries, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus |
Number | 4 |
Planet | Venus |
Mineral Information | Silicate |
Chemical Composition | Be3Al2(SiO3)6 |
Hardness | 7,5 – 8 (Mohs) |