Amblygonite Crystal – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Amblygonite Stone

Amblygonite, which occurs as short, prismatic crystals in coarse-grained igneous rocks, is a rare mineral. Amblygonite helps you nurture Yourself and your dualities by integrating the polarities. It benefits stress, anxiety, genetic disorders, cellular memory, digestion and headaches. Amblygonite allows you to be successful in arts, music, and poetry.

It awakens your sense of being an immortal spirit. Enhancing your creativity, Amblygonite helps you create the life you dream of and activates your creativity with the act of inspiring your imagination. It enables you to understand that you are here to learn from all the events in your life and that your soul will continue to exist after you have crossed the veil.

A good Stone for gently releasing emotional hooks from the solar plexus helps to end relationships without angry consequences. This Stone calms the stomach knotted with anxiety. Amblygonite activates the body’s electrical systems in Physical healing and protects computer spreads in sensitive individuals.


Mineral Class:Phosphate
Crystal System:Triclinic-Pinacoidal
Composition: Sodium     3.80 %  Na    5.12 % Na2O

 Lithium      3.44 %  Li    7.40 % Li2O

 Aluminum    17.82 %  Al   33.67 % Al2O3

 Phosphorus 20.46 %  P    46.88 % P2O5

 Hydrogen     0.17 %  H     1.49 % H2O

 Oxygen      44.91 %  O

 Fluorine     9.41 %  F     9.41 % F
Specific Gravity:2.98 – 3.11
Mohs’ Hardness:5.5-6
Source:USA, Brazil, France, Germany, Sweden, Canada, Western Australia
Rarity:Relatively Common
Luster:Vitreous to Greasy


Colour:White, Light Yelm, Pink Lilac, Yellow, Light Blue
Chakras:Solar plexusHigher Crown(Open), All Chakras(Align)
Birthstone for:September
Elements: Fire


Montebrasite, Natromontebrasite, Natramblygonite


Amblygonite on Quartz, Turquoise with Amblygonite

Amblygonite Crystal


Organs:Bones, Stomach, Intestines
Gland:Pituitary Gland
Systems:Digestive System


It was first discovered in Saxony, Germany, in 1817 but has occurred in many parts of the world. Its name comes from the Greek ambles.

Amblygonite Stone

Buying this crystal in any form, gem or raw, is easy. Our blog is reader supported. Click on our Etsy or Amazon links to access unique pieces made from real minerals with attractive handwork.


Best for

  • It is effective in stress disorders and hyperactivity states.
  • The crystal has a high saving effect from old problems. You can use it to strip yourself of your past experiences and people you haven’t let go of.

Effect On The Body

  • It activates the body’s electrical systems while healing and can be taped on the thymus in sensitive ones to protect them from electromagnetic emissions such as computers and telephones.
  • Amblygonite has beneficial healing properties to aid immunity, as they strengthen the immune system and helps with infections and fever.
  • It is beneficial for stress, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and hyperactivity;
  • It can be curative on some genetic disorders in the early stages by encouraging the DNA to be edited.
  • It can be used effectively on headaches that come and go.
  • It can be used as an aid in the treatment of bone disorders.
  • Interestingly, it is also effective on the digestive system. It has been reported to improve irritable bowel syndrome and the stomach.
Amblygonite Stone

Effect On The Emotions

  • Amblygonite is a stone of psychological and emotional balance that helps you nurture Yourself and reconcile dualities, integrating the poles of being. Activates the solar plexus and higher crown.
  • It encourages empathy and thoughtfulness towards those around you.

Effect On The Mind

  • This is a Stone for art that encourages music, poetry, and creativity.
  • It is a highly creative stone for art that encourages and develops the creativity of all kinds. Meditating with it or keeping it Close expands your abilities.
  • It will help you keep track of your ideas or projects and bring them to life.
  • Amblygonite can help people who have trouble concentrating or finishing projects.
Amblygonite Stone

Effect On The Spirit

  • A clear to translucent, elegantly coloured Stone, Amblygonite has an affinity for both the solar plexus and heart chakras.
  • Amblygonite has powerful metaphysical properties that allow you to release the hooks in your solar plexus.
  • These hooks are the threads that connect you to people you’ve interacted with or met in the past.
  • People like parents or ex-spouses who want to control what you do in your life can still connect through this part of your body.
  • These hooks or psychic bonds must be let go before you can move on with your life.
  • Strengthening self-worth awakens your sense of being a divine and immortal soul. A good Stone for gently releasing emotional hooks embedded in the solar plexus in this or any other lifetime.
  • It affects you deeply and calms the soul without you noticing it.
  • This Stone unites the emotions and mind and aligns all chakra systems so that energy flows freely on the spine.
  • It is an excellent stone for those who cannot use their power to change their perception of reality or for those who experience the harmful effects of abusing power.
  • Yellow Amblygonite helps broaden your clarity of vision and aligns the chakra system, both in the physical body and on the mental and spiritual planes.

Effect On The Environment

  • It can facilitate the resolution of incompatibility or social irregularities, especially in cases where young people are concerned.
  • Environmentally, where this Stone is involved, it can form a fertile grid for areas of discord or social disorder, bringing peace and tranquillity.
amblygonite in etsy shop


Cleansing:Running Water, Full Moon, Smudging, Sun, Voice More info…
Storage:It is a medium-hard crystal, protects from hard falls, and is not affected by sunlight.
Compliance with Essence:Not Suitable More info…
Application:We recommend you use it for all necklaces, earrings, and bracelets and keep the raw crystal in your living room.


It is found with some minerals. It blends well with other crystals it is associated with. It is often difficult to distinguish it from the surrounding minerals such as quartz or albite. In this way, we recommend using crystals containing more than one mineral to diversify their medicinal properties. However, it includes a high percentage of lithium.

Amblygonite Stone


Use Amblygonite with Apatite to give extra strength to bone and spine health.


Use Amblygonite with Lepidolite for anxiety disorder and panic attacks.


Use Amblygonite with Kunzite to support cell repair and new cell formation.

kunzite natural stone

Use Amblygonite with Green Tourmaline to eliminate expectations that cause you to wear yourself out internally.

Green Tourmaline


Nature is astonishing, and Crystals are gifts from mother nature. Living happy and healthy is very easy with Crystals. Follow us and stay informed!

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