Category: Gemwater

toxic crystals

Identifying Toxic Crystals and Harmful Minerals: A Guide for Crystal Enthusiasts

Identifying Toxic Crystals and Harmful Minerals Crystals and minerals have long been admired for their beauty and metaphysical properties. However, it’s essential to recognize that not all crystals are safe for direct contact or ingestion. Some crystals contain toxic elements or minerals that can harm human health. In this guide, we will explore how to identify toxic crystals and harmful minerals, providing valuable information for crystal enthusiasts to ensure their safety and well-being. Understanding Crystal Toxicity Each crystal comprises various elements, such as metals, minerals, and compounds. Some elements can be toxic to humans in certain forms or quantities. It’s...

Drinkable Natural Crystals for Fast Healing

Drinkable Natural Crystals for Fast Healing

Did you know that drinkable natural crystals exist? Yes, you can obtain water with a crystalline frequency that you can safely use without mineral transfer to the water. It is known that natural crystals are used to purify their energy and obtain living water—genuine crystals placed in water benefit in many ways. However, not all natural crystals are suitable for this. Natural crystals with different chemical components should be used cautiously due to their chemical substance. Not All Crystals Are Suitable For Putting Into Water Drinking some crystals by soaking them in water can cause poisoning or diseases that are...

Natural Crystals You Shouldn’t Put in Water

Protect the crystals from water. Depending on what material the natural crystals you have are made of, they may be harmed. Which crystals should we protect from water? Keep your crystals safe and learn which genuine crystals should not go into the water. Whether you buy it from a natural stone store or a gift from a friend, you want to clear your crystal of past energies. So naturally, your first instinct may be to get it underwater. However, this action can do more harm than good for some natural crystals. All natural crystals are made up of different minerals...


Increase the Power of Water with Crystals

How to make gem water or crystal elixir?. It is effortless to improve the quality of water by using a crystal. The water is full of mysteries. It is one of the essential substances for life, but we know little about it. But something new we know increases the value of crystals for us. Water molecules can understand the type of energy and adjust themselves accordingly. When you say nice words to water, it repairs its molecules with a positive regulation. With this arrangement, it tends to protect what is in it. But when you say bad words, it disrupts...