Category: Chakras


THIRD EYE or BROW CHAKRA – Ajna – Chakra Functions, Crystals, and Balance

Where is the third eye or brow chakra? Our third eye chakra is located on our forehead. It is also called the brow chakra because it is in the middle and slightly above our eyebrows. Our eyes, ears, entire brain, and brain stem are affected by this chakra. Chakra color is indigo blue. What are the functions of the third eye chakra? Our intuitive ability represented by the third eye is also known as the sixth sense or ESP (Extra-Sensory Perception). Having our third eye open means that our intuitive awareness is awakened. In this way, it becomes easier for...


THROAT CHAKRA-Vishuddha – Chakra Functions, Crystals, and Balance

Where is the throat chakra? Our throat chakra is located in our throat area, as its name suggests. It covers our neck, mouth, ears, and part of our brain. Chakra’s colors are blue and turquoise. What are the functions of the throat chakra? Our throat chakra governs our communication ability. This communication includes all kinds of actions by which we can express ourselves, verbally, and physically. Since these expressions are actions we choose with willpower, we reveal ourselves. This chakra is a kind of interface where we connect with the outside world. Our thoughts, our feelings, form inside and spread...


HEART CHAKRA – Anahata – Chakra Functions, Crystals, and Balance

Where is the heart chakra? The heart chakra is located above the heart on the breastbone. While our entire chest is up to our throat, our shoulders and upper arms also belong to this chakra. Chakra’s colors are green and pink. What are the functions of the heart chakra? As the name suggests, the heart chakra rules our hearts, where love is produced and spread. With love created here, we nurture and grow our relationships. The heart chakra symbolizes the ability to create unconditional love. To produce love to live unconditionally, without judgment, and most importantly, with compassion. Unrequited love...


SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA – Manipura – Chakra Functions, Crystals, and Balance

Where is the solar plexus chakra? Solar plexus chakra is located a little higher than the waist, where our bellies end above. Chakra’s colors are yellow and greenish-yellow. What are the functions of the solar plexus chakra? This chakra governs our emotional communication and the assimilation of food. Our urges to nurture and feel are directly related to our self-esteem and our self-confidence. The solar plexus connects our instincts directed by our (root-sacral) lower chakras with our intuition directed by our upper chakras (third eye-crown), allowing us to form our perspective on life. Our emotional state is important in determining...


SACRAL CHAKRA -Svadhisthana – Chakra Functions, Crystals, and Balance

Where is the sacral chakra? Our sacral chakra is located in the area between our belly button and the pubic bone base. Chakra’s color is orange. What are the functions of the sacral chakra? This chakra determines our creativity, sexuality, and fertility skills. When we use these skills, we release one of the happy hormones, endorphins. When we enjoy life, the pituitary gland in our brain secretes endorphins. The sacral chakra is part of our energy production and storage system, located in the abdomen and originally managed by our Dantien chakra. We use this system to generate energy every moment...


BASE OR ROOT CHAKRA – Muladhara – Chakra Functions, Crystals, and Balance

Where is the base or root chakra? The base or root chakra is located between the legs called the perineum, which is considered the root of our spine. When viewed through the evolutionary process, it corresponds to our coccyx. Chakra’s color is red. What are the functions of the base or root chakra? This chakra determines our basic survival skills, such as eating, drinking, choosing sexual intercourse, and deciding to become a parent. Our sense of smell also plays a vital role in demonstrating these skills. Our sense of smell affects the limbic system in our brain. This information from...

EARTH STAR CHAKRA – Vasundhara – Chakra Functions, Crystals, and Balance

What is earth star chakra? What colour is the Earth star chakra? Earth Star Chakra colours are brown, dark grey, and maroon. Where is the Earth star chakra? Earth Star Chakra Location is just below the soles of our feet. Earth star chakra meaning Earth star chakra meaning comes from representing the energy point that connects us to Earth. Like a root descending from our toes, it connects us to mother earth. Whatever physical distancing would do to a plant, it can happen to us if we move away from mother earth at levels that cannot transmit energy. What are...

root chakra

How to Use Root Chakra Stones

The root chakra is also known as the base chakra. If there is a problem in the root chakra, you feel insecure. With stones for root chakra, it will be easier to solve this problem. Root Chakra is the first in the body’s primary energy system at the base of your spine. It governs the connection between our energy system and the physical world and forms the basis of the entire energy system in the body. Therefore, other chakras are negatively affected when the root chakra is out of balance. The root chakra is the densest and vibrates at the...

heart chakra

What Are Heart Chakra Stones?

With Stones for the Heart Chakra, you can help yourself to deal with all your heart chakra problems. If you want to improve your emotional life, understand your emotions, and be happier, the heart chakra is worth focusing on! The heart chakra is the energy centre determining how much love and compassion we experience. Balancing it with heart chakra stones helps us establish healthy relationships with ourselves and others. It is the 4th energy centre of the body and is located in the middle of the chest. So, how to open the heart chakra? What do Heart chakra meditation and...


Natural Stones for Crown Chakra

Chakras are energy centers evenly distributed throughout your body. By learning how to balance them, you stabilize these powerful energy sources. This, in turn, promotes feelings of health, happiness, and confidence. Conversely, you can feel bad and emotionally low when there is an imbalance. The crown chakra is the energy center that governs how well we connect spiritually. Balancing it with crown chakra stones helps us embrace unity and achieve enlightenment. The crown chakra is the 7th energy center in the body. It is located on the head like a crown. It governs our connection to higher consciousness, universal awareness,...