Category: Chakras


Crystal Brilliance: Illuminating Your Aura with Nature’s Gemstones

Glow from Within: The Celestial Dance of Crystals and Auras Unlock the radiant power crystals for your aura with our expertly curated guide. Dive deep into the world of gemstones and discover how they can amplify, cleanse, and harmonize your energy. Illuminate your path to spiritual enlightenment today! In a world not so different from ours, every heartbeat emits a cascade of colors, every emotion paints a vivid tapestry in the air, and the very essence of every soul radiates with a unique luminescence. This ethereal realm, where light and energy intertwine in a cosmic ballet, is not the stuff...

crystals for balancing

Balancing Act: Harnessing Crystal Energies for Perfect Equilibrium

Discovering Harmony: The Ultimate Guide to Healing Crystals for Inner Balance Dive deep into the heart of Mother Earth, and you’ll uncover treasures more enchanting than any fable: Crystals for balancing. These radiant gems, sculpted by time and nature, have whispered their secrets to healers, shamans, and sages for eons. Today, amidst the din of modern life, they beckon us with a promise of balance. Imagine a world where every emotion, every thought, and every energy is in perfect harmony. It’s a world where the ancient wisdom of civilizations long gone converges with cutting-edge scientific research. That’s the world of...

Palm Chakras

PALM CHAKRAS – Chakra Functions, Crystals, and Balance

WHAT ARE PALM CHAKRAS? Discover the fascinating world of chakras, the energy centers within our bodies that hold the key to our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. In this article, we will delve into the remarkable properties of the palm chakras, which play a vital role in energy manifestation, transmutation, and utilization. Learn how to activate and harness the potential of these powerful energy centers to enhance your life and bring balance to your being. What color is Palm Chakras? Palm chakra colors are silver-white, golden-white, red, and blue. Where is Palm Chakra Location? The palm chakras reside in the...

soma chakra

SOMA CHAKRA – Chakra Functions, Crystals, and Balance

WHAT IS THE SOMA CHAKRA? What colour is Soma Chakra? Soma chakra colours: white, lavender, ultraviolet, and blue. Check out our all-chakra article to see what are the tones for each chakra. Where is the Soma Chakra Located? Soma chakra location is above the third eye, at the mid-hairline. What are the functions of the Soma chakra? The higher resonance of the third eye chakra, the soma chakra symbolizes the connection point of the etheric and light bodies with the physical body. This point can be thought of as the nodal point of all your physics and metaphysics points. All communication...

STELLAR GATEWAY CHAKRA – Chakra Functions, Crystals, and Balance

What is STELLAR GATEWAY chakra? What colour is Stellar Gateway Chakra? Stellar gateway chakra colours are white, clear, silver, gold, and deep violet. Where is Stellar Gateway Chakra Location? This chakra location is above the soul star chakra What are the functions of the Stellar Gateway chakra? A higher resonance of the Soul Star Chakra, Stellar Gateway chakra is a connection point with the divine and the multiverses that surround us: it is where the soul can connect with its own higher self, other realms, higher dimensions, and All That Is. It opens completely to the metaphysical world. In coordination...

GAIA GATEWAY CHAKRA – Chakra Functions, Crystals, and Balance

What is GAIA GATEWAY chakra? What colour is Gaia Gateway Chakra? Gaia gateway chakra colours are black, brown, silver and gold. Where is Gaia Gateway Chakra Location? Gaia Gateway Chakra Location is About arm’s length beneath your feet, below the Earth Star Chakra. Gaia Gateway Chakra Meaning Earth Star Chakra Like a root from our toes, it connects us to mother earth. The Gaia Gateway is located below this chakra and represents a stronger connection with the Earth. We can think of it as the deepest state of our roots. Just as the roots of a plant that has moved...

SOUL STAR CHAKRA – VYAPINI – Chakra Functions, Crystals, and Balance

What is SOUL star chakra? soul star chakra color Soul star chakra colours are magenta, white, and black. Where is the soul star chakra located? About a foot above your head. soul star chakra meaning It symbolizes our ultimate soul awareness. This chakra works like a bridge between spirit and matter. It acts as a transducer for spiritual frequencies to integrate with the matter. After all, we now know there is no such thing as matter in the real sense. Everything that we perceive as matter with our five senses is actually energy packets in a certain frequency range. When...

Alta Major Chakra

ALTA MAJOR CHAKRA – Chakra Functions, Crystals, and Balance

Attributes Of The Alta Major Chakra(Ascension) Where is alta major chakra? Alta major chakra location is a Merkaba-like geometric shape inside and around the skull. What colour is the Alta major chakra? Alta major chakra colours are magenta and green. What is the alta major chakra? The alta major chakra is the chakra that is effective in accelerating and expanding consciousness. From this point of view, we can look at both the physical body and our higher self. For this reason, it can combine ghostly vision and intuitive insight. It symbolizes expanding consciousness. It can show us the dimension we...


20 Main Chakras – Chakra Functions, Colors, Locations, and Imbalances

20 Main Chakras Locations There are numerous energy zones in our physical and spiritual bodies. Some of these regions contain more intense energy. There are 20 main energy zones/chakras, fifteen in our physical body and five in our metaphysical body. 20 Main chakras’ locations, their representative colours, functions, what they symbolize, and the situations resulting from imbalance are given in the tables below. This placement of the main chakras belongs to Judy Hall. Main Chakras Their Colors, Functions, And Imbalances Stellar Gateway Chakra Colors: white, clear, silver, gold, deep violetIt symbolizes the connection point of our spiritual body with the...


CROWN CHAKRA – Sahasrara – Chakra Functions, Crystals, and Balance

Where is the crown chakra? Our crown chakra is located just above our head. Chakra’s colors are lilac, purple and white. What are the functions of the crown chakra? Our crown chakra governs our spiritual communication and awareness. Spiritual communication is our ability to communicate between our soul and cosmic connections. We use this chakra to maintain our cognitive integrity and remember our purpose in coming into the world. It also governs our communication with the multiverse and the multi-dimensions. Our chakra connects these dimensions, which we use to access intuitive, spiritual, and intellectual information, with our pituitary gland, which...