Tagged: throat chakra


Chrysocolla Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

The most important feature of the chrysocolla crystal is that it reminds us when to shut up and talk. Of course, they noticed this feature of the crystal in ancient people. Cleopatra carried a necklace made of Chrysocolla in every setting she discussed. It’s not just up to us to control communication; there are always magic words and truths to get what we want. They may not always come out of our mouths. The most significant support of Chrysocolla can make you an excellent negotiator to achieve these goals. The Chrysocolla crystal is a very gentle stone due to the...


Septarian Crystal (Dragon Egg) – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs and Chakras

Septarian crystal is thought to have formed at least 50 million years ago. It is also known as the “dragon egg”. As a result of volcanic eruptions, sea creatures were damaged and spread to the sea bottom. In time, the body remains integrated with the sedimentary minerals at the bottom, forming nodules. This crystal may have scattering remains of multiple organisms, unlike other stones that contain organic material, such as amber and coral fossils. There are nodules up to 6 meters in diameter. It may contain many minerals. Its light yellow parts are Calcite, dark brown parts are Aragonite, and...


20 Main Chakras – Chakra Functions, Colors, Locations, and Imbalances

20 Main Chakras Locations There are numerous energy zones in our physical and spiritual bodies. Some of these regions contain more intense energy. There are 20 main energy zones/chakras, fifteen in our physical body and five in our metaphysical body. 20 Main chakras’ locations, their representative colours, functions, what they symbolize, and the situations resulting from imbalance are given in the tables below. This placement of the main chakras belongs to Judy Hall. Main Chakras Their Colors, Functions, And Imbalances Stellar Gateway Chakra Colors: white, clear, silver, gold, deep violetIt symbolizes the connection point of our spiritual body with the...

Agate Crystals – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs and Chakras

Agate Crystals – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs and Chakras

Agate crystals are one of the most diverse members of the chalcedony group. This stone may be the most common type used by ancient people. A kind of agate stone can be found all over the world. Although they look entirely different in colour and pattern due to their additional mineral content, their common feature is that they are based on silicon dioxide. Iron minerals mixed with silicon dioxide can give these stones orange, red, and brown tones depending on their density. Ancient people used agate as an amulet to gain power against all evil. It has been used to...

Blue Lace Agate Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Blue Lace Agate Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Blue lace agate healing properties blue lace agate meaning Blue Lace agate crystal is distinguished among agate stones with its sky-like blue and white patterns. If we ask about the most obvious benefit of this stone, that is the answer; this stone encourages us to express ourselves freely, as it comes from within. It calms and liberates us as if we are looking at a clear sweet blue sky. How does free expression work for us? It is an opportunity to show our nature as it is. Thus, we accept ourselves and trust ourselves since we do not suppress ourselves...

moss agate

Moss Agate Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Moss agate crystal is one of the most well-known types of agate stones. Ancient people used moss to cover open wounds and burns. Seaweed both keeps the wound clean and speeds up healing. Likewise, moss agate is useful for healing wounds and even deformation caused by fungal or skin diseases. Like all agate stones, it has anti-bleeding and pain-relieving properties. All organisms, including humans, need the energy to perform metabolic functions such as growth, development, and reproduction. Still, organisms cannot directly use light energy for their metabolic needs. For this energy to be used, it must be converted into chemical...

Aquamarine Crystal – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Aquamarine Crystal – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Discover the enchanting world of Aquamarine crystal and unlock its profound healing properties, zodiac associations, and chakra connections. In this comprehensive post, we delve into the ancient beliefs surrounding Aquamarine, exploring its potential to protect, cleanse, and instil hope. What is Aquamarine Crystal? Aquamarine Crystal is a gemstone known for its beautiful blue-green hue, reminiscent of the clear waters of the ocean. It belongs to the beryl family of minerals, alongside other notable gemstones such as emerald and morganite. The name “aquamarine” is derived from the Latin words “aqua” meaning water and “marina” meaning sea, emphasizing its connection to the...


THROAT CHAKRA-Vishuddha – Chakra Functions, Crystals, and Balance

Where is the throat chakra? Our throat chakra is located in our throat area, as its name suggests. It covers our neck, mouth, ears, and part of our brain. Chakra’s colors are blue and turquoise. What are the functions of the throat chakra? Our throat chakra governs our communication ability. This communication includes all kinds of actions by which we can express ourselves, verbally, and physically. Since these expressions are actions we choose with willpower, we reveal ourselves. This chakra is a kind of interface where we connect with the outside world. Our thoughts, our feelings, form inside and spread...

Throat Chakra

Natural Stones for Throat Chakra

If you are going through a period where you want to improve communication skills, there is no better option than Stones for Throat Chakra. If you have trouble expressing your true feelings, cannot identify your needs, or feel you are never understood, you may have a blockage in your Throat chakra. The throat chakra is the energy centre that governs communication and self-expression. Balancing it with throat chakra stones will help you enjoy life and your relationships. Throat Chakra Properties Colour: BlueElement: Ether (Space) and SoundMain Functions: Communication, Expression, Authenticity, Purpose, Truth, Confidence, Creativity, Emotion and Intuition BalanceBody Areas: Throat,...

Seven Chakras Meaning

Chakra Balancing Guide with Natural Crystals

Regular energy and Chakra Balancing are an integral part of our system. The physical body consists of meridians, chakras, aura, and energy points from the skeleton, organs, nervous system, digestive system, excretory system, and the energy body. So it’s also essential to understand how important it is to keep them in good condition. You should also know that any ailment first appears in the energetic body. Any imbalance or disorder in these systems leads to disturbances in your physical body. Therefore, regular energy treatments such as chakra balancing should be part of your routine. If you don’t know everything about...