Tagged: purple crystals


Top Questions About Amethyst Stone

We get a lot of questions about Amethyst stone since it is the most popular crystal. Believed to lead the mind to enlightenment in Buddhism, you can see the amethyst stone when you go to Tibet, on Buddhist trowels and everywhere. Prime ministers, kings, queens and more have been wearing amethyst jewellery for fame, beauty and more for ages. The truth is that there is no single place where Amethyst is not respected. That may be why we get so many questions about Amethyst. Whatever the reason, we decided to answer all your questions about Amethyst in this article. But,...

Always Detox With Charoite Crystal

Always Detox With Charoite Crystal

Charoite natural crystal is among the healing stones you should consider when it comes to healing crystals. Charoite healing stone, an excellent option for people who pay attention to their form, attracts people with its many different features and benefits. What Is a Charoite? Charoite crystal is one of the lesser-known healing crystals; In many cultures, they are known as core healing crystals and are referred to as powerful crystals. These crystals have body-cleansing and energizing properties. It has a variety of uses, which you would prefer to carry with you or place in your home or office, or even...