Tagged: peridot properties

Peridot Stone

Peridot Olivine Mineral(Communication Stone)

What is olivine (peridot)? Peridot olivine mineral; is a magnificent crystal known worldwide. It can be said that the word Peridot is derived from the Greek word “peridona”, which means “offering wealth”. Because of the colour of peridot crystal, It is also known as olive, olivine, and chrysolite. This natural stone; has been among the precious stones used for jewellery and jewellery making since ancient times. Our ancestors have given the olivine stone the necessary value for centuries. In addition, the Peridot olivine mineral; is known as the communication stone. One of the things that the olivine crystal does best...

What are the General Features and Benefits of Peridot Natural Stone?

What are the General Features and Benefits of Peridot Natural Stone?

Peridot Natural Stone is a member of the olivine mineral family. It has a color all its own. However, it is often confused with Emerald. The green color of a Peridot Natural Stone; can range from pale green to dark green. Peridot Natural Stone, the birthstone of those born in August, is also an excellent stone for those celebrating the 16th anniversary of their marriage. This gemstone is a stone of lightness and beauty and has various benefits. Peridot Natural Stone, famous in ancient times, has magical and mystical properties. It increases the strength and vitality of the person who...

peridot crystal

Peridot (Olivine) Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs and Chakras

Peridot (Olivine) Crystal Healing Properties Peridot (Olivine) crystal is also known as olivine or chrysolite. Its use is one of the oldest crystals. It had widespread use, especially in ancient Egypt. They have used it in the treatment of all diseases. It is believed that Peridot, which is believed to be the stone of paradise, brings success, peace, and luck to the bearer. This belief originates because Peridot improves both our material and spiritual sense of direction. With this feeling, we can make more beneficial choices in life. Peridot in our Alta major chakra improves our sense of direction. It...