Tagged: limonite

Stones for the Liver

Which Natural Stones Heal the Liver?

The liver is like a laboratory that constantly produces waste material. Stones for the Liver help to remove these wastes. Bad eating habits and excessive use of alcohol and drugs cause harmful substances to accumulate in your body. These accumulated substances can cause great harm to you in the long run. The liver carries the dark side of most addictions. And avoiding most liver-health-threatening pleasures is nearly impossible in today’s world. So while your liver gets dirty, you must continue to heal it. Have you tried alternative medicine methods that force your liver to regenerate? Starting treatment with healing stones...


Some of the Crystals can be dangerous!

What minerals are toxic? How can minerals be harmful to humans? Which crystals can be dangerous? All answers in our article. Crystals can give healing, as well as harm in some conditions. But all stones are beneficial in correct use. For this reason, be sure to pay attention to crystals’ usage warnings, especially before purchasing. The first thing to know about all crystals is this. All crystals are made of minerals, just like drugs; Since we cannot determine the dosage by ourselves, no crystals should be swallowed and inhaled in powder form. If possible, processed and polished stones should be...