Tagged: green tourmaline


Meet 10 Natural Crystals That Improve Your Performance and Help You Score Higher in Exams

As a result of our research, we discovered that the most significant reason behind students’ failure is exam anxiety! Even hard-working students can fail because of this. Exam anxiety causes individuals to forget what they know during the exam, not use their knowledge effectively and causes failure. It is effortless to overcome this situation with crystals for exam stress. Crystals can calm your heart and anxiety. Exam anxiety is the intense anxiety of the students that they will fail their exams and be constantly stressed. Exam anxiety is the extreme anxiety of the students that they will fail their exams...

hate love woman

Attract Love to You and Be Loved by All with the High Love Energy of Crystals

What a beautiful thing to be loved! The loved one is richer than the richest person in the world. We all want to be loved, but do we deserve it? What do you mean we deserve? Yes, Love is earned. This is very easy, but there are a few obstacles to overcome first. Guess what the first hurdle is? You are the first obstacle! Yes, you heard right. You are blocking yourself. Because if you want to be loved, you have to love first! So what do you need to love? Yourself First! Then those around you. Here’s the root...


Eliminate Your Concentration Problem With Crystals

Discover the most effective crystals for concentration to make your life easier. Millions of years ago, humanity did not have a concentration problem. People were living with nature. Everywhere was full of stones, crystals, trees, and animals. Living with nature and being a part of it was enough to protect people from the thousands of diseases and accidents we are currently grappling with. Of course, humanity had utterly different problems in ancient times. Imagine the following situation: When you are running away from a wild animal. The animal wants to eat you alive, and suddenly while running, your attention is...