Tagged: blue lace agate


Relieve Your Anxiety with 12 Healing Natural Crystals

Sometimes everything piles up so much. We may not even notice the events that accumulate over the years. We don’t even realize we’re not doing anything to relax. Little problems overwhelm us, and we cannot stand them as human beings. We can’t stop worrying about even the little things. Because we usually do nothing to help ourselves. We let the little problems pile up. Has your life reached a boiling point like this? If the constant, chronic cycle of stress is threatening your health and spirit, you should consider healing on a spiritual level. This is where anxiety may emerge...


Root Out Your Nervous Stress With The Protective Effects Of Activated Natural Crystals And Get Rid Of All Your Ailments With Surprisingly Calmness!

A very ambitious title, isn’t it? But rest that when you can activate them, healing crystals are much stronger than you think! They researched and tried many ways to work and start acting with crystals. And our ancestors discovered that each crystal is a cure for different ailments. Based on the symptoms, they tried the stones one by one. We share the outdated information you want history from books written hundreds of years ago in different languages ​​for your healing. Each of us faces many problems every day. Although, of course, we endure many of these, we get through. Then...

Blue Lace Agate Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Blue Lace Agate Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Blue lace agate healing properties blue lace agate meaning Blue Lace agate crystal is distinguished among agate stones with its sky-like blue and white patterns. If we ask about the most obvious benefit of this stone, that is the answer; this stone encourages us to express ourselves freely, as it comes from within. It calms and liberates us as if we are looking at a clear sweet blue sky. How does free expression work for us? It is an opportunity to show our nature as it is. Thus, we accept ourselves and trust ourselves since we do not suppress ourselves...

Throat Chakra

Natural Stones for Throat Chakra

If you are going through a period where you want to improve communication skills, there is no better option than Stones for Throat Chakra. If you have trouble expressing your true feelings, cannot identify your needs, or feel you are never understood, you may have a blockage in your Throat chakra. The throat chakra is the energy centre that governs communication and self-expression. Balancing it with throat chakra stones will help you enjoy life and your relationships. Throat Chakra Properties Colour: BlueElement: Ether (Space) and SoundMain Functions: Communication, Expression, Authenticity, Purpose, Truth, Confidence, Creativity, Emotion and Intuition BalanceBody Areas: Throat,...