Tagged: adamite

Which Crystals for Lungs?

Which Crystals for Lungs?

Crystals for Lungs With Crystals for Lungs, you can find solutions for all respiratory ailments. Lungs are extremely sensitive. The lungs are air-filled, spongy organs located in the chest. It is connected to the trachea, which helps to breathe oxygen. Every cell in our body needs oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide to function correctly. This is the waste released by the cell in its normal functioning. Due to the lungs not working correctly and some other reasons, some diseases may occur. Three types of conditions can occur due to problems in the lungs. According to our research, we...

Adamite Crystal – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

Adamite Crystal – All Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs, and Chakras

ADAMITE STRUCTURAL FEATURES Adamite is available in blue, blue-green or yellow-green colors. It helps you bring the heart and mind together in a balanced way. Balance, inner strength, and direction. It is suitable for creativity and business decisions. Mineral Class: Olivenite Crystal System: Orthorhombic Chemistry: Zn2(AsO4)(OH) Composition:  Zinc      45.61 %  Zn   56.78 % ZnO  Arsenic   26.13 %  As   40.08 % As2O5  Hydrogen   0.35 %  H     3.14 % H2O  Oxygen    27.90 %  O Specific Gravity: 4.32 – 4.48 Mohs’ Hardness: 3,5 Source: Mexico, Greece, USA, New Zealand, British Columbia, Canada Rarity: Rare Luster: Vitreous, Waxy, Greasy ADAMITE ENERGETIC PROPERTIES Color: Yellow, Green, Blue-Green Chakras: Solar plexus, Heart, Throat Vibration: Moderate Number: 8 Zodiac: Cancer Planet: Venus Birthstone for: August Elements: Fire, Air...


Some of the Crystals can be dangerous!

What minerals are toxic? How can minerals be harmful to humans? Which crystals can be dangerous? All answers in our article. Crystals can give healing, as well as harm in some conditions. But all stones are beneficial in correct use. For this reason, be sure to pay attention to crystals’ usage warnings, especially before purchasing. The first thing to know about all crystals is this. All crystals are made of minerals, just like drugs; Since we cannot determine the dosage by ourselves, no crystals should be swallowed and inhaled in powder form. If possible, processed and polished stones should be...