Which Natural Stones Good For Fear, And What Are Their Properties?
We have felt fear perhaps thousands of times in our lives. Many of these may be for no reason. Thanks to Natural Stones For Fear, you can eliminate your unnecessary fears. Feeling fear when there is potential danger is a perfectly normal and self-protective mechanism that helps ensure our survival. Even feeling anxious and nervous before a test, date, or performance is the norm. However, when this fear becomes a part of everyday life, it can become hugely debilitating. It can prevent you from doing daily chores like shopping or talking on the phone. Fear, anxiety and phobias prevent you from progressing, achieving your goals, building relationships, or leaving home in serious situations.
You Can Get Rid of Your Unnecessary Fears

Common fears include; altitude, elevators, water, aircraft, insects and germs. However, these can develop about anything in life. Sometimes these fears can be traced back to a specific event or trauma in a person’s life, but they may not have an apparent cause. Traditional treatments such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can provide excellent results in helping to reduce or even heal deep fears.
You Get Over Your Fears With Natural Crystals
Complementary techniques such as meditation and breathing exercises can be helpful when fear arises physically or in your mind and when trying to reduce symptoms daily. Another complementary treatment that can be applied very easily and safely is Natural Stones For Fear. Apart from their beautiful appearance, they also have a wide variety of qualities that can be accessed in combination with other methods, such as meditation, by wearing them as jewellery or carrying them in your pocket and keeping them in your home. In this article, we will talk about natural stones that are good for fear and how these stones can help your concerns!
Carnelian Natural Stones For Fear

Agate is an empowering stone that can provide excellent support in times of stress. It builds stamina and can help you feel determined and grounded. This natural stone can help correct imbalances between the left and right sides of the brain and create more unified thought processes. It resonates with the heart chakra, aids emotional healing and calms feelings of fear, stress and anxiety.

Amazonite Natural Stones For Fear

This green-coloured gemstone works with the Heart Chakra and has a soothing energy. It calms the brain and nervous system and can help alleviate emotional trauma.
Amazonite stone; helps remove worries and fear from life and increases feelings of self-worth. This stone can also be used when a confidence boost is needed. It is also very successful at dissipating any negative energy that causes blockages within you that result in fear and anxiety.

Azurite Natural Stones For Fear

It is an excellent stone for clearing stress, anxiety, grief and sadness. It transforms fears and phobias, helping to understand why they occur. It is also a good choice for people who talk a lot when angry. This stone is a proper emotional stabilizer that helps prevent overreactions and relieves anxiety and nagging thoughts. Azurite can be used to bring the courage needed to overcome negative behavioural patterns that stem from insecurity and fear.

Magnesite Natural Stones For Fear

This wwhite-colouredstone is a good choice for meditation and relaxation as it brings a deep sense of peace. Generally, it is a supportive stone for anyone who is nervous or fearful and increases tolerance to emotional stress. Magnesite contains high magnesium levels, incredibly beneficial for many people suffering from anxiety. To use it this way, it must be rubbed into the skin.
Labradorite Natural Stones For Fear

Labradorite is a highly protective stone that removes negative energies from the aura field. It can dispel fears and insecurities caused by past difficulties and disappointments. This gemstone increases the self-confidence of its wearer. It helps to distinguish reality from other people’s perceptions.
Labradorite calms an overactive mind and helps balance imagination, rationality, and insight. It can be beneficial in dispelling any illusions, helping with false thoughts and ideas, and helping to find the root cause of fear.

Charoite Natural Stones For Fear

This stone releases deep-seated and irrational concerns. This energy helps create a relaxed attitude. It can also be used to relieve obsessions.
Charoite stone is among the rocks that are good for fear. It is a beneficial stone for anyone who feels alienated from society and suffers loneliness, sadness and anxiety. It is a soothing stone believed to be helpful for those with autism, behavioural disorders and Aspergers Syndrome.
It can be used to examine and release deeply internalized negativity and help to see the difference between reality and what the mind and insecurities create.

Smoky Quartz Natural Stones For Fear

This variety of quartz helps ground and neutralize stones, which is beneficial for detox at all levels. It guides learning what can be left behind as it no longer positively affects life and brings emotional calm.
Smoky quartz can help alleviate fear and depression. On a mental level, this stone encourages positive thought patterns and prepares the mind for meditation. It can improve the ability to tolerate stress.
This stone is also helpful for those with problems with the tangible physical world. It will help the user to feel more grounded and “existing”. Wearing a smoky quartz necklace; can help relieve feelings of depression, fear, and anxiety. It can help you understand the root of these feelings while calming them down, so they don’t become overwhelming.

Blue Agate Natural Stones For Fear

This stone is known for its centring and calming vibrational frequencies. It works well at reprogramming thoughts and reactions with calm and positive ones.
You may not reason about what you need when it comes to fear. Blue agate, a Throat chakra stone, allows you to speak your mind calmly and clearly to get you out of these fear-inducing situations.

Chrysocolla Natural Stones For Fear

This stone has a feminine and soothing vibration. Gently calms the Heart Chakra when it beats with fear. It will give you more confidence when you have to convey your needs to others or when you are afraid when you need a little security in any social situation. Keeping it in your pocket when speaking in public is also very useful.

Nirvana Quartz Natural Stones For Fear

The confidence this stone provides helps you overcome fear. This stone will confidently assist you as you learn to accept and love yourself fully.
How to Use Fear Stones
One of the best ways to use natural stones for fear is to meditate with them. While doing one of the meditation exercises, comfortably hold one of the stones listed above, one in each hand. The stones in both hands do not have to be the same. You can also choose two different rocks. Once you start meditating, let yourself go… We recommend taking the dark crystal in your left hand if you meditate with two different types of crystals. You will be fine!