Attract Love to You and Be Loved by All with the High Love Energy of Crystals

What a beautiful thing to be loved! The loved one is richer than the richest person in the world. We all want to be loved, but do we deserve it? What do you mean we deserve? Yes, Love is earned. This is very easy, but there are a few obstacles to overcome first. Guess what the first hurdle is? You are the first obstacle! Yes, you heard right. You are blocking yourself. Because if you want to be loved, you have to love first! So what do you need to love? Yourself First! Then those around you. Here’s the root cause of the problem in the first sentence, We told the secret right away. We could not stand it, and we say it again. That’s the real problem. If you can handle this, the rest will happen by itself. Then what you should love is everything in order!

You must love your spouse, family, and job, but as we said, first yourself. Yeah, then you wouldn’t even believe how much people loved you. If you don’t love yourself, you are probably unhappy, and the most significant symptom of this is “unhappiness.” Because sometimes, it’s hard for you to realize that you don’t love yourself because we love to look for blame elsewhere. For this reason, you deny this and answer, “No, I love myself.” But if you are unhappy and say, “There is not a single person who truly loves me,” know that you do not love yourself. Just accept this for a few minutes while you read our article.

So what we mean is that you don’t love yourself enough and as you should. Yes, this is the reason for all your unhappiness. And your sadness continues to increase exponentially due to your lack of Love for yourself. You cannot be loved enough by those around you. You ask why? Because your light of life goes out! Your gorgeous shine is gone! When you do not love yourself, you extinguish the light of life that shines within you with your own hands.

The light of life shines at the highest level in a newborn baby, he is full of hope, and it gives hope to all of us; everybody loves him; babies will never have a love problem. Then turn your head and look at Nature. Can you see any flaws? You cannot see it because you will see the light we are talking about there again!

Do you realize that the perfection of the dandelion continues every second of the morning and evening? Or do you see the light that comes out of those big eyes of the gazelle that descends silently from the slopes of the mountain towards the forest? They love themselves, and they belong to the universe. They are happy and thankful for being created and living.

Like them, we should be happy and grateful if we want to feel the love inside us. This is the position we should be in. How hard is it to come to this state in a life full of hate? Yes, but we have good news for you. Despite this difficulty, it is possible to regain that wonderful light of life that you had as a baby with the help of the energy of the Crystals that connects them to the universe. Now your spouse will not be able to go to work without kissing you! Your teen will no longer slam the door when angry with you. Your boss will think twice before scolding you and even give up! Because you know very well that it is very hard to be indifferent or rude to the people you love.

After this introduction, for the rest of the article, you will find crystals that will help you find the love of your life, increasing your dazzling light by attracting unconditional Love. Your desire to live will rise again with the intense Love surrounding you, climb to the top and you become astonished. Your duty will be to appreciate this Love without being spoiled and to thank our Creator, who is the primary source of Love and Everything, at every opportunity, day and night. Because, as we always say, all Love belongs to the Creator of the Realms, you must love yourself first. Don’t worry; we will have crystal suggestions in this; you don’t lose hope and continue to pray to the one who created you and everything. Remember that the Creator loves you and still hears you right now.
Romance, Passion, and Love by Activating the Heart Chakra!

Whether you are single or in a long-term relationship, there are many reasons to benefit from the healing effects of natural stones. You are in the right place, be patient; we will explain all the crystals to you in a moment; we are just trying to give you some perspectives that can be as useful as crystals.
Almost no relationship is perfect. It can’t be because that’s what’s right. Psychologists examine things that are called perfect, in other words, without problems, and they see that they are uniform, that is, “one color.” It’s so dull it’s like a painting done in one color! It could have been colored, but the choice is still one color! Because it must be perfect and faultless! Please don’t make yourself obsessed with this ordeal to be perfect. This is an excruciating thing. As painful as looking at a monochrome painting. So what we mean is: There will be ups and downs, there will be arguments, but what matters is whether Love reaches you. Your lover may be yelling in your face, but he is secretly crying, “I love you”! And remember, when it comes to your love life, your chakras can be clogged even if you’re overjoyed. This can slowly consume you, preventing unconditional Love from flowing to you, leading to further blockages over time.
What We Call Love is a Frequency!

As an energetic “wheel” system that regulates the body’s life force and keeps us physically, mentally, and emotionally balanced, our chakras can capture and transmit the most magnificent frequencies from the universal system and from within you. We can use precious crystals to help realign and harmonize the frequency of the chakras. Natural crystals, especially green and pink colored ones, will help heal the heart chakra. Love flows from your heart chakra into your soul. Genuine Crystals help open your Heart and balance your energies, helping you maintain a balance of giving and receiving as a constant reminder of being a higher human being.
Each chakra in the body is associated with a different organ, color, and emotion. For example, the Heart Chakra is our realm of compassion, acceptance, empathy, heartache, and Love in all its forms. This is our ability to love others, love ourselves, and let other people love us.

Pink and green crystals open the Heart chakra, helping you radiate Love and attract the relationship you desire. In addition, green-colored crystals are often recommended to balance and heal the heart chakra, which vibrates at the same frequency as the green color.
Pink is also the color of higher Love. Therefore, those who wish to bring self-love and self-acceptance can use pink-colored crystals. The crystals we’ve listed below as natural love-attracting crystals all work. You choose the one you feel close to and attract Love into your life!
Looking for a New High Romance Love? Here are Crystals for You

What are the best love crystals to find new Love and strengthen passion and commitment in your relationship? There are many crystals we can introduce you to for Romance. So, which crystal should you use when looking for the Love of your life? Let’s give a short answer to this without further ado. When it comes to love, rose quartz does the best work.

Apart from rose quartz, a pure love crystal that breaks down emotional barriers and heals emotional traumas so you can love again, we have listed below the best natural stones to choose from, adding an attractive sweet, pleasant energy to you helping you increase communication. If you want to carry only one, go for rose quartz, and if you want an effect that you can increase their power, you can make a potent combination with the following crystals. These combinations are worth trying!
Enter the Gravity Field of the Pink Quartz Who Has Found the Love of Your Life, and Then Your Partner Will Enter!
If you want to attract Love, rose quartz is the best crystal to take advantage of. As we always say, you can’t love others without loving yourself, and they can’t love you either. When we begin to radiate vibrations of Love, compassion, and acceptance, we pull these feelings back to ourselves. Therefore, rose quartz is a powerful crystal when we want to find our soul mate. The crystal of unconditional Love, rose quartz, encourages us to first connect with the boundless, divine Love within us. It is effective in attracting new passions. It also radiates energy that helps develop intimacy in relationships. So, rose quartz crystal bracelet, buy a pink rose quartz crystal right away to balance the heart chakra and attract Love into your life.

Get Aventurine and Tiger Eye on Your First Date

Even though the pandemic has locked us in our homes for a while and our love life has been pretty inactive, the excitement of a first date cannot be denied. Sure, a little trust and a little luck are also important. Green Aventurine is excellent if you are preparing for a first date. Also known as the crystal of opportunity, aventurine is one of the luckiest crystals in the world of crystals. It brings abundance and luck, whether in business opportunities or on first dates. It also gives you a pinch of happiness.

The tiger eye crystal works like a Confidence boosting device. It’s another boost that will boost your self-esteem and make you a dream lover. This crystal, shimmering with magnificent tiger eyes, will give you strength with chocolate brown and rich amber tones and elevate your mood. It raises our vibration towards optimism, enthusiasm, and joy and gives you the message, “go and get it”!

Sweep Your Heartbreaks With Tourmaline and Malachite Crystal

Perhaps while reading this article, many people may be feeling more alone than ever before. If you have recently come out of a relationship, you can benefit from tourmaline crystal’s healing and healing effects, which are enchanting with its pink color.
Stomach aches, tears, the feeling of being alone, and uncertainty for the future. Yes, we’ve all experienced these. Heartbreak affects us all at some point in our lives. Still, there are no words that can make us feel better about the fact that we are experiencing this.
If you are looking for a natural crystal that can help balance emotions and align the heart chakra, tourmaline is a beautiful healing crystal to have with you.
When you feel that nothing makes sense, Tourmaline crystal relaxes you and raises your vibration. So, slowly but surely, you can realize the wonders life offers and take action. At the same time, the lithium value, which is also used in anxiety medications, is high. This means it can help balance out feelings of stress and depression.

Encouraging the energy of malachite Supports you, finds the hurt part in you and bleeds a little bit. This may make you feel worse at first, but keep using it, do not remove malachite from your neck. It will strengthen you, and your pain will ease after a while. Malachite distracts you from the Sorrowful mood.

If You Want to Strengthen Your Relationship, Experience Unakite and Jade Together

Even the happiest couples can sometimes feel like the end of a relationship. However, the unakite crystal can give you a boost!
Unakite crystal; is a very unusual stone with its pink and green colors. Therefore, it works to heal the heart chakra and encourage a sense of compassion. Pairing pink and green does a great job of promoting harmonious partnerships. It helps us approach our relationship with a balanced perspective, and its calming vibrations give us the ability to show patience and understanding. Another stone you can use to strengthen your relationship is the jade crystal.

Jade crystal, which humans have used for about 6,000 years, has long been highly valued for its healing and protective powers.
Known to promote loyalty, this stone also helps strengthen trust in relationships. If you are in a new relationship, it will reinforce your understanding of each other so that you can act as a team in line with your dreams.

Rhodonite and Jasper for Unrequited Love
Sometimes we don’t feel the same way as the person we fell in love with. And this is a difficult situation to get over. So for this case, we recommend the rhodonite crystal because it helps keep the mind away from rejection.
Indeed, few things hurt more than falling in love with someone but knowing they don’t feel the same way. Whether you’re a friend or a fan from afar, you’re probably out of your mind with his thoughts. And concentrating is one of the hardest things right now. So here, rhodonite is the perfect stone to leave behind the pain of unrequited love.
This precious crystal reminds us that we don’t need the approval of others to feel valued, and it also helps us regain our strength.

It also works well to carry a piece of jasper crystal. Jasper is a Root Chakra crystal that will ground thoughts and emotions, making you feel safe and nurtured without another person’s approval.
Use Moonstone and Morganite to Recover When It’s Not Going Your Way

This combination is perfect for you if you want to spark close relationships, spark passion and passion, and if you need to balance the transitions between emotion and logic. When your feelings are mixed, you need something beyond reason. It’s called Intuition. When you use Moonstone and Morganite together, your Intuition becomes more vital, and Moonstone improves perspectives and helps to solve problems in relationships that go wrong.

Morganite has the power to balance feelings of Love, passion, and passion. If you have some feelings and thoughts that you cannot put into action, it supports realizing the ones related to love. Therefore, Love provides happiness and peace and relieves your stress.

Balance the Energy Between You and Your Partner with the Combination of Chrysocolla and Topaz

Is there an imbalance and disharmony between you? Then this combination is for you. Energy imbalances between couples are experienced intensely. We can say that the combination of astrologically opposite poles forms it. Most people ignore astrological incompatibilities by simply acting emotionally when choosing a partner, and of course, the cost of this comes back as years of harmful problems. Fortunately, it is possible to balance this with crystal energies. Chrysocolla and topaz increase confidence in your emotional upsets
It helps you express yourself more easily without getting hurt, and it can contribute to feeling more fit, vigorous, and alive in your relationship fatigue.

Topaz is a general harmony crystal. It is potent, even on its own. It provides compatibility between lovers and has been used for years to reduce conflicts. It helps to avoid the cold that can come between two lovers. Again, even alone, it enables you to cope with emotional changes.
It relaxes the body in general and is effective in calming the mind.

Listen to Your Inner Voice Better and Get Rid of Contradictions with Turquoise and Rutile Quartz

We are so attached to our partner that we stop hearing our desires to listen to him and do what he says, and our desires fade over time. It is always important to listen to your inner voice, and Turquoise helps this; it provides emotional balance.
Especially if you do not want to be manipulated, have Turquoise with you when you decide on a relationship because it is a real helper in dealing with contradictions. Turquoise also removes the coldness of those who love each other but contradictory couples. It provides a balance between men and women and supports women to be more attractive. It enables the language of Love to be revealed in communication and express your wishes and desires.

Rutile Quartz is excellent for Supporting your Determination and focus. It helps elevate Love, the joy of life, and sexual power. Try using it with Turquoise. This time, you will hear your inner voice even if you don’t want it, and you will be able to make the right decision!