Jade (Jadeite-Nephrite) Crystal – Healing Properties, Zodiac Signs and Chakras

Jade crystal properties

Jade Stone

There are remains that ancient people have used Jade crystal properties for about 8000 years. This shows us that Jade is one of the most exceptional stones in this bond between people and crystals. It has been used both in the materials of the afterlife and in everyday items, especially in the Asian continent, ancient China, Korea, Japan, India, and New Zealand, and the Maya and Canada in the Americas.

There are many items, from ornaments to kitchen utensils, from war clothing to grave clothing. Of course, ancient people discovered Jade’s mystical powers and used them for healing. There are strong legends that shamans who lived in Central Asia could use Jade to make it rain or snow.

Jade’s ingenuity is challenging to describe because until 1863, French mineralogist Alexis Damour discovered that “jade” was one of two different minerals, Nephrite or Jadeite. Yes, these two different stones with two other mineral structures are similar in shape and terms of benefits. Jadeite and Nephrite, which look almost the same except for a few details and have the same function, is called “Jade.”

Peach Jadeite

types of jade crystal

Jadeite vs. Nephrite

While Nephrite is a calcium-magnesium iron silicate, Jadeite is a sodium aluminium silicate. What we can do is limited to separate Jadeite and Nephrite other than examining their minerals. Nephrite is less bright; Jadeite is brighter. The appearance of Nephrite is more resinous and durable, while Jadeite is more glassy and fragile. However, while Nephrite has a hardness of 6-6.5, Jadeite has a hardness of 6.5-7. It isn’t easy to distinguish at first sight. But it should not be forgotten that the benefits of these two stones are very similar. We tried to show this similarity by separating the tables of both.

Jade crystal healing properties

Jade is, above all, a symbol of wisdom. It brings justice, compassion, loyalty, and humility to our lives. Regardless of its colour, it works effectively in our soma and third eye chakras. Wisdom is to understand life in its all. Understanding our mind and body, starting with ourselves, is the first and only beginning in understanding life.

Jade Stone

Jade takes us on a spiritual and metaphysical journey. We can learn the most important secrets about our identity on this journey. By using our most productive energies, we can reveal our constructive passions so that we can be self-sufficient. We can show our ideas, and we can move forward. Jade stones are known as dream stones. These dreams can help us better understand ourselves as they are insightful dreams.

There are slight differences in the physical properties of jade stones. Nephrite and Jadeite stones are both beneficial to our kidneys. Nephritis means kidney/kidney belonging. As the name of nephrite jade can be understood, it is more effective on the kidneys. Jadeite Jade is a more effective germicidal than the other.

Jade Natural Stone

However, since both clean the organs and lymph system perfectly, they can show the same effects on our bodies. By cleaning our blood, they can quickly repair our cells, muscles, and tissues. They can heal our brains and eyes by restoring our nerves. They are instrumental in relieving nerve pain, toothache, and headache.

Buying this crystal in any form, gem or raw, is easy. Our blog is reader supported. Click on our Etsy or Amazon links to access unique pieces made from real minerals with attractive handwork.

For Nephrite Jade crystal benefits, check out the charts where we effectively combine the benefits and chakras.

Soma-Calming-   -Chance-   -Classified Information-   -Constructive Passions-   -Finding/Fixing our personality-   -Friendship-   -Insightful Dreams-   -Justice-   -Longevity-   -Love Spell-   -Loyalty-   -Memory Enhancement-   -Pity-   -Purity-   -Serenity-   -Wisdom-
Third Eye-Acid/Base Balance-   -Adrenal System-   -Alcoholism-   -Arthritis-   -Birth-   -Bedwetting-   -Bladder-   -Blood Clotting-   -Blood Pressure Regulation-   -Blood Sugar Balance-   -Body Fluid Balance-   -Cardiovascular Repair-   -Cholesterol Balance-   -Cellular System-   -Cleansing Organs/Lymph-   -Constipation-   -Diarrhea-   -Filtering the Blood-   -Glaucoma-   -Headache-   -Kidney Stone-   -Kidney Problems-   -Muscle Contraction-   -Nephritis-   -Negative Thinking-   -Nerve Pain-   -Preeclampsia-   -Preventing Paralysis-   -PMS-   -Retina-   -Skeletal System-   -Spleen Problems-   -Toothache-

For Jadeite Jade crystal benefits, check out the charts where we effectively combine the advantages and chakras.

Soma-Chance-   -Classified Information-   -Constructive Passions-   -Finding/Fixing our personality-   -Friendship-   -Insightful Dreams-   -Justice-   -Longevity-   -Love Spell-   -Loyalty-   -Pity-   -Purity-   -Serenity-   -Wisdom-
Third Eye-Adrenal System-   -Antiperspirant-   -Antipyretic-   -Antioxidant-   -Arthritis-   -Birth-   -Bedwetting-   -Bladder-   -Blood Pressure Regulation-   -Body Fluid Balance-   -Cellular System-   -Cleansing Organs/Lymph-    -Constipation-   -Filtering the Blood-   -Headache-   -Heart Attack-   -Kidney Problems-   -Negative Thinking-   -Nerve Pain-   -PMS-   -Skeletal System-   -Stop Bleeding-
jade in etsy shop

How to use Jade Crystals?

Anyone can use these crystals. They can be used as jewellery during the day and can be put under the pillow while sleeping at night. When used during sleep, they can accelerate our recovery during sleep by making pain relief. Due to their powerful antioxidant properties, they may show flu-like symptoms on their first use. If it is used as a crystal bracelet, read our recommendations.

Therefore, their benefits become stronger in long-term use. When used continuously, the crystals should be rested occasionally. They should be cleaned daily. All methods can be used to clean them, such as washing them in running water, leaving them in water, and leaving them in the soil.


What are Nephrite Jade Crystal’s other features?

Zodiac signTaurus, Gemini, Libra, Virgo
Number1, 5
ColorsLight to dark green, yellow to brown, white, gray, black
Mineral InformationAmphibole
Chemical CompositionCa2(Mg, Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2
Hardness6-6,5 (Mohs)

What are Jadeite Jade Crystal’s other features?

Zodiac signAries, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo
Number1, 9
ColorsApple-green, emerald-green, bluish-green, leek-green, purplish blue, greenish-white, white, black, may show green spots, rarely blue or violet.
Mineral Information Pyroxene
Chemical CompositionNaAlSi2O6 or Na(Al,Fe3+)Si2O6
Hardness6,5-7 (Mohs)
Jade burial suit of Liu Sui, Prince of Liang, of Western Han, made with 2,008 pieces of jade Photo from Wikipedia.


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