Galena (Subconscious Stone)
What is Galena?

The first thing to say about Galena Natural Stone is that it contains lead. And lead is a toxic substance for humans. Although galena is used in jewelry such as bracelets and necklaces, we recommend that you only use it as a decoration by placing it out of reach of your pets and children. If you want to take it in your hand and do a ritual, you can put it in a glass jar and take it in your hand. Since Galen is a very effective stone, it is effective even if it is in a corner of the house in the showcase.
The name Galena means witch in Greek. Galena, which can also be used in English, implies lead and lead ore. The reason why it got this name is that it has a lead-like appearance. Galena Crystal wins the appreciation of its users with its shiny and gray metal appearance.
What Does Galena Crystal Stone Mean?

Galena Crystal balances nature’s energy and clears people’s subconscious. For this reason, it is known as the subconscious stone among people. Since his name can be encountered even in sources written before Christ, many benefits are known. It continues to be used as one of the famous natural stones today.
Galena Natural Stone Formation

Galena, among the most basic grounding stones, is one of the natural stones formed over millions of years. Since its first formation was based on volcanic events, it has undergone various chemical reactions until today. After hot, cold, oxidation, and similar responses, it took its final form and started to be used.

Galena Crystal is healing because of the magnetic effects it sees during the formation process. Thanks to magnetism, which allows transforming energy, it has started to provide benefits in different areas. The high amount of lead strengthened these effects and enabled it to acquire new properties.
Where to Find Galena Natural Stone?

Since it is not rare, Galena Natural Stone can be reached from different geographies. Since it was an important material used in trade in the past, many of the deposits are known. England, Israel, Australia, and Bulgaria come first. In addition, the name of a town in America was given the name Galena due to its economic contribution.
Things to Consider While Buying Galena

Paying attention to some elements while purchasing Galena Crystal prevents unpleasant events that may occur afterward. First, it should be ensured that the store where the shopping is done is reliable. Otherwise, it is possible to buy one of the fake stones and use it as the Galena Natural Stone. Problems may occur in unreliable stores during return and exchange if the stone is defective.

The effect of natural stones is possible with continuous use. For this reason, models and sizes suitable for constant use should be preferred. Especially when buying accessories and ornaments made from Galena Natural Stone, it should be ideal for one’s tastes. It is impossible to see the benefit of stones that will be used a few times and thrown aside.

Before purchasing Galena Crystal, it is necessary to learn about its properties, benefits, harms, and care. It should not be purchased without knowing how often it should be cared for, which diseases it is suitable for, and its contribution to the person’s psychology. If it is effective in the areas that the individual wants to heal, it should be taken and used with peace of mind.
How to Tell if Galena is Real or Fake?

Along with natural stones, there are some imitation stones in the market. For this reason, when purchasing the stone, it is necessary to check whether it is accurate or fake. They usually have certificates stating that natural stones are genuine. If this certificate is in the store, it can be decided that the stone is natural after examining it.

If there is no certificate for Galena Natural Stone, some methods can be tried to check the stone’s authenticity. Initially, it is sufficient to break a part of the stone or a part of accessories such as bracelets, necklaces, and rosaries. If the inner and outer colors of the stone are in harmony, it should be accepted that the stone is natural. Imitation stones only reveal themselves when their internal structures are seen, as they will resemble Galena Crystal in terms of their outer surfaces.

Those knowledgeable about natural stones can tell whether it is fake by simply touching the stone or holding it to the light. They can distinguish them from their imitations due to their shining shape, specific gravity, crystals, and colors. Another method people who have not used Galena Crystal before or are not experts can try is to burn the stone. It is understood that the stone is natural if it does not react naturally when kept on fire for a short time.
What are the Properties and Effects of Galena Natural Stone?

Despite its metallic appearance, Galena Natural Stone is very delicate and fragile. Scratches may occur on the glossy surface against impacts. It is so soft that it can be broken by hand pressure. Since its score on the hardness scale is close to 3, care should be taken in its extraction and processing. It is tough to restore it because it breaks into irregular pieces when broken.

Galena Crystal, used due to its energy transformations, attracts negative energies and makes the environment more positive. It is therefore considered to have a strong grounding ability. It helps to complete the vital turning points by revealing the ore in the person. It also relaxes people by reducing stress in stressful times or environments.

The most significant effect of Galena Crystal is that it can clean subconsciously. It enables the individual to realize and face their biggest fears so that fear is only an emotion. As the subconscious is cleared, the dreams will be more realistic, which is also helpful in establishing the sleep pattern.

Galena Natural Stone has a significant role in overcoming current or past traumas. Due to its relaxing effect, it helps to cope with problems more efficiently. It helps to get away from unnecessary delusions by strengthening human relations. It makes relationships healthier by reining in jealousy crises between couples.

Galena Crystal Usage and Usage Areas

Galena Natural Stone is often found in producing accessories and ornaments among recently famous stones. However, it should be used cautiously due to its excellent lead content. Since it has an image that will add elegance to all environments, it has the feature of adapting to all decorations.

Galena Natural Stone is among the stones that can be used in psychology because it heals the subconscious and dreams. It is recommended for use by psychologists and doctors as it helps psychotherapies go better. It enables the individual to express themself more accurately by developing speaking skills. It also contributes to the person’s return to normal by reducing the symptoms of mental illnesses.

Galena, one of the healing stones, is a natural stone whose healing effects have been discovered among people. Due to its contribution to the immune system, it prevents the individual from getting sick. It does not allow the transmission of seasonal diseases, mainly when used by sensitive children. It extends the life of organs by regulating the functioning of the systems.
Galena Natural Stone Ritual

Rituals performed with Galena Natural Stone are very beneficial. Practices that have their cleansing and healing energy become more potent with Galena Natural Stone. Thus, they begin to heal the desired and unexpected matters. Continuing for about twenty minutes and with total concentration, ritual topics may be energy balancing, subliminal cleansing, or love.

If possible, rituals should be performed in candlelit, quiet, distraction-free rooms. If the wax is small, it should be continued until it completely melts. Since Galena Natural Stone will affect every area, there is no need to contact it. After focusing on the higher energy emanating from the stone, the ritual is completed by filling the mind with positive thoughts.

The Galena Natural Stone ritual is one of the rituals that quickly shows its effect. The effect can be seen faster during the full moon or new moon phases. Even during the ritual, it calms the mind and relaxes the body. It helps to be more apparent in the decision stage, evaluate all the possibilities, and realize what is wanted. It is possible to repeat once a month.
Which Chakra Is Galena Compatible With?

Galena owes his physical and spiritual benefits to the opening of the energy of the chakras. Since it opens the energy pathways in the body, it indirectly benefits the beginning of all chakras. However, when placed in the chakra area, it works best in the root chakra. For this reason, it is known to harmonize with the root chakra and open the closed root chakra.

The root chakra is the first base chakra for the body. It helps the individual take root and decide on which values to build his life. When it opens and starts working with Galena Natural Stone, it ensures that the paths chosen throughout life are correct. In cases where the chakra is closed, it is possible for the person to behave unbalanced and to be in constant indecision and dilemmas.

The root chakra is located in the coccyx area under the spine. This allows the body and the organs close to it to work more regularly. It protects the health of the legs, feet, kidneys, and genitals, as well as the spine. It also helps to protect from hormonal diseases by regulating the hormones secreted by the kidneys.
Compatible Zodiac Signs of Galena Natural Stone

There are no criteria required for Galena Crystal to be effective. Since it is observed that it can work better in some cases, help is taken from the signs and chakras that it is compatible with. If each individual can use Galena Natural Stone, Capricorns get the best effect from Galena Crystal. In regular use, it shows its products that make life easier by adapting to Capricorns of all ages and genders.

One of the essential characteristics of Capricorns is that they act according to their logic rather than their emotions. If their feelings get in their reasoning, they feel like they’ve lost their will and may make the wrong decisions. Using Galena Natural Stone helps Capricorns to return to their essence. It helps them achieve success, feel comfortable, and increase their self-confidence by signing more rational works.

Galena Natural Stone is an excellent option for Capricorns, who generally cannot communicate very quickly with older or younger people. He strengthens his ties with all people by improving his oratory ability. It helps to reach a consensus by finding the middle point in the face of problems. In addition, making budget plans more controlled is one of the effects of Galena Crystal.
Galena Natural Stone Benefits and Harms

Galena, a miraculous part of nature, is a natural stone always preferred because of the lead and silver it contains. However, as in any case, its excessive use can also cause harm. Since information can be toxic to the human body, it should not be in contact with the body for a long time. After removing the accessories, the areas touched by the Galena Natural Stone should be washed with plenty of water; if possible, it should be preferred only as a household item.

Although it can be harmful to wear Galena Natural Stone all the time, its spiritual benefits are pretty high. It helps the individual to criticize himself so that he knows his excellent and destructive features. It teaches patience, provides motivation, and does not disturb concentration, so it helps to overcome challenging tasks. It provides opportunities for sudden rises in business and academic life.

Galena Natural Stone, which has a lot of physiological effects, is suitable for ailments in different regions. It prevents sudden changes in blood pressure by regulating blood circulation. While helping hair and nails grow faster, it prevents breakage. In addition, getting help from Galena Natural Stone is a very effective method to eliminate substance addictions.

One of Galena Natural Stone’s most significant benefits is teaching love’s meaning. It brings love to people as it shows how it is to love and be loved. It ensures that all the fears expected to be experienced in relationships are overcome, and that solid foundations are laid. It is also an effective natural stone for connections to reach profound dimensions.
Where to Put Galena Natural Stone at Home?

Galena Natural Stone can be used as a decoration product in homes, providing elegance to every environment with its bright and flashy appearance. It is a good choice to see the benefits and beautify the rooms in terms of aesthetics. Since it is fragile, it is essential to leave it in high places and not to put it in cupboards with doors in order not to interrupt the flow of energy.

It is incorrect to have Galena Natural Stone in the room during sleep. For this reason, the individual should be kept in the room when awake. However, if it cannot be changed continuously, it can be hidden in a cloth or box before going to sleep. It can also take its place in areas far from the bed in large rooms.

Galena can be an indispensable part of the study rooms by bringing success to the person who uses it. It is very beneficial to have it on the desk of children or adults during work. It leads to success in academic and business life as it provides concentration, develops imagination, and enables different possibilities to be seen. In addition, its presence in the living room, living room, or balconies protects the peace in the family.
Where is Galena Sold?
It’s easy to buy this healing crystal in any form, gem or raw. Click on our Etsy or Amazon links below to access unique pieces made from real minerals with attractive handwork.

How Much Is Galena Natural Stone Price?

Galena is a mineral rich in lead and silver. Therefore, it is more expensive than other natural stones. Since it is not in the jewelry category, it is out of the question to be sold at exorbitant prices. Since it is considered a semi-precious ornamental stone, models suitable for every budget are sold.

Multiple factors determine the price of Galena Natural Stone. These vary according to the stone’s color tone, size, and design. In addition, price changes depending on the brand where the sale is made, which craftsmen have passed it, or who the designer is. To be wary of scams, don’t buy products that are too cheap or too expensive.
Galena Natural Stone Care and Cleaning

The care of natural stones means cleaning and resting as energy. Their cleaning is only the removal of dirt from their outer surfaces. If Galena Natural Stone cannot show enough effect and benefit the individual, it is understood that it is time for maintenance. It is appropriate to perform maintenance once a week during periods of heavy use and once every two weeks when used less frequently.

Galena Natural Stone has a fragile and shiny structure. For this reason, the soil, a maintenance method generally used, is unsuitable for Galena Natural Stone. Since the stone buried in the ground is likely to be scratched or damaged, it would be better to prefer water. Negative energies found in Galena Natural Stone will be removed when kept under a running water source. In this way, the stone has a chance to rest.
Many methods can be done for maintenance. Keeping Galena Natural Stone under the sun or moonlight helps eliminate negative energies. Drawing these energies, other stones with vital points, such as amethyst, can be taken care of. In addition, all the negativities in the stone can be destroyed by using sage incense. Thanks to these methods, Galena Natural Stone shows its effect better by resting.
Interesting Facts about Galena Natural Stone

Since Galena is a stone used in ancient times, essential roles are assigned. Ancient Egyptians used Galena Natural Stone to protect from the sun in hot weather. Thanks to its glossy surface, it was used to direct the light to other areas. There was also a period when it was used to protect against flies. It was thought precautions were taken against diseases by applying them under the eyes, especially by men.