Barite (Energy Stabilizing Stone)

What is Barite?

Barite Stone

Barite Stone is of magnificent beauty and is very effective, but on the other hand, one should be careful when using it. It is one of the minerals of the element barium. This word of Greek origin means heavy. It is named with this name because it has more weight than other natural stones due to its density. It can also be referred to as Baros.

Although very attractive, it can be toxic if in contact for a long time. Barium is used as rat poison. Barite crystal should not be exposed inside your home. However, it may be useful to use it discreetly in a jar. Otherwise, it may harm your health. It is usually translucent, but glossy and non-transparent versions are also available.

What Does Barite Stone Mean?

Barite Stone

Barite is famous for fixing Energy. What is energy fixation? The Energy in your body and the environment is constantly fluctuating. This is normal and healthy. But sometimes, you need a constant energy that doesn’t change. Here you are faced with one of the rare stones that can do this. Even the reason why it got this name is that it fixes the Energy in nature. In addition to fixing your Energy, it also fixes the energy transformation in the positive region by removing the blockages you experience in your Power. Thus, making various improvements in your body. It prevents the Energy from becoming negative.

Barite Stone

Barite stone, which has the feature of raising and fixing the user’s body energy, is also good for chronic fatigue. It strengthens your communication between mind and body and eliminates problems. It gives you the ability to analyze and enables you to reach different solutions in the face of events. In this way, Barite stone users are on the winning side in many areas of their lives.

Barite Stone Formation

Barite Stone

Barite, one of the natural stones that you can experience toxic effects when you touch, arises from the interaction of Barium with sulfate. It is generally observed to occur next to anglesite and celestites. Since it has an orthorhombic crystal structure, its place on the hardness scale is 3. For this reason, it is one of the stones that are fragile and difficult to process and remove. In some cases, it occurs with hematite stones.

Where to Find Barite?

Barite Stone

Barite is a natural stone found in many parts of the world. Therefore, it is not a hard-to-reach, expensive or rare stone. With its 150 million reserves, China is where it is most extracted. America comes next with its 60 million tons of reserves. India, Turkey, Canada and Mexico are among the countries where Barite stone is extracted.

If the oil production decreases because the oil is extracted according to the production amount, the extraction of Barite stone also decreases.

Things to Consider While Buying Barite

Barite Stone

Barite stone, which has no rigid structure, can be used in many areas. While it is used outside of its place in the industry, there are very important issues that buyers should be careful about.

Barite is toxic due to its barium content. If it is not kept in a closed thing such as a jar, it will poison. Of course, it is unnecessary to touch your skin to benefit from the barite stone. Its Beneficial Energy is sharp enough to reach you through the jar.

Barite Stone

Another is to check whether the stone is real or fake. If the user does not have enough information about the stone, it is necessary to know before buying the Barite stone.

Barite is a stone that can store negative Energy very well. Natural stones contribute to the flow of Energy even just standing on the shelf. Negative Energy may accumulate on the stone even if no one else has used it. Before it is used, it must be taken care of to purify it from its negative energies. Otherwise, Barite cannot show the expected effects.

Barite Crystal

Barite stone allows healing in different areas. However, the area where the person wants improvement should be determined before taking the stone. If there is a need in an area where the barite stone cannot act, you will not experience any improvement. For this reason, before buying the stone, after learning its characteristics of the stone, decide whether it will have a positive effect.

How to Tell if Barit is Real or Fake?

Barite Stone

Fake Barite stones can only be used as ornaments and accessories. Since there is no barium in fake Barite, you can easily contact it. But you cannot benefit or harm. The same is not the case for real Barite found in nature. The real Barite stone stands out both with its appearance and with the healing it provides to the person. It has the feature of directly affecting the Energy of the environment it is in. In this regard, before buying the stone, it must be checked whether it is real or fake.

Barite Stone

With the developing technology, it has become possible to make Barite stones that look very close to the real thing. For this reason, it became difficult to distinguish between imitation stones and real ones by looking. But even just breaking the stone indicates whether it is real or fake. Fake stones only look like real stones. It differs from the real because of its internal structure, colours and coatings.

Barite is a natural stone that develops resistance to fire. Therefore, it can be subjected to a fire test to measure whether it is real or fake. It is possible to say that it is real if no change is observed in the Barite stone, which is set on fire.

What are Barite Stone Properties and Effects?

Barite Stone

Barite stone, available in blue, red, transparent, white, and green, can also be reached in grey, amber and brown tones. The index of refraction is between 1.630 and 1.650. Its crystals are in the form of stalactites and tables. This stone, which is magnificent in appearance and extremely striking, greatly affects people.

Barite has serious effects on intuition. The strengthening of the person’s sixth sense and the ability to produce different solutions in the face of events increase with Barite stone. It strengthens the individual thanks to the developments it creates in his inner world. It enables us to reach difficult targets and achieve success quickly.

Barite Stone

Thanks to the Barite stone, which is effective on memory, forgetfulness is reduced. Past events are better remembered. The presence of Barite stone in a rote setting provides the opportunity to succeed in the subjects studied. Especially keeping children in the areas where they study allows them to climb the career ladder in the future quickly.

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Barite Stone Usage Areas

Barite Stone

Among the natural stones used in industry, Barite stone is used during drilling, chemical reactions and filling material. It can be used in cement production as well as in additives. It is a substance used to construct wells that extract oil and natural gas. It also has features such as giving colour to paints and taking a role in paper production.

Barite, an energy-fixing stone, is preferred during meditation and rituals to purify the body’s bad energies and raise and fix low energies. In addition, it maintains its importance in psychology and medicine due to the psychological relief it offers. Thanks to its calming structure, it has effects that support treatments. Since all age groups can use it, it takes its place among the stones that are always preferred.

Barite Stone

Barite stone has a special place for individuals who want to be healthy or protect their health. Especially those who want to get rid of their addictions apply to Barite stone. Harmful addictions caused by lack of Energy are alleviated to a level that can be left on its own with the stabilization of Energy. In this way, many health problems that may occur due to addictions can be prevented.

Barite Stone Ritual

Barite Stone

You can get help from Barite stone to keep the ambient Energy under control in meditations and rituals. Generally, you can reach the desired improvements faster thanks to the rituals supported by the Barite stone. In particular, the positive energies it emits increase while you affirm. In this respect, the effect of the stone is felt very strongly even if the person performing the ritual is not in contact with the Barite stone.

Barite Stone

Barite stone used in rituals allows the individual to concentrate on their wishes. It helps the person to see which way is right by reining in confused thoughts. It allows you to enter a balanced emotional state by separating the changing emotions in daily life into certain lower and upper limits. This way, you will not be influenced by bad situations after the rituals.

Barite Stone

Rituals with Barite include healing, fulfilling dreams, fixing Energy, and enhancing images. Barite stone, placed close to the person while preparing the appropriate environment, improves the desired areas. If the individual does not feel better after the ritual, he can add other natural stones next to the Barite stone.

Barite Stone

If you concentrate well, the rituals are usually arranged once a month. However, it is also possible to do it whenever the person needs it. Since barite stone gives unlimited usage rights, rituals can be performed once a week or every night before sleep. It is necessary to be persistent until you get the desired effect and not to leave the rituals once.

Which Chakra Is Barite Compatible With?

Barite Stone

Barite takes its real Power from the harmony it catches on the chakras. It allows the crown chakra to open together with the third eye chakra, also known as the Forehead. Since both chakras are among the most important chakras to be opened, the Energy of Barite stone should be utilized. Barite stone is especially effective in opening the blockages in the non-returnable chakras.

Barite Stone

The crown chakra helps one reach self-awareness. It strengthens spirituality and provides development in spiritual matters. This chakra, which can be opened with the barite stone, allows receiving divine messages from dreams, thus solving mysteries in religious matters. It reduces worldly problems by beautifying relations with all beings.

The forehead chakra is the source of one’s perceptions and intuitions. The better this chakra, which can be opened using Barite, works, the more the sixth sense develops. Physically, it affects blood circulation, the brain, five sense organs and hormones. It also helps one’s inner voice always. In this way, the margin of error in the thoughts of Barite stone users decreases.

Compatible Signs of Barite Stone

Barite Stone

Natural stones exist to balance nature by taking and transforming bad Energy in the world. For this reason, situations such as the area where the stone is located and who the user is are not so critical. Barite stone acts on each sign holder and heals them. However, its effects in Aquarius and Cancer are faster and more permanent. Therefore, it is considered compatible with Aquarius and Cancer.

Barite Stone

Cancer zodiac signs get into emotional crises very often. Thanks to barite stone, they start to live a better life by balancing their emotions. They continue their lives happily with the success they have achieved by reaching their dreams. In the meantime, they acquire features such as overcoming their fears, experiencing personal transformation, and getting rid of negative thoughts.

Barite Stone

The owners of the Aquarius sign, which is the second sign that Barite is compatible with, have a stubborn and remarkable structure. Therefore, negative energies affect their bodies very quickly. In the use of barite stone, these bad energies are taken and replaced with positive ones. In addition, it supports this sign, which is a dreamer, to achieve its goals.

Barite Stone Benefits and Harms

Barite Stone
  • One of the most important features of barite stone is that it attracts radiation in the area where it is located. It purifies the bad energies emitted by many electronic goods used today. Therefore, using Barite is a step to be taken to stay healthy. It should be placed in every area needed as an ornament or accessory. Of course, you should use it, provided it does not come into contact with the outer surface of the stone.
  • Barite can be used as a barrier against mental illnesses. Thanks to its positive effects on mental health, it treats diseases, especially depression and anxiety. It also has the feature of reducing the level of stress experienced in daily life. For this reason, it plays an effective role in catching the person’s inner peace and not being stuck in other people’s thoughts.
  • There is no direct harm to the person except that the barite stone has a toxic effect when touched. If you use it without contact, you will only experience its benefits. However, it can be exposed to some negativities when used unconsciously. The most important of these is not to show the necessary attention to Barite stone and not to be concerned with its cleaning and maintenance. If enough care is not taken, the negative energy inside the Barite stone increases and becomes ineffective by becoming unable to attract more.
Barit Stone
  • Barite is an immensely powerful stone that activates the third eye and crown chakra. Barite attracts high-frequency Energy and creates a higher light field within your etheric body. It can also help clear blockages in the higher chakras.
  • Barite increases your analytical ability and dispels illusions. It allows you to see the source of the difficulties in your life. It highlights negative thinking and helps you remove negative thought patterns. Barite allows you to accept and see the inner truth, leading you to change and inner peace.
  • Barite can offer new problem-solving ideas and help you learn to hear your inner voice.
  • Barite balances brain cells and thinking style. It is especially helpful in certain obsessive-compulsive behaviours such as cleansing one’s body, agoraphobia and obsessive thoughts about money.
  • This stone improves emotional relationship connections such as friendship, love and harmony.
  • Barite has been used not only to flush toxins from the body but also as a firm skin and muscle stimulant; It has been used to alleviate ailments such as sunburn, acne, eczema, psoriasis, and various fungal infections.
Barit Crystal
  • Barite removes toxins from the body, calms the nervous system, and eliminates addictions.
  • It is used to clear energy blockages, but Barite has a light and subtle effect, and you may need to use it long-term for several months to balance your internal energy flow.
  • This stone balances the energy flow for those with low body energy, chronic fatigue syndrome or fatigue. Barite promotes the connection of mind and body. It repairs, heals and reconnects the mind and body.
  • Activating your third eye and crown chakras helps you develop a spiritual vision and communicate with your spirit guide. Barite helps you move your life in line with your spiritual destiny. It enhances your ability to create calmness, insight, and inner harmony.
Barit Crystal
  • In particular, it helps to improve your intuition and increase your psychic communication ability. If you want to remember your dreams, place the barite stone under the pillow or even in an area your body can touch.
  • The vibration of this stone within the crown chakra is an important memory aid. It helps the brain work more effectively and can help you remember your dreams more clearly.
  • For healers, these stones are an important helper. When you channel high vibrational Energy, you can improve the healing Power. You can establish a stronger connection with your Higher Self using this stone. It has the potential to help you make incredible changes in your life.
  • Barite is a powerful crystal for earth healing. It is known to have been used by some tribes of Native Americans in the past.

Where to Put Barite Stone at Home?

Barit Crystal

The closer the barite stone is to its wearer, the better it works. However, it does not matter much in which room it is placed in because it can fix the Energy in the whole house. It can increase the effect by using a few Barite stones in very large houses.

Due to the benefits it provides to the skeletal system; Barite has a positive effect on the development of children. Barite can be placed in playgrounds, children’s rooms, or where children mostly live. In addition, it can be kept on the desks of both children and adults, as it provides concentration.

Barit Crystal

Barite stone has an effect that supports the treatment of many psychological disorders. For this reason, people stuck in emotions such as anger, stress, and sadness can place Barite stone in their bedrooms. Thanks to its positive contributions to sleep patterns, people with nightmares can put them beside their beds. Having Barite in the resting areas is possible to throw away bad energies.

If there is unrest in the family and no happiness between the spouses, Barite can be applied. In such times, it would be best to leave the Barite stone in the bedroom to solve the spouses’ problems. In crowded families, it will have the necessary effect if it takes its place on the tables where more food is eaten and on the coffee tables of the sitting groups.

Barit Crystal

Where is Barite Stone Sold?

It’s easy to buy this healing crystal in any form, gem or raw. Click on our Etsy or Amazon links below to access unique pieces made from real minerals with attractive handwork.

barite etsy shop

How Much Is Barite Stone?

Barit Crystal

It is very easy to reach Barite stone, which is found in many countries of the world. Therefore, the prices are not very high. It is possible to use Barite stone in shapes, sizes, colours and patterns suitable for every budget. However, personalized orders are above normal prices. The properties of other products used with Barite also change the price of the item to be purchased.

Barite Stone Care and Cleaning

Barit Crystal

Barite is one of the stones with the highest energy exchange among natural stones. For this reason, energy cleaning and maintenance of Barite stone should be done continuously. Otherwise, the expected effects from Barite cannot be observed. It continues to be used only as an accessory or ornament.

The most important substance in the care of barite stone is water. Keeping it underwater for an hour purifies it from all its negative energies. If running water cannot be used, it should be kept in a glass of water overnight. In both cases, it begins to emit clean Energy as if it were just bought. In this way, it continues to meet the needs of the person.

Interesting Facts About Barite Stone

Barit Crystal

Barite is one of the most used materials in the industry. While it is important in oil and natural gas extraction, Barite can be found in everyday items. It can be found in some paper, linoleum, and glass. It usually gives a matte appearance to plastic glasses. In addition, large amounts of Barite were found in tube televisions, which were widely used.


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